
sbv, do gaming w Teenage Grand Theft Auto 6 hacker given an indefinite sentence in a secure hospital due to his 'intent to return to cybercrime as soon as possible'

Following an assessment by a psychiatrist, however, the judge in the case determined that Kurtaj was unfit to stand trial, and so the jury was asked only to determine if he had actually committed the hacks, but not whether it was done with criminal intent.

I’m curious what “unfit” means here.

verdantbanana, do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet

pretty gone as of this moment

anyone got a new link


Nah, you’ll have to wait until the next Zelda game comes out.

astanix, do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet. **GUYS GUESS WHAT!**

Shocked Pikachu face.

modus, do games w This fan-made HD PC port of Zelda: Link's Awakening is so cool I can't believe Nintendo hasn't taken it down yet

I created a torrent file for this game. Does anyone know a good place to post it?

thorbot, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

CEO is aptly named, at least.


I kept trying to figure out the joke about the name Swen Vincke and was failing. Cocks. It was right there in front of me everyone. It was Cocks.


Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks, for those of us who can’t help but read comments before reading articles

Destraight, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs


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  • thorbot,

    why Do pEoPlEs LiVeLihOoDs mAtTeR if my GaEm WoRkS



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  • thorbot,

    shut the fuck up already



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  • thorbot,

    “I win the argument” … are you fucking 9 years old? Jesus Christ


    He’s not talking about Larian, he’s talking aboutbthe actual D&D team at Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast. Hasbro got a new CEO last year and the way they’ve been operating certain business units like WotC has changed dramatically, coupled with massive layoffs across many Hasbro subsidiaries. All he’s saying is the DnD team at WotC now is completely different to the one that Larian knew as they developed BG3.

    unreasonabro, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    stop whoring yourselves to these evil fuckups

    pineapplelover, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    Somebody needs to make a company shit list so I can avoid them. I got EA, Hasbro, Nestle so far.


    Create a github repo, put eveey company in the readme


    Good idea. I may get on it if there isn’t one already


    Not that I know of. Just thought of if because I have seen similar uses before. GitHub has GitHub pages, if you want to create a website.


    Good luck avoiding most of them. They own everything.

    Nestle doesn’t just make Chocolate…


    spoiler alert though, it’s literally everybody. because everyone else is doing it, it’s not possible to survive as a business in a competitive space without doing, for lack of a better word, the devil’s work. It will take a major social disruption to change this, but it won’t happen in an organized fashion because we as a species are pathetic. The disruption will be the end of the world - North America cracking down the middle due to all the fracking, the Greenland glacier sliding into the ocean all at a go, something like that. FAFO endgame shit, due any minute now anyway.


    Okay while I agree it’s everyone.

    It is absolutely possible for a single corporation to not be the shittiest possible person in existence. They just can’t be public.

    The stock market is the worst thing to ever happen to this country.


    The stock market is the worst thing to ever happen to this world. FTFY


    One solution is to support government regulation of these industries. Deregulation is the cause of much of this crap.


    Well, if you deregulate patents and copyright (that is, abolish them, with only trademark laws remaining), then I’d expect only positive results.

    @MaxVoltage@lemmy.world avatar

    Honestly its kind of extremely crumby that hasbro owns the wizards

    The DnD games from the 90s on steam went up in price because of the success of BG3 they are now on sale forbtheir old price lol

    @abbotsbury@lemmy.world avatar

    Oof, glad I got all the Infinity Engine games in a Humble Bundle before BG3 released


    All of them.

    @ninekeysdown@lemmy.world avatar

    Samsung, Ubisoft, Epic, Chiquita, Dole, Apple, …

    Pretty much any big corp is gonna be really shitty…

    @menemen@lemmy.world avatar

    Almost as if capitalism would mean “profits over humanity”. I am shocked.

    @ninekeysdown@lemmy.world avatar

    As am I! Just completely shocked!! And OUTRAGED!! /s


    list of the companies that arent garbage might be shorter


    A little too short

    KeenFlame, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    But what about the poor CEOs? Did they get their Christmas bonus? Think of the children!!


    Thank you! The CEOs’ children need Maseratis, boarding school, college, jet fuel to pedo islands, and so many other necessities! We can’t let them suffer!

    arc, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    The same Hasbro that tried to make a land grab for all D&D derivative content by changing their Open Game License to grant them irrevocable, perpetual rights to it. This is not a nice company as they demonstrate time and again.

    So maybe it’s time the RPG community stopped thinking Hasbro are ever going to change, mourn for what D&D has become, but move onto something else.

    @menemen@lemmy.world avatar

    This is mostly a USA problem. :) There are so many great pnp systems out there. But there will be a learning curve.

