
Vilian, do games w Factorio pretty much rewrote its world generation to account for new planets—like this volcanic one

fachorio having better wolrd gen than starfield, it’s 10 years old lol

@andrew@lemmy.stuart.fun avatar

Don’t dozens of games that old and older have better world gen?

Like Dwarf Fortress, which is old enough to drink in the US.

pineapplelover, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

Somebody needs to make a company shit list so I can avoid them. I got EA, Hasbro, Nestle so far.


Create a github repo, put eveey company in the readme


Good idea. I may get on it if there isn’t one already


Not that I know of. Just thought of if because I have seen similar uses before. GitHub has GitHub pages, if you want to create a website.


Good luck avoiding most of them. They own everything.

Nestle doesn’t just make Chocolate…


spoiler alert though, it’s literally everybody. because everyone else is doing it, it’s not possible to survive as a business in a competitive space without doing, for lack of a better word, the devil’s work. It will take a major social disruption to change this, but it won’t happen in an organized fashion because we as a species are pathetic. The disruption will be the end of the world - North America cracking down the middle due to all the fracking, the Greenland glacier sliding into the ocean all at a go, something like that. FAFO endgame shit, due any minute now anyway.


Okay while I agree it’s everyone.

It is absolutely possible for a single corporation to not be the shittiest possible person in existence. They just can’t be public.

The stock market is the worst thing to ever happen to this country.


The stock market is the worst thing to ever happen to this world. FTFY


One solution is to support government regulation of these industries. Deregulation is the cause of much of this crap.


Well, if you deregulate patents and copyright (that is, abolish them, with only trademark laws remaining), then I’d expect only positive results.

@MaxVoltage@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly its kind of extremely crumby that hasbro owns the wizards

The DnD games from the 90s on steam went up in price because of the success of BG3 they are now on sale forbtheir old price lol

@abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

Oof, glad I got all the Infinity Engine games in a Humble Bundle before BG3 released


All of them.

@ninekeysdown@lemmy.world avatar

Samsung, Ubisoft, Epic, Chiquita, Dole, Apple, …

Pretty much any big corp is gonna be really shitty…

@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

Almost as if capitalism would mean “profits over humanity”. I am shocked.

@ninekeysdown@lemmy.world avatar

As am I! Just completely shocked!! And OUTRAGED!! /s


list of the companies that arent garbage might be shorter


A little too short

Jaysyn, (edited ) do gaming w Teenage Grand Theft Auto 6 hacker given an indefinite sentence in a secure hospital due to his 'intent to return to cybercrime as soon as possible'
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

The UK is perma-imprisoning their subjects for futurecrime and that is dystopian as hell.

anon2481, do gaming w Teenage Grand Theft Auto 6 hacker given an indefinite sentence in a secure hospital due to his 'intent to return to cybercrime as soon as possible'

His skills are crazy impressive. I wish there were some way to point it toward a productive path.

Whiskeyomega, do gaming w Teenage Grand Theft Auto 6 hacker given an indefinite sentence in a secure hospital due to his 'intent to return to cybercrime as soon as possible'
@Whiskeyomega@kbin.social avatar

As always with the Crown Prosecution service in the UK they love to bully and make an example of Autistic people. Only added by corporation running the court system, The CPS' Prosecution barristers are known to enjoy a life of luxury and gifts from them but you cant touch any of it.

sbv, do gaming w Teenage Grand Theft Auto 6 hacker given an indefinite sentence in a secure hospital due to his 'intent to return to cybercrime as soon as possible'

Following an assessment by a psychiatrist, however, the judge in the case determined that Kurtaj was unfit to stand trial, and so the jury was asked only to determine if he had actually committed the hacks, but not whether it was done with criminal intent.

I’m curious what “unfit” means here.

Chee_Koala, do games w Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released

I need a solid tutorial vid to get me goin on this one, somehow it’s mechanics fail to click in my brain and I have the hardest time just not dying. Anyone have a lead on that?


I still haven’t beat it but the 2 tips I learned that changed the game for me are:

  1. Don’t select your building blueprints right away. Wait until you’ve unlocked more of the map to see what you can actually use
  2. Build the crude workshop ASAP and start making planks and fabric

This was me too. I know I would love it if I gave it the time but my first few playthroughs didn’t catch me right away. Couldn’t get into the game loop

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

Did you try it recently or during EA? They added an extensive guided tutorial/story now that gets you through the beginning.

