
conno02, do gaming w RPG Maker on the Unity debacle
@conno02@lemmy.world avatar

its worth noting that this is the twitter account for the RPGMaker forums-- not the official RPGMaker iirc


And the latest version is Unity based. Also, I'd say the only thing that prevents Enterbrain to do a similar move, is simply that they don't even have nearly the same significance & reach as Unity. RPG Maker always was a niche product, even if it a popular one at that. But you don't really see big commercial game releases that are based on it like you do with Unity.

We'll have to see how this Unity thing plays out, but if this isn't going to be the engine's downfall, then it will become a new norm for others to follow.


Wasn't Undertale built in RPG Maker?


No, GameMaker Studio. That engine had it’s own controversy over moving to a subscription model, but nothing as egregious as Unity.


That’s a shame. I remember messing around with GameMaker back in the day. It was a great way for a total beginner to make something playable.

Chariotwheel, do gaming w RPG Maker on the Unity debacle

While other devs are fighting errors, rpgmaker became the terror.


so rpg stands for random pipebomb gore

Viking_Hippie, (edited )
Snipe_AT, do gaming w RPG Maker on the Unity debacle
@Snipe_AT@lemmy.atay.dev avatar

come back in 10 years for the starting comment of your video documenting the long term villain arc of rpgmaker.net


I await the video essay. Setting a reminder.


They already do some crappy things. With that said, I still mostly like RPG Maker.


Any examples? I’m genuinely curious

orphiebaby, (edited )

I can’t speak for everyone, but the transition from one version to another loses almost as many features as it gains. It is especially crappy about its provided sprites, to the point where we keep losing entire sprite types, many sprite sets are just plain unfinished or untested, and they insisted we move from sprites that people could somewhat take seriously to chibi/moe sprites that nobody on Earth can take seriously for an adventure game.

Another issue is that the series keeps releasing new versions that are incremental improvements at best, and they want us to pay a lot of money for each installment and half-sequel with said very few improvements, and also pay for a lot of content packs. There are things that should have been added 15 years ago and still aren’t here. They can’t even allow us to customize menus, and countless other issues. Honestly the dev team seems like they’re not very good at programming or art in the first place, and they’re just raking in money from incremental improvements over many decades. People try to excuse the engines’ lack of basic features with “but you can program it in Ruby/Javascript yourself!” Which is a really bad thing to rely on for a game-creation engine of this type.

I’m sure other people are annoyed by things I’m not even thinking of right now.


Reading this comment seems like they cater the Japanese market and the rest of the world is an afterthought


Yeah, they are a company, their goal is profits, they will do crappy things. Go open source if you want to get away from that.


This is not an absolute.


If profits are the goal, then it is.


Yeah, every single person who makes money in the form of a “business” is a crappy person who does crappy things, sure, whatever.

You do realize indie devs consisting of one or two people are also businesses, right?


They will still need to do crappy things to make profits. It’s the nature of the beast.


So what crappy things did Re-Logic do, for example?


Not pay its employees the full value of their labour. Mathematically impossible.

Schadrach, (edited )

Nothing stops a game dev company from operating as a cooperative, and paying the employees their share of the full value of revenue, minus costs involved in production and distribution and presumably some amount of seed funding they all agree to set aside for the next project.

But then, splitting the revenue means splitting the risk. So if the game doesn’t sell enough to recoup costs then the workers get nothing.

The whole tradeoff of wage labor is that you agree to do a thing for an amount of pay, regardless of what the employer gains from that labor. You typically don’t get the full value of your labor, but are also insulated from business risks. If this usually didn’t pay off for the employer, then basically every business would be a co-op (because no one would be willing to pay someone to do a job if they weren’t willing to take a share of the risk), but successful co-ops of any scale are pretty rare which suggests a general unwillingness for workers to take on a share of the risks of the business.

irmoz, (edited )

Nothing stops a game dev company from operating as a cooperative

Apart from existing in a sea of capitalist companies than can ruthlessly outcompete them. Co-operatives don’t stand a chance.

paying the employees their share of the full value of revenue, minus costs involved in production and distribution and presumably some amount of seed funding they all agree to set aside for the next project.

That would only be feasible in a very small company, with sufficient profits to spread among the workforce.

But then, splitting the revenue means splitting the risk. So if the game doesn’t sell enough to recoup costs then the workers get nothing.

Yep, like I just said.

