Delusional, do games w Batman: Arkham Shadow - Official Teaser Trailer

The animation looked nice but it clearly has nothing at all to do with the game and doesn’t tell any story whatsoever. I really dislike these pointless teasers.

Nutteman, do games w Batman: Arkham Shadow - Official Teaser Trailer avatar

Bruh you can’t just post this and not say it’s not an actual arkham game lmaoooo

VindictiveJudge, do games w Batman: Arkham Shadow - Official Teaser Trailer avatar

Why not just expand on the winning formula for the original Arkham games? Do a forty year time skip and have the player as Terry instead of Bruce. Call it Beyond Arkham. It would probably print money if it’s as good as Knight or Origins, to say nothing of how much they would get if it was as good as Asylum or City.


Dude holy shit you just blew me away with the Batman Beyond idea.

FUCK that’s too good!

Keegen, do games w Skywind 2024: The Road So Far

Worth mentioning, the Skywind team is active on the Fediverse! They have a Lemmy community (!skywind) and a Mastodon account.


That’s cool, didn’t know that!

grayhaze, do games w Batman: Arkham Shadow - Official Teaser Trailer avatar

I really don’t get the hate for VR.

kender242, do games w Sequel to Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters avatar

Man, Star Control 2 was my favorite game to introduce friends to during the BBS days. Two player melee over a shared keyboard! The music in SC2 was top notch MOD/XM music back when trackers were starting to form a genre. Beeps on computers were the norm but you could hear a drum track over the internal PC speaker in this game. IMHO Tunic is the only game that came close to the wonder and awe of exploration and discovery. Absolutely a masterpiece.

Babu’s game room has my favorite YouTube review. I’ll let the bot pipe the link

zero_spelled_with_an_ecks, do games w Sequel to Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

Remember that other sequel with puppets?

Or the one with the CGI chipmunks?

I hope this one fares better.


Free Stars is being made by the original creators of the series, Paul Reiche and Fred Ford. They had nothing to do with SC3 or Origins.

The reason why it’s not using the Star Control name is because the IP ownership around the whole thing is messy. The short version is that Paul and Fred owned the rights to the universe, but Atari owned the rights to the Star Control name.

When Atari went bankrupt, Stardock bought the name. They thought they’d bough the universe. This resulted in Stardock spending the next couple of years trying trying to use the courts to bully Paul and Fred into turning over the rights to them and generally being dickheads.

This finally ended in a settlement and work on Free Stars has been happening quietly for the last couple of years.

solitaire, avatar

Remember that other sequel with puppets?

puppets sounds cool actually


I mean if Star Control 2 wasn’t vastly superior in every way or you could just erase it from history, the game would have had some charm to it. But comparatively, it was a pretty tragic letdown.

The one good part that I still remember though was the quest where you had to retrieve a Daktaklakpak Data Pak. That tickled me since I’m a sucker for fun wordplay.


Star control 3 was garbage that was star control in name only.

Star control: Origins was made by assholes at Paradox Entertainment that tired to steal the IP from the original creators. The game was basically a pretty soulless carbon copy of star control 2 without the witty dialogue or creative story telling of the original.

Neither of these “prequel/sequels” were made by the original creators Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III.

That’s why this Kickstarter is fire AF. The OG creators have full control here and are making it with the original vision that made sc2 great!

They even released the original Star control 2 for free on steam in preparation:


Granted it doesn’t have the “Star Control” name due to aforementioned IP trolls at Paradox Entertainment but everything else is the same otherwise! :>

ekZepp, do gaming w Game publishers want to end preservation. But we have a chance to stop them. avatar
dojan, avatar


The people that matter have gotten paid anyway, unless of course the publisher steal from them too, which happens from time to time, see Bethesda and Mick Gordon.


And the studio will be shut down either way regardless if the game was a success or not. See Hi Fi Rush.


These big game publishers and studios really aren’t giving people a reason to pay for stuff. Pay for it:

  • it doesn’t belong to you
  • it comes with malware aka "anticheat"
  • the dev team is fired even if it’s successful
  • sequels are canceled

Seriously, what’s the point of paying them?

Anti Commercial-AI license

dojan, avatar

Thankfully the talent still exists, so they might move on to other places, do their own thing, or leave game dev altogether.

Gamedev is an extremely toxic career, and it has been for a very long time. I’m glad people are finally starting to at least somewhat care, if only for the studios themselves.


