
AceFuzzLord, (edited ) do gaming w Legend has spent years making Portal for the N64 and by Gaben he's done it

Now Portal is a game I’d love to see ported to just about every single device on the planet. I absolutely support what is being made here/there/wherever.

PutangInaMo, (edited ) do games w Stardew Valley creator ignites new fan theories with five simple words: 'Here's a Haunted Chocolatier screen'

Holy shit give me new content big daddy you own my wallet. Praise be lol

SternburgExport, do gaming w Legend has spent years making Portal for the N64 and by Gaben he's done it

The mad lad poured more effort in this than multimillion studios put into ports or remasters.

ZoopZeZoop, do games w Stardew Valley creator ignites new fan theories with five simple words: 'Here's a Haunted Chocolatier screen'

I’m 40 now. If I have to wait until I’m 50 for CA to feel like it is good enough for release, I’m fine with that. SDV was and still is a beautiful game that I will come back to regularly, like Terraria. Just good fun.

@WheeGeetheCat@sh.itjust.works avatar

Same I’m trying to keep this energy. It’d be nice to have it now, but it’s also nice to have it to look forward to.

ImplyingImplications, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Most of the planets are dull on purpose because my graphics card catches fire if there’s too much excitement on screen. Thanks for looking out for me, Todd!

@RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

Didn’t know anyone was still using Fermis.

HerrBeter, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Todd forgets this is a game and not real life where you have to train and study for 30 years to go to the moon. He forgot that the main intricacy is the stories you can make for the player.

Like assassins creed has big cities. Which feel dead, not enjoyable.


In RL most of the “excitement” in space comes from not wanting to fuck up and die. Games don’t have that, Todd.


Some do, but they make it their main draw. The reason Kerbal Space Program is fun, is fun because you can fuck up and die in a million different ways, and not doing so is chalenging and succes is rewarding while failure is hilarious(ly frustrating).

Not fucking up and dying in Starfield means pressing the Use Healthpack frequently enough.


for now, the gameplay-enrichment mods are well on their way


Imagine a realistic KSP with AAA graphics, like replicating historic missions and planned ones, etc.

@KSPAtlas@sopuli.xyz avatar

You just described the KSP RP-1 modpack with high graphics and volumetric clouds mod


…yes, they do. Soooo many fucking games have that. There’s a whole genre of games built around it. They’re called survival games. A relevant example would be No Man’s Sky.


I am kinda certain no game has dying. I haven’t died in any yet. Although I remember a piece of The Onion of a suicide feature of a car seat. Maybe someone should build a gaming chair with this feature to improve the immersion.


…what? I can’t tell if you’re trolling. Death is basically the most common failure state of any game.


IRL the stakes are a little higher, don’t you think?


Games aren’t real life??!

Hasuris, (edited )

No shit? That was the point

Astronauts aren’t bored in space because they’re busy trying not to die. games don’t kill you when you fuck up or something goes wrong

irmoz, (edited )

Yes, they do, just not for real. Why would you expect it to kill you for real? What an absurd standard. You’re supposed to be scared for your character’s life, not your own. They’re the one in space, not you…

Have you ever played games before?


You do know this threat is about some dev saying the first guys on the moon weren’t bored although there’s basically just sand and rocks to be found? And that because of this it’s fine most planets in a game are baren and uninteresting?

The Bethesda guy compared the game to RL. I am just pointing out why this makes no sense.

irmoz, (edited )

And what you said was incorrect.

In RL most of the “excitement” in space comes from not wanting to fuck up and die. Games don’t have that, Todd.

So many games are all about the struggle to not fuck up and die, and they are plenty tense even though they don’t affect your real body. Ever played Subnautica? I’m not actually underwater but I’m scared of drowning.

I don’t know why the fact that a game can’t actually kill you doesn’t mean it can’t try to introduce tension.

Yeah, planets being barren is shit and realism is a shit excuse for it, but it’s kinda irrelevant to your “games don’t have dying” point, which would apply even if planets were designed better


Dude… You’re even agreeing with me without realizing it. My point is, because a game can’t create tension by threatening you with real death, it needs to be interesting in some way.

irmoz, (edited )

Again with this bizarre obsession with games killing people… did you just finish watching Stay Alive?