The whole tradeoff of wage labor is that you agree to do a thing for an amount of pay, regardless of what the employer gains from that labor.

I’d frame it as: you need money to live. Therefore, you suck it up and let someone exploit you so they can profit from your work, and give you scraps out of that profit.

You typically don’t get the full value of your labor, but are also insulated from business risks.

Those “business risks” only exist as a result of the same system that necessitates wage labour: capitalism. The risks generally have to do failing to increase growth and therefore going under due to lack of owner capital. A democratic economy has no owners, only a collective workforce who will together use their resources to fund the company and pay their own wages - this means there is no need for growth. That huge risk no longer exists.

If this usually didn’t pay off for the employer, then basically every business would be a co-op

That’s not even worth thinking about. We live in capitalism. Of course working with a capitalist model would work best - it’s the only way to ensure profits for the owners.

(because no one would be willing to pay someone to do a job if they weren’t willing to take a share of the risk)

You’re still assuming an owner. A democratic workplace wouldn’t have an owner - they’d all share responsibility for the business. And pay would be agreed democratically.

but successful co-ops of any scale are pretty rare which suggests a general unwillingness for workers to take on a share of the risks of the business.

No, it suggests that co-ops are ill-equipped to compete. It’s a moral decision, not a business one, and an incredibly risky one. Any company that isn’t willing to exploit its workers will be beaten out by one that is willing to do that, because the competitive, capitalist one will inevitably have more resources to throw behind it.

Think about this: for a company to be a co-op, it either has to be founded that way, or changed some time afterward. A company that runs in a traditionally capitalist way can only have fundamental changes happen at the behest of its owner; workers have no say how their business is run. This means that the small amount of co-ops has nothing to do with workers’ willingness to take risks. It has to do with owners not wanting to relinquish power and profit - an owner can only lose when transitioning to a co-op.

I’m not saying that Re-Logic should be a co-op. I’m saying our entire economic system demands that they exploit their workers.


That would only be feasible in a very small company, with sufficient profits to spread among the workforce.

They have 10 employees and their game sold 44+ million copies. That’s like 1000 copies a day, per employee, for 13 years.

If you have proof they aren’t doing it feel free to link, but looking at their policies I kinda doubt it.

irmoz, (edited )

My comment wasn’t aimed at Re-Logic precisely, and I admit I was only making assumptions. My assumption was that their company fit into the mold of how capitalist companies operate. If they are a co-op, and practise profit sharing, then I admit I was wrong in my assumption, but I hope you agree it’s an assumption closely related to the reality of capitalist economics.

EDIT: Re-Logic has an owner. Sorry, my original comment stands.


<span style="color:#323232;">Nothing stops a game dev company from operating as a cooperative

Apart from existing in a sea of capitalist companies than can ruthlessly outcompete them. Co-operatives don’t stand a chance.

Why not? Why do workers and owners being exactly the same set of people make it impossible to successfully develop games? This is an extra-important question to answer because a lot of these indie dev companies are a dozen or so people in total.

Could it be that the upfront costs, and the delayed nature of turning any profit at all (along with no profit being assured) means that getting paid a fixed amount to do game dev labor regardless of success is a safer option for most developers, rather than actually being a stakeholder?

<span style="color:#323232;">paying the employees their share of the full value of revenue, minus costs involved in production and distribution and presumably some amount of seed funding they all agree to set aside for the next project.

That would only be feasible in a very small company, with sufficient profits to spread among the workforce.

Most indie game devs ARE very small companies.

<span style="color:#323232;">But then, splitting the revenue means splitting the risk. So if the game doesn’t sell enough to recoup costs then the workers get nothing.

Yep, like I just said.

That’s the nature of dealing with a market economy - you make a thing or provide a service, there are costs involved in doing so, and if you earn more in revenue than your costs then you profit. If not, you don’t. Either way in a typical company it’s the owners that benefit or lose as a consequence, as paying employees to do a thing is one of those costs. In a co-op, those employees are the owners, and win or lose accordingly.

<span style="color:#323232;">The whole tradeoff of wage labor is that you agree to do a thing for an amount of pay, regardless of what the employer gains from that labor.

I’d frame it as: you need money to live. Therefore, you suck it up and let someone exploit you so they can profit from your work, and give you scraps out of that profit.

