I undervolted my 5800x3d (each core individually) and it cut the temps by quite a bit, without affecting performance. Actually if anything you could say the performance arguably increased because it was no longer the hot little hog it was ootb.
There definitely has been some scalping, but also, just, not a huge amount of inventory available (like sub 100 units available across cities with populations in the millions). A bit of a paper launch TBH.
TSMC only has so much throughput available and NVIDIA has other products they’re selling that they can make better margins on than consumer GPUs. I’m a little surprised they launched at all given how few they’re shipping.
I wonder how much of launching now was to generate buzz to get studios to adopt methods of rendering that work best with with software, make it harder for competitors to compete on hardware.
I followed a random guide I found on the internet for amd.
In amd case you can do it from their driver by going to performance tab and choosing tuning.
There you will find gpu setting, set them to manual and from there you can start changing fan speed and voltage. Voltage you change by 50mv first time and if stable by 25. When you come to a point where your game/program crashes you use the value from before that didn’t crash the game and that’s it.
As for nvidia I don’t know because I don’t own one and don’t have the money to own one ( they are 1k euro on average here for 4070 and 2.5k for 4090 on average ) only thing I know is that you will need msi afterburner.
I do it with MSI Afterburner, then do stress tests in 3D Mark to make sure it’s stable. As long as you’re not over-volting you’re fairly safe to experiment. You can either do a flat undevolt, or you can set up a custom curve. Also like another commenter here said, changing the fan curve to actually engage the fans sooner helps keep the temps down, usually the default fan curve prioritizes silence to a disturbing degree.
Changing voltages and fan curves is super situational. And depends on how much you value noise over performance.
That said, I undervolted and underclocked the i7 cpu on my G501 gaming laptop back in the day.
This helped a ton, because the heatsink between the discrete GTX 660M and the CPU, shared a heatpipe. The CPU would only throttle at 90, while the GPU would throttle at something like 75. This meant that because it was basically always hotter, heat from the CPU would conduct via the heatpipe INTO THE GPU, causing it to always thermal throttle, and be unable to be cooled. Because even though it was maxing out and trying to cool down by throttling, the CPU would just keep going because for it the temps were fine. So it would keep pumping heat into the heatsinks and heatpipes, which would then keep the GPU hot, too.
Undervolting the CPU allowed it and the GPU to run at closer to same temps, raising FPS by way of allowing the GPU to actually run a full tilt, even though the CPU was then significantly slower.
Yes, agree that they are situational. In case if my laptop I’m unervolting mycou because if I won’t it will just crash when used at max speed.
Edit: in case of my brother pc, the temps were just horenderous for the perforformance he was getting. Plus the fans were barelly on even at 85C. Undervolting and making the fan curve more agresive allowed him the get much better temps at same fan speed, and lets him play some games he wasn’t able to before cause of themps. And the fans even at 100% are quieter than my laptops at 50% so he doesn’t mind them at all.
For me, it highly depends. Turn-based strategy games, I can easily play at a much lower framerate (30 is fine tbh though I always appreciate more). FPS-style games? 60 is a bare minimum, but 100+ is what I would consider to be enjoyable.
W formularzu rejestracji zaznaczamy, że jest to polskojęzyczna instancja, żeby uniknąć nieporozumień. Ma to być miejsce w pierwszej kolejności dla osób polskojęzycznych. Zresztą okazjonalne ogłoszenia administracji są publikowane tylko po polsku. Faktycznie, jeśli przerzucić zakładkę na “Wszystko” widać, że osoby z tej instancji subskrybują masę anglojęzycznych społeczności i znaczna część osób jest tu faktycznie dwujęzyczna.
Angielski pojawia się u nas w dwóch kontekstach: możliwego użycia interfejsu użytkowników, bo w nim pisane jest oprogramowanie, oraz języka publikacji, bo czasami może mieć to sens. Przykładem tego drugiego może być społeczność !polisz. Jeśli ktoś w ustawieniach konta wybierze np. tylko języki polski i nieokreślony, zobaczy prawie wyłącznie posty po polsku.
Been playing Avowed, and enjoying it a lot. It’s a really good AA rpg in the POE universe, and the worldspace is probably the prettiest I’ve seen in the past couple years. I think the last time a game really 'wow’ed me with visuals, to the point that sometimes I just stopped to appreciate the view, was TW3.
Also played some Avorion, which scraches my Eve Online itch without having to actually play that, and Mabinogi (Frieren crossover event), which was the first game my partner and I played together 15 years ago. It’s gotten so many QoL updates in that time that there’s almost no ‘grind’ anymore, and it’s so much more laid back than other MMOs, and has so much content.
That made me laugh 😂. Simple is always good, as long as you’re having fun. 3070 would definitely do even 4k at 30FPS on medium or low. My RX 6600 does that easily on pretty much every game.
❤️. Bro, that’s beautiful. Keep it that way. The guilt starts pouring right away once I think of buying anything for myself. I’m so fucking cheap when it comes to buying shit for myself. You’ll find me lurking around the Facebook market place getting the cheapest deals possible, and they get all the good stuff.
Back in the days of CRT displays I had a 120Hz Trinitron, to pair with the video card and 3D goggles (which shuttered each eye in turn) to give 60Hz per eye
No way could that system or video card keep up with anything more modern than Turok 1 but it was nice for the couple of years it was good enough.
I wish I still had that Trinitron, I’d need a deeper desk though
@psud I do like my displays cause they are so old right now and still working. One of them is that old that the most modern connection he got is DVI. To get that working I was forced to buy an adapter for my graphics card.
Because I got two displays the color of them is so different that if I move a window between them to be shown on both I can visually see how broken the colors are on both of them.
The also have issues with ghosting if there are fast movements. I still like them.