Other than that, the best advice I ever got was not to go too wild with the glade openings, only do it if you need something otherwise you're just raising the hostility for no reason.


Beside each race portrait there is an expanded menu that shows what makes them happy. Referencing this menu is essential to ensure your workers don’t die or leave. I pretty much always get a lumber mill or carpenter asap to help speed up plank production too. Cloth and brick production are pretty essential too, but with planks alone you can at least get everyone housed in the large shelters.


My main suggestion is to set your recipe limits - if you just keep making everything beyond reasonable levels, you run out of materials nonsensically, i.e. “No, I REALLY don’t need 200 brick, thanks, I’d rather have some pottery, just a LITTLE BIT, PLEASE”


I think I love this game so much because I tend to be a macro player in RTS games (queuing up a bajillion actions for each unit)… so being able to set “keep my stocks of these at 20, these at 10” gives me such joy.

Rentlar, do games w Superb survival city-builder Against the Storm is finally finished and released

I love city-builders, RTS and roguelite… this looks like a fun game.


You’re gonna love it


I am loving it!

verdantbanana, do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet

pretty gone as of this moment

anyone got a new link


Nah, you’ll have to wait until the next Zelda game comes out.

littlebluespark, (edited ) do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet
@littlebluespark@lemmy.world avatar

DLed for posterity, so once it’s down I can still share it with those interested in actually enjoying it, rather than letting Nintendo continue to ruin shit like the whiny babies they are.

edit: ahem.


It’s less Nintendo and more shitty trademark and IP laws.

If you don’t aggressively go after anyone that is transgressing your IP, you can lose it.

IP really needs major and comprehensive reform. It’s not going to happen anytime soon as too much is built up around the status quo, but it really should be done.


I'm pretty sure that only applies to trademark laws, not IP laws.

kromem, (edited )

Zelda is trademarked

Edit: Also, it’s a bit more complicated in terms of IP, but it is relevant to future works.

For example, fictional characters.

Let’s take Mickey Mouse as an example. Steamboat Willie is entering public domain, so the protections on the character as defined in that work is entering the public domain. But characterization of the figure in works still under copyright that have added unique details are still protected.

But the test for infringement of a fictional character is twofold. (1) Can the figure be copyrighted? (2) Is there infringement of unique characteristics?

That second part becomes much more difficult to enforce if you’ve been allowing millions of variations of your protected character when you initial work defining the character is no longer enforceable.

So if LoZ on the NES enters the public domain making ‘Ganon’ as a pig usable by people, but since that game there’s been tons of spinoffs by others having Ganon as a human before Nintendo had Ganon as depicted in OoT, then they’d have a much harder time enforcing copyright on Ganon being depicted as a human even if Ganon as a pig was no longer under copyright.

No lawyer is going to say “yeah, let 3rd parties use your IP willy nilly, I’m sure it will be fine and not bite us in the ass later on.”

For example:

Copyright protection is effectively never lost, unless explicitly given away or the copyright has expired. However, if you do not actively defend your copyright, there may be broader unauthorized uses than you would like. It is a good idea to pursue enforcement actions as soon as you discover misuse of your copyright protected material.

Edit 2: Or the statute of limitations:

If you have experienced copyright infringement, you have the right to pursue a lawsuit. However, you only have a limited time frame during which to file a claim. This legal principle is called the “statute of limitations.” Ensuring that you file a claim to enforce your copyright within the statute of limitations is crucial. If you wait too long, you will lose the right to enforce your copyright and obtain your deserved damages.

So a fan project that you don’t enforce against for three years which eventually monetizes as competition without infringement trademarks would be a potential concern.



IP is different from trademark though. You're using them interchangeably.

The main difference being IP doesn't have a "challenge it or you lose it" rule.


See the edit to my comment. It’s not as clear cut as you might think, particularly when considering the enforcement across multiple works over time.


...You realize that none of that is setting precedent, it just means you can't pursue, right? You still can't lose the IP even in the worst-case scenario, and the first example you gave even says that.

