CharlesReed, do gaming w Families of Uvalde victims sue Activision, say Call of Duty is 'the most prolific and effective marketer of assault weapons in the United States'

Every time I think we've moved passed this as an argument, it pops back up. They'll blame anything but those they should be holding accountable.


It seems like they’re saying that it markets guns, not the typical argument that it makes kids violent. This argument seems less crazy to me.


It's still not a convincing one though. If it wasn't this weapon used, it would have been another, regardless of where the perp first saw it. I'm not a fan of Activision, but this isn't on them.


So I’m not a fan of guns but, “marketing guns” is not per se illegal nor unique to video games. Yet the lawsuit separates out video games specifically. So I am not sure I agree that it’s less crazy at the end of the day.

thesmokingman, do gaming w Families of Uvalde victims sue Activision, say Call of Duty is 'the most prolific and effective marketer of assault weapons in the United States'

I did some cursory searches to find the actual arguments and came up blank. It’s important to note this isn’t the standard “video games cause violence” lawsuit that has absolutely no merit. This is different. The summary presented in articles is that this gun manufacturer explicitly marketed their product for things like this using a sophisticated campaign. If I understand the summary correctly, it therefore hinges on both the marketing of this specific gun and its presence across the digital landscape. The parents aren’t going after shooting in games; they’re going after a company that actively markets its products on social media and in video games.

It’s novel. I’m kinda skeptical because the solution would have to limit product placement and advertisement which has a massive lobby. There’s also nothing that really says “this specific gun leads to violence” without implicitly relying on the whole “video games cause violence” which is bullshit.


There’s precedent though. Alcohol and tobacco have significant restrictions on marketing material. I would argue that firearms should fall into the same category.

My impression was the same- eye roll at the “videogames cause violence” argument that’s been beaten to death, but I actually think they may have a point when it comes to marketing.

Sadly, I also think that COD is a military recruitment strategy (Boy Boy did a video breaking down the way the American recruiters use COD to capture a certain demographic) so I don’t think this lawsuit will go anywhere. Thought-provoking though.

rgb3x3, do gaming w Are game studios suddenly abandoning Black developers?

This makes me realize that I can’t think of hardly any videogames with a black character at the forefront.

Sure, there are black playable characters in MOBAs and MMOs, but how many story-driven games have black characters at the forefront?

The most recent one I can think of is Alan Wake 2. And Spider-Man Miles Morales. But there really are so few compared to those with white main characters. Which is sad.

vardogor, avatar

can’t even pick a decent black hairstyle in the character creators. 90% only have a fro, 9% that weird comb over dread style bc it was in black panther, even tho i’ve never seen a real person wear it

for reference


Alan Wake 2 lead character is a woman of color.

Jaysyn, avatar

GTA: San Andreas.

Zorsith, avatar

And GTA: V

Jaysyn, avatar

I wasn't sure about that one since the game switches protagonists & I couldn't be bothered to finish it.

Zorsith, avatar

I’d argue Franklin is the primary protagonist, as the ending changes based on decisions made as him.


Slime Rancher’s protagonist, Beatrix LeBeau, is definitely not white. It’s not the most story-driven game out there, but I really appreciated how the main character is a PoC woman, with zero fuss about it. She’s just a lady with a ranch on an alien planet, and why shouldn’t she be a PoC woman rather than a white dude?


Just for the record I agree with you, but the opposite of that final question is true, why shouldn’t she be a white dude, or a PoC man? Ranching/farming isn’t a job that requires a specific gender or sex.


I mean, that’s kind of the point. For the vast majority of games, there’s no real reason why the protagonist has to be a straight white dude, yet 99% of the time, that’s what they are. I like it when devs do something different.


Prototype 2 (2012)

It’s been a while, I can’t really remember the game well but I do remember enjoying the prototype games.

I can’t recall too many other games that haven’t already been mentioned here either

all-knight-party, avatar

Mafia 3 comes to mind and a lot of the game's story and themes are based around that fact

Zorsith, avatar

Watch_Dogs 2

e-five, avatar

I can think of Forspoken and Deathloop


One of the 6 characters in Xenoblade 3’s main cast is black. He’s quite interesting too, this game has pretty good character writing IMO. They’re not the usual stereotypical JRPG character types.

JCPhoenix, avatar

Final Fantasy XIII had Sazh Katzroy. He’s not the main character (that’d be Lightning), but he is an important playable character right from the get-go. He has his own storylines as well.


Baldurs Gate 3


Assassin's Creed Odyssey? Or Origin? Too many of them, don't know.
Watchdogs 2.
Most games with a customizable main character.
Mafia 3.
Crysis 2 and sort of 3?
Some platformers I can't name because it's not my genre.
That 80s Kingdom offshoot.
Does Crusader Kings 3 have African leaders enabled or does it come as a DLC?
Civilization series.

Representation of any demographic in games should be done by those who have an interest in doing it well.
Doing it just to pad the numbers is more insulting than even not doing it at all.


Does Crusader Kings 3 have African leaders enabled or does it come as a DLC?

