FracturedEel, do games w Larian Studios: [Baldur's Gate 3] patch 2 is right around the corner, features major performance improvements.

Hopefully this one doesn’t break my save. I am using mods to be fair

koreth, do games w Larian Studios: [Baldur's Gate 3] patch 2 is right around the corner, features major performance improvements.

I haven’t run into too many bugs in the game, but in combat it’s frequent for the game to have to sit there for several seconds thinking about what an enemy should do next. Hope that’s one of the performance improvements they’re working on.


I’m hoping they fix it so it will actually use all my power. Both my graphics card and processor sit at ~50% usage and low temp, while I drop frames when locked at 30fps. I’m still in act 1 but as it is now, I am concerned about when I reach act 3, since they say that is much harder on performance.


I went from pretty much a locked 60 to mid 20’s in act 3. 5900x 2080S and 32G ram with a nvme ssd. Put BG on pause for a few days while armored core kicks my ass. Hopefully the patch improves performance quite a bit. I don’t think I’m maxing out cpu or GPU either but haven’t really been monitoring it.

reversebananimals, do games w Larian Studios: [Baldur's Gate 3] patch 2 is right around the corner, features major performance improvements.

Nice! I love this game but have been having issues with performance. I have a 3070 GTX and regularly see my GPU hitting temps of 80-85°C at High settings at 144hz 1440p.

Really looking forward to this patch, I hope it helps!

Fiivemacs, do games w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

Another reason why anything subscription based is bad



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  • Kolanaki,
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Well… Yeah. Wouldn’t you rather not pay for things? /s


    I would say subscriptions are bad because they are proven to make people spend more money then they would have normally. That’s why most big companies do it now. Someone buying a game for 30$ and playing it for 1000 hours over a couple years isn’t very interesting for the big guys.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    But then how would you apply that logic to things like GamePass, where you will end up spending way less if you are a prolific gamer? I spent $120 for a year of PS+ Premium and it paid for itself in 2 weeks with the cost of buying the individual games vs just having access to the catalogue. And not just things I downloaded, played for 10 minutes and removed. There was plenty of things I would have out right paid $40-70 for and have put 40-100 hours in that I didn’t have to buy because they were on the subscription service. It would have cost almost a $1000 for the value of time spent playing games I got access to for only $120.


    For something like a gamepass it’s debatable.

    You probably pay more if using a gamepass, but you also try a lot more games.

    If you played as many games without a gamepass as with one, you’d pay a lot more.

    But without a gamepass, you usually restrict yourself to fewer games.

    Whether removing such restriction is worth the (not as significant) additional cost is subjective.

    So there’s an actual case for subscription in cases like this.

    (The reason subscriptions make some sense here is because digital items are artificially limited. With physical items or services subscriptions are almost always a money grab. But with artificially limited things, such as digital items, subscriptions can definitely be reasonable.)

    halcyoncmdr, avatar

    The subscription service is bad because a trial period that has no bearing on subscribers is changing? Okay.


    Found another subscriber that shells out money monthly for items they will never own then complains they can’t afford housing/food.

    Subscriptions help no one but companies profits.


    If you only ever play games or watch movies/shows once regardless, it’s just a cheaper way to get content. The only reason I don’t use Gamepass is because it doesn’t work on Linux. That’s it.

    I have Netflix and Disney+ because it’s way cheaper than buying the movies and shows I watch on it, movies and shows that I’ll only ever watch once.


    complaining about housing and food? are we reading the same comment or is lemmy broken again lol

    MassKirbycide, do games w Super Mario Bros. Wonder Direct Announced - August 31 7:00AM PT

    Sweet. It already looked like a breath of fresh air after the NSMB rehashes, but if it’s getting it’s own direct, Nintendo must have really put a lot of love into this one. Can’t wait!

    Daefsdeda, do games w Stardew Valley 1.6 - new festival, items, dialogues and more

    Love this game. And its still getting updates?!?


    He said this was the last one before he focuses on haunted choclatier

    ThunderingJerboa, avatar

    It is a bit unfortunate there won't be any attempts for multiplayer in that new game though (at least by the devs, they likely know the modding community will do it).


    The amount of free “DLC” for the game puts it head and shoulders above the competition. Concerned Ape made a pledge and stuck to it.

    stormesp, do games w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

    Thats a bullshit of a headline if i have seen one, “eliminated again”, its just not always active, thet bring it back every few months


    Yup, it’s a promotion, so it’s available when they want to increase user counts.

    weirdo_from_space, do games w 2023 was the most watched Gamescom Opening Night Live in history. Viewership was up 66% over ONL 2022, and Gamescom had 320,000 attendees across the week in Cologne, Germany.

