
violetsareblue, do gaming w 'Dad, people are sending me pictures of bears': Baldur's Gate 3 boss Swen Vincke 'wasn't ready' for the bear sex scene to go so viral

Irritated this is in the title of post/article. Spoilers…


Bear sex - the most important part of baldur’s gate 3. Ruined for thousands.

@TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.org avatar

I understand frustration with potential spoilers, but to be fair this scene was in a livestreamed demo that Larian hosted that went viral before the game even launched. It’s not been kept particularly secret and I don’t think it’s probably a major plot point.


the point is that I should get to decide whether or not I learn about game stuff outside of the game. I did not watch any demos or play early access because I want to experience everything including the small stuff for the first time.

I can control not watching YT/Twitch/etc but I can’t control someone just full on posting a spoiler in the title of a post. If this was a BG3 community - fine. but it’s general gaming.

!deleted7120 avatar

Dude, I heard about the bear sex scrolling on Mastodon. And then saw it again all over YouTube in thumbnails. If you follow any gaming news at all, you’re going to see stuff like this, the mildest of mild spoilers.


Doesn’t make it ok. All that means is people have gotten less considerate of their fellow gamers

!deleted7120 avatar

It was something in the marketing material. Larian put it out so people would talk about it. And look, people are talking about it!


I think you’re purposely missing the point. If you can’t understand why posting spoilers in titles is inconsiderate - I don’t know how else to explain it. Just say you’re too selfish to even take 2 seconds to consider others who feel differently in the gaming community and go. Rather than try to explain and convince me you’re not inconsiderate - cause you are. Thanks


Lol, dude get off the internet if you are that worried. It was literally in the marketing material, you buffoon.

violetsareblue, (edited )

No, thanks. Sorry my pointing out that people (sounds like including you) can be inconsiderate by putting spoilers in titles is so deeply upsetting for you that you’re reduced to name-calling just to save your own ego. You can disagree and think it’s not a big deal. That’s fine. But then own that you just don’t care about others.


Reel it in, bub. Your mask is starting to peel.

Unless you are serious, in which case, seek psychiatric help.

Virkkunen, do gaming w Bards are Baldur's Gate 3's best class and I can't imagine playing it as anything else
@Virkkunen@kbin.social avatar

The sheer number of high level enemies and bosses I've killed as a Warlock with one hit of my Eldritch Blast charged with Repelling Blast that throws them down a pit begs to differ. There's no ukulele strumming or bongos banging that'll top the fun and laughs I have every time I see an enemy relatively close to a big fall.

Other than that, the game is VERY generous with healing items and options all around. There's so many dialogue options which gave me DC 5 or less to pass, along with many inspiration sources that you'll barely need Bard's "essential" skills.


I fucking loved playing as a Great Old One Warlock in 5e. Eldritch Blast with Agonizing Blast (I assume that’s an option in BG3?) is so versatile. Maybe I’m just easily persuaded because now I’m leaning toward Warlock again lol.

How is it for role-playing? I think that was my favorite part with the character I had.

@Virkkunen@kbin.social avatar

I don't know how much Larian has changed BG3 from the classical tabletop, but it feels like everything is the same. To be fair, just pick the class and race you most like and play it, ignore all the minmaxing gatekeepers and articles like this, just have your own fun and come to your own conclusions.

How is it for role-playing? I think that was my favorite part with the character I had.

I have about 30 hours and I haven't even left the first area, but from what I've seen, you never go long without a dialogue choice with a skill/race/class check. The charisma and wisdom based checks are constant, so my Warlock is always useful no matter what.


There are also abundant choices leaning on your specific class/background/traits woven through everything.


One of the biggest changes is ranges of attacks. An Eldritch Blast has a range of 120ft in 5e. In BG3 all ranged attacks have been significantly shortened (less than half for Eldritch Blast) so they can’t be targeted “off screen”.

As a design philosophy, Larian dislikes people being hit by attacks from off screen so they limited the length of ranged attacks.

