I play a ton of simulation and strategy games (and some that I would hazard to classify as virtual railfanning/model railroading, like Railroads Online and Transport Fever 2) so I crank up the prettiness, download as much custom content as will load and enjoy the scenery at 20-40 FPS
I finished Arcanum for the first time. It was… okay, I suppose. It really hasn’t aged super well, and has some pretty big flaws. The combat is atrocious, and the followers are extremely bare bones. The setting is really enjoyable though, and the character customization options are broad and fun (although the inventory management required to make a technologist work makes it ill advised in practice sadly). In the end I’m glad to have played it but I can’t really recommend it without some huge caveats.
For a change of pace I tackled Weird West, which I picked up for cheap on a GOG sale. I’m almost through with it - it’s not that long - and it’s been enjoyable. I really like the art style and the setting. It perhaps doesn’t clear the lofty bar its Dishonored and Prey pedigree sets for it but it’s got some pleasant twin-sticks shooter gameplay and some fun imsim elements and choices-matter type decisions. The stealth is pretty bad though. Not sure I’d want to pay full price for it, but definitely do recommend it if you want a shorter game and can find it on sale.
I just finished FFIX, which I liked a lot. I quite liked that it had themes that are usually more common in scifi than fantasy. I am however a bit disappointed with how some characters feel like the get forgotten after encountering them.
spoilerEspecially with Freya, I was hoping she’d have more screen time (both for Fratley and the burmecian genocide). On the contrary, I felt like the final boss came a bit out of nowhere and ending with Kuja would have probably been more satisfying.
I’ve also started Trails of Cold Steel 2. I have low expectations, after the disappointment that was CS1, but the start seems OK, although I’m always bothered by how the relationship between Rean and his sister is written.
To me, this is different choices in player autonomy/agency. No player is truly autonomous in a game world, but giving the player choices and having the choices have outcomes that actually impact the gameworld makes it feel like it’s your own agency making the choice.
For example, why would I eat the fish in Nier Automata? Doing so kills me. Why would they give me the option to have a game-ending early on in the game based on eating a fish? Because in giving you the choice to do so, they’ve given you a level of autonomy. They let you find out for yourself what the consequences are, and the consequences make sense in the context of the game world.
Rockstar is bad at respecting player agency, but you know what the worst was in my experience?
Hogwarts Legacy. (Note: I pirated this trash to not give Rowling any money)
Right off the bat, at the beginning of the game, you’re meant to follow your Professor through a dark seemingly endless empty space. If you leave the side of your Professor, nothing terrible happens, just big red scary words cover the screen saying you’ve failed because you lost track of the Professor.
In a game that actually respects player agency, you wouldn’t just be like “Hey, you’re doing THIS MISSION WRONG” (which is basically what the message said in nicer terms), you would give the player an actual event showing why it was dangerous.
What would be so hard about animating a shadowy horror coming out of the shadows and snatching you, instantly killing you? At least then you have learned why you shouldn’t venture alone. Because there are scary monsters in the dark and they could kill you! This respects the players agency by allowing them to explore but also giving them clear limits that fit the theme of the world in which they exist. There’s definitely scary horrors in Harry Potter, and a myriad of things that could kill a new student. We don’t see any of them, just big all caps “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!”
The game would pose further issues, like not being able to jump over obstacles that your character is clearly jumping higher than. Invisible walls is another thing which disrespects player agency and breaks world immersion.
It’s been a while since I played it, but the whole game was crammed to the gills with these kind of wag of the finger “we didn’t tell you to play that way so don’t” instead of using compelling story-based reasons to keep people from doing those things.
Yeah. Use it at the Bunker and it blows up the Bunker. I love all the endings that are like, “I don’t know why she did that.”
Also apparently it’s a real last ditch move that doesn’t actually kill you. I didn’t know that until just now when I looked it up. I thought it was just an interesting thing where the game let you blow yourself up. Also, it apparently leaves you with tattered clothes.
I’m reminded of the abyssal words in Elden Ring’s expansion. There are signs that tell you “Don’t let them see you!” and “You have to hide and run!”. You find an area with some tall grass and some creepy eye-monsters. And sure enough, if they see you they come running at you. They’ll knock you over, grab you, and explode your head.