I like the cut of your jib


Then I be happy.

cottonmon, do games w Sequel to Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters avatar

There’s 3 days left for the kickstarter for anyone that wants to back this.

EvilBit, (edited )


First off, it’s a sequel (by the original creators) to a game that clearly helped inspire Mass Effect as well as some of the greatest game designers ever. Second, it’s being made without any of the modern live service, microtransaction, evil tricksy EULA manipulations, and other bullshit plagues of recent gaming. THIRD, the art and music are lovingly hand-crafted and build off of one of the most charming, memorable, and musically brilliant games of all time. AND FOURTH, i want an Xbox port. We’re so close! Only $23k left!!!

slurpinderpin, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

Tech Jesus had a video about this recently too. I’ll stay far away from Asus

Chainweasel, (edited )

I think Gamers Nexus also did a video on it recently.

Edit: I’m an idiot and I just recently started watching GN so I had no idea it was the same channel 🤷‍♂️


Louis picked it up from Gamers Nexus, as he says in the video.


Tech Jesus is a colloqial name for Steve Burk of Gamers Nexus because of his hairstyle resembling old depictions of Jesus.


I believe Steve did a video on it as well recently. Fortunately, looks like I dont own any Asus devices.

ripcord, avatar

I believe also Tech Jesus did a video too. Lots of stuff going on with this.


GN too!


I forget the channel, but this guy with long dark hair and a goatee covered this issue.


Tech Jesus = GamersNexus

All hail Steve!


I’ve known about GN for years and with everyone talking about Tech Jesus I thought I’d have to look up a new tech reviewer. Never heard him referenced as TJ before but I can see it. Such pretty hair!

altima_neo, avatar

Tech Jesus he mentions he spoke to Louis Rossman about this in his video. So it kinda makes sense Louis would also make a video about it.


Gamers Nexus is killing it over the past few years. So many shitty companies taken down.


Yeah, that video made me switch out the motherboard I was planning on buying for my next build

Dremor, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY! avatar

My own experience with Asus warranty was of utter incompetence.

It was a long time ago, around 10 years or so, and I sent a newly acquired laptop for repairs because of constants BSOD. Waited a month before getting it back… Without sound. Turn out they forgot to reconnect the sound card. I sent it back for repair, waited another month (because even if they are at fault, they won’t even fast track that repair), only to get it back with a nonfunctional touchpad. I don’t use it, so I didn’t send it back a third time, because who know what would have come back damaged that time.

So their repair woes aren’t recent. When their stuff works, it works well, but pray that you won’t need to RMA it.

MentalEdge, avatar

I had a nightmare situation a few years back with a ZenFone 6.

It bricked itself within a week, and after I sent it in I got months of radio silence, until I started calling them about it. They had no clue what the status of my repair was, there were a ton of orders for part after part, and it just kept going.

Eventually I just started pressuring anyone I could with “I need a new phone, this old one is falling apart, I can’t just keep using it for months on end as you figure your shit out” and they eventually relented, instead just giving me an entire new unit.

Last year I bought an Asus monitor with clearly advertised “on-site-warranty” (which means a courier comes to your house and just drops off a replacement in exchange for picking up the old one), it was DOA.

I thought great, “on-site-swap” should have this sorted by tomorrow. I started the RMA and the first thing they want me to do is ship my monitor to Germany at my expense. I said “fuck no”, and instead returned it to the retailer as I was still within the return window, and then just walked into another retailer with more in stock, to pick up another, which then worked.

Then, months later, some dude calls me and asks when I’ll be home for my on-site warranty swap, straight up dropping my jaw to the floor. I know I cancelled my RMA.

Lo and behold, the RMA case-number wasn’t even the same, so for some reason Asus decided, on their own, to open another RMA, WITHOUT TALKING TO ME for a monitor I TOLD THEM I WOULD BE RETURNING. Maybe someone tried to fix the fuck-up of not honouring the on-site warranty, but holy fuck if that took two months, thank god I took it into my own hands and got it fixed within 24 hours.

capt_wolf, (edited ) do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY! avatar

They’ve been a shit company for over a decade at least.

I got a laptop for my wife back when we were in college. It developed a problem with the monitor where the screen would look all corrupt after using it for a little bit. My wife, while reciting the prayer of percussive maintenance, would whack it and the problem would go away for a while. So I figured the connection had come loose. No biggie, just reseat it or replace it. The warranty had expired, so I cracked it open to see what was wrong. I reseated the cables in it and it worked… for a bit. Then the problem came back. Eventually we got fed up and bought another one, same model, figuring it was a fluke… It developed the same issue. Come to find out, Asus cheaped out in the ribbon cable for the monitor and installed ones that were too short for the laptop. Looking online, there were a bunch of people complaining about the same thing.