No, that is not the reason games need to be interesting. No ove ever wanted games to kill people, dude.


It’s a reason why the astronauts weren’t bored on the moon. The fear of death. Games don’t have that and that is one of the reasons games need to be interesting and can’t be dull like the moon. I’ll just rephrase the same thing over and over for you. I do see some things may appear challenging to understand for some.

Read the title of the article and you may be able to piece things together: Bethesda says most of Starfield’s 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because ‘when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there’ but ‘they certainly weren’t bored’


Games have fear of death the same way films and books do.

It’s fiction.

It’s not real.

We are already aware of this.

Idk why this needs to be explained to you.


Exactly! Now go tell Todd that his game isn’t real and therefor his example “astronauts on the moon weren’t bored although the moon is dull” doesn’t make any sense.

It’s like you’re getting there without actually ever getting there.


Of course it makes sense. That’s just how games work. You’re pretending you’re in space, and even though you aren’t actually running our of oxygen, your character is. You feel tension for your character.

Y’know playing COD doesn’t mean you’re actually at war, right?


And that’s why CoD hasn’t you going on patrol missions for hours and digging trenches or guard duty. A realistic war game would be boring as fuck.

You know CoD isn’t realistic at all, right?


I think you missed the point, lol. Obviously COD isn’t a remotely realistic portrayal of war. You haven’t understood a thing if you seriously thought I was saying that.

But we weren’t discussing realism of mechanics, rather, realism of environment. And the environments are pretty true to life.

It’s the mechanics that make a game fun. Not necessarily the environments. Though they of course help. Fun mechanics are what a game is about.

Such as… survival mechanics!!


You mean like a game needs to offer more than dull enviroments to be not boring although the astronauts on the moon didn’t seem to be bored on the dull moon?


Are you gonna now pretend that survival mechanics were your idea all along lol?


You’re funny, kinda. Sad funny. Maybe it’s just hard for you to remember a few lines back or something.

I don’t know why I am arguing with some random internet trollish child. I’ll need to work on that and ignore more.


I see you tactically ignored the point and instead resorted to juvenile insults. Easier to do and makes you feel good.

Look into survival games sometime. They’re fun. Minecraft is a good one.

Ketram, (edited )

Then you have games that do space travel so well that I’m beyond scared shitless in them, like Outer Wilds. So many games have already managed to convey some of these feelings.


Perfect example. Handful of planets, each rich with hand-crafted purpose, space travel is big enough to feel epic, but small enough to not want to skip.

It nails the feeling of exploring a vast area of space, not by being realistic (it is not, by a long shot), but by just making certain experiences feel right.


Yup, classic case of realism not always making the game better.

I went to earth to check it out, I know the lore of why it is a giant sand ball but that also disappoints me. I walked around the approximate area of where I am from and found a small cave. But there was nothing in the cave except some abandoned drugs. I couldn’t interact with the glowing mushrooms, mine any minerals, etc. I was hoping for a sprawling cavern or something and just… nope. I might go back to earth to explore it some more but it’s so bland.

What do you think is behind that rock?

Another rock.


I was hoping for at least some scattered ruins on earth. Like there are random generated gas tanks and buildings on most planets.

Just something a little unique.

Maybe I should try and learn to mod it and do that.

AlexWIWA, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Crazy amount of spin

variants, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

I still haven’t found a completely empty planet, there is always outposts, abandoned mines or caves with space pirates or other factions. Every time I walk to a point there is like 3 more points you can just explore endlessly

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

No! That’s impossible! I was told by people who played less than an hour if at all that you simply can’t walk or fly anywhere and MUST fast travel everywhere.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

That's false as moving away from your ship a certain distance (I think 6 or 7 km), it'll literally tell you you've reached the boundary of the area and you need to land somewhere else to get a new stretch of land.


Yeah but that’s a long walk, I usually do about three or four locations and I’m over encumbered, maybe once my ship is upgraded and can store more junk I can stay on planet longer


This particular point really annoys me, I’d love to have somewhere that actually feels remote, where I don’t have four more copies of the same mining and science outposts in visual range. No matter how large humanity has become it just doesn’t make any sense that you can’t find a single ~15km square without anything man made on it.

