If there was a proper way for people to express the problem then that would be great. But, as it stands with F2P games, and ones as complicated as Overwatchs history, well, fucking Steam slaughter is AN option for most. Fuck the game and company, there are no redeeming values. Even if these there is a dilution of review efficacy, oh well.
IDK but its successor, Wreckfest, is really freaking good. I like the damage system and how stuff doesn’t despawn, so by the end of the race you have random car parts and barricades littered all over the track. The multiplayer population is small but steady; there’s always a full server or two available.
Pray tell how was it improved? By making the teams smaller thus lowering team variability? By changing one of the most fun mechanics to be only mild annoyances? By removing features that actually made the game fun?
Shield Shooting Simulator got old pretty fast, as did the nonstop CC spam. The move to 5v5 has made the game way more consistently balanced and fun to play.
6v6 -> 5v5 made the gameplay MUCH better. The new heroes weren’t disappointing at all, the game seemed like it was going in a good direction. I disagree on your last two points, and the first one is not relevant to what I said, as that was a major improvement to Overwatch. Too many barriers and abilities on the field in 6v6, and the switch to 5v5 immediately made the game more rewarding and fun.
That’s all Blizzard looks at these days. Is it making them money? And the answer is an abundant yes. So for whatever hate there is, the fact that players are still handing them fistfuls of cash indicates full success to them.
It seems most likely to me that it’s prep for the rest of the Microsoft deal so they can claim to regulators they aren’t using their ever-growing control to choke out other platforms. Same reason they’re making those promises about Call of Duty on Switch.
I guess this could be a glass half full kind of situation.
But they also are not making as much money as they could have if they delivered on a good game. Even if they got only 5% of steam, that is still 95% of steam that didn't buy it.
Sure, you can make the argument that they still got into a new market. However, if your product was scientifically engineered to appeal to the most demographics, then only 5% of that market is concerning.
While I completely understand the hc gamer community hating the game, I personally, as a 37 yo working person, have had co-op and solo fun for over 200h with a few friends.
For me, that’s well worth the price of the game. And no I won’t be buying any passes and I won’t even finish season 1 because there’s nothing really that new there, but objectively D4 was a good fucking game, especially for couch co-op lovers.
The situation kind of reminds me of titty streamers on Twitch. Everybody seemingly “hates” them yet they make an absolute killing regardless, because the silent majority think it’s perfectly fine.
Legit surprised it’s this bad, tbh. I was expecting some amount of people to review bomb it, but thought that at worst it’ll maybe hang around “mixed”. Let’s be honest, besides the monetization model, it’s a fairly solid game, and I assumed many people were willing to overlook it (because it’s a “free game”, blegh).
2023 starting to shape up to be the year where megacorps overreach a bit too much and/or consumers to finally grow a backbone.
I actually went through some of the positive reviews, seems they are only thumbs up because I assume people want their posts to be read - a lot of them are just memes and shitposts.
I was initially also a bit surprised by the amount of it, but after thinking about it for a bit, Blizzard seems to have engineered the perfect conditions for this to happen:
Create a massively successful game for PC, which also creates a giant group of people who care about the game.
Make a bunch of bad decisions, which are particularly bad for the existing user base.
Only then release the game on Steam, meaning there are no positive reviews from the launch period and a bunch of disgruntled former players, all of which are allowed to review the game because the game has become F2P.
Review bombing is the only impactful way in recent years that has worked against these large publishers. Plus Overwatch is F2P so the old trick of just saying don’t buy it doesn’t work, they will still get a player base with giant “whales”.
Last I checked the game was 13th highest in revenue globally on steam according to the stats available on steam. So the negative reviews don’t seem to be making much impact at all. They still seem to be pulling in plenty of money from their MTX and the bundles available through steam.
Remember these companies only look at the funny profit line. If that goes up despite negative reviews then nothing will change.
For what it’s worth, pcgamer.com just had an article talking about this. They said it’s not really review bombing but more of a pulse check on how gamers feel about OW2. Battle.net doesn’t have a review system so this is just the first opportunity for gamers to express how they feel about the game in this way