TransplantedSconie, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 16th

Dug out my PSVita and found out you can still use it on the Playstation store! Down loading Metal Gear Solid VR Missions right now and I’m gonna get my Stealth on.

Megaman_EXE, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

I only recently experienced the luxury of higher frame rates.

I’ll put up with 30. I usually don’t notice it after a while, especially if it’s steady.

60 is preferred, and I always aim for performance if I can.

slavistapl, do zapytajszmer w ludzie, którzy mówią w wielu językach, w jakim języku są twoje aplikacje?

Wszystko po angielsku. Parę lat temu zdecydowałem się na taki krok i teraz czułbym się dziwnie, korzystając na nowo z interfejsów w języku polskim (mimo tego, że polski jest moim ojczystym językiem).


Ja kiedyś całe życie po angielsku, ale to chyba dlatego, że od małego wszystko było albo po angielsku albo piracone po angielsku. Więc z przyzwyczajenia angielski, a dopiero potem zczaiłem się, że ej, przecież mogę ustawić polski język. Na początku było dziwnie, ale teraz nie robi mi to różnicy, czasem po polsku, czasem angielsku, ostatnio obczaiłem, że w Debianie mogę sobie włączyć kaszubski. Jak się uczę jakiegoś języka to po tamtemu ustawiam itd., żonglerka.

Trainguyrom, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

I play a ton of simulation and strategy games (and some that I would hazard to classify as virtual railfanning/model railroading, like Railroads Online and Transport Fever 2) so I crank up the prettiness, download as much custom content as will load and enjoy the scenery at 20-40 FPS

Coelacanth, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 16th avatar

I finished Arcanum for the first time. It was… okay, I suppose. It really hasn’t aged super well, and has some pretty big flaws. The combat is atrocious, and the followers are extremely bare bones. The setting is really enjoyable though, and the character customization options are broad and fun (although the inventory management required to make a technologist work makes it ill advised in practice sadly). In the end I’m glad to have played it but I can’t really recommend it without some huge caveats.

For a change of pace I tackled Weird West, which I picked up for cheap on a GOG sale. I’m almost through with it - it’s not that long - and it’s been enjoyable. I really like the art style and the setting. It perhaps doesn’t clear the lofty bar its Dishonored and Prey pedigree sets for it but it’s got some pleasant twin-sticks shooter gameplay and some fun imsim elements and choices-matter type decisions. The stealth is pretty bad though. Not sure I’d want to pay full price for it, but definitely do recommend it if you want a shorter game and can find it on sale.

perishthethought, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ? avatar

Am I the only one who just plays games and doesn’t know what FPS he’s getting? If it plays, I’m good.

Or,… maybe I am missing out on something? Lol

_NetNomad, avatar

i am 100% with you. there must be something to it if it's that important to so many people but i genuinely can't tell the difference as long as it's stable

and if it does make a difference, for competitive games wouldn't you want it to be consistent between all players instead of "better" based on whoever has more horsepower? it all makes no sense to me


I used to be that and I have no idea how and when I started caring. But you know, I’m turning that shit off as of now and will now look at it.

Obelix, do gaming w Are we going through another scalping apocalypse?

Just be patient. Those new GPUs are so new, expensive and rare that no game has them as target hardware. Stay on your current setup and wait until games are catching up and prices go down.


Honestly, you’re right. I’ve been patient for a long time and I can pull another year or two. I’ve been eying the RX7800xt. It’s on Amazon for $550ish. Maybe it’ll get cheaper when the new GPUs launch and I can then snag me one of them. Or maybe even the 7900xt? Will see

_Lory98_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 16th

I just finished FFIX, which I liked a lot. I quite liked that it had themes that are usually more common in scifi than fantasy. I am however a bit disappointed with how some characters feel like the get forgotten after encountering them.

spoilerEspecially with Freya, I was hoping she’d have more screen time (both for Fratley and the burmecian genocide). On the contrary, I felt like the final boss came a bit out of nowhere and ending with Kuja would have probably been more satisfying.

I’ve also started Trails of Cold Steel 2. I have low expectations, after the disappointment that was CS1, but the start seems OK, although I’m always bothered by how the relationship between Rean and his sister is written.

Carol2852, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ? avatar

For the longest time I thought 30fps is good, but now I always want 60 fps - 50 is my minimum. Id rather drop some shadows, clouds, lighting.


Man, people kill for those clouds and shadows and I’ll never understand that. I guess I’m just too old school 😂

RedSnt, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

There’s a reason I only upgraded to a 2k monitor and not 4k, I’m not willing to sacrifice that much performance to just play at a higher resolution, 25 fps is way too low for me. 108 fps is what I play Fallout New Vegas at (to avoid physics behaving too weirdly) and I think that’s fine. I think I’ve gone down to 90 and been somewhat ok with that, but anything below that is no bueno.
Non-fps games I’ll cap lower, like 72 fps for a civilization game is perfectly fine.
But if you want beautiful games like God of War (or do you mean gears of war?) and are fine with a lower framerate, that makes sense to me.


I like how us humans have totally different likes and dislikes. I 100% understand you and will never judge you. You like what you like and that’s very good. I mean God of war, yes. It’s freaking gorgeous.


Maybe it’s because I grew up with 60hz CRT monitors in the 90s, the ones that’d give you a headache if you sat in front of them for too long 😅 Or maybe you just get so used to 144 fps once you make the switch that it’s impossible to go back.
GOW running at 40’ish fps as you say even at ultra must mean they cared to make a good game. I ought to give it a go just for the “Boy” meme.


Boie, you’d better do that.

NastyNative, do gaming w Are we going through another scalping apocalypse? avatar

Im still on a 3080ti playing 4k screw upgrading!


3080ti is actually a badass GPU. Upgrading from it would be only a luxury and for someone who’s perusing those extra frames. I’d be so grateful if I had a 3080ti

gk99, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?


There are a lot of games at 30 I’ve played through just fine, but for FPS games that extra 10-15 is about my minimum unless it’s on console with aim assist. I grew up playing Saints Row 2 at single-digit framerates, but I just can’t do that anymore.


Aaaah, good old saints Row. Love that game

troyunrau, do gaming w Rockstar has some of the most restrictive mission design I've ever experienced avatar

A good contrast is something like Outer Worlds, where there is usually multiple possible outcomes. I think it comes from their Fallout lessons learned and GURPS background. Love the game design. (Dislike the combat, but that is a separate thing.)

alumux, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 16th

Path of Exile 2

Maybe I’m just bad but it feels sooo much harder than poe1

wacpan, do zapytajszmer w ludzie, którzy mówią w wielu językach, w jakim języku są twoje aplikacje? avatar

Jednak ostatnie lata przeważnie zostawiam po angielsku (z wyjątkami). Choć badania wykazują, iż najskuteczniej pracuje się (uczy, komunikuje…) w języku natywnym, tak muszę wyznać, iż cenię też standaryzację i konsekwencję, a że korzystam prawie wyłącznie z Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania (FLOSS – Free-Libre and/or Open Source Software), np. system operacyjny GNU/Linux, tak różnice w społecznościowych tłumaczeniach pomiędzy aplikacjami rodziły niekiedy konfuzje/dysonanse poznawcze.

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