Copyright protection is effectively never lost, unless explicitly given away or the copyright has expired.

You seem to just really strongly want to justify Nintendo's actions, which are not the norm across the industry for how IP issues are handled....

Like yeah there's shitty IP laws, and shitty trademark laws, but they don't justify Nintendo's specific reactions.


which are not the norm across the industry for how IP issues are handled…

Go ahead and cite whatever you think the ‘norm’ is then.

Where else do you see publishers turning a blind eye to unlicensed remakes of their games?

The difference isn’t Nintendo being more legal trigger happy, it’s that their stuff is way more often being used in unlicensed ways so they come up more often in stuff like this.

But there’s a ton of examples of the same being the ‘norm’:

You must have an odd sense of ‘norm’


Lets see...

-Everything related to Bethesda's mod scene
-The entire Touhou doujin scene, even including sold games/music
-Sonic games which included fans being brought in for sonic mania
-Megaman and Street fighter have huge histories in modding. Pretty sure megaman has an entire fan-game for Zero's orgin story

So...That gives us Bethesda, Sega, and Capcom at minimum for big players, and Touhou pretty much shows you aren't going to lose your fucking IP over this.

No, Nintendo really does just do it more often than everyone else. You don't gain that rep absolutely everywhere just on hearsay.


Bethesda is owned by Zenimax, and an officially licensed mod scene is completely different.

If you want to run the mods for Bethesda’s games, you need the retail software to do so.

I guarantee that if a group was creating a Morrowind remake that didn’t require owning some Bethesda core game that was being modded to achieve that, Zenimax’s lawyers would be quick to be on top of the issue.

It’s not like there’s not examples where Bethesda’s lawyers caused mods to be shut down where it involved redistribution of Bethesda game assets without needing to buy the game.


It’s *less about shitty trademark or copyright laws, and more about Nintendo.

First off, in all of your posts, you really don’t seem to realize that trademark has nothing to do with fan fiction or recreations. Not a single project that anyone has referenced has attempted to mimic Nintendo’s name and brand to sell a product. Zelda is trademarked, yes, so people can’t sell video games with “The Legend of Zelda” name- which has no bearing on this article or the work cited.

Second, the statute of limitations doesn’t go back three years to some arbitrary date, it goes back to when the alleged crime or infringement occurs. So if someone begins selling a TLoZ knockoff game, they have no grounds in court to say something dopey, like “well actually I started thinking about selling Zelda knockoff games five years ago, so even though I just started last month it is out of the statute of limitations”.

Third, from your list of shitty companies making it the norm, try Valve, who actively gives permission for people to mod and remake their games, and even allow the selling of remakes on their own platform. Or try Capcom, a Japanese company who has never attacked a fan game and still has full control over its IPs. But I digress, not being the norm has nothing to do with this.

If the laws surrounding copyright were suddenly and drastically changed today, Nintendo wouldn’t change their stance or their scare tactics. They don’t have to do it, they aren’t losing out on sales from it- and if modders had the ability to stand up for themselves in court, I don’t believe Nintendo would win even a notable amount of cases.


One: Link’s Awakening trademark

Two: Actually, per Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s supreme court decision, damages are limited to 3 years prior to the suit being filed with no recovery for earlier infringements.

Three: Capcom cease and desist less than a year ago - did you not even bother checking before confidently stating it ‘never’ happened?

astanix, do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet. **GUYS GUESS WHAT!**

Shocked Pikachu face.

arc, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

The same Hasbro that tried to make a land grab for all D&D derivative content by changing their Open Game License to grant them irrevocable, perpetual rights to it. This is not a nice company as they demonstrate time and again.

So maybe it’s time the RPG community stopped thinking Hasbro are ever going to change, mourn for what D&D has become, but move onto something else.

@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

This is mostly a USA problem. :) There are so many great pnp systems out there. But there will be a learning curve.

@emptyother@programming.dev avatar

And if one aren’t in the mood to learn something completely new, theres always Pathfinder.


Yeah Pathfinder 2e is good. It’s more crunchy than 5e, but that also means there are rules for most situations that come up. I like the 3 action system, much better than the old, “main action, swift action, move action, move- equivalent action” thing the old version had going on.