You don’t have to - you could go into business for yourself. Make a thing and sell that thing, and reap the full profits of your labor. This is an especially possible thing to do in the game development world where some of the largest games ever literally started as someone’s pet project or as soe other project that got trashed and repurposed. The Warcraft franchise (as in WoW) for example, started as an attempt at making a Warhammer RTS that Games Workshop wasn’t interested in. Sierra Online started as a couple making PC games at home. Notch sold Minecraft to Microsoft for 4 billion dollars, and it literally started as a one man project being sold on a cheesy looking website for a few bucks.

<span style="color:#323232;">You typically don’t get the full value of your labor, but are also insulated from business risks.

Those “business risks” only exist as a result of the same system that necessitates wage labour: capitalism. The risks generally have to do failing to increase growth and therefore going under due to lack of owner capital. A democratic economy has no owners, only a collective workforce who will together use their resources to fund the company and pay their own wages - this means there is no need for growth. That huge risk no longer exists.

Yes, yes, once there’s a communist revolution that actually results in “real” communism and thus utopia get back to me. But, umm, we’ve had several attempts at communist revolutions and they never seem to actually turn out that way, largely because of a combination of people being greedy (good luck fixing that) and communist revolutions tending to create the sort of power vacuums that lead to authoritarian takeovers in relatively short order. Although, under that system good luck creating games that don’t glorify the Party, because that is of course the purpose of all art.

Failing to increase growth is not necessarily a problem. Failing to generate revenue in excess of costs is a problem. The need for endless growth is specifically an issue for publicly traded companies, because the charter almost necessarily says the function of the company is to increase shareholder value, and shareholders are going to do whatever they have to do to increase both their dividends and hypothetical sale value of their shares as much as possible, because that is what most benefits them. The incentive model is a bit different for a co-op.

<span style="color:#323232;">If this usually didn’t pay off for the employer, then basically every business would be a co-op

That’s not even worth thinking about. We live in capitalism. Of course working with a capitalist model would work best - it’s the only way to ensure profits for the owners.

Of course it is worth thinking about.

You’ve got basically two scenarios - one in which a business owner assumes the risks of operating the business and pays workers an agreed upon wage regardless of the revenue that results. In this case the worker gets the same benefit for their labor no matter what, and the owner is attempting to get more value from the worker’s product than he paid for it in wages, supplies, and materials. If he does, he reaps the benefit and if he doesn’t he eats the loss.

In the other scenario, the workers and the owners are the exact same people. Meaning the workers assume the costs of operating the business and the risks that it won’t result in revenue in excess of those costs but also reaps the benefit if it does. Sometimes this occurs as a co-op, but more often as an entrepreneur in which someone starts a small business in the hopes that they can generate revenue in excess of their costs and thus profit.

<span style="color:#323232;">(because no one would be willing to pay someone to do a job if they weren’t willing to take a share of the risk)

You’re still assuming an owner. A democratic workplace wouldn’t have an owner - they’d all share responsibility for the business. And pay would be agreed democratically.

I’m assuming a free market instead of a centrally controlled economy. I’m specifically talking about the reason why we trend towards wage labor over entrepreneurs or co-ops, even in fields where the barriers to entry are as low as can be. Most of the workforce is unwilling to accept the financial risk of failing to generate revenue in excess of costs, and so sell their labor at some agreed upon fixed rate that they will receive regardless of month-to-month revenue for better or worse.


Why not? Why do workers and owners being exactly the same set of people make it impossible to successfully develop games? This is an extra-important question to answer because a lot of these indie dev companies are a dozen or so people in total.

Lot money divided by many people = little money

Lot money in one person not divided. Still lot

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

Also - didn’t say it made it impossible to develop a game. Nice go making weird assumptions, though.

demonsword, (edited )
@demonsword@lemmy.world avatar

You do realize indie devs consisting of one or two people are also businesses, right?

seems to me that there’s some sort of critical mass they need to achieve first before the fuckery sets in, small teams aren’t “evil” (yet) simply because they can’t be (yet)

EDIT I mean “evil” as in “we want profit above all else, let’s milk this cow dry until she dies”

Joker, do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives

I’m gonna have to say Mass Effect has them both beat. Judy was awesome in Cyberpunk 2077, but romancing aliens in Mass Effect was just too good.

Poggervania, do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives
@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Meanwhile, Baldur’s Gate 3 be like “any% sex speedrun WR 2:18”



The current record is 2:04

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

AKA “Fun with boxes, dead bodies, and breaking physics.”