Clearly you’re supposed to sneak by them.
spoilerYou can also parry their attack, and then just kill them. Or just fucking book it and run past them, but that’s way harder.
A good contrast is something like Outer Worlds, where there is usually multiple possible outcomes. I think it comes from their Fallout lessons learned and GURPS background. Love the game design. (Dislike the combat, but that is a separate thing.)
Jednak ostatnie lata przeważnie zostawiam po angielsku (z wyjątkami). Choć badania wykazują, iż najskuteczniej pracuje się (uczy, komunikuje…) w języku natywnym, tak muszę wyznać, iż cenię też standaryzację i konsekwencję, a że korzystam prawie wyłącznie z Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania (FLOSS – Free-Libre and/or Open Source Software), np. system operacyjny GNU/Linux, tak różnice w społecznościowych tłumaczeniach pomiędzy aplikacjami rodziły niekiedy konfuzje/dysonanse poznawcze.
There are a lot of games at 30 I’ve played through just fine, but for FPS games that extra 10-15 is about my minimum unless it’s on console with aim assist. I grew up playing Saints Row 2 at single-digit framerates, but I just can’t do that anymore.
Also “a bit too long and some noticeable jank” but damn if I don’t get really into it sometimes. Had to switch to the easier difficulty after something like 25 hours of playtime because I’m not very experienced in these types of RPGs but it’s okay because there’s still some challenge there, just not enough to really actually worry.
Wszystko po angielsku. Parę lat temu zdecydowałem się na taki krok i teraz czułbym się dziwnie, korzystając na nowo z interfejsów w języku polskim (mimo tego, że polski jest moim ojczystym językiem).
Ja kiedyś całe życie po angielsku, ale to chyba dlatego, że od małego wszystko było albo po angielsku albo piracone po angielsku. Więc z przyzwyczajenia angielski, a dopiero potem zczaiłem się, że ej, przecież mogę ustawić polski język. Na początku było dziwnie, ale teraz nie robi mi to różnicy, czasem po polsku, czasem angielsku, ostatnio obczaiłem, że w Debianie mogę sobie włączyć kaszubski. Jak się uczę jakiegoś języka to po tamtemu ustawiam itd., żonglerka.
Check out “Aquaria”. Not quite the same thing, but a Metroidvania playing as a mermaid with song powers. Lots of boss fights! And you can even breech the surface when you get there!
That made me laugh 😂. Simple is always good, as long as you’re having fun. 3070 would definitely do even 4k at 30FPS on medium or low. My RX 6600 does that easily on pretty much every game.
❤️. Bro, that’s beautiful. Keep it that way. The guilt starts pouring right away once I think of buying anything for myself. I’m so fucking cheap when it comes to buying shit for myself. You’ll find me lurking around the Facebook market place getting the cheapest deals possible, and they get all the good stuff.
Back in the days of CRT displays I had a 120Hz Trinitron, to pair with the video card and 3D goggles (which shuttered each eye in turn) to give 60Hz per eye
No way could that system or video card keep up with anything more modern than Turok 1 but it was nice for the couple of years it was good enough.
I wish I still had that Trinitron, I’d need a deeper desk though
@psud I do like my displays cause they are so old right now and still working. One of them is that old that the most modern connection he got is DVI. To get that working I was forced to buy an adapter for my graphics card.
Because I got two displays the color of them is so different that if I move a window between them to be shown on both I can visually see how broken the colors are on both of them.
The also have issues with ghosting if there are fast movements. I still like them.
Highly depends on the type of game. For First person shooters, 120+ fps is a must. I skipped the more recent CoDs because I couldn’t get them to run at that target consistently enough on my PC without turning them into blurry DLSS smear.
Racing games, where motion is typically always going in one direction with only smooth direction changes, a lower framerate is fine (like 60 to 80), although the added smoothness from high framerate is obviously still nice.
Slower paced or turn based games I’m fine with going as low as 40 FPS, as long as it’s consistent without drops and frame pacing issues.