
Thorny_Insight, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)

My Logitech G5 is like 18 years old and other than being dirty it has basically zero wear on it. Only thing that’s falling apart is the braiding around the wire


Mine still works too, got it at BestBuy on clearance when they switched to the 2 side button G5. It just doesn’t fit my hand well anymore.

sleepmode, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Enderal. Went in blind. So far, lots of screaming and running from spiders when my mana runs out. Story and dialog actually has some meat, so am enjoying.

slaacaa, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)

Good choice buying the second for backup. As a console game pr I know nothing about mouses, but I would assume they don’t make this anymore after a decade.

@CH3DD4R_G0BL1N@sh.itjust.works avatar

They won’t make them and people will either be selling your old fave model new or (not really) lightly used for about $500 if it was at all popular. Always buy a backup once you’re in love


I bought all seventeen that was in stock for my last favourite mouse.

First one lasted eight years so I’ve got a lifetime supply and some backups.

@CH3DD4R_G0BL1N@sh.itjust.works avatar

17D chess move. That’s the way to do it

UndercoverUlrikHD, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Just tried the portal: revolution. Obviously missing GLaDOS’ voice, but the puzzle are neat so far.


Been playing this too, it’s great.

Unfortunately am hitting some hard lockups in the last chapter or two on Deck so have put it down for now - seems to be a common issue based on some forum posts and ProtonDB.

I played through Portal Reloaded just before this which was excellent too, the puzzles are SUPER hard though, way harder than Revolution.


Doesn’t the game run natively on Linux? Surprised the Deck would run into issues.

the puzzles are SUPER hard though, way harder than Revolution.

I feel pretty rusty just doing the puzzles in revolution, not sure I would have the time for even harder ones 😬


Yeah it does. Apparently running in Windows under Proton is less problematic but performs a lot worse, so I didn’t bother. I’m sure it will get fixed, guessing the end of the game probably just isn’t as well tested as the first 80% because that was pretty flawless

Caesium, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

lots of pokemon here! I’ve got a randomized version of Black on my phone, trying to shiny dex Moon and am slowly going thru the story of Violet


Have you played Pokemon Unbound? Always hearing good things about that one but never tried myself

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer, do gaming w Oh trust me. I know your frustration better than you do.

Idgaf about the orientation typically. But if it’s gonna be explicitly called out, then it better be significant to the character’s identity, otherwise it’s just meaningless attempts for the developer to ingratiate themselves with the LGBTQ without so much as providing a representative character of substance. I can’t think of any examples of these off the top of my head, but there were some games and/or shows where I lost interest because every character was whatever different flavor of sexual and I was just like “this contributes nothing at all to the story, who tf cares about that shit?”


Recommend looking into “mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors” by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop for academic discussion on it. TL;DR it’s good for kids.


then it better be significant to the character’s identity

I was saying the same thing a few years back, but now I don’t even think it’s the case. I think it’s more like “if it’s significant to the character’s identity or the game’s world, make it make sense”.

For example, Cyberpunk’s Judy was a great character. You could have several full playthroughs, and wouldn’t know she was into girls if you didn’t try to jump her bones that one time. You could maybe infer she was more than just good friends with that other character. And that’s how it should be. I mean in normal conversation it comes up very rarely who are you into sexually.

All I’m saying, it’s not natural in real life to know who everyone would do in real life, and it’s not natural in a video game.


I have a story plan I’m tossing around, and trying to decide something around this. It’s nothing so complex - basically, there’s a nation that has historically been extremely homophobic, and as a result, a mid-sized cabal of defectors that the book follows are gay. One of those situations where an observer (in or out of universe) could tiredly claim it doesn’t matter to them, except that it apparently does matter to this fictional nation.


That’s the perfect counterexample, because their sexual identity is directly tied to their motive in the story’s conflict. That is the kind of writing that deserves respect.


Eh, I’ve seen plenty of attempts of character having a heterosexual tendencies while there is no need for them. Like tons of Disney movies.

