Fafner, do gaming w Why did Baldur's Gate 3 blow up? Larian lead writer says it's thanks to "a big gamble" with CRPG standards avatar

It was because you could fuck the bear.

ono, (edited )

Spoilers suck.

TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

I honestly don’t intend to be rude, so please don’t take this the wrong way. But this is a very minor detail that was featured in prelaunch marketing and went heavily viral. I understand not wanting to encounter spoilers about important events in a game, but this is not that.


I had it spoiled for me as well when the game launched. I didn’t consume any of the promotional material and didn’t see anything about it across my algorithm so fuck me right?

I don’t really care that it was spoiled, like you said it’s not integral. I do care about the flippant attitude that just because 100 other people knew about it already, that means you should too. Real “crabs in a bucket mentality”.


Yeah. It baffles me that some people prefer to make excuses for being inconsiderate, and even suggest that anyone who doesn’t like it leave, rather than simply add a spoiler tag.


this is a very minor detail that was featured in prelaunch marketing and went heavily viral

It is a mistake to assume just because you have encountered something that everyone else has as well. Not everyone follows viral media. Some of us actively avoid it.

And yes, this was indeed a spoiler for me. I would rather it had been a surprise in-game.


It’s totally fair game to discuss what is in official promotional material from months ago in a diacussion thread about the game.

It’s also fair to try to avoid spoilers about the game, but if you are so spoiler averse that you don’t even want to know what was in the games advertisements, you should avoid all discussion threads about the game.

FoundTheVegan, avatar

We as a community should hold ourselves to a higher spoiler standard than the marketing teams.

While I know that sounds like a reach at first, consider other media. Movie trailers tend to give a lot away, but that isn't within the control of the directors. It's done by the studios who are trying to generate as many eyeballs and clicks. Not deliver a complete narrative experince.

I have had the bear bit spoiled for me as well, would have rather seen it blind in game. But oh well, however I don't think that should preclude folk from discussing reviews, mocap and how unusual of a production cycle this game has had. Discussing the game itself doesn't require specfic story points. Much like discussing the Barbie movie set production require details on plot.

!deleted7120 avatar

I’ve had people on here yell “spoilers!” over a thing you literally find out in a character background video in the character creator before the game starts. It’s wild.

I stand by my feeling that if someone is that sensitive about what they think is a “spoiler,” then they’ve really got to not click on anything related to the game, especially comment sections, where people talk about playing the game. It’s on them at that point, because most folks don’t define “spoilers” that broadly.

snowbell, avatar

IMO some people are way too sensitive about spoilers. Why should the entire world have to cater to their desire to not hear about a game? Taken to its extreme it means nobody ever gets to make casual covnersation about a video game. I always wonder whether most people actually care about this or it is just an extremely loud and angry minority. I only have two friends who care about spoilers.

stopthatgirl7, (edited )
!deleted7120 avatar

It’s completely acceptable to not want to hear about major plot points when a game has only been out a month or so, but folks getting mad about stuff that was in promo materials and you can learn before you even start the game proper have really got to recalibrate.

I want to play FF16 but can’t until it comes out on PC, in a good year or two. So am I on game forums or posts about FF16? Nope. I even avoid twitter threads (or did when I was still used twitter), after clicking on one and finding out about a character death randomly, that everyone there knew about because they were playing the game and assumed everyone reading it was, too.

If you’re going to a place where people are talking about a game, you had best be prepared to be spoiled. If you’re not, stay off them until you’ve played the game. You can’t police people talking about minor or funny events in a game they figure other people know about, just because you haven’t played it yet.

!deleted6508 avatar

Knowing you can fuck the bear isn’t the same as knowing what it is like to fuck the bear. I’m glad I know fucking the bear is possible, because now I can go fuck it.

Kyrgizion, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

Which is precisely why I won’t be buying it.


Agreed. I had a blast with the first two, but I fully expect this one to an over monetized mobile game masquerading as a real game.