@Virkkunen@kbin.social avatar

That still comes as a surprise to me because Eldritch Blast feels like it hits anything anywhere in the game.


But anywhere within the screen. 120ft would be far more than you can view surrounding your character.

Fizz, do gaming w Hello, PC gaming here: Are the consoles OK?
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

The money is in the users not selling the hardware. As long as Playstation has hundreds of million daily users they will continue to make insane profit. The people will move up a generation eventually.


Apparently not enough, because Sony focuses on PC more than ever.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Focusing on PC more than ever isn’t exactly a high bar. Consoles (maybe not xbox) are still doing extremely well and consoles are more popular than PC by quite a big margin. I expect Sony and Nintendo to continue to grow their userbase even if the sales on the latest platform drop a bit.


consoles are more popular than PC by quite a big margin.

How do you measure this? Steam alone has 130 to 150 million active users, more than Switch customers at a whole. And that does not even include some of the most popular PC games at all. I also expect PC user base to grow, it has more potential than consoles.

So yes, its a big deal for companies like Sony to open up this big to PC and to be that successful. They don’t even need to sell a console to sell games. Off course consoles will remain popular and for good reason. But most popular games are mulitsystem games and not specific to consoles anyway. In my opinion it is remarkable how much Sony focuses on PC now. I hope they keep doing it; its only beneficial for the players, the publishers and for Sony.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

The stats I could find compared pc and current and last gen consoles so ps4 and ps5 era and the split was basically 50/50. But if you think about it that’s not a fair comparison because pc has people who running on hardware worse than a ps3.

I mostly take issue with the smug tone of the article acting like it’s over for consoles just because they didn’t meet expectations and decided to bring some games to pc. Consoles are still extremely popular and far more powerful than the average pc according to steam hardware survey. They will still be around and successful no doubt about it.

AmbiguousProps, (edited )

that’s not a fair comparison because pc has people who running on hardware worse than a ps3.

This is a benefit of using PC, not a downside. Unlike consoles, you aren’t forced to upgrade every few years and you actually have the ability to change graphics settings. Even if you want to upgrade your PC, you don’t need to get an entirely new build.

That’s also missing the fact that plenty of people don’t need or want to play the latest AAA title.


I mostly take issue with the smug tone of the article acting like it’s over for consoles just because they didn’t meet expectations and decided to bring some games to pc. Consoles are still extremely popular and far more powerful than the average pc according to steam hardware survey. They will still be around and successful no doubt about it.

I agree with you here. These articles are stupid telling people it would be over for consoles. It’s just clickbait or they are uninformed. Maybe besides your point that the “average pc” is that weak as you say. Most are at a level of PS4 or stronger. But that is not all you need to compare if you want to an analysis. This topic is extremely complicated. You can’t just take the average. There are far more PC users than console players. Its like taking the Game Boy into account and saying that the average game consoles is weak. That’s not the full story.

In example most monthly active users on consoles play games that could be played on a potato PC or last gen consoles too and these people probably do not buy newest games. Similar to the situation on PC.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

I think what we’re seeing is that people aren’t choosing to move up a generation.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

Yea because ps4 is still getting all the releases and ps5 is really expensive. I have friends who still play on ps4 and I went to their house and they’re playing games on like 20fps having a blast. It was kinda wholesome I just wish they weren’t getting scammed by Sony and chose pc so they could play games that actually run on their hardware.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

Given how much PC has grown in the same time, statistically, they are moving to PC.

CorrodedCranium, do gaming w GOG is going to start deleting oversized cloud saves at the end of August
@CorrodedCranium@leminal.space avatar

I wonder what games would take up that much space for save files. I mean if a game is autosaving frequently sure but I feel like you’d need a decent amount of them

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

I got this email a few days ago. It’s definitely CP2077. Their example even shows like 5 titles in a sample account and that game is far and away using the most space. As to why, I have no idea.