Around the same time as I had gotten her the new laptop, I’d also bought an Asus ZenPad for her to read on. We’ll, that suddenly developed a screen issue too! Almost exactly the same as the laptops! My wife, ever eager to apply kinetic reinforcement, found that twisting the tablet a little bit also fixed the issue. I went online and, sure enough, Asus used cheap cables again! They would last just long enough for the warranty to expire before they’d detach.

I swore to myself I’ll never buy another Asus product as long as I live. If I ever have kids, I’ll disown them if they do too… Fuck these scammers.


I highly doubt they used those cables maliciously knowing they’d go out right when the warranty expired. It was probably a cost thing, and they later realized (too late to fix it) during production sometime that the cables were a warranty issue.

Engineers don’t do thing maliciously with their designs. They pick things based on cost, and probably even raised the cable length as a risk/concern during the design and testing phase, and were overruled by the bean counters.

It’s happened to me before.


Even in your defense, you point out that someone at the company made the explict choice to sell devices with defective cabling. At no point did he blame the engineers who designed it for that choice.

That’s a shit company that doesnt deserve anyone’s support, regardless if it was “engineers” or “bean counters” that opted to continue to sell what they knew was a defective product.

The fact that it happened over and over with multiple devices means it’s a culture issue with the company, not a one off mistake.


I’m just suggesting a probable scenario. I would be really surprised if this was malicious.


Intentionally selling a defective product without informing you customers beforehand is malicious, no matter the justification.


I’m fine not having this conversation anymore. I just gave a perspective from an engineer. No need to continue shitting on me. I’m not even defending the practice.


I haven’t shit on you at all. Re- read my comments and point out one negative thing I’e said about you or engineers.

Ive only talked about buisness ethics, and the pervasive negatives that come from misleading customers. If you feel that’s a dig on you, some self reflection might be warranted.

Xantar, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

I’ve been told that originally Asus was called Pegasus. But they shortened it to be listed higher in alphabetical order lists.

Guess they’re trying to 😎 bring back the Peg.


So they’ve already done the pegging, and are now just the Asus?


Pegatron, and that was the OEM motherboard branch of ASUS, which the likes of HP used for a long while. Also ASRock, which is a split off from Pega.

aniki, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

I love how the latest generation of gamers are finally finding out that Asus has always been, and always will be, a dogshit company.


Yeah even in this video the guy was saying they used to be great, but after having like 3 motherboards fail prematurely and dealing with their crappy RMA process, I learned long ago that their reputation isn’t deserved. I did buy a couple of their routers which seems fine for now but I won’t be giving them more money in the future after watching this


Back in university at the turn of the millennia I was a front-line desktop support guy and the amount of Acer and Asus laptops that came in just completely falling apart was insane.


Sounds like a nightmare. I don’t have a lot of firsthand experience with Acer but I did peg them as low quality too somehow

celeste, avatar

I was in college around the same time and recall doing my usual minimum research for a new system and still to this day think "acer's crap, right?" when someone mentions it, even though the memory of why is gone.


Acers would start with a QWERTY and after a few months would be down to Q–R-T. If you were lucky one of your USB ports hasn’t detached from the motherboard.


I don’t have experience with their systems, but I had to go back to the store twice for an Acer monitor. First monitor had a dead HDMI port, second had a gap in the chassis at the top. Don’t know why I didn’t just go with a different one after the second replacement; it would end up developing a line of shadowing after about 18 months.


The Toshiba satellite. Pure trash.


Fucking Asus transformer pad.

Please send it back for free and we’ll check if the damage is under warranty. If not you’ll need to pay 50$>to get your device back.

FUCK. OFF. Ship it back for free if it isn’t under warranty. Or have a contract with a shop nearby that can determine if it’s under warranty.

Last time I bought anything Asus.


Actually that’s a lie. I have their routers in house which, for now, all seem to run pretty decently


I bet they are rebranded! :-D


Maybe I’ve got a broken set. The ones that were assembled properly

reagansrottencorpse, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

Why would anyone buy this instead of a steamdeck?