The best remote places I’ve found so far has been in some quest-specific areas, but even then there’s usually a facility somewhere within a kilometer of the quest location.


Yeah I had the same thought, the caves and stuff are cool but finding so many abandoned outposts full of people is kind of weird

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Especially on planets supposedly never surveyed by anyone ever.

@Brunbrun6766@lemmy.world avatar

We came here and set up a secret medical research laboratory, and have since abandoned it, and not once did we have the area surveyed


I totally agree, I wish there were actually some barren planets without POIs.

mayo, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Did this game focus on anything in particular and do that well? Exploring isn’t it.

I’m tired of being negative gamer. This game looks fun even if it isn’t mind blowing, but seeing as I’ve never played a Bethesda game I think I’m just as likely to play one of the older games because they look about as good.


Having tried a bit of it, this game is fun. It plays a bit like outer world but bigger and with a more mature tone.

But i am really glad that after getting hyped in spring i actually forgot it was coming out. My gpu was not prepared.


Personally it feels like a lot of the promise of Mass Effect: Andromeda was channeled into Starfield and they took the launch version of the story in No Man’s Sky and ran with it. It definitely stands on the shoulders of other games but it is a reasonably solid iteration.

Tar_alcaran, (edited )

It’s a pretty entertaining crafting-shooter, but it’s not an AMAZING one.


counterpoint: there’s not a single “amazing” game of this genre. Elite Dangerous does the space sim perfectly, but it’s boring apart from that. No Man’s Sky has the wonder and exploration, but every planet is functionally the same. Starfield expands on No Man’s Sky with a comprehensible story and actual gameplay. Star Citizen will never come out. Did i miss anything?


The game is good, I have fun with it more than Oblivion and Skyrim, as well as Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.

People are just complaining to complain.

The only Bethesda game I like more than Starfield is Morrowind.


There does seem to be some people out there who are just radiating negativity about this game even more so than most.

I played a good few hours last night and it’s Skyrim in Space which is what I wanted.

I don’t know if it’s the Xbox console exclusivity that’s bringing fanboys out the woodwork or just that people like to attack a big, hyped up release like they did with Cyberpunk, but it’s brought out the worst in people.


Wasn’t Cyberpunk actually catastrophically bad at release, and then got fixed later?


Depends on your platform, PC and Current Gen machines were pretty good from day one, bar a few little bugs.


Only the bugs are gone. Weird design decisions and some horrendous mechanics are still here. It’s still isn’t an incredible game, but not a bad game either.

BruceTwarzen, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Looking at a boring planet on a screen and slgetting into a rocket and blast to a boring planet is obviously the same.

mojo, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Why don’t they just have Skyrim level of detail on all 1000 planets, smh!

Beetschnapps, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Ah yes “…Bethesda’s managing director, and Todd Howard, who is Todd Howard.”

Thanks for clearing that up AI writer.

Also how is it thrilling to “blast off” and “set foot on a new planet” when the game is more clicking through menus and fast traveling.

In No man’s sky you actually land. In star field you fast travel.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

RockPaperShotgun’s review is out now, and I could not agree more. The game is so meaningless.

It’s crazy impressive. Especially on a technical level. But it feels like a tech demo more than a game almost. It’s still fun to idle time away in, but it’s not engaging. At all. It’s brain idle time. In a positive way, but also no more than that.

Erk, (edited )

In this case I’d call that a positive statement. That’s what I was looking for when I decided to get the game… I’m not going to shell out my dimes to Bethesda hoping for disco elysium, I basically want something that makes demands of my brain just a little more than solitaire or minesweeper.

I don’t really agree with it not being ‘engaging’ though, I guess depending on what you mean. I’m not staying up at night wondering what’s gonna happen next, but I’m staying up past my bedtime designing space ships and then running out of cash and going and doing a fun loot-and-shoot mission to get more money to build more space ships. That ain’t bad.


It was not ai but a joke how he is famous to the wider audience.