    @emptyother@programming.dev avatar

    And if one aren’t in the mood to learn something completely new, theres always Pathfinder.


    Yeah Pathfinder 2e is good. It’s more crunchy than 5e, but that also means there are rules for most situations that come up. I like the 3 action system, much better than the old, “main action, swift action, move action, move- equivalent action” thing the old version had going on.


    I have a group of friends, half in same town as me, half on the other side of the country, that get together once a week ion discord and play dnd via a self hosted foundry virtual tabletop docker. We used to play 5e but we decided to try out pathfinder 2e to see if we liked it and we haven’t gone back, pathfinder is fantastic. The flexibility with the actions makes it feel like you always get a chance to do something and you aren’t just wasting your turn when you are getting into position or whatever. Feels close enough to 5e that most of your intuition will be pretty close, just use a different website to look shit up. Highly recommend pathfinder!


    What? We don’t have a plethora of other games here in the US? I’ll have to remind the owners of all those shops that those hundreds of other games they’re selling currently only exist outside of the US. How embarrassing for us…


    The OGL License happened after Larian teamed up with Hasbro to make Baldur’s Gate 3. Thankfully Larian is still independent so it can continue on to make better RPGs without Hasbro.


    Thankfully Larian is still independent

    Was getting worried there and about to Google more on the subject. Happy to hear that.


    If you haven’t played it, Divinity Original Sin 2 is a fantastic Larian-made RPG that uses a non-D&D system.


    I have played it and really enjoyed it.

    I wouldn’t have been so excited about bg3 otherwise.

    Sirico, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    Guess Larian just got a load of designers and writers. Such a shame as 5th ed was a real highlight, but now a lot of people seem to be heading back to pathfinder like the 4th ed days. Luckily, the Divinity universe can stand on its own and there’s a wealth of other tabletop rulesets waiting for their amazing adaptions


    I don’t think it’s too controversial to suggest that 5e mechanics are not the strength of BG3. It would be arguably praised more if it kept the world design of BG3 and replaced the combat to have the spell scope of DO2 with the basic actions of 5e (aka shove, which arguably BG3 tweaked anyway to make it fun in combat)

    I’ll miss the design approach of the game but BG3 was just a big advertisement to how good a D:OS3 will be


    I agree. DOS2 was, mechanically, a superior game. Porting 5e into videogame format isn’t as clean.


    Revisiting DOS2 after playing BG3, the game feels like Splatoon: Painted surfaces everywhere, all the time.


    I’m quite partial to FreeDOS myself.


    Imo Solasta is a better implementation of 5e mechanics (aside from the lack of grappling improvised weapons), but BG3 story is undeniably better

    @TheLowestStone@lemmy.world avatar

    This 1000 times.

    Solasta (especially modded) is a much more pure 5e as video game experience.

    BG3 is a much better game overall.


    A chance to post that meme I made!

    “Let me put it to you this way, Tav. You can buy better games than Solasta, but I like Solasta. Yes, it has a linear story, and the voice acting is rather stiff, and you can’t multiclass, but–it’s brilliant!”

    I don’t actually know that I would say BG3’s story is undeniably better. It’s more polished, sure, and it’s more open-ended, but that doesn’t necessarily make it better. Granted I’m not done with it yet so I can’t say for sure, but I really like Solasta’s story, especially the second campaign.

    I think there’s also something to be said about having four fully voiced player-made protagonists instead of one silent protagonist and a ton of NPC companions. There are scenes made up entirely of your party talking to each other. Which like, yeah, BG3 has that too, but Astarion and Shadowheart aren’t mine. Nora and Crag were. The writing isn’t as tight, the voice acting is relatively amateurish, but I like it.


    The story in bg3 better, as it’s closer to tabletop experience. Ofc no video game ever will be as open to player’s choices as an actual living DM, but bg3 here is way better in that regard than solasta. Solving an encounter by convincing multiple people to kill eachother is amazing

    I still like solasta more, as there’s just so many things in bg3 that infuriate me, like individual exp instead of party exp, and personal exp rewards for “background related” stuff, allowing for someone get ahead or behind the rest of the party on level ups. I was playing with my gf and let her be the party face, which made me about a quarter of a level behind by act 3. Or flight being a glorified dash.


    I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help but be upset by the individual xp. Either I get jealous when my friends level up three hours before I do, or I feel guilty having a level on them for three hours. That shit does not fly at most tables, why would they think to include it in this game? Why isn’t there an option to share xp???


    I made the change almost a year ago now after all the OGL nonsense they tried to pull and I honestly believe Pathfinder is a much more fun game. My entire table enjoys it more than 5e and they are a real variety of different player types.


    I’ve almost bought DIvinity Original Sin a couple of times, is it any good?