I have a group of friends, half in same town as me, half on the other side of the country, that get together once a week ion discord and play dnd via a self hosted foundry virtual tabletop docker. We used to play 5e but we decided to try out pathfinder 2e to see if we liked it and we haven’t gone back, pathfinder is fantastic. The flexibility with the actions makes it feel like you always get a chance to do something and you aren’t just wasting your turn when you are getting into position or whatever. Feels close enough to 5e that most of your intuition will be pretty close, just use a different website to look shit up. Highly recommend pathfinder!


What? We don’t have a plethora of other games here in the US? I’ll have to remind the owners of all those shops that those hundreds of other games they’re selling currently only exist outside of the US. How embarrassing for us…


The OGL License happened after Larian teamed up with Hasbro to make Baldur’s Gate 3. Thankfully Larian is still independent so it can continue on to make better RPGs without Hasbro.


Thankfully Larian is still independent

Was getting worried there and about to Google more on the subject. Happy to hear that.


If you haven’t played it, Divinity Original Sin 2 is a fantastic Larian-made RPG that uses a non-D&D system.


I have played it and really enjoyed it.

I wouldn’t have been so excited about bg3 otherwise.

Destraight, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs


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  • thorbot,

    why Do pEoPlEs LiVeLihOoDs mAtTeR if my GaEm WoRkS



  • Loading...
  • thorbot,

    shut the fuck up already



  • Loading...
  • thorbot,

    “I win the argument” … are you fucking 9 years old? Jesus Christ


    He’s not talking about Larian, he’s talking aboutbthe actual D&D team at Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. Hasbro got a new CEO last year and the way they’ve been operating certain business units like WotC has changed dramatically, coupled with massive layoffs across many Hasbro subsidiaries. All he’s saying is the DnD team at WotC now is completely different to the one that Larian knew as they developed BG3.

    vexikron, (edited ) do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    Please do not tell me that anyone is surprised that a triple A game studio laid off most of their employees as a reward for a job well done.

    Please. Please tell me everyone has figured out that nearly all large game dev companies are pure fucking evil.

    EDIT: Welp, thats what I get for making an ill informed post after 36 hours on the road before passing out in my motel, yep, I probably should have read the article.


    It’s the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast, not at Larian.


    Maybe reread the article


    I guess this is reddit and you don’t know how to read past the headlines?

    @iAmTheTot@kbin.social avatar

    I don't even think they read the headline correctly.


    They didn’t even read the headline.

    The headline clearly says that Hasbro (owners of WotC/D&D) did layoffs, not Larian Studios (creators of Balder’s Gate 3).


    Listen, we all know gamers can’t read. What did you expect? /s


    This but unironically.


    The headline here on lemmy is unreadable gibberish with BG3 in the title. It could as well be

    Layoff 5blagagasjjee Swen shgrwaaahahaaaa Baldurs Gate 3 dacghgfrtf gone. Click here for ads.

    So i get where he’s coming from. On the other hand, once you start reading the ads with some content in between it becomes clear immediately that this is about the IP holder, not the game studio.


    I’m kinda with you on that, without knowing that Hasbro doesn’t own Larian this can be misread.


    But I guess that the overly angry tone made people quite upset about your comment


    …and you should read more than the headline, then you’d know that


    Maybe they just exhausted their reading quota for today, it’s a pretty long headline, after all

    brsrklf, (edited )

    …is that an attempt at sarcasm or something?

    ‘There’s almost nobody left’: CEO of Baldur’s Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    Same Lemmy title as the article. You know exactly who’s talking (“CEO of Baldur’s Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke”), about whom (“the D&D team he initially worked with”), what happened to them (“is gone”) and who is to blame (“due to Hasbro layoffs”).

    As far as titles go, it’s pretty good at telling you exactly what the actual article is about. Sure, you may need basic knowledge about how a licenced product works, and that BG3 is under the D&D licence. It would be rather hard to fit all that in a title.


    Read? Lemmy is Reddit 2.0. Unfortunately, the majority don’t read articles.


    Yeah I was super refreshed when I moved here but it seems to have just absorbed all the bad habits I hated about reddit.

