wacpan, do zapytajszmer w ludzie, którzy mówią w wielu językach, w jakim języku są twoje aplikacje? avatar

Jednak ostatnie lata przeważnie zostawiam po angielsku (z wyjątkami). Choć badania wykazują, iż najskuteczniej pracuje się (uczy, komunikuje…) w języku natywnym, tak muszę wyznać, iż cenię też standaryzację i konsekwencję, a że korzystam prawie wyłącznie z Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania (FLOSS – Free-Libre and/or Open Source Software), np. system operacyjny GNU/Linux, tak różnice w społecznościowych tłumaczeniach pomiędzy aplikacjami rodziły niekiedy konfuzje/dysonanse poznawcze.

gk99, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 16th

Divinity: Original Sin

Also “a bit too long and some noticeable jank” but damn if I don’t get really into it sometimes. Had to switch to the easier difficulty after something like 25 hours of playtime because I’m not very experienced in these types of RPGs but it’s okay because there’s still some challenge there, just not enough to really actually worry.

Arnl, do zapytajszmer w ludzie, którzy mówią w wielu językach, w jakim języku są twoje aplikacje?

W domyślnym. Jak jest po polsku to zostawiam. Jak po angielsku to też

thenamelessthing, do games w Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? avatar



Lol, that’d be interesting. Would the whole thing take place in that semi-first-person perspective?

thenamelessthing, avatar

Imagine Little Mac training animation with his coach.

He trains by roaming the city, confronting street gangs, fleeing dangerous dogs and finding training rooms to recruit opponents to qualify for the real fights…

jjjalljs, do gaming w Gotta get better gear anyway we can. You don't want to be looted yourself right?

I think guild wars 1 you didn’t just pop on any clothing you found. One of the NPCs was even like “you think you can just pick up a jacket after you set the poor bastard on fire and stab him, and it’ll fit nice and snug? No. It won’t. Bring me materials and I’ll make armor that fits you”

Then gw2 was like "fuck it people like when items with cool colors pop out of monsters "


GW1 really was the shit back in the days. Too bad it feels pretty janky today…

Swedneck, avatar

is GW2 the one where quests just get beamed into your head when you cross a border?


I’m not sure what you mean. There aren’t really a lot of “quests” in gw2.

There’s the main story, which is a green marker on your map. That’s always there (unless you turn it off or finish it)

There’s orange markers for nearby events. That’s like “zombies are attacking! Save the town!” or “help these kids pick apples” or whatever. They’re just things that happen in the world and, to a limited degree, change the world state. Like an area might be full of toxic vines until an event finishes successfully, or a merchant might only sell items after his mission succeeds.

There’s red markers, which are basically the same as orange, except they tend to be world events and not local.

And then there are collections, which are kind of like quests. They’re not super advertised. They’re kind of of “get these achievements for a special reward”. Sometimes NPCs will give you one- like “go find all my favorite fish” or whatever. They’re optional, but sometimes fun and sometimes have good rewards. Like if you finish the one where you get most of the achievements for one chunk of the game, you get a max-stats accessory that all your characters can share.

Anyway. Long reply. Nothing is really beamed into your head, no.

PrinzKasper, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ? avatar

Highly depends on the type of game. For First person shooters, 120+ fps is a must. I skipped the more recent CoDs because I couldn’t get them to run at that target consistently enough on my PC without turning them into blurry DLSS smear.

Racing games, where motion is typically always going in one direction with only smooth direction changes, a lower framerate is fine (like 60 to 80), although the added smoothness from high framerate is obviously still nice.

Slower paced or turn based games I’m fine with going as low as 40 FPS, as long as it’s consistent without drops and frame pacing issues.

SteposVenzny, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

30 is acceptable for most games but stuff where the gameplay is mainly the movement itself (platformer, racing, first person shooter) needs to hit 60. I could go lower than 30 for the visuals on a lot of games but that’s the threshold where the interface starts feeling unresponsive and that really gets to me.

misk, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ? avatar

I started playing on a PC in the 90s so as long as it’s above 40 with consistent frame pacing it’s fine. Those VRR displays and games targeting 40 are a game changer for me and why I play on Xbox with a modern LG OLED.

ulterno, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?


Also, 5

Azzu, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

Anything realtime needs to be at least 60 fps, the closer to my monitor 144Hz the better. Something like a city builder or turn based strategy or non-time-critical relaxed co-op stuff is fine to be 30+.

I’d never want to play any shooter at lower than 60, no RTS, no racing game and so on.

Coelacanth, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ? avatar

I too grew up on machines that were mid-low range and was constantly asking more of them than they could handle, so I learned to stomach pretty miserable FPS. In the end though it’s highly context sensitive - the less movement (and in particular camera movement) the game has the lower the frame rate you can get away with.

As a general rule I would say 25 FPS is the absolute lower limit, but around 40 is probably more in line with your “this is fine and I’m going to have a great time” definition. However, for something like a fast paced shooter it’s more like 60 FPS minimum.

horse, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ? avatar

For shooters, especially competitive ones, as high as possible up to my monitor’s refresh rate (165Hz). Everything else 60 FPS is fine. Even 30 FPS can be fine, especially if I’m playing something on Switch.

WatDabney, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

I don’t have one.

I have a very simple process for dealing with all of this - I never check my framerate in the first place, so I never know what it is.

I just play games If there’s noticeable stuttering or lag then I maybe try to do something about it, and if there’s not, then I just play and don’t worry about it.


That’s actually a good way of doing it. I used to be this way, but I don’t know how and why I started using a team’s built in FPS counter and mangohud. I’m going to stop using it so I don’t have to keep glancing it all the time. Thank you.


It’s not like I notice it more when I have a frame rate counter turned on, I’m just not questioning how bad or how often the drops are when I have it enabled.

JackbyDev, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

Around maybe 40 or so I start to notice it. 50 and higher I’m content. My monitor only supports 60 Hz. Around 20 or less I’m annoyed. It’s tolerable for turn based games though. Not enjoyable, just tolerable.

_Lory98_, do gaming w What's your "this is totally fine and I'm going to have a great time" FPS (refresh rate). ?

My target is 60, but depending on the game I find framerates down to 20 technically playable (if it’s stable), but I need a bit of time to get used to it.

For framerates above 60, however, I can’t really feel any difference so I usually set a cap at 60 to reduce heat and because the on board sound card is poorly isolated and picks up noise from the gpu.

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