The base game has a notoriously difficult achievement involving starting as a specific female tribal chief uniting “all of Africa” under one reformed pagan religion. Scare quotes because the map doesn’t go further south than approximately the Sahel, not all Africa is playable. Whole of the Americas, Oceania, as well as much of east Asia (incl. China and Japan) are missing. There’s probably going to be map extensions (and China and Japan will be DLCs with lots of custom mechanics) but the original map is already bigger than CKII ever got, and India was playable from the start, with custom mechanics and all.


It’s old by now, but Telltale’s Walking Dead. Loved those games, and loved those characters.


You’re right, but deathloop is a great one imo

Rooki, do games w The Steam Deck OLED feels like a radiant new dawn for portable play avatar

Its really great! really good display, good battery, good customizability and freedom. It is even pretty cheap for the steam decks performance.

Cowbee, (edited )

It’s a fantastic backlog killer. Main PC for new titles, steam deck for indies and patient gamer style games.

Rooki, avatar

Steamdeck is for me everything even new ones like Armored Core, Cyberpunk etc… and indies and even old ones like half life. Everything possible through proton.


Sure, you can play games like Cyberpunk on a Steam Deck! Absolutely true. I just prefer playing more demanding games at higher settings and framerates.


I like to stream from my pc to the deck when I’m feeling like escaping the desk.


Fair! Haven’t done that yet.


If Steam’s built in remote play doesn’t quite meet performance needs then look into Moonlight. That software, with some help from Tailscale, lets me stream Yuzu from home to my deck at work, and I cannot perceive the input lag though I’m no snob.

Sabata11792, avatar

I got over 600 game and still play the same 5. I'm just able to do it comfortably at work now.


I try to keep it to one longer game, and one shorter game at a time. Right now that’s STALKER Gamma and Signalis, with Signalis on the Steam Deck.

Speaking of, Signalis is fucking amazing, fantastic horror for anyone new to the genre or fans of Silent Hill 2.

Sabata11792, avatar

I made the mistake of getting addicted to Factorio, Oxygen Not Included, and Noita. I should have just started doing coke instead.


Fucking Factorio. Tried that shit years ago for 2 minutes and never touched it again.

Not because I didn’t like it, of course. I stopped because I knew if I played any longer I’d have to drop out.

Sabata11792, avatar

I lost over 1000 hours on it alone. Currently doing a train world with crazy high resource cost. 100 hours on this one and I just started manufacturing blue science. I'm going to get my ass fired at some point.


I played like 30m of the demo and didn’t like it at all…then later made the huge mistake of giving the demo another go. Spent a couple dozen hours on just the demo. I’m afraid of getting the full game.


Yep, fucking terrifying.


One day I asked, “hmm, I wonder how Civ VI would run on the steam deck.” And the answer is too fucking well. Perfect for track pad and touch. Can’t stop playing it.

Sabata11792, avatar

That's genuinely dangerous. You cant escape the 'one more turn'


I thought I could play for 30 minutes this morning while drinking my coffee and was late to work rip

Sabata11792, avatar

I tried to warn you, lol

DarkGamer, do games w Unity is eliminating 265 jobs and terminating Weta FX partnership avatar

It's wild when companies commit suicide, reminds me of when tumblr banned porn.

JDPoZ, avatar

I always go back to one of my favorite CollegeHumor vids literally making fun of that. 🤣

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Buddies doing social media!

It stands FOR WHAT?!?

kadu, do games w Microsoft's next-generation Xbox pitched as a "cloud hybrid" console avatar

They claimed the Xbox One (the original last gen model) would be decades ahead of any other competitors because games would be, wait for it, cloud hybrid. Some things would render locally, but Microsoft servers would calculate complex collisions, volumetrics, crowd AI, and so on.

Guess what never happened.


Because people complained about the connectivity requirements. Unfortunately I don’t think we are there still, infrastructure for a lot of areas will not support this.


For all its many many many flaws (like having your flagship game start in a snow storm…), Google Stadia very much demonstrated the viability of full game streaming. Even people with shit broadband could still play a “last gen” quality game. Sure people in the outright sticks won’t be able to but… they likely aren’t doing a lot of gaming as getting a 10 GB patch out to them is hard enough.

And if you are only doing game logic and some simulations, rather than full rendering? The bandwidth needs drop even more.


Sure, people with crappy broadband could play… At something like N64-level settings and slideshow frames per second, even with “last-gen” games. Granted, streaming an entire game is more of a load on bandwidth than cloud hybrid or patches, but if it was really feasible for the masses even a year ago, Stadia might still be up today, but it’s already gone. I would still rather be able to play a game I own on console without needing a persistent connection to play, as a cloud hybrid game may require. If there is still the option to play the game offline at lower settings, that wouldn’t be so bad, but then you just know that M$ will be looking to monetize the cloud hybrid option: “play at full settings online for only $— per month!”


Weird. Very curious what issues you ran into. I didn’t even have anything that bad on hotel wifi.

Mostly because: The video is pretty “easy” and mostly suffers from compression artifacts. If you can watch youtube, you can stream a game at generally one quality setting lower. Because latency is what matters. The actual game inputs are nothing on top of that.