If people don’t get bothered by those, then they shouldn’t be bothered by LGBTQ+ characters having their sexuality shoehorned in.

In the end, a character is a character. And there are people acting extremely flamboyant in the real world, so why wouldn’t they be allowed to exist in media?

Thann, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

Meanwhile a good Xbox controller will only last 100 hours


I’ve used my xbox 360 controller pretty much daily since 2008, mostly on my pc. Looks as good as new, but with some tiny stick drift since a couple of months back

@jackpot@lemmy.ml avatar

csn you get stick drift repaired?


If you have a soldering iron and know how to use it, the repair costs less than 5 dollars with parts from China. It’s not hard, I wrecked one board by getting it too hot while desoldering the old sensor. You live and learn.


Same!! Not daily, but at least 30-40 times a year for over a decade! Happy to find another 360 controller user. Those Xbox 360 controllers are fantastic.

Had to stop using them last year. I had the wireless adapter plugged into a windows 10 computer, and its drivers kept failing to be recognized after every restart. After maybe the hundred time, I gave up and bought a $20 USB knockoff which so far, feels the same!

samus12345, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

RIP my baby, hello, baby’s brother, hello, my ragtime gal…

Feidry, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)

Looks like my 12 year old MX518 looked like when I retired it for a G400s.

@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

My MX518 is still sees daily use, just with a family member now. I think it’s old enough to drink now (edit: not American lmao). The Logitech logo at the palm has been worn down to nothing but otherwise doesn’t look too bad.


Yeah, the reason I stopped using mine was because the feet wore off and I felt like it was time to upgrade to the better laser of the G400s. Otherwise, they’re the same mouse. Buttons in the same place, same shape. Different color, better laser and bigger feet.

@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

I replaced mine with a G Pro Wireless. Similar enough shape that it was still comfortable to switch to but lightweight and no cable to snag. Wouldn’t go back to having a cable, such a huge improvement.


Yeah, I can’t stand wireless mice. But enjoy!

solitaire, (edited ) do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

I dug out my old Logitech Driving Force GT from the closet and blew off the dust. I haven’t gotten into a new (to me) racing game since Gran Turismo 5. The hardcore simulationist trend doesn’t interest me, I miss proper career modes and I have just had some awful bad luck with games being broken. I just occasionally revisit some classics.

So after many enthusiastic recommendations I grabbed Forza Horizon 5. My first impressions were great. The intro was a lot of fun, with the big set pieces causing me to fight my wheel as it bucked after being long out of practice.

But this was not representative of the actual game. The vast majority of the content is filled by fairly normal races with long stretches driving to them, back and forth across the same stretches of empty open world. It’s sort of like a Ubisoft game, but just cars.

This still could have been a good time. I like the driving model well enough, there is a large selection of cars and the environment, while bland, is certainly much less of an eyesore than what awaits me if I go back to play Need for Speed: Most Wanted for the umpteenth time.

I’ve got some criticisms of the actual racing (the way it generates opponents and their vehicles sucks, the tracks are boring), but what really killed it for me was this slowly creeping, eerie discomfort that built up in the back of my mind over hours until it became overwhelming. The vibes are fucked.

This is Fortnite, the racing game. It’s full of cameos and tie ins with influencers. Brands are plastered everywhere. Microtransaction adverts in most menus. Everyone talks in this creepy, corporate approved “wholesomeness” and aware of how “epic” what they’re doing is. There is a really uncomfortable tension between this huge festival that completely empties Mexico of pedestrians and how much the game fetishizes Americaness.

I wanted to scream during a sub-plot where you race a bunch of rich douche bags who are beefing with some guy at the festival. The game throws out shit like “they shouldn’t be discriminated against for their money, they can’t help the fact they are rich” and talks about fucking therapy. All the writing is this bad, I hate every single character in these inexplicably unskippable cutscenes.

The radio selection is dogshit too.