Current record, according to speedrun.com, is 2:02.950.

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

wr is like 2 minutes btw


I’m determined to remains faithful to my soulmate Karlach, but it’s sooo hard, everybody is practically throwing themselves at me.

starman2112, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives
@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not pictured: Sarah and your character being the most obnoxiously affectionate couple

Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue? Cause that ain’t me

This is of course after “flirting” with her for a while. Is outright saying “I love you” even flirting? And why did it take three separate instances of outright saying “I love you” for Sarah to get the hint that maybe my character has feelings for her?

And while I’m ranting, why couldn’t I invite my parents to our wedding? We brought in her mom who she hasn’t seen in 20 years, but my parents literally live 5 minutes away from the lodge and I couldn’t invite them? “They don’t have a ship” I HAVE A SHIP


The answer to your questions, and so many more, is: because it’s Starfield.


Fr, I should have waited for starfield before playing bg3. I’ve become spoiled.

Do not, my friends, become addicted to good writing. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


I did the same as you. It’s a shame that we’ve had our standards lowered to the point where we feel like we’re being spoiled, if the game is presented without plot-gape.


Agreed. The amount of reactivity is truly stunning as well. Even if the broad strokes don’t change much, it really helps the immersion when you get a voice line acknowledging the way you did or didn’t do something.

Oh well, on the plus side update 3 is soon so I can do a durge + Minthara run.

superduperenigma, (edited )

can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true



Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue?

Yes, Every day.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

It's clear that much of the work on this game was done by like 30 different companies.

Every single thing about it feels disjointed, disconnected, half assed and schizophrenic.

And then when you go into NG+, it makes all that feel like childs play and gets really stupid.

It links into conversations in some places, but not in others where it would make actualy sense.

You can opt to not tell Constelation you're Starborn and then instantly take them into space on your alien spaceship without a single question asked by any of them.

They'll comment on your powers, long before you're at the part of the main quest where you normally get them.

All the dialogue and relationships are even blander than the actual main story, which seems to have been written by some Tumblr jackass that was so shit they even got rejected by The Witcher tv-show writing staff.

If Bethesda had just said "hey, we created this space framework and now it's up to modders to make an actual game out of this", I could've respected that.

It would've been more honest than delivering this disjointed mess of a game.

Another big annoyance I've had with Starfield is that they broke one of the sacred rules of Bethesda games with it.

In the past, if you stumbled upon something while exploring, killed or solved it, then went to someone who had a quest related to what you did, they would acknowledge you already did what they wanted you to do and you could move on.

In Starfield, they hide, lock and don't even spawn quite a lot of things, so you can only find them, if you're sent to them by a quest giver.

This game that is all about freedom and exploration has almost all relevant content that isn't flavor locked away behind being told to go somewhere, rather than exploring the star systems and finding them.

WintLizard, (edited )
@WintLizard@sopuli.xyz avatar

Bro thats a pretty big main quest spoiler to drop unmarked

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

The main quest is utterly irrelevant and a detriment to the rest of the game.

The whole game would've been better without that main quest even existing.

And knowing what happens has no relevance to the game you play, especially since it makes the rest of the game completely irrelevant if you dare finish the main quest.

That's the point. It's meaningless to the point of it making the game worse by even existing.

And that's without the issues I mentioned originally, where while it's just utter shit, it's also really badly integrated.


The main quest has been a detriment to the game since like Oblivion.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m going to just shit out my ultimate unpopular opinion right here, in mild defense of Endorkend, thanks.

If a plot point is enough to ruin a story, it was not a well written story to begin with.

Stories live and die through character development and growth. Weak stories often rely on things like twists and unexpected plot turns. Strong stories can often have these elements, but they don’t lean on them.

Strong stories I return to again and again, because the story is strong even though I already know the story. Knowing the story doesn’t ruin repeat watches/plays/readings of the media if the story is successful at being a good story. Well written stories with deep, interesting characters achieve that.

I’ve been playing Starfield and it has somehow worse writing and voice acting than a lot of previous Bethesda titles, which is saying a lot because it’s not like they’re not well known for weak writing at this point. It has a lot of strengths that have been kind of overlooked because it’s just generally kind of boring, but it does have them. Those strengths are not in the storytelling.

I don’t think this plot point spoils the game at all, instead it reveals how utterly weak the narrative they’ve crafted is.