ADHDefy, avatar

Yep, hard pass. I got all the DLCs I care about for Payday 2 for super cheap in Steam sales, and I'm out. I'll just be playing that. lol

Master, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC avatar

Which horrible drm is it using again?


Denuvo, of course

Paradoxvoid, avatar

Pretty sure it’s a triple whammy - Steamworks, always online, and denuvo to top it off.

Kyoyeou, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

Expected it when I saw it was 39.99€ fully expected it. My brother and I had a lot of fun on the 2nd, we might get the 40€, but it’ll need to be really good for both of us to get the DLC, we rarely do that

JanoRis, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

at least it’s on gamepass

Hiccup, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

Some games just need to fail. This is one of them.

all-knight-party, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC avatar

Payday 2 had so much DLC it made my head spin. Not interested in keeping up with that, as much as I really enjoyed the gameplay of the second.

sylverstream, do xbox w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Thanks @AlexanderTheGreat that’s exactly what I needed! I really miss mini maps. Hopefully they will add that soon to the game itself.


There will surely be mods for that soon. I doubt they’ll add one officially. One good thing about Bethesda games is that basically everything people want can and will become mods.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

I needed something as well so I’m glad Map Genie map some maps!

hypelightfly, do xbox w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Yeah, overall I'm enjoying the game but the star map does suck.


It’s wild that between games like NMS, EVE, Elite, even Satisfactory, there are great examples of what Bethesda should’ve done, but for whatever reason didn’t. There’s so much basic stuff that’s just…missing. I can only hope it’s all eventually modded in so players can have a more complete experience.


Just like Skyrim… Bethesda needs to go tbh


Why? What would their dissolution do for the industry? Making a bad or mediocre game isn’t really that big of a deal. They can make as many games as they want, as far as I’m concerned. The bad ones can just be ignored, and any good ones can be picked up.


The star map? Aren’t the complains about the planets maps? I don’t see what are the issues with the star map .


For me it's the star map and the lack of local map.

The planet maps are fine.


Well with planet map I actually meant the local map, sorry for the confussion.

Melkath, (edited ) do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

Just got access to the beta and I gotta say, I was hyped and now I'm not so sure.

I like the vaulting. The weapons feel a bit crisper.

The new skill system seems weird. The cops are now bullet sponges.

Beyond that, I don't see a major difference. Certainly not enough for me to leave behind my 200 bucks worth of DLC in PD2.

xcxcb, (edited )

I have access too and it looks like online matchmaking is not optional in this one. It’s going to be a hard pass from me especially when randos can’t get past the first mission on the easiest difficulty.

Also the gunplay is not great, the iron sights feel awful to use especially.


Ya, there is zero local play. 100% drm.

You have to play on their servers.

You can ready up the second you get into an empty lobby, but I don't see any way to just simply choose single player.

That means that if their matchmaking system is down, you don't get to play. And funny enough, their matchmaking system was down all night last night.

My overall largest gripe though is that in PD2, I love how if you are accurate with headshots, helmets pop with a single tap and you can just mow through 30 cops in seconds. In PD3, its taking me 2 to 5 headshots after the first wave. On the easiest setting.

Prox, do xbox w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Direct link to the titular site:



RightHandOfIkaros, do xbox w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

I’ve been loving the default map in the game. Its kinda like going back to the days Bethesda would write out navigation instructions in the quest and let the player use their brain to figure out where to go instead of marking it with a gigantic exclamation mark.

supercheesecake, avatar

Yeah Morrowind was great for that. Felt more old school RPG where you actually had to explore to complete quests.


What are you talking about? You don't need to listen to a damn word anyone says. Just follow the waypoints, fast travel to everything. The game is a menu navigation simulator.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

i actually loved needing to remember where stores are, makes me feel like im actually there as a dumbass tourist

Atomic, do games w Payday 3 is 14 days away and the devs have already revealed a full year's worth of DLC

Planning DLCs before you’ve even launched the game should be illegal. So pretty much. They are planning to release an unfinished game where micropurchases rule supreme so everyone gets on the same content level.

