HawlSera, do gaming w The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning

Well, if the choices are content warning or “We censored this 20 year old game that no one ever complained about!”

The less offensive decision is obvious.


Hey to be fair, I have heard several people complain about the gratuitous boob shots. Still happy that it stayed the same, but it’s still a bit iffy by today’s standards no?

snowbell, avatar

Wouldn’t it be more acceptable today?


MGSV was 8 years ago and had gratuitous boob shots and poorly-reasoned near-nudity and it was relentlessly complained about for that. I’d reason that a majority of the controversy surrounding that game was only related to Quiet.


Yeah, but you realize we don’t apply this logic to other media? I mean Gone With the Wind is pretty racist, but was acceptable for the time, if I go out and buy a DVD of Gone with the wind, it’s going to be the same movie released ages ago, just in some better quality. Same if I look it up on a streaming service or if I buy it on Blu-ray.

I mean if you were remaking Gone With the Wind or Metal Gear Solid then yeah, sure you would probably update elements of it. Kind of like how the modern remake of Birth of a Nation, does not side with the clan, but if I go out and watch the original on a screaming service, it’s still going to be the same fucked up KKK propaganda bullshit.

But for some reason, we feel the need to censor video game re-releases, sometimes not even re-release it, look at Undead and undressed or skullgirls, games that existed for over a decade without controversy, suddenly getting a patch out of nowhere that sensors content to be compatible with today’s sensibilities. Causing fans to be distressed by the fact that the product they paid for is no longer the product they have, and it wasn’t as if you had a new influx of players fully embracing the fact they can now play a version of Skullgirls with weaker Illusions to police brutality or version of Undead and undressed that doesn’t use the word trap.

An argument could also be made that, we cannot get a more Progressive Society if we keep censoring the artwork of the past. After all you can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you have been, by pretending that the world is always been this inoffensive Bastion of Tolerance, we actually damage future progress that we could make towards a brighter tomorrow. We should be able to look at old media, and take note of what no longer flies and why these things were problematic.

Because if I’m watching a version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show that doesn’t have the song about being a Sweet Transvestite from transsexual transylvania, then I’m not watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Thank you for your very thorough response.

My response was about the “that no one ever complained about” part of your initial comment. That is simply untrue, plenty of people have complained about it since the game was released.

I am also in favor of keeping the original and giving content warnings and relevant info or commentary, as this is the best way to integrate our sometimes troubled past in our future vision.

But I also feel that the word censorship is used very strongly here. The old metal gear solid games are in no way being “undone” or “hidden” by the existence of a new version. I feel that a CRT and a physical controller are also part of the original, is this then also being censored in the new version? Even if it is just a remaster, some decisions will be made to adapt it technically to modern systems, I don’t see why doing the same in terms of some painfully dated content is considered censorship instead of just a new version. Just reducing some of the blatant boob gazing doesn’t retroactively destroy the original Snake Eater in my opinion. But I guess it depends on what you see as a rerelease vs remaster vs remake. If you expect to have the exact original experience that I understand that you don’t want anything changed, but then I also think you’re best of playing the original.


It is interesting that you are telling me to go out and play the original if I want an unchanged version of the game, except that defeats the point of a remaster. A big reason why these remasters are done is simply so that I can play the original game on Modern Hardware without having to go out of my way to track down Legacy Hardware that may be difficult to work fine or go for a very Hefty price, and all without being able to support the company that made the original.

If you censor a product I enjoy in order to get other people in on it, even a little bit, what you are doing is essentially robbing Peter to pay paul, I already liked this game. Why should something I like be taken from me on the off chance that someone who didn’t like it before, might enjoy it now?

Yes a lot of old media is rather dated, but I think we need to have some understanding of things being acceptable for their time, or an understanding that values dissonance is a real thing, and something that was considered Progressive 10 years ago maybe considered offensive now.

Plus, morality is highly subjective, maybe I think having a lot of shots of boobs and asses is great as it creates an environment that strive to be sex positive. Sex positivity being something that is very much a good thing in my own moral compass.

If you are going to sensor new releases of old products, it really should just have a toggle. If you want the original click this button, if you want a version that has been modified to Modern sensibility, push the other button. I feel like that’s the best way to do it. As media preservation is highly important, and we cannot censor the past just because the present disagrees with it.

sub_, do gaming w The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning

I’m wondering if Kojima’s name would be erased from the box / intro screen? I think Konami did something like that for MGS V.

minishoemaze, avatar

I’ve only started the phantom pain but during the intro it feels like “A HIDEO KOJIMA GAME” pops up every 30 seconds lol


Yes, that’s also true.