@WintLizard@sopuli.xyz avatar

I mean I’m at the point where I just met the starborn, and speculating with my partner on who they are has been a lot of fun. I was really looking forward to finding out. It is kind of a bummer to just have someone drop it in a random comment in a thread about the romance plots.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s legit a bummer, friend. I guess what I should have also said is: art is subjective. My take doesn’t make it true (it’s just like, my opinion, man), but I think that while it’s a bummer for you, if you really think it’s a good game, it won’t stop you from enjoying it for a long time. I hope you do.


Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue?

Yes, that’s actually a really cute and sweet thing to do.


Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue?

Yes actually, and quite often. I want my wife to know how much she means to me and how glad I am to share our lives together.

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

You got lucky and found someone perfect for you.


Absolutely! I’m completely blessed, and she feels the same way. I’ve read before that the best relationships are those where each person thinks they got the better end of the deal, and I would say that’s true for us.

Matriks404, (edited ) do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023

Finished first Quake recently (EXCELLENT game, still very much playable even after nearly 3 decades, definitely 9/10), and currently playing Perdition’s Gate, it is kinda unofficial Doom 2 expansion released in 1996, and it had chance to be included in Final Doom (which are two additional official episodes for Doom 2), but ultimately it was decided against it.

Perdition’s Gate is kinda interesting as it has some unique elements and I genuinely enjoyed it even though there are probably much better Mega WADs nowadays, later maps are too short though, and it looks like they have made them only to accomplish 32 maps total like in the original game. Secret maps are also… odd… definitely not bad, but… just odd (and disappointing to some extent I guess), although I am not going to spoil them for you. Also the locations for secrets are also weird.

Interesting and odd is I think the best description for this Expansion/WAD.

BowtiesAreCool, do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives

You don’t get sex cutscenes but your charter definitely fucks in starfield. When you sleep when your romantic companion is following you they will have dialogue that you slept together.


Give it a few months, there will definitely be a mod. Pretty sure there has been for every Bethesda game since Morrowind.


I can’t find it rn, but some dude was getting an unhinged amount of upset about the way they handled the character models or something. Claimed it would make horny mods much more difficult to make than Skyrim.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

As far as I've seen, CBBE, Fusion Girl and Bodytalk authors all talked on this subject.

Previously in Skyrim and FO4, you could pretty much just drop in either the body or a body and a skeleton and you could replace every single body in the game with something better. That is not the case this time around.

So we're probably going to need a separate mod developer (someone focused on code rather than modeling and rigging) to implement an infrastructure to facilitate doing what the older engines could do by default.

Previously, Bodyslide/outfit studio and Looksmenu simple extended what you could do with these skeletons and bodies, they weren't actually required to use those.

Now we'll likely need those types of systems plus even more, simply to get basic body replacements to work.

Having played the game, I also have a feeling they dumbed down the animation engine and made it worse than it already was, which may cause issues for the sex frameworks to port animations from the older games over.


Thanks for explaining it. Part of my wonders if making that harder was intentional. With how sanitized the game is, part of me thinks BSG isn’t exactly happy the existence of loverslab lol.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Dunno, from a developer perspective, most of the changes in the engine regarding models, clothing slots and the like/ seem to be created to make the workflow with external companies easier, by being exponentially more restrictive. Which is hilarious to me as there's nowhere near enough clothing or space suit variety in this game for that to even matter.

If you hire 10 companies or people to make 100 pants and another 10 to make 100 blouses and another 10 to make 100 shoes and another 10 to make 100 gloves, you need to have all those checked and cross referenced with each other internally to make sure they fit and don't clip. That's 100x100x100x100 (100 million) different combinations from 40 different sources.

Now if instead you hire 10 companies or people to do 500 complete outfits, you have but to look at them once and that's done.

Now if you simple have no body under any clothes, the clothes cover everything and just 1 clothing slot that doesn't conform to any body sliders other than the "fat/fit/skinny" one, you can remove the need for bodies and clothes to fit each other all together.

It also looks like where Skyrim and FO4 tended to have the body underneath clothes (which is why with mods, bodies could clip through the clothes), Starfield simply replaces the whole body with a spacesuit/clothing item that's rigged to the skeleton. The body you can see when you take of your clothes off simply isn't there.