In No Mans Sky, you’ve seen five planets, you’ve seen them all.

Beetschnapps, (edited )

Not necessarily but yea it trades the bespoke environments for generated ones that aren’t so dissimilar.

I think it makes for interesting comparison. Both space traveling games, one comprised of specially designed levels navigated by menus, the other less variety but you actually journey to them and given the sheer number you can actually discover and name a planet no one’s ever been to.

Both valid but I think starfield shouldn’t really advertise in exploration. Unlike NMS it’s far more narrative based.


Both valid but I think starfield shouldn’t advertise really advertise in exploration. Unlike NMS it’s far more narrative based.

Yep. There are three space games on the market that are not too far apart: NMS, Elite: Dangerous, and Starfield. They have similarities, they have differences, and they have different target audiences.


They’re up to ten or twenty now.


I told my buddy the other day that it was Bethesda Menu Simulator 2023, and I wasn’t wrong. I was working on my outpost, so I’d place some stuff, go to star map, select the planet with the material, pick a landing spot, land, get up, mine ore for 5 minutes, fast travel to ship, repeat 2-3 more planets, choose the outpost, land, place some more stuff. Then repeat.


i find it less headache to just sit in UC distrobution and fast forward 24 hours to keep reseting inventory to get all the mats I need to build, at least my starter shit.


You could skip fast traveling to your ship, or do any of the plethera of quests instead of what you’re doing

buddhabound, (edited )

Or, and I know this is a crazy idea, Bethesda could have made a game that has enough content to fill the space (pun intended) they created. Yes. I can run back to my ship through the mined out area I just cleared just to prove a point that the game is as flawless as you’d like to believe. Or, I can offer one fair critique of the game.

I’m looking forward to what modders do with the canvas Bethesda has provided.


Nah I mean you can just fast travel off the planet without first having to fast travel back to your ship, a few less loading screens and menu interactions right there.


Honestly, I didn’t even think to just go to another planet without stopping by my ship first. That’s somehow… worse? I thought it was super weird when I realized I could do it from the outpost without a ship nearby, but hadn’t thought to just fast travel everywhere all the time.


Definitely saves some time and extra loading screens/menu navigation, sorry I wasn’t clear with what I meant initially.


coming from elite dangerous, flying in NMS feels incredibly simplified. landing is literally “push a button to land”. either way, they both beat starfield in that department


Totally it is but that’s the style. The game isn’t trying to simulate complexity, it’s more a kick back and relax game masquerading as a prog-rock album cover. Pressing X to let your ship land itself gives you just enough time to hit a joint and make a plan.

@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

weird in starfield i also have to press x to land, so whats everybody’s big deal?


“Press X to Pay Respects”


Landing or taking off isn’t interrupted with a loading screen in either game. You also have freedom of pointing ship to a direction and go there.

Those two things combine to make you feel like you are moving around the game world as opposed to game world moving around you.

@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

that may be true, but starfield has some fun quests and interesting characters, which makes the world feel real and not like im the last human being in the universe

Roundcat, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'
@Roundcat@kbin.social avatar

Glad I went with Bomb Rush Cyberfunk over this.

Dirk_Darkly, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

This is a nice sentiment, but it falls apart when you realize that a lot of the exploration is procedurally generated POI that eventually copies not just assets, but layouts and granular details. That tends to detract from a sense of wonder and mystery.

Which is fine, if they would just embrace that instead of trying to change how people perceive their work.

@RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

It didn’t take me long to find two resesrch facilities that were identical down to enemy and loot placements less than 1km from each other.


That’s exactly it-- The game is what it is and will be alot of fun for many people. They’ll have nailed some stuff and missed the mark elsewhere…

But all the spinning shortcomings as design decisions is off-putting. Like if a restaurant is taking a long time to make my food, just say “it’ll be a few extra minutes…” Not “Actually the anticipation of waiting a little longer will enhance your enjoyment, so you’re welcome.”

RedditWanderer, do gaming w Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Straight out of “30 things I hate about your pitch”, which is a great GDC talk. In that talk he has one thing that is “in the real world you can’t double jump”. Don’t make a realistic setting that is realistic just because.

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