Konami did scrube Kojima’s name from the box

People were joking that the devs decided to shows Kojima’s name like in every 15 mins of the game as a retaliation

minishoemaze, avatar

Wow, I didn’t know that! Bleh

lowleveldata, do gaming w The Metal Gear Solid Collection is so true to Hideo Kojima's "original vision" that it needed a new content warning

And the first-person ‘check out Eva’s breasts’ section of MG3

Checking out a hot lady is hardly offensive… right? Right!?

ono, do gaming w Nintendo has filed over 30 Tears of the Kingdom patents, registering things you wouldn't even notice in the game

Here’s the original article:

Sounds like Nintendo wants to go on a litigation spree.

A related patent defines a mechanic that prevents Link from grabbing an object he is on top of using Ultrahand, which also seems rather intuitive. The patent does, however, go into details such as the mechanic also blocking Link from using Ultrahand on objects which have been joined to an object he is on top of.

The word “obvious” comes to mind.

“a game processing method capable of enriching game presentation during a waiting period in which at least part of the game processing is interrupted” and consists of filling up the loading period that ensues after the user inputs their fast travel destination with a sequence in which an image of the starting point’s map transitions into a map of the destination. After this sequence, the character is placed into the virtual space of the destination.

So, that thing films have been doing for decades?

I hope the patent examiners have some sense in their heads when considering these.


I will say that map loading screen thing is obvious but I've never seen it before in a video game and it was a small detail I really loved.


Yes, it’s nice.

Thankfully, we can appreciate things that are obvious or aren’t novel without granting a society-funded monopoly on them. In fact, both those criteria generally disqualify them from patent, for good reason.


Good point. Don't get me wrong, I am definitely not in support of them getting a patent for it, and I'm against patents in general. I'm just saying I loved it more than I expected, and want to see it more.

mojo, do gaming w Hades player beats unmodded 64 Heat difficulty run - "arguably unachievable in thousands of hours"

God damn that’s an insane run


Those last few seconds were absolutely hair-raising, even if we already knew how it was going to end!


If there a commentary to explain what’s going on?


The two YouTube links from Haelian in my summary set up the context for why this is really hard, and then commentary on the actual run itself.


Thank you, I must have overlooked those links.

p03locke, avatar

Yeah, with all of his safeties exhausted, he beat it with the lowest amount of health possible. One more hit and the run would have been over.


FYI I believe the player uses she/they pronouns

TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

Yeah I watched it on Haelian’s stream and he was so anxious in the third phase even though he knew how it was gonna turn out. That fight was absolutely wild.

Draegur, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea"

“(…) AAA (…) was a truly awful idea”
ftfy dev

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Borderlands company Gearbox buys the rights to beloved indie roguelike Risk of Rain, immediately makes a free-to-play mobile gacha game

Big publishers weaponizing randomization elements in games against the players' wallets. I hate this era of gaming...

Kaldo, avatar

Opening chests with random magical loot used to be fun when I was a kid, a classic fantasy trope, not a monetization shadow pattern :/

hal_5700X, (edited ) do games w Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's open world is inspired by The Witcher 3 and Horizon avatar

or like the OG version. Yeah, the 1997 game was a open world after you leave Midgar.


It was an open world with only one path through it


Once you got the blimp it was legit open world.

DontMakeMoreBabies, do games w Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's open world is inspired by The Witcher 3 and Horizon

Good lord just do the same shit they did with the original but update the graphics.

They're going to ruin this... 😕


The ending of part 1 was literally killing a manifestation of the concept of being a remake. It’s a sequel to FF7R, in which the subtitle “Remake” was a red herring, not part 2 of a remake.

helloharu, (edited ) avatar

Considering how much it smacks you in the face, it amazes me how many people fail to see or completely ignore the subversion of destiny/fate plot point.


No one fails to see that after playing the game. As the person above you said, the game title was deceptive. We were told it was a remake, but were given something else instead.

helloharu, avatar

That’s not what they said at all, especially not in the manner you’re arguing.


Maybe I’m just high, but I can’t for the life of me understand what the fuck this means…lol


Essentially “Remake” was the subtitle of the game, rather than a term like remaster. It was subtle until the end, but you’re remaking the story’s timeline. It’s a sequel, not a remaster or reimagining of the original.

Also, yeah you’re definitely high. Like damn dude.

Donjuanme, do games w Diablo 4 dev on winning players back with Season 2: "It feels like it's enough of a motivating factor for people to come back and play"

Unfortunate for them d3 was so devoid of creativity and hungry for money, d4 doesn’t get a glance of interest from me. RIP bliz your corpse survived long enough to become the villain.