This causes the additional issue that to make suits and clothes work with stuff like CBBE/Fusion Girl/Bodytalk correctly, and allow for exposed skin on more skimpy looking clothes, you'll have to almost completely replicate all spacesuits and clothes in the game, to actual fit a body as FO4 and Skyrim did, rather than simply fit a skeleton. Otherwise they won't change looks and shape with the underlying body sliders for body proportions.

The system in Skyrim and FO4 was already very fidgetty, but the modding community actually did great work in making it all work relatively seamlessly imho.

But it looks like for Starfield, they super simplified all that to the point of no longer having layered clothes or even bodies under clothes.

There's also the issue where instead of hands/arms/separate items for first person view, it now looks like you just have arms with the hands integrated, which makes adding gloves separate from the armor or nice hands/nails/rings to the game either impossible, or a functionality that has to be re-added by moders on an engine level.

It's all not to bother modders, but to make using external development farms easier and less error prone.

Trust me, Bethesda knows full well that the longevity of their games, what made them able to sell Skyrim 3 times on lord knows how many diffferent platforms, in a decade, is all down to the modding community and sex mods.

Any animosity against Loverslab and any other sort of lewd mods is like Christian Conservatives acting all offended over anything sexual to then be the primary porn consumer in every single area they exist in.

Cause that's how it is. You can look at porn trends and from those trends alone know what the current hate topic is with Christian conservatives.

When they are being extra racist towards black people, it's woman getting gangbanged by black dudes.
When they are being extra racist towards middle eastern people, Mia Khalifa is at the top of the charts.
When they are being hateful towards LGBTQ, wheee, trans and gay porn is on the rise.

Same for Bethesda, if they say anything against the modding community, it's a farce, they know full well these people saved their bacon over and over again.

Because without mods, most of the games they made themselves tend to be oceans with the depth of a puddle that have moderate longevity.

FO3:NV being a major exception, because it was made by a different company.


Awesome comment! I learned stuff and the porn trends as a reflection of bigotry makes a lot of sense.

It does seem the trend in BSG is simplifying stuff. ES3 to ES4 lost medium armor, throwing weapons, all sorts of stuff. Same for every subsequent game. As miffed as the loss of depth makes me, it’s hard to be mad if it genuinely makes life easier on the devs.

Would that simplification if workflow you talked about extend to easing the creation of new clothing items that don’t try to “color outside the lines”? As you said, not a lot of space suit variety, but does it make easier to just make a new suit and not have to worry about body clipping?

As a complete side note: it’s truest amazing what the Skyrim modding community built. I recently installed a nexus collection with nearly 800 mods. It’s basically an entirely new game. It’ll be wild to see what happens if starfield can attract that passion.

Thanks again for the in-depth responses.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

I'd agree with making life easier on the devs, if that was the purpose.

The purpose is making everything cheaper by removing complexity. And said removal of complexity, makes for far less varied content in the game. If your system is strong enough to spawn large crowds in the game, it quickly becomes obvious there isn't much variety in terms of clothes and armors in the game.

As for making it easier to make full armors, sure, but only full armors.

One of the big things that has made the modding scene so vibrant is because slot item clothes have been created and ported over since Morrowind and Fallout 3.

It makes it so that there is a large volume of mods that simply carry over with minimal work.

Making it simple being the key requirement.

If you now want to import just the whole of the VTAW collection for Fallout 4 and the many variants created for it by other modders to Starfield, you'll have to combine all variations of all 100 something clothing sets and armors, manually, instead of simply being able to wear all individual pieces.

And like I said earlier, that's not 100x a job (that's how many sets there are in VTAW, each with 5-15 items per outfit), but 100(hands)x100(shoes)x100(coat)x100(pants)x100(left arm armor)x100(right arm armor)x100(left leg armor)x100(right leg armor)x100(shirts)x100(mouth, yes that's actually an official slot)x100(underwear)x100(hats)x100(jewelry)x100(glasses/masks)x100(other accessories), etc, etc, etc, etc, etc combinations you have to combine and bring together and edit.

It won't only make for an obscene amount of work, but will also make the disk size requirements for all these combinations go from 1000 or so items to exponentially more, as every combination now is its own mesh, rather than simply a reference to an item slot.