    Why’s demand for E3 is so low comparatively? What’s different with gamescom? I know gamescom used to be the gamer focused convention when E3 was still focused on business side but what’s different about it today?


    E3 was canceled in 2020 due to Covid and hasn’t been back since. There was no E3 in 2023. I have no idea why though.


    Because times are changing, E3 no longer has the prestige it once held. Presenting your game in E3 costs an arm and a leg and isn’t any more effective than making a Direct presentation video. Because of that companies are moving into online showcases. I wonder how Gamescom and Summer Games Fest maintained relevancy while E3 turned into a nostalgic memory.


    I think one of the main draws of Gamescom has always been the community or interactivity, also Köln is in the blue banana of Europe so there’s probably almost 100milion people within a 5 hour drive. I don’t really know why E3 is failing but I can roughly tell you why Gamescom isn’t, for one while there are occasional issues Orga is good generally, half of the German media lives a stones throw away from the fairgrounds, a lot of entertainment is provided besides the fair itself (concerts and other things throughout the city), it’s organised by the German games industry association so the cashflow required could be more easily acquired, it also likely means more stability, the city and potentially the entire country want the event to succeed which likely helps. Most of this is just educated guesswork though so take it with a little scepticism.


    E3 is failing because companies can just upload their showcases to YouTube now. Modern day E3 is a consumer event anyway, why not deliver the announcements they are looking for in a manner that’s cheaper and more convenient for everyone?

    It seems like gamescom is more of a festival where announcements are a bit of a bonus. Gamescom’s better public relations most likely help too.


    I also read today that there’s a game developer conference organised by the same association around the time here too, so that likely helps a lot. If your team is already there to learn they might as well present stuff and vice versa.

    BowtiesAreCool, do games w Microsoft has apparently eliminated the $1 Xbox Game Pass trial once again, just before the release of Starfield

    Yes it’s called “making sales”

    NegativeLookBehind, do games w Armored Core VI peaks at 150K peak concurrent Steam players on day 1, making it the 4th biggest launch of 2023. It's also the second biggest From Software launch ever, second only to Elden Ring avatar

    Was really tempted to buy it, but it sounds like it’s too much of a grind for my taste.


    Honestly I have had no grinding. I’m through new game, and a bit into ng+. I haven’t had any money issues, and parts resell for full value. Unless you count dying on a fight a dozen or so times grinding.

    Pxtl, avatar

    There is no grind. Parts sell for 100% value, and even the training missions give you valuable parts, so with no grinding I’m pretty much at exactly the mech I wanted from all the parts available.

    The game is difficult, but it’s rewarding about it. The fights are hard but also fun and interesting and the game gives you tons of interesting parts to try loadouts.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    No grind? If you want to buy everything, you will need to grind. Doing the missions once doesn’t net you a lot of money, but you can replay missions to make more money. You also will probably miss the optional objectives that can unlock parts you can’t buy in the shop unless you replay the mission (or are playing with a guide).

    Pxtl, avatar

    Why would you want to buy everything?

    !deleted6508 avatar

    So I can change my build whenever I want? I could buy and sell outside of a sortie, but what if I want to swap shit between checkpoints? I can’t use the store then, but I can access my garage and owned bits. Can also have multiple mechs. And because I must. It’s video game law. 😤

    Pxtl, avatar

    Wait, you can reconfigure mid-sortie? How? I know you get a chance to garage-only-reconfig after the briefing, but the briefings haven’t contained contain useful info for planning loadouts so far. Is there something in the “Restart from checkpoint” screen I’m missing? I was disappointed I couldn’t tweak my loadout at resupply, for example.

    edit: I’d always been assuming that leaving the mission meant leaving your checkpoints. Is there some way to partially-leave-mission?

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Die. Then you can reassemble before retrying. If you leave the mission, you start from the beginning. This way you can keep your checkpoints, but still switch up parts. It’s like it’s specifically there for people like me who suck lol

    Totally agree with the supply cabinets they drop sometimes. That shoulda been a way to access your entire garage if you manage to reach it without dying.


    You don’t need to buy everything unless you’re a completionist. Things can be resold for 100% value so there’s no need to own everything at once. And replying a mission because you missed something is hardly a grind.