It’s absurdtpo me how basically no racing game company realizes that one of the key points to have your game be fun is to have some kind of progress. Contemporary racing games literally just throw cars at you in hope to make it fun by constantly giving you new toys.

I get that this is a thing that sells to the masses who /want/ those shiny new toys, but man. Imagine if a big studio actually took the time to improve on the vintage NFS progression formula :(

@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

I hate that a lot of the ones with a progression settle on XP to unlock tiers of cars rather than money and buying them too. I liked going to the used car dealer ship in Gran Turismo and seeing what I could afford.

Contemporary racing games literally just throw cars at you in hope to make it fun by constantly giving you new toys.

Forza Horizon 5 is bizarre for this. It has an acquisition system, but right after the intro you pick one of three cars, all new and not cheap. Then you get a custom rally car from the next race. A bunch of unlocks are going to give even you more cars afterwards, and will keep doing so regularly.

Like hang on, maybe let me work up from one of your cheap, older cars first and work my way up?

But this is also the game that unironically calls you “superstar” from the jump and sucks you off constantly.

AceFuzzLord, do gaming w Oh trust me. I know your frustration better than you do.

I personally don’t understand the whole thing of a fictional character in a video game where there is absolutely no romance anywhere having a preference. I don’t care whether my character in a game like Borderlands is straight, gay, lesbian, or anything in between so long as I can pop the heads off my enemies.


Because a lot of games have a story of some sort and traits can help flesh out a character?


Okay, but then leave it ambiguous and let people think of the character whatever they want. It doesn’t matter if doomguy was gay, it matters that he slays


There’s 2 problems with that

LGBT people deserve explicit representation as much as cishet people do, and cishet representation is all over media

Even if there’s a LGBT coded character people will fight to death to say that they’re actually very straight and that the degenerates are attacking them personally


Deserve how? I might be too simple to understand.

The ratio of representation is off, because the ratio of clientele is off.

When the demand grows, demand from actual paying customers, the representation will rise. Get more diverse people playing and creating games, and you’ll get more diverse games.

Forcing representation has never helped any group, ever.


What makes you think it’s forced and not LGBT creators creating or reinterpretating the characters?

What makes you think that LGBT people aren’t consuming video games? The indie game scene is gay as fuck.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t necessarily disagree, but my question would be how to quantify the number of LGBT characters/games. If we assume LGBT people comprise about 10% of the population, we would expect about 10% of the content should reflect that perspective/experience. To argue that LGBT content should be actively encouraged and expanded, one would have to demonstrate some kind of data regarding the relative prevalence of LGBT content, no?

Or is that point moot, because you believe it’s a desirable outcome to have an inflated media presence due to the fact that the LGBT community is a minority? I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that either, but it’s a very different argument than fighting for equal representation.


I will not rest until all the characters are gay and you will not stop me

In all seriousness, this is a non issue and idk why you’re trying to do some weird gay ratio calculus

imaqtpie, (edited )
@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

It seems to me that you’re the one doing some weird gay ratio calculus. As far as I’m concerned, there is plenty of LGBT representation in video games and LGBT creators and consumers are perfectly able to create and consume all sorts of content that suits their sexual preferences. Sexuality can be emphasized or it can be minimized, depending on the individual preferences of the creators and consumers.

But you think that this state of affairs is problematic, and that we need to be making a strong effort to make sure that video game characters are explicitly stated to be LGBT as much as possible. Feels pretty egocentric; your obsession with having characters in media reflect your own traits would seem to indicate a difficulty empathizing with people from other groups with different experiences.


I just made the following characters gay and/or trans

The Riddler

Crash Bandicoot

All of the characters of Kingdom Hearts

Don Lino from Shark Tale

Your mother

Isaacs mother from The Binding of Isaac

Ness’ mother from EarthBound

I will continue and you cannot stop me.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

You can have whatever headcanon you like, but imagining that fictional characters are gay and getting angry when others don’t indulge your fantasy doesn’t seem like the most enjoyable activity. Just let everyone interpret art however they want. Thank you for your cooperation.


