
atmur, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite racing games?

I have a work-in-progress list here, strictly games I would consider “must play” in the genre. Notably missing the Ridge Racer and Tokyo Xtreme Racer games because I haven’t played enough of them to have an opinion.


Mostly arcade and simcade racers though. If you’re interested in sims:

For modding, Assetto Corsa is basically the modern rFactor.

For offline racing, Automobilista and Raceroom have pretty solid AI. Note: Raceroom’s pricing model is dumb, kind of like iRacing just without the subscription.

For career mode, Project CARS 2 (not 3) is basically the only sim that even tries.

For online racing, ACC and iRacing are unmatched.

For rally, you’re already playing DR2. Richard Burns Rally is also shockingly good for its age.


I really liked the Tokyo Xtreme racer games. They are still probably the best car RPG games. I would love to see what someone could do now in the same vein. Even tokyo xtreme never got quite as crunchy or difficult as I would have liked.

I want to go so far as to be like a tactical survival style game, where you are out there earning a living wage from daily(nightly) car racing, and putting most of it back into your car. Just the repairs and maintenance alone being a bar you have to meet and beat every day on average to stay afloat, and then you can think about upgrades after.

It basically takes an environment like that for it to matter in a racing game that there are upgrades between the worst and the best. If trying to save up for even one good part wouldn’t be possible without at least some middle parts first.

Meanwhile, could have some “roguelite” elements too in driver experience/skill. The car is only half of what’s winning the races afterall. And even if you really blow it at some point and your car is fucked and you need to salvage and pull together what you got and go back to a cheaper car to maintain/repair, you’ll still have all the experience/skill your character personally gained helping it go a little smoother this time.


You just described my dream racing game ❤

Gonna have to dig around for one like that again


I would love to see what someone could do now in the same vein.

Genki is finally making a new TXR, got announced a few days ago.



Ooh nice. I’ll take it. It may not be the dream, but it’s what you wake up to after dreaming, and that’s really all you can hope for.

I’m pretty sure a game as I described would only be a cult classic at best. Can’t expect that kind of passion project in our financial climate.

villainy, (edited )

There’s also Night-Runners which is very much influenced by the TXR/Shutoko Battle games. It’s an in-development crowd funded game, so take from that what you will, but there’s a demo up on Steam as Night-Runners Prologue.


For online racing, ACC and iRacing are unmatched.

I contracted the iRacing sickness this year. The online is indeed unmatched but I’d argue the single player racing is also best in class.

The iRacing AI is actually fun to race against and nothing else comes close to the level of customization per-racer. You can build whole custom rosters with individual behaviors. If you’re so inclined you can even share all this stuff through communities like Trading Paints and Race Department.

iRacing is a hole with no bottom. Both time-wise and monetarily. Even to do AI-only you’re still paying the subscription and one-time content prices. It really is the best though.

Awe, do games w What are your favorite racing games?
@Awe@lemmy.ml avatar

Not a “racing” game but you can race in BeamNG (and even do multi-player with a mod.) After trying it, other games feel underwhelming to me.

OhStopYellingAtMe, do games w What are your favorite racing games?
@OhStopYellingAtMe@lemmy.world avatar

Dirt (series) - because I love rally racing.

Motorstorm (series) - because racing across an active volcano is fun as fuck.

Carmageddon (series) - because it’s insane and hilarious.

Twisted Metal 2 - not really a racing game, but close enough.


I always liked racing games combined with violence like Carmageddon and Twisted metal! Others along those lines are RC Pro Am, Spy Hunter, Road Rash 3D.

stoy, do games w What are your favorite racing games?

Forza Horizon 4 is my favourite, 5 is mostly meh.

Then we have Beamng, that is increadible


Speaking of Forza Horizon, they’re really cheap on Steam currently. FH4 is only 4 dollars.