Mostly it was just annoying that google did EVERYTHING they could to market it poorly and “Gamers” lost their god damned minds because they felt threatened. Which… is pretty reminiscent of MS cocking up the announcement of the One.

SMITHandWESSON, avatar

I think the deal breaker was Gamestop fighting MS on their decision to allow users to sell their cloud games back for credit.

Boozilla, do games w Ways of designing intimacy in games - GameDeveloper avatar

I honestly don’t care if they do or don’t add this stuff, but please make it skippable. The last thing I want is some boring corporate-approved formulaic bland sex scene that I have to suffer through in the middle of an interactive game. At least movies and shows let me 30-second skip past that stuff. All of them are exactly the same sequence. It’s tedious.

As for flirtation being more important to in-game social interactions and dialog trees that could be fun. It could also set young people up for trouble. They’d be practicing the “wrong habits” that will get charges filed against them IRL.

The reason game designers are afraid of sex is because most of Western society is. Can games help turn that around? I don’t know, but probably not. The USA is super puritanical about all things sex (but blood, gore, and violence are generally OK).



I don’t want or care about sex scenes in anything. Cyberpunk 2077 definitely has this problem, and once I get to any stage where intimacy happens I just get up and let it play out so I don’t have to watch.

Boozilla, avatar

Thanks for the warning. I haven’t played it yet, and it’s on my list.


It’s well worth the play, and most (possibly all) can be avoided with the correct choices. But there’s some character work related to it that does enhance the story

Boozilla, avatar

Thanks again. One of my friends keeps encouraging me to play it.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, do games w 70 percent of devs unsure of live-service games sustainability avatar

I’ve been saying GaaS is horrible forever. (well okay I’ve been saying Anything as a Service sucks and I’ve been dying on this hill. The only GaaS shit I “own” I got for free). Now that I’ve got that hipster shit out of my system, can the games industry go back to releasing finished games please? I said please this time dammit.


The only time games were finished was back in the days when you couldnt patch bugs. And that was back when games were designed to be such a pain in the ass to play that you couldnt beat them during one rental period so youd have to rent them more than once to beat them. Or the arcade machines being coin operated.

bionicjoey, do games w Slay the Spire devs followed through on abandoning Unity

Doesn’t STS run on Java, not Unity?


Perhaps they were saying they started on unity and decided to migrate to Godot instead

redeven, avatar

StS2 was being developed in Unity iirc, and they moved to Godot for that new game (and possibly also future games?).

slimerancher, avatar

Don’t know what engine they used for STS, but apparently they were making STS 2 on Unity:

At the time, it said it’d made much of Slay the Spire II in Unity, but would still migrate to a different engine if Unity stuck to its guns.

JoMiran, avatar

From the article:

At the time, it said it’d made much of Slay the Spire II in Unity, but would still migrate to a different engine if Unity stuck to its guns.


STS was Java running on libgdx.

STS2 will be C# on Godot.

Based on this:


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Great website.

EdibleFriend, avatar



What the heck did you do to get blocked by!?

sensiblepuffin, avatar

I’m going to guess they’re skipping redirects - that’s what the issue was for me.



Which is a game dev library for Java, so OP was right.

Kentronix, (edited ) do games w Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games

Seems like a fair move to me. If Hollywood studios like Disney are able to use it for free right now to save time and money producing shows and movies why shouldn’t Epic get a fair fee for the product that enables those savings?

Grater, do games w Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games

how do they even figure out what the developers are building tho?

like i can make “interactive movie” with unreal and still call it a game right


cool, then it’s 20% of your “games” revenue if you want to do that.

Epic generally let companies self report, when using the engine you have to agree to allowing them to audit if they think your self-reporting is incorrect but that’s not a very usual situation


Unreal is being used extensively by special effects teams in Hollywood at the moment so it sounds like Epic are trying to get a piece of that action

dingleberry, do games w Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI

Typical pick-me energy from Sweeny here.

BlackEco, do games w Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI avatar

Sounds like “Steam doesn’t allow X? We will allow X just to have you because we are so desperate for revenue”

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

I mean you aren't wrong, Epic did the same exact thing when Valve said no NFT bullshit on their market.

circuitfarmer, avatar

Yup. That seems to be a part of their business model (doing anything Steam won’t do). The problem is when those calls by Valve are for issues that touch on ethics.

It’s why I won’t even install their launcher. I don’t care how many games are free on Epic. I can’t support that kind thing.

DoucheBagMcSwag, do games w Sega of America accused of trying to axe 40 percent of unionized staff

That’s NO GOOD


…if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that’s NO GOOD.

sirdorius, do games w Unity is reviewing its product portfolio and says layoffs are "likely"

This year’s Unity story sums up my discontent with tech nicely. Impressive tech made by extremely talented people, botched by incompetent corporate parasites who care only about securing their millions.


I mean, that’s pretty much everything that isn’t tech too.

tryptaminev, avatar

I don’t consider growing corn to be all that impressive. The rest holds though.

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