Sneptaur, avatar

Because some gamers think windows would be better for this. And maybe a little bit of gamer brand loyalty

TexasDrunk, (edited )

Yeah, some folks don’t want to tinker and do like to play games with DRM that won’t work on Linux. It’s also a little more powerful than the Deck.

I love my deck so much that I broke my tinkering with computers outside of work hours rule in order to set up some Steam remote play boxes (HoloISO based) on mini PCs scattered throughout the house so I don’t have to be next to my gaming rig to play. I don’t really play anything online that has the Windows only DRM so Linux is great for me. But I get it when people have things they want to do and don’t have the time, know how, or desire to fuck with their systems.

ripcord, avatar

What’s the advantage of the mini PCs over a relatively cheap Android TV with the Steam Link app or even an old Steam Link hardware?

What’s the hardware you’re using?

I have been doing local streaming from my gaming PC to devices around tbe house (using mostly Steam and Moonlight) for nearly a decade.

I just find the steam stuff maddeningly buggy (setups that worked a month ago suddenly start having some new issue, usually Steam Input or otherwise controller-related). But when things work, it’s fantastic. Especially for living room gaming with friends (or my kid)


I’ve had exactly one problem using the built in remote play with Steam, and that was a bad update that was put out just a few months ago. I’ve got a few Bee Links with the 680m iGPU (I’m not home to check the model right now) so they were a few hundred bucks apiece which is a huge con for some folks. But that also allows me to play a variety of emulated games and games that aren’t graphically intensive locally if someone is streaming from another room.

So if I have a friend with kids over, we can play BG3 couch co-op in the bedroom or garage while the kids play Mario Kart or Hollow Knight in the living room. That’s worth it for me.

However, cheap Android TV devices work for a lot of people and I’ll never knock them.


Because they don’t need touchpads and like an asymmetrical layout



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  • ripcord, avatar

    OK, that’s true for a few places, but why is it true in the majority of casss where people are buying the ROG?

    _haha_oh_wow_, avatar

    It’s got better specs on paper but in practice, my Steam Deck just just about everything without issue, even new games and most games that are “unsupported” (at least as far as I’ve tried).

    Some people might also like the layout better or just be fond of Asus as a company from the good old days when they were actually decent.


    Because it’s better?


    On paper. In practice, meh.


    Own both

    Ease of use - Ally Graphical capabilities - Ally Battery usage - Steam Deck (because less graphical capabilities) Gaming platforms/launcher availability - Ally Customization and layout - Steam Deck, and it ain’t even close.

    I love my Ally and my wife loves my Steam Deck. But the Ally is better in all the ways above. I will say the Steam deck is easier to open up for repairs, but not by much


    The Steam Deck also isn’t made by a shitty company with a shitty warranty. Which puts the Ally on the blacklist.

    There’s a lot of options in this space, and more coming out. I wouldn’t even glance in the Ally’s direction right now.


    I was just refuting the bit that it’s not better off the paper. By all the measures above, it’s not “meh” better. The steamdeck could drastically improve by taking some notes in what the Ally does well.

    I agree though that Asus isn’t a company I choose to do business with first, they just had the best product for what I was looking for.

    Xatolos, avatar

    Online gaming for certain games. Proton doesn’t work with some online DRMs.



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  • Fubarberry, avatar


    Isn’t the Ally a lot more expensive than the Deck?

    easier to use

    I’d also question this, obviously everyone’s familiar with windows but the handheld experience is pretty rough when compared with SteamOS.


    Yeah, those two are debatable at best, but the other points sure make a lot of sense, and definitely have value. I say this as a SteamDeck user who never even considered the Ally for myself.


    Walmart prices:

    512 GB Ally: $399

    512 GB Steam Deck: $499

    Fubarberry, avatar

    To be fair, that’s the low power Ally with a pretty significant 20% off sale.

    I’m not well educated on the power difference, but a quick google search shows the cheaper Ally gets about 60% the benchmarked performance of the more expensive Ally when plugged in. There’s also a significant drop when not plugged in, but less severe (only about a 20% drop in fps). Source

    I suppose the real question is how does it compare to a Steam Deck at that price, and if the drop in power is worth the price difference.


    iirc they’re all similar amd chips but the steam deck has the lowest performance by a small margin. But the steam deck uses less overhead with Linux.


    As a Steam Deck Expensive Edition owner, I will say the Ally is atleast prettier…

    Not that that would be a deciding factor for me, but some people care about that…


    I bought it because I was able to go to Best Buy and trade in my Mac Book for a gift card and walk out with one.

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