Yep, but you can’t get all DLC any more, its absolutely worth it, still, but I just wanted to let people know


FH4 is only 4 dollars

What country do you live in? For me it’s currently $/€14 in the regular version, 20 for the deluxe ultimate edition.

Also note that the game will be getting delisted in december, so now might be the last chance to get it at a discount.


It’s 16 canuck bucks for me here. You must get some good pricing in your region.


Ah yeah, must be one of the rare cases where regional prices are really favorable.

MossyFeathers, do games w What are your favorite racing games?

TrackMania – I recommend Nations Forever if you’re starting out; it’s free and Nations was the “meta” environment (different environments have different physics) for a long time, so there’s a fuckton of custom content for it.

As for what it is: it’s like the racing genre’s Quake equivalent. It’s also like super hot wheels. And it’s like Mario Maker. You make all kinds of crazy tracks with it, like Mario Maker. The tracks feature all kinds of wall rides, half-pipes, jumps, loops, and so on, with nothing more than inertia holding you to the track; like hot wheels. And finally, like Quake (and Mario Maker), the high-level players are bat shit insane.

This is the game where you get people who can hit a jump at just the right angle so they thread the needle through a series of holes barely larger than the car while travelling at speeds well above 300mph (welcome to TrackMania, I don’t think there’s a speed cap). They also do it using keyboards. Seriously. High-level TrackMania players use keyboards, not gamepads or, god forbid, racing wheels.

All of that said, no pressure because you’re mainly racing yourself, even in multiplayer. You’re trying to get the best time on a track, and multiplayer is basically the same, except your time is being compared with everyone else’s. There isn’t even any vehicle collision (strangely, there’s an option for it, but it doesn’t seem to do anything).

Play TrackMania. Is fun.


Seconding Trackmania, though I’d recommend playing the latest one released in 2020 rather than Nations Forever. A year’s access to everything is $20 and you get tons of content to play.

For a game that is at its core can be played at the highest levels with just 4 buttons it is incredibly complex with an insane skill ceiling. I’m pretty good and the difference between me and the top players is absolutely insane. The game is a bit beginner unfriendly, mostly because you are going to suck against good players because there are tons of mechanics that the developer tells you nothing about and unless you watch a video you aren’t likely to understand why players are leaving you in the dust.

This is the game where you get people who can hit a jump at just the right angle so they thread the needle through a series of holes barely larger than the car while travelling at speeds well above 300mph (welcome to TrackMania, I don’t think there’s a speed cap). They also do it using keyboards. Seriously. High-level TrackMania players use keyboards, not gamepads or, god forbid, racing wheels.

The max speed is 999 km/h, which is only acheivable with speed drifting, but speed in excess of 800km/h are not uncommon to hit in certain kinds of tracks. Your statement about controls also isn’t correct, most of the top players play with controller, but there are some that are keyboard players, there is even a couple insane ones that play wheel (most notably Granady).

MossyFeathers, (edited )

Huh, I was under the impression that high level players used keyboards and that gamepads were unusual. I was almost certain I’d read that keyboards were considered better because they were full-on/full-off instead of analog; the logic being that it let you respond faster. Where an analog stick would have some ramp-up time when you switch directions, a keyboard would register a full press the moment the key is pressed far enough to complete the circuit. Meanwhile, the physics of Nations were made with keyboards in mind, so analog controls wouldn’t offer that much of an improvement.

At least, I was sure that’s what I’d read.

Edit: that may have been before TrackMania 2, I’m not even sure if Nations supports analog controls. I haven’t played any of the games after Nations/United.


Growing up I’ve always been a keyboard racer. The only benefit i see from gamepad is that you can hold any angle while turning, even slight ones.

With keyboard every movement is timing and it’s easier to build muscle memory for me.

Edit: the reason I want a vr headset and racing wheel are the opposite of what keyboard gaming is


There are advantages and disadvantages to all the control schemes depending on the types of tracks you play, the surface you play, and the car/environment you play.