Hey you bought the game? Cool. But if you wanna play with us you need this this and that DLC pack. It’s only an extra 40 bucks.


I mean even if they hadn’t announced, it’s Payday it was expected. Fuck it I even prefer this, I am surprised companies do this, now we know what is on it and what is coming and if is worth it buying it now or not. The alternative is finding out when you already bought the game.


The alternative is them releasing the full game. Announce what is on it. And THEN after that is done. Start working on additional content.


Tell me you have not played payday without saying so… this is how they operate


I’ve played plenty of payday. Love their VR version.


I dont want to defend this kind of monetization, but pd2 probably had the best kind of approach, as only the host needed it start it, so if someone had it in your friend group had it you were good. Well exept for the weapon and perk decks, as you only got them if you had the dlc, but it didn’t split the playerbase. (also fuck the loot boxes)

DocBlaze, (edited )

I get triggered as a gamedev when people complain about dlc because if a game came out and it was $200 for all the content made you would probably scoff and pirate it. The harsh truth is nobody wants to front the actual production cost of games anymore. PS2 games were $40 back in 2003 when my old ass was entering high school and you could still find a decent slice of pizza for just over a dollar. It’s 2023 and it’s basically the same price now after 2 decades of insane inflation. You may find an outlier or two on steam but even AAA titles tend to stay 60 or under.

It’s honestly the best option. Just buy the base game then. By definition you don’t need anything else. You get what you afforded and you don’t get upset. Don’t forget the company that made Payday filed for bankruptcy not too long ago. This isn’t quite EA shitting out a Madden update with the same code and 3d models. They were restructured and probably have loans or investors to pay back. I’m just happy we got a payday 3.

go ahead and downvote, but just consider what I said with an open mind afterwards.


Yeah. Ofc it triggers you.

The problem with DLCs isn’t the DLC. It’s how it’s used. And your whole argument is total bullshit, proven wrong by so many great games who does not have to rely on predatory DLC requirements.

The problem here. Is that they’ve already started working on DLCs before the game has even launched. You don’t see a problem with that from a consumer standpoint?

And be real. They’re not implementing this DLC strategy because they have to, because funding is difficult for them. It’s because it’s proven to be the most profitable With PayDay2 as proof.


The problem here. Is that they’ve already started working on DLCs before the game has even launched. You don’t see a problem with that from a consumer standpoint?

Sort of a complicated scenario. Where do you draw the line for it being anti consumer? Say the people on the dev team who do: concept art, writing, modeling, etc. What should they be doing. At this stage most of the development going into the game is very final touches (if that) and bug squashing. I don’t think it’s out of line for those people to be working on future content. Seems a bit strange to hold them until the release date. It definitely is a tough line to find though, and can change depending on the context of when and how the dlc development started.

Renacles, do xbox w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

It’s kinda wild seeing people complain about Skyrim’s maps being too detailed and then seeing this thread.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

People just like to complain. It’s in our nature.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

cant be as bad as oblivion, that map is so hard to find towns i need to go to

RightHandOfIkaros, do xbox w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Good, the game is fantastic.


I have complaints, but over all I’m having a lot of fun. Pretty typical with any Bethesda game to be honest.


You’ll fix every complaint and be able to make every man in the game into a waifu once mods are officially added. It’s gonna be a game I play for the next 5-10 years for sure.


Oh yeah. It definitely has that classic Bethesda jank in many of the normal places, but it still feels good in all the ways that matter. Like you’re finally awake.


Yeah. Skyrim is my top 5 favorite games of all time but I got issues with that game for sure. It’s not perfect. But damn is it a blast.

Feeling the same with Starfield, I got issues, but the core of it is so fun. Having way more fun with it than Fallout 4.

Quentinp, avatar

Agreed it’s not perfect but it slowly sucked me in more and more. Ready for NG+


Fair warning about NG+: Think long and hard about it when you do. That is all.

Quentinp, avatar



It really is. I can't stop playing it.

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