In FO4, there are 60+ item slots (with modding tools, there's even more than that). The most commonly known and used by Bethesda themselves for vanilla assets are:

Mouth (for cigars, cigarettes, lower face maks, surgical masks, etc, etc)
Left Arm
Right Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg
Boots / Full outfit (they use the boots slot to equip single mesh outfits)

But there are also slots in the background for jewelry, earings, ring (like the weddingring), top hair, long hair, undershirts, underpants, beards, eyepatches, shoulders, belts, capes/backpacks, left hand, right hand, bracelets, weapon on back, leg addons like gunbelts, headbands, necklace/scarves, offhand weapon, etc, etc and many more agreed upon and assigned by the modding community.

Starfield as far as I can see only has suit/clothes, helmet/cap, backpack and gun slots. None of them layered.

So to release mods with many clothing and accessory items, you'll have to manually combine all of these or only release a few full outfits.
And you won't have a choice in what body you use as they need to be baked into the single outfit.

What made Skyrim and FO4 so awesome was the fact you could pick and combined all these different mods, some pants from here, some shirt from there, a standard left light armor on one arm, a modded right arm armor on the other arm, a gun holster on one leg, a standard armor on the other, a mask from some obscure mod and a hat from some sex mod.

Easy peasy to have a completely unique outfit and even possible to use mods to have every single NPC in the game use a random outfit comprised out of all the available clothes items you loaded into the game through mods.

You could really make every single NPC you came across wear something unique to them very easily.

Starfield now has about 40 armors and about as many (or a little more) full outfits (of which many are just very small variations on the same full outfit), but that still only makes 100 or so possible clothing and 100 or so possible hat combinations.

In Fallout 4, even with only the default clothes and armor, you had less "sets" of armors (light/mid/heavy variants of metal/leather/gunner/atom/minutemen/raiders/covenant/etc,etc), but you were able to combine any one of them to result in far more possible armor combinations than the 40 in Starfield.

In Skyrim and FO4, you could load thousands of clothing and armor items into the game and wear any combination of any of them and have NPCs wear any combination of them.


Thanks for going into detail! I don’t really have anything to add, but that was an interesting read.

dingus, do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, this meme is accurate, because that’s about how expressive the faces are in Starfield…


It’s also how the NPCs pose regularly in Cyberpunk.


Wdym? They also smile weirdly at the least appropriate times. They got that serial killer grin.

@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

Still not sure what creeps me out more, the weird facial expressions or them laser focusing their attention at you most of the time.

And then not at all at times they should.

odium, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives

Witcher 3 also has a similar thing to cyberpunk. It really is a dev rizz diff.

Fades, do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule

Holy shit talk about fucking NOTHING. I guess elder scrolls is just forever fucked into live service content-at-a-slow-trickle-pace hell?

Who the fuck asked for any of this shit, doom and maybe dishonored aside???

@Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

Are you talking about Elder Scrolls Online? They’ve been on the once a quarter release cycle for a while now, most of this is old news.

Goronmon, do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule

Are you sure it was the FTC and not Microsoft that posted the materials incorrectly?



Why do we keep linking that shitty elon musk website, we’ve had news about how horrible a person he is yet people keep linking twitter and giving him traffic

GreenMario, (edited ) do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule

Doom Year Zero?

Was kinda hoping for Quake 5.

And no Wolfenstein 3? They’re leaving that on a cliffhanger because Zenimax demanded more live service games and Youngblood flopped?

JJROKCZ, do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule

So considering that starfield got pushed 2 years it’s safe to assume Elder scrolls 6 got pushed at least that as well so 2026/7 for that, a full 15 years after elder scrolls 5

@Dasnap@lemmy.world avatar

But you got so many ESO expansions in that time! /s


I played ESO at release and had a lot of fun for a bit, now I understand it’s moved to a f2p game with a thousand expansions so I’m super behind and I just don’t feel like catching back up or trying it again as I’m just not into online stuff much anymore


MMOs don’t feel practical these days with so many games to play. Who has that much time to dedicate to one game?

I’m not sure if the game market has changed, or just my perspective of time. Probably both.


Bit of both, people have less time on average, and its hard to break into the MMO market when its only dominated by giants due to the amount of content required to make a competant mmo.

There is still a huge market though.


I hate thinking about how old I will be when it gets released and how young I was when I saw the stupid trailer for it. BLEGH.

Fwow13, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023
@Fwow13@lemmy.ml avatar

I recently introduced Untitled Goose Game to my 10 year old daughter, and now that’s all she wants to do with me every evening after her little sister goes to bed. So… That’s pretty much all I’ve been playing.

We’ll see what the next obsession will be.

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