Most good players play with controller because there are many situations you run into where you want the precision of steering a specific amount around a corner, or you are playing a track where you want to either speed drift (SD) at a specific angle (e.g. fullspeed or higher speed dirt/grass/plastic) or want to keep your steering under a certain angle to no slide (e.g. low speed dirt/grass/plastic).

There are techniques such as neosliding where it is much easier to do them in keyboard as it requires multiple taps in quick succession. It is also easier to play keyboard when you need to make turns where timing of a full steer is important (e.g. ice).

Considering cars other than the stadium car you start getting into situations where one control scheme is far superior than others. The snow and rally environments require smooth steering so wheel is superior there, but controllers are a good middle ground. Desert is faster with tapping movements over smooth steering so keyboard is a bit better there. I recall canyon is a bit better with keyboard as well.

This all applies equally regardless of whether you are playing older or newer games.

MossyFeathers, (edited )

I was curious enough that I looked into it a bit and it sounds like the difference is negligible at this point because they added keyboard binds for partial presses in response to analog keyboards(?). Again, I haven’t played TM2 or anything after, last game I played was TMUF/TMNF, so I haven’t tried using them myself, however when I was looking to see what the kb/controller/wheel split was I found a lot of people saying that there isn’t a strong reason to use one over the other anymore due to the new binds.

Edit: it actually makes me kinda happy to talk about this. I loved the games as a teenager, but they were too niche and I never had anyone to talk to about them.

Edit 2: damn, I remember finding the OG game at Fry’s and thinking it looked like the coolest game ever and getting confused when no one else thought it was sick as fuck (everyone was into Halo and CoD, and tbf, I was into them too; but I had patrician tastes that spanned multiple genres, not like the casuals I grew up around u.u)


Yeah they added “action keys” that can trigger different percentage presses (20-40-60-80-100%) as a “fix” because the bobsleigh blocks they added in the new game were not keyboard friendly and they wanted to even the playing field. They eventually changed the physics to get rid of that specific need (but not completely) but they are still useful in some situations.

Download the newest game! It has a free access tier which gets you access to the first 10 tracks of the quarterly campaign and to the ranked mode. It is a bit limited but enough to see if you might get back into it. There is a decent community on reddit for the game.


High-level TrackMania players use keyboards, not gamepads or, god forbid, racing wheels.

It’s wild to me that some players like GranaDyy are actually able to compete using a racing wheel.

DmMacniel, do games w What are your favorite racing games?
@DmMacniel@feddit.org avatar

Forza Horizon 4. I fricking love the British countryside!

edgemaster72, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite racing games?
@edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

I loved Driveclub back on PS4, think it’s delisted and possibly servers shut down, don’t remember.

Project Gotham Racing (I think 2 was my preferred one), Midnight Club II as well

Mario Kart series

Quantum Redshift on OG Xbox

kindenough, do games w What are your favorite racing games?

Moto racer 1 on PC.

MyNameIsAtticus, do games w What are your favorite racing games?
@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

Not the Greatest of all time, but Growing up the two racing games I’d play the most was Forza Horizon and Little Big Planet Karting. Sadly I had to drop LBPK after my PS3 died and Forza Horizon I can’t find the disk for anymore.

Chozo, do games w What are your favorite racing games?

I miss the arcade-y feel of older racing games. Everything these days tries too hard to be a simulator, that they end up stripping the fun out of it. I want sparks to fly out of my tires when I drift even though they're rubber and wouldn't actually do that, I want wacky announcers with color commentary, I don't want to shift gears.

I want games like Ridge Racer and Need for Speed to make a comeback.


Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit or Burnout: Paradise might be the closest to what you're looking for. They're both open-world games, but I don't think they really have that open-world filler that you see a lot of. They both got remastered releases in the last few years.


Hot pursuit is barely an open world game. There’s never a point to find around in the open world, in fact most people might even miss that you can do that.


I loved Project Gotham Racing because it rode the line between arcade game and simulator quite nicely. I haven’t seen anything like it since.