Also to answer the “how do you know”, it’s the only GOG game I play that has a decent amount of playtime. Everything else is in the single digits. I assume lots of others are in a similar situation.

E: and the pedestrian, but I finished that in one sitting, and it’s in double digits because I let others try it out. I think there are a whopping 2 saves for that game for me.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

It’s becaue they allow you to sync all save games to the cloud if you want to, and you can naturally end up with a lot of them.


Ironic considering GOG by extension made CP2077

@HKayn@dormi.zone avatar

It’s easier to make small saves for games like The Pedestrian, because essentially all you have to track is which puzzles you’ve solved.

Whereas in an RPG with a persistent world like Cyberpunk or Skyrim, you have to save the state of every single object and mechanic the player has interacted with during their run, and there are usually a whole lot of those.


If the cause of this is because of Cyberpunk then that’s ridiculous. It’d be like Steam deleting cloud saves because someone’s Half Life save file got too big… It’s their own game, marketplace and ecosystem.


Yeah, back when the game came out, I made a point to buy it on GOG so that they would get all the money for their game. I have only regretted that decision since.

As everyone knows, the game was an unfinished mess at launch, so after ~20h of play I put it down to wait for them to finish it. In the meantime, I have switched all my gaming to Linux, but GOG (the platform that prides itself on open access to gaming) still doesn’t support Linux, so I have to jump through hoops to get the game running (vs just clicking Play if I had a steam copy). Which was a main reason I didn’t double down on my GOG purchase and buy the expansion. Now that the game is in better shape, as soon as I can reliably play my GOG copy on Linux I want to go back and play my save. But now they’re threatening to delete it? Just…wild.

I don’t like how dependent PC gaming is on valve, but…for the time being I’m grateful that they seem to pretty consistently just make a good gaming experience for the players.


My Cyberpunk installation has about 177mb of saves right now.

Every other game is basically <1mb.


My Divinity: Original Sin 2 folder was apparently 2GB … yeah, no idea.

AceQuorthon, do gaming w Fallout 4's most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda's disastrous 'next gen' update

“Excellent Fallout series”

lol feck off


Do you think it’s bad? I’ve only heard good things about it 🤔

@ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

It changed a few small details like how becoming a ghoul works but other than that it’s really good.


Nah, it’s good. Don’t listen to the salty “fanboys.”

There are literally like two discrepancies, but it’s really not a huge deal imo.


It’s as excellent as a live action adaptation can be.


The Fallout fandom can be divided into two camps, Fallout fans and Bethesda fans. I don’t like Bethesda Fallout and from the little I watched of the show it wasn’t anything for me. 5/10 at best. I don’t care about ”the lore” or any discrepancies, I just thought it wasn’t very good.


Lol shut up.


Ah, so it’s more like the vibe of it for you, I guess? I kinda get that.

0xtero, do gaming w Fallout 4's most popular mods are now ones that remove Bethesda's disastrous 'next gen' update

Average Bethesda experience I guess

Cowbee, do gaming w Escape From Tarkov dev finally caves, says people who paid $150 for the game will get access to its new mode 'in waves'
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

This is one of the dumbest moves I have ever seen a dev make.

Ultragigagigantic, do games w The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook
@Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world avatar

Money and the endless pursuit of it ruins all. This art medium is no exception.

Brunbrun6766, do games w The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook
@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll go ahead and say the same thing I said last time this was posted.

Okay yes, but helldivers is still filled to the brim with bugs. Not quite an equal comparison

Commence the down votes for simply stating a fact


Have yet to be able to join my friend’s game if they set it to “Friends only” 👍

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

For one of my friends even though he was on my steam friend's list, and I could see him as a friend on the HD friend list, I had to accept a friend request from him in HD's pending invites section for the game to consider him a friend, and that allowed him to join our friends only games.