    If you like bg3 and that style of game, definitely worth it


    Dos2 is really really good, if you like Larian games


    I like Larian games they finish… Looking at your Tyranny!


    I prefer D:OS 1s story and played-through world to D:OS 2’s, but D:OS 2 has a lot more polish. Both are excellent games and worth your time.


    It’s slow like a TTRPG. If you liked Baldur’s Gate then you will like Divinity.

    If one is too slow for you then you won’t like the other.

    I personally can’t stand either but I’m not a TTRPG fan.


    I have a hankering to go back to it regularly and I’m playing on the Switch so it is less smooth, but yes I am a forever fan of Larian Studioes after experiencing just a tithe of DOS:2. Hard to explain why it is so good, but the mechanics are creative, fun, and challenging. The story is epic and actually epic in scope and the characters are all so fleshed out and the voice acting is professionally done and immaculate. It is very open ended and very long but very very good.


    This just reads to me that Divinity Original Sin 3 is on the far horizon. YES

    @MaxVoltage@lemmy.world avatar

    But no Larian studios Neverwinter 3??? 😢


    I’m so ready to get the kind of polish and mastery that BG3 has applied to a new game in the Divinity universe. I haven’t finished DOS3, not by a Longshot and don’t have time to play it, but it blew me away and I think about playing it again often. I will one day. It is daunting when you haven’t played a game like that in a while, to continue on. Especially on the harder difficulties lol RIP. Larian is the GOAT game studio up there with From Software and the Zelda team imo.

    Destraight, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    They are owned by Hasbro? Why?


    Larian Studios is not owned by anyone. The Wizards of the coast team that Larian worked with has been laid off


    TSR, which was the company that originally made D&D got bought by Wizards of the Coast, which made Magic the Gathering. Then Wizards got bought by Hasbro.

    Every product you love has been acquired by a large company that got bought by a larger company and then turned to shit. Until the government stops blocking mergers and acquisitions, this trend will continue.


    Let’s stop pretending T$R was a bastion of consumer values.

    @elephantium@lemmy.world avatar

    IDK, I think this take is more “It went from bad to worse” rather than “TSR was a bastion of consumer values”.


    starts*, but yeah

    Gullible, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    I can only ask how much cocaine remained on the table when they finally decided to do this. Not much, I’d wager.

    Viking_Hippie, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs

    laying off 1,100 employees as a way to "modernize our organization and get even leaner

    Yeah because that’s what we want of the ones in charge of publishing, administering and providing support for some of the most played games in the world now and historically: leanness! The fewer people to take care of important things, the better! 🤦

    I know that he’s talking to investors rather than players, but come on! Also, there’s nothing “modern” about stupidly trying to increase profits via mass layoffs without expecting blowback and for quality to suffer. That’s some 1700s bullshit right there.

    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    Also, when your company is ailing (read: Not making more profit than last year, no matter what ocean of money your managers are swimming in), fire the good parts. That’ll fix it!

    frezik, (edited )

    Hasbro is unprofitable, but there was a memo a while back that said Wizards of the Coast was their most profitable division. Possibly their only profitable division. That covers Magic: The Gathering and D&D.

    This is also why we’re seeing both those properties getting the fuck monetized out of them. Big influxes of MTG sets based on other licensed properties, and attempts to undo the open licensing around One D&D.

    But then it makes even less sense to lay people off from those divisions.

    Edit: minor clarity and typo corrections.


    They also said in a memo maybe 2 years ago they want WotC to be worth double their value in 5 years. That’s pretty unrealistic standards for an already established company.


    The best way to save hasbro is cut back on making trash plastic toys for kids and stake the company to a well-staffed, functional WoTC who can deliver what MTG and DND fans want.

    Is that in the original spirit of the company? No, but who the hell cares? Certainly not investors and certainly not consumers or they’d be buying the toys


    God that’s so corporate-coded - instead of fixing your divisions so they are all profitable, just take your two successful divisions and squeeze them like you’re trying to get blood out of a stone.


    Imagine if we quit our jobs if we didn’t get an annual raise. Maybe we could afford housing.

    @flatplutosociety@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ve survived layoffs at companies where we were told that following the cuts, we were going to get leaner and more agile and more efficient.

    I’m sure you’ll be just shocked to learn that what actually happened is I ended up doing twice as much work to pick up the laid off people’s slack, and at the end of the year got a smaller bonus than the previous year, along with a raise that didn’t cover inflation. Overall company profits, of course, hit a record high.

    Donebrach, do games w 'There's almost nobody left': CEO of Baldur's Gate 3 dev Swen Vincke says the D&D team he initially worked with is gone, due to Hasbro layoffs
    @Donebrach@lemmy.world avatar

    “I felt your breath upon my neck; investors’ wants as cold as death.”

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