Mario kart is still a thing. I absolutely hate the not actually random item drops, though. Getting punished for being in the lead is lame.

haywire7, do games w People seem to really dislike Destiny 2. Why haven't they ended it yet?
@haywire7@lemmy.world avatar

I still play, I can see me running out of desire to play as much with the changes to the way new content is delivered.

Unless something changes soon for the better I can’t see the game staying afloat for more than the next couple of years. Which is a real shame.

tuckerm, do games w What are your favorite racing games?

GRID: I absolutely loved the original Grid (I think it was called Racedriver: Grid in Europe) when it came out.

Project CARS 2 and Assetto Corsa Competizione: A while ago I tried using a PS5 controller on PC and using the gyroscope to steer left and right by tilting the controller. It works well enough when you get used to it. It gives you more granular control than an analog stick. You really can't tilt an analog stick 15 degrees consistently, but you can tilt the controller like that consistently. I'm not saying its as good as a racing wheel, but if you don't have one, it'll at least let you play games that might otherwise need a wheel. I played a decent amount of Project CARS 2 and Assetto Corsa Competizione that way.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is a fun kart racing game. If you don't have a Switch and you want something like Mario Kart, you should pick it up. It isn't just a Mario Kart knockoff with Sega characters. Wait no... that's exactly what it is, but it's a good one.

Meta: /m/simrallyracing@lemmy.world is a community here.

MrScottyTay, (edited )

These are some solid picks. Grid is probably my favourite game that is closest to being a sim racer. Love doing the 24 heure le mans


Yes! And if I remember, those races actually lasted 24 minutes, right? I hadn't played a game that did that before. I loved the fact that there was an actual endurance/focus element to that race.


They did yeah. And the time of day would change throughout the race too which made the night time section quite scary cause you’d have already went through like 15 minutes of racing and now needed to deal with that unique challenge on top of your fatigue (even more so if this wasn’t your first attempt)

missingno, do games w What are your favorite racing games?
@missingno@fedia.io avatar

F-Zero GX - As far as pure racing goes, GX is perfection.

Kirby Air Ride - The actual racing mode is... mid, honestly. But City Trial? One of the most interesting and unique game modes ever conceived. Sad this game never got any kind of successor.

PieMePlenty, do games w What are your favorite racing games?

I think Forza Motorsport 2 or 3. That was the peak of the series right there. I also enjoyed Dirt 3 and PGR4.

While I still ppayed all the later forza and GT games, they lacked a good campaign mode.

Anyone know which Gran Turismo has a good campaign?

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w People seem to really dislike Destiny 2. Why haven't they ended it yet?

They deleted content I paid for. I couldn’t be happier to see Bungie collapse.

The Bungie I knew and loved died when they got rid of Marty, and later Joe Staten.

Suck on eggs, Jason Jones.

PunchingWood, (edited )

They also deleted all my progress at some point because apparently I forgot to do some kind of transfer back when they merged with Blizzard or something. Maybe that’s partially my fault but I could never recall that I was informed to do so, and I hadn’t played in a long time.

I tried to get back into the game a while ago, but the story is such an incredible mess and hardly makes any sense being thrown from one place to another with very little information, as a new or returning player you’d have no clue where to go and what to do and what is actual new and relevant content and not. It’s incredibly difficult to get a grasp of the game if you haven’t been keeping up.


Same happened to me. I didn’t really have a lot of progress to begin with, was still kinda dumb.

fuzzywombat, (edited )

I used to hang out and chill on Titan whenever I was bored. Suddenly Bungie removed pretty much every content I ever purchased for the game including the god damn moon Titan. All the campaigns for base game and three DLCs I paid for were just gone. To add insult to injury they level capped the pinnacle gun I got from doing a PVP mission. Clearly Bungie doesn’t give a shit about money and time I spent on the game so I bailed. I uninstalled the game and moved on four years ago.


Damn thats a depressing read. Why isnt this shit illegal?

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