IONLYpost, do gaming w THOSE GAMES is a pitch-perfect parody of "those games" avatar

confusing name ok


The full title is “YEAH! YOU WANT ‘THOSE GAMES,’ RIGHT? SO HERE YOU GO! NOW, LET’S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM!” But the article shortens the title for readibility. I think it’s very straightforward


“Hey, you want to play some YYWTGRSHYGNLSYCT tonight?”

“Yeah, I’d love to play some YYWTGRSHYGNLSYCT, bro.”

“Cool, let’s get our YYWTGRSHYGNLSYC on.”

“Wait, what game?”


You would love the old parody flash game website “”

SubArcticTundra, do gaming w THOSE GAMES is a pitch-perfect parody of "those games" avatar

I wish they had an android version. Sounds like exactly the game I need fkr my otherwise gameless tablet


Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a damn good game, and highly addictive. It's on the older side, but is still actively developed. It's available basically everywhere.

Uli, (edited )

My favorite games on Android:

  1. Shattered Pixel Dungeon
  • [Endlessly replayable roguelike. Clear each floor, identify potions, drink the right one to level up so you can use better weapons and armor, keep your health high and see how deep you can get in the dungeon. Game time only advances when you move.]
  1. Slay the Spire
  • [Deck building game. Use attack, skill, and power cards to beat enemies and earn new cards, use your choice of cards, relics, potions, and card upgrades to create synergies in your deck and make it past all three acts to win the game. Deck resets when you lose (or win).]
  1. Infinitode 2
  • [Tower defense game. Stop enemy shapes from advancing to earn gold, use gold to buy new towers, upgrade your towers, and swap out various types of tower to maximize your efficiency. Keep an eye on how close enemies are getting to your base or it will be overrun before you notice.]
  1. Super Auto Pets
  • [Pocket monster-style battling game. Use a limited amount of resources each turn to buy new bitmoji animals and watch your team face off against a random opponent at the same stage of the game, keep hearts if you win, lose hearts if you lose, get better quality pets each round you progress. See if you can win ten rounds to claim victory.]
  1. Tomb of the Mask
  • [Classic-style 2D arcade game. Use the four directional controls to zip past moving obstacles, collect all the dots on your way to the exit if you can, enjoy the snappy movements and fun retro sound effects. Very reflex-driven.]
  1. Antiyoy
  • [Turn-based hexagon-tiled conquest game. Buy houses to get more income, buy soldiers and towers to protect your land, upgrade soldiers and towers to face off against enemy assets, careful you don’t upgrade them more than your income supports, enjoy the many hundreds of user-submitted maps. Single player by default, or get Antiyoy Online to compete against other players.]
  1. Mindustry
  • [Realtime strategy. Research new technologies, build mining drills, create weapons, face off against enemy forces to control the map. Steep learning curve.]
  1. Dungeon Cards
  • [Tile-based strategy game. Pick a card, help your card survive on a 3x3 grid by using the four directional controls to swap places with any adjacent card, while being careful not to pick fights you can’t win, be strategic about when you pick up weapons and potions. Don’t get caught surrounded by poisons, explosives, or enemies at the wrong moment.]
  1. Atomas
  • [Science-themed matching game. Distribute atoms around a ring, watch atoms merge and transform into larger atoms when they match, set up chain reactions of many atoms each finding their mates at the same time, careful not to fill the ring beyond its capacity. Learn the periodic table in the process.]
  1. I Love Hue
  • [Relaxing color matching game. Get a mess of jumbled tiles on a grid and swap tiles around until they form pleasing gradients along both the y and x axes. Breathe in. Hold… Breathe out.]

Honorable classic game mentions:

  • Chess [It’s chess.]
  • Rummikub [“Rummy-cube”, compete against other players, using tiles from your hand to form “runs” (red3, red4, red5) and “sets” (red3, blue3, black3) in the playing area until a player wins by using all their tiles. At least 3 tiles per set/run, must play 30 points from your own hand on the same turn before manipulating tiles played by others.]
  • Rommy’s Gauntlet [Level-for-level remake of the Windows 95 “Best of Windows Entertainment Pack” classic, Chip’s Challenge. Tile-based puzzle game.]
SubArcticTundra, avatar

Thank you for this list

SeeJayEmm, avatar

Seconding Slay the Spire. I’ve lost many hours to that game.

nx2, do gaming w Diablo 4's latest microtransaction controversy is a $30 portal recolor. avatar

it died a long time ago


With the Worldstone.

MonkderZweite, do gaming w Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is"

how games are actually made

Well, not like yours anymore.

darth_helmet, do games w Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's open world is inspired by The Witcher 3 and Horizon

If the open world in rebirth is like 15, this game will be trash.


Fine, we’ll do the open world like 13.

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