    Rynelan, do games w Cross Save is coming to Warframe in 2023

    Glad this is finally happening. Playing on and off since Switch release and I really want to play the game in higher quality. Finally can try it on PC or PS4 without losing progress

    Statick, do games w Armored Core VI peaks at 150K peak concurrent Steam players on day 1, making it the 4th biggest launch of 2023. It's also the second biggest From Software launch ever, second only to Elden Ring

    I’m loving every second of it. Already on NG++. Feels great on PC with KB+M. I’m in heaven.

    Pxtl, do games w Armored Core VI peaks at 150K peak concurrent Steam players on day 1, making it the 4th biggest launch of 2023. It's also the second biggest From Software launch ever, second only to Elden Ring avatar

    I just finished the first really hard boss (Balteus) and I’m having a ball. Can recommend. But play it on PC with KB+M. I know it’s a fromsoft game, but the KB+M controls are 10X as good as gamepad controls.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    I feel like I would have beat Balteus by now if I had the game on PC instead of PS5. Even with the auto lock aiming, this asshole moves around faster than I can turn the camera with a stick, even with the camera speed at 10.

    Edit: Wait… Does the PS5 version support M&KB…? 🤔 I’ll have to try later when I have the chance.


    That one’s killing me rn on Steam Link I might need to move to the computer lol. Damn thing flies around so quick then blasts you

    Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

    I beat him with a hardcore mobility and missiles build, but I’ve heard he’s much more doable if you switch to a superheavy build of all plasma weapons (the “Meefcake” is its name in the meta). One thing I noticed is his movement habits make him pretty vulnerable to missiles, which catch up to him when he holds still.

    With mouse and keyboard where you can track him well he’s very fun to fight in close range since he likes to hold still for his missile volleys (you can pour in the damage while dodging), except that his ability to punish you with the bazooka means every screw-up is lethal when you’re in close. And that’s 10X worse when he gets his flaming sword.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    I feel limited in my options because I’ve gotten everything I possibly can to mix up my mech at this point through the missions and the logcabin stuff, and while I do want to be a plasma goblin, I can’t even use 2 plasma guns without overloading my energy, let alone adding in the shoulder cannons. :/

    I only have access to two generators. And one of those is the one I started with.


    I had a decent time fighting balteus but sea spider is going to make me put my controller through my TV.


    Fly above him, use missiles, land only when necessary to replenish energy.

    BallShapedMan, do games w Armored Core VI peaks at 150K peak concurrent Steam players on day 1, making it the 4th biggest launch of 2023. It's also the second biggest From Software launch ever, second only to Elden Ring avatar

    And this just in, I suck at it.


    Something I’m struggling with: I don’t like it, but I want to.

    I’ve only played like 2 hours, and I only bought it bc from software, but it looks soooo cool. I suck at most fromsoft games in the beginning, but the repetition and watching yourself get better as you master the mechanics was what got me.

    But I don’t know with this one. I’m not complaining, everyone has their cup of tea. Just can’t decide if I’m going to give up on it or keep trying. I’m very very happy that it’s successful tho!


    Every single Armored Core.

    I’ve wanted to like this series and I never really do lol


    Funny, I’ve been an AC fan my entire life but none of the Souls games have drawn me in. Different strokes I guess


    I despise the souls and souls-like. I just really want a merch game I can get into and I never do get into them. Not since like front mission 3 or xenogears or something.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Well… Front Mission and Xenogears, while featuring giant mechs, are RPGs/tactical strategy games and not “mech games.”

    “Mech” games are typically what AC is or more of a tank simulator, your tank just has 2 legs and arms.


    I am in the same boat as you. I’m so happy a new Armored core game is here

    BallShapedMan, avatar

    I’ve found the build of my AC has a lot to do with how successful I am. I’m rocking two shotguns and lasers on each shoulder and right now I’m murdering most things.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    If I was able to beat Steel Battalion, I sure as shit can handle this. Even if the boss at the end of chapter 1 is a huge douche nozzle with his god damn wall of missiles and speedy movement for his ridiculous size and god damn shield that sometimes doesn’t even take damage when I chip away at it, or my guns won’t fire despite not being reloaded or overheated…

    DrSleepless, do games w 2023 was the most watched Gamescom Opening Night Live in history. Viewership was up 66% over ONL 2022, and Gamescom had 320,000 attendees across the week in Cologne, Germany.

    Starfield is why

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