You are now gay

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Always has been


Why do I think that? Because that’s how a capitalist market works.

Demand creates potential value. And no game developer would leave potential value untapped.

If there were a few really bestselling LGBT games, others would hop on the wagon, the market will get saturated for a while, and then it levels out a bit and some good concepts remain.


They deserve it, because they exist.

They aren’t doing anything wrong by existing.

So developers should not have their creative freedom of using non-cis characters in their stoies taken away.


And then of the characters significant other is important? Like they complained about Spimer-Man 2, despite the playable characters not even being gay. We know that because we know who they are after.

It Takes Two. Me and my boyfriend played it. Beautiful game. Loved it. Plan to wait a few years and play it with him again. It’s about a straight couple. I can’t imagine how that game would work if we didn’t know that. Like I guess we could keep stretching the argument to “Well they could be bi”, I guess. We don’t need to know that. But it kind of helps to know they’re married to know the story. Otherwise it’s gonna get weird with the kid involved.

We don’t have to try and out progressive everyone for everything. A story can have a romance and we can see the romance and we can know who they’re dating and we can know they’re sexuality. None of this is the issue.

Your example would make sense in Doom. Sure. I’ve literally never seen anyone ask for it in doom. It’s a terrible example because it’s not that kind of game.

But for many games where the story is actually a big part, and not for games like Doom where the story really doesn’t matter, it’s fine. We can still celebrate love in really any shape or form(thats not harmful). If a game wants to avoid it, thats also fine. Once again, not arguing every game needs it. But if that’s the story, that’s the story, and it seems pointless to be angry that you know who a character is dating.

The movement for queer acceptance isn’t for people to be hush hush and for us to make the closet bigger to invite straight people in. It’s to get people out.

@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

Couldn’t he slay more fabulously though, if he was gay?


He killed demons with a chainsaw, the man has style


That’s an interesting one because I actually always headcannon doom guy as gay ever since I was a kid and it was just being silly, always pictured him as a badass marine that loves sucking cock and he’s fighting his way to hell because his bf died and was sent there.

Duke Nukem on the other hand was explicitly hetro which is fun, I would have also enjoyed in a different game a character like the duke who was aggressively homosexual or even better a good representation of a ego obsessed badass power bottom that has all sorts of fun quips like ‘I’m here to suck cock and kick ass, and I already drained everyone’s balls…’ it would be silly, fun, and we could have lots of shots of his toned butt and stuff… But no, thirty years later and people are still scared of fun. Sad.


Nurse_Robot, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

God of War: Ragnarok. I’m loving it, about 35 hours in so far and I think I’m getting near the end? But I’ve also skipped a lot of side quests. I’m playing on the second hardest difficulty, but I have had to lower it twice for (optional) boss fights. Some of the optional bosses are ridiculously challenging, which is the point, but after 30 deaths I usually decide I’d have more fun just lowering the difficulty and getting it over with.

Wahots, do gaming w This is what 11 years of usage to to a mouse. RIP my baby, hello baby's brother (I bought it somewhere 2014 after I fell in love with the first one)
@Wahots@pawb.social avatar

What brand are these mice? Never seen them before.

imkali, (edited )

Looks to be a Speedlink Prime Z-DW


I think you linked to something else



oh shit lmao thanks for pointing that out, i edited my comment.


Looks like it’s Speedlink.

B0NK3RS, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
@B0NK3RS@lemmy.world avatar

Football Manager 2024

I wouldn’t even call myself a football fan but the management part if very fun. Currently in the 6th tier and working on promotion.

Circuit Superstars

I bought the Switch Version so I can just pick up and play whenever and so far it is very good. It’s a nice mix of arcade racing with some realistic parts like pit stops and tyre wear. Hopefully online racing is still populated so I can give that a go.

Yerbouti, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Guitar and a bit of ukulele since a few months

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