    @Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

    Off-topic, but when I mentioned this in a different thread, an actual answer I got is basically the fediverse is really similar to reddit - how can the culture be any different?

    Anyways, if the fediverse starts to become Reddit 2.0 I think it would be high time to go.


    Or maybe people could steer the culture in one way or another by encouraging/discouraging specific behaviour. Nah, sounds like an unrealistic thing

    On a serious note, self-regulation should be simpler in a smaller community, so it might work better here than on Reddit

    !deleted7120 avatar

    It really has. It’s kind of depressing, honestly.

    @corytheboyd@kbin.social avatar

    Yeah… that trait isn’t limited to Reddit users


    If you read the comments, the majority have done so.

    @Cybersteel@lemmy.world avatar

    Unfortunately, the exodus brought in more low quality users.


    Please tell me everyone has figured out that all large companies are pure fucking evil

    Fixed that for you

    @Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

    Try re-reading the headline again :)

    !deleted7120 avatar

    You…You might want to consider reading the article.

    Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast, who own DnD. Larian, a completely separate company, got the rights to make BG3 from Hasbro. Hasbro laid off nearly everyone Larian Studios worked with at Wizards of the Coast.


    Hasbro laid off nearly everyone Larian Studios



    What? No. They’re saying that Larian, a completely independent company, worked with a team from Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast is owned by Hasbro. Hasbro laid off 1100 employees from Wizards of the Coast. Many of those employees were on the team that worked with Larian to make BG3.

    Larian Studios had literally nothing to do with this. Larian did nothing wrong.


    Thanks for responding to my joke post seriously.


    I’ll take “I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about” for $500, Alex


    About a week ago you decided to make your lemmy account. A better idea would’ve been to learn how to fucking read.


    You should teaach him about your username.


    Will there be lemonade?


    I’m proud to say I’ve spread the lemon party gospel on lemmy a few times, and the reactions are always worth it.


    I upvoted you out of pitty. Hope your motel bed is comfortable.


    Hooray pity upvote!

    The bed is comfortable, yes.

    Viking_Hippie, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    laying off 1,100 employees as a way to "modernize our organization and get even leaner

    Yeah because that’s what we want of the ones in charge of publishing, administering and providing support for some of the most played games in the world now and historically: leanness! The fewer people to take care of important things, the better! 🤦

    I know that he’s talking to investors rather than players, but come on! Also, there’s nothing “modern” about stupidly trying to increase profits via mass layoffs without expecting blowback and for quality to suffer. That’s some 1700s bullshit right there.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    Also, when your company is ailing (read: Not making more profit than last year, no matter what ocean of money your managers are swimming in), fire the good parts. That’ll fix it!

    frezik, (edited )

    Hasbro is unprofitable, but there was a memo a while back that said Wizards of the Coast was their most profitable division. Possibly their only profitable division. That covers Magic: The Gathering and D&D.

    This is also why we’re seeing both those properties getting the fuck monetized out of them. Big influxes of MTG sets based on other licensed properties, and attempts to undo the open licensing around One D&D.

    But then it makes even less sense to lay people off from those divisions.

    Edit: minor clarity and typo corrections.


    They also said in a memo maybe 2 years ago they want WotC to be worth double their value in 5 years. That’s pretty unrealistic standards for an already established company.


    The best way to save hasbro is cut back on making trash plastic toys for kids and stake the company to a well-staffed, functional WoTC who can deliver what MTG and DND fans want.

    Is that in the original spirit of the company? No, but who the hell cares? Certainly not investors and certainly not consumers or they’d be buying the toys


    God that’s so corporate-coded - instead of fixing your divisions so they are all profitable, just take your two successful divisions and squeeze them like you’re trying to get blood out of a stone.


    Imagine if we quit our jobs if we didn’t get an annual raise. Maybe we could afford housing.

    @flatplutosociety@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ve survived layoffs at companies where we were told that following the cuts, we were going to get leaner and more agile and more efficient.

    I’m sure you’ll be just shocked to learn that what actually happened is I ended up doing twice as much work to pick up the laid off people’s slack, and at the end of the year got a smaller bonus than the previous year, along with a raise that didn’t cover inflation. Overall company profits, of course, hit a record high.

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