It's likely you have the same issue, whatever the reason


The friends thing is weird. I have a pending invite to a friend and I’m already appearing in his list as a friend ans he can’t accept the invite. So we have to set it to public, join, set it to friends only to avoid randos.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

Weird, I was able to accept mine, even though he was already my friend, it just made us friends on his side as well. It must be broken in more than one way

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

Well yeah it is. It’s also heavy on the mtx, non-pushy as they stay (for now). Compared to something like DRG I really don’t feel the appeal, apart from maybe having overplayed DRG at this point.

@all-knight-party@kbin.run avatar

It's not bad. You only have to use the "premium" currency to unlock the extra unlock tracks, but you also get that currency in-game and farming it isnt too crazy.

Currently as soon as you pick it up your account gets it, so you can drop into trivial missions, find some, collect it, alt F4, do the same mission repeatedly dropping at the super credits every time since the spawns are static on the same map (hence the alt F4) and then once you have 1,000 you can buy one of the unlock tracks. All of the gear and everything in the unlock track is in-game currency from there, so I don't consider it bad at all since you can easily cheese it for free

@ayaya@lemdro.id avatar

BG3 was/is also filled to the brim with bugs. Look at the dozens of patches that have come out. It released blatantly unfinished.


Although I agree that BG3 was not exactly well polished, it was far from being “blatantly unfinished”. I’d even say it was far more finished than what can be considered finished by contemporary standards


…helldivers is still filled to the brim with bugs.

That’s the point, we must eradicate all the bugs (and bots).

Blackout, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto publisher Take-Two Interactive is laying off 5% of its workforce and 'rationalizing its pipeline,' the latest skin-crawling corporate euphemism for people losing their jobs
@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

This company literally prints money but it's not good enough without the human suffering.

saltesc, do gaming w Spectator rushes stage at CS2 tournament and gets tackled into trophy, smashing it to pieces

Counter-Strike skin betting platform CSGOEmpire has claimed responsibility for the stunt. “Some of our men are on the ground in handcuffs,” wrote CSGOEmpire founder Monarch on X after the incident. “But we fucking did it, boys.”

Monarch says that the stunt was a protest of alleged “scams” by competitor CSGORoll, which it fired accusations at in a blog post titled “The Wars We Wage.” In a post last summer, CSGORoll said that unnamed “malicious competitors” were targeting it with a “hate campaign.”

“These malicious competitors have engaged in a hate campaign against us, and claim that we are running ‘scam websites,’” the site said. “We do not know their motive, but we suspect that it is a personal vendetta, based on a grudge and is designed to try and harm our business and gain a competitive advantage for themselves.”

Kill me if I ever become this petty and all I can see in the world worth protesting is this.

TheMalWare, (edited ) do gaming w Nintendo is suing the makers of the Switch emulator Yuzu, claims 'There is no lawful way to use Yuzu'

Surface-level article, Nintendo’s main angle of attack here is financial, they’re pointing to a lot of evidence on Yuzu’s Patreon, such as posting Xenoblade DC running well a day before official release, and subscriber money doubling around TOTK launch. This approach to emulator lawsuits is new territory apparently.


@YuzuDrink@beehaw.org avatar

It was fairly quickly demonstrated IIRC that Yuzu could emulate TOTK at higher res and 60fps. So it’s entirely possible to me that Yuzu’s Patreon sub soared because users wanted to play their purchased game on better hardware.

I hope the courts find in favor of Yuzu and set the legal precedent that it’s legal to dump secret numbers and purchased software from a device you own.

littlebluespark, do games w Fans of Pokémon-inspired MMO Temtem are arguing with the developer about what MMO means after Crema CEO says it's 'not feasible' to keep adding content forever
@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

There are dozens of those fans. Dozens!

Syldon, do gaming w Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'
@Syldon@feddit.uk avatar

The race to the bottom for you is how I get to the top. See we all win at something.

GrammatonCleric, do games w Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya says 'It would be a disaster' if he ever collaborated with Hideo Kojima or Yoko Taro: 'It doesn't work like in Dragon Ball'
@GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Very mindful of him.

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