
Setiyeti93, do games w Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds

My favourite lets player has finally picked this up. I will neverbe able to experience it fresh ever again… So watching others is the closest I’ll ever get.


After playing this game I watched so many streams and let’s play of it. I enjoyed seeing how people did it differently than me.

I also convinced my partner to play it on Christmas as my gift for me to watch. (They were instantly hooked)

This is one on my favorite games ever


It’s so much fun to watch other people figure things out. It’s the closest we can get to playing the game again.


My partner tried to play…

But sadly they struggle with that"platforming" mostly Brittle Hollow


I personally brute forced it with my space ship!

recursive_recursion, (edited )
@recursive_recursion@programming.dev avatar

vicariously watching others play is our only solution now unfortunately

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

Which Let’s Player? I’m always looking for new ones I’ll like.


A YouTuber by the name of Kikoskia. Just started

I have previously really enjoyed a play through by a YouTuber by the name of Welomz which is long complete.

Let me know if you try either

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

Welonz is one of the best Let’s Players out there so you have good taste. I’ll check out Kikoskia.

subignition, do games w Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds
@subignition@piefed.social avatar

If anyone hasn't played this game yet: don't read the article!

I highly recommend you experience this for yourself while knowing as little as possible about it. Top tier game.


A million percent agree. If you haven’t played it yet, look nothing up and play it as blindly as possible. I’m so glad I did and wish I could do it again.

@hannesh93@feddit.org avatar

My go-to game for the question: “if you could forget a game just to experience it all over again” such a perfect game


I got confused more than anything - think I was missing a few key things.

Saying that, my answer would be subnautica.


For real. It’s an amazing game that just can’t be the same again once you know all its secrets.

I bought it for two of my friends, and they both ended up hating it lol. I don’t blame them, but I think it’s very much to do with the mentality of how you approach the experience.

One friend just got plain stuck and gave up. The other found it frustrating that they were doing the same thing several times over, and just wanted to rush as quickly as they could to make progress.

Personally, I enjoyed the slow pace of discovery. I loved that feeling of being a true explorer, discoving facets of lost civilisation. Watching in melancholic awe as a world crumbled around me. Finding just a small piece of new information was always a joy, and made it feel worthwhile to get there, even if I’d done 90% of the journey before.

Slowly getting richer in a game where the only currency is knowledge.


I think if I played this game myself I never would have finished it. I actually watched a play through on YouTube by someone that was actually competent at puzzle games, and had a great experience. Then I ended up playing through it myself a few years later, knowing the story actually helped keep me motivated. It really is an incredible game.


Even if the common advice is to avoid spoilers, I’m glad you found your own way to enjoy it :)

I’m sure I could play it again myself and still enjoy the atmosphere, even if the discoveries weren’t new. Or maybe it would be fun to watch a stream of someone else playing for the first time instead!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

This was the game where I couldn’t figure out how to fly the space ship properly, and then I went to land on a strange abandoned space station and couldn’t figure out what to do there beyond reading some alien text that didn’t make much sense, right?

I’m sure I didn’t give it a fair lick, it’s just it took up 2 hours of my time and didn’t hook or particularly engage me up to that point, so I didn’t feel like going back in and slogging through the slow burn to get to the good stuff.

That’s on me I suppose, I should try it again!

Does it pick up and get a little more interesting and robust, at least? I’m not looking for hardcore shooter action, but like, I dunno, interesting people, engaging quests and cool places to go whilst doing them, and such. Something to keep me interested, you know?

Everyone’s different, of course, walking simulators with the occasional small bit of world building text to read just aren’t for me is all.

@subignition@piefed.social avatar

Without giving any specific spoilers, the game has a primarily archaeological feel, you will be following breadcrumbs around to various places in the solar system (your journal is important!!!) and learning about the ancient civilization that mysteriously disappeared. finally piecing together the whole picture is one of the most powerful moments I've ever had in gaming. while there are some NPCs to talk to, the game is primarily driven by your own exploration and the knowledge you pick up along the way.

there's no "correct order" to do things in, so if you feel like you've hit a dead end or you can't figure out what you should be doing at a particular place, consider going somewhere else. and most importantly: follow your curiosity


There’s two essential ship functions, auto pilot and match velocity, it makes flying much easier


The auto pilot literally steered me into the sun.


Yeah it’ll do that. The little rascal.


Well it aims for the planet you want to go to, goes in a straight line and makes sure you don’t hit that planet by slowing down when getting close to it, if something gets in the way it doesn’t course correct though


Don’t feel bad, on my first flight I ran into the sun by accident.

Kept working on it and was rewarded with the rest of the game. For real I continued to die to spaceship piloting issues but it didn’t ruin the game for me.


Don’t feel bad, on my first flight I ran into the sun by accident.

There’s an achievement for that though, so it all works out.


In your ship there is a computer at the back (to the right when you enter). That computer contains a digital investigation board - y’know, with the photos connected by string and stuff.

Once you find that, the game really starts to make sense. It’s not a walking simulator, it’s an active crime scene. I won’t say what “crime” (and I’m being somewhat metaphorical here), in case you didn’t play long enough (about 12 minutes after you encounter the statue in the museum) for The Event to happen (The Event will make you think very differently about what this game is, but I can’t talk about that. We don’t talk about The Event). But that’s basically what’s happening. There’s a problem, and you have to solve it, but to do that you’ll have to unearth years of lost history, piecing together the story of an alien civilization that has visited your star system. The gameplay is primarily about exploration, trying to figure out where to find and how to get to the clues you need to put everything together. Slowly, the murder board fills in, the pieces connect, the list of suspects narrows, and you spiral in towards a genuinely shocking and heart wrenching conclusion.

Does it get good? My friend, it gets EPIC. The sheer scale the plot operates on is mind blowing. The ending destroyed me; easily one of the best stories I’ve ever encountered in a video game.

The flight mechanics are intentionally fiddly. You will get used to them eventually. The gameplay is exciting, sometimes terrifying, but don’t expect them to like give you a gun or anything. It’s a puzzle game, but the puzzles are never a fucking Sudoku. If you can handle that, it’s one of the best games ever made.


The investigation board didn’t really help me. Basically just said somewhere on this planet is a clue, so spend several loops trying to get into the locked areas. I also got tired of the janky physics and quit, even after successfully navigating the portal bramble place


Eh, if you made it that far then you made it far enough to know that the game just isn’t for you.


It really should be part of the title of the game. Outer Wilds: don’t look anything up, just play it.

I very nearly had to use a guide at one point but I stayed strong as everything I’d read said I’d regret it if I did. So glad I didn’t as the joy of discovery in this game is unparalleled. Top 5 gaming experience of all time, I reckon.


I tried, I really did. But a few hours in, I just didn’t like the gameplay even though I thought I would’ve loved it and the other new games I had waiting won.

Maybe I should grind through. Is there a point where it suddenly gets good a few hours in? Or is it just not for me, despite everything on the book’s cover?

@subignition@piefed.social avatar

If exploration, discovery, and puzzling out mysteries aren't engaging for you, it might just not be your type of game.


I think it was the puzzles and lack of guidance. Not really knowing if I’m in the right place doing the right thing. Maybe I’ll try again with a bit of a guide until it hooks in and I get it.


There’s an in-game log of hints you’ve been given in the ship, the “rumor mode” on the terminal can help you stay goal-oriented.

driving_crooner, do gaming w TIL about Bomba Patch, a series of Brazilian mods for Pro Evolution Soccer for the PS2 that, for a number of years, were more popular than the official FIFA games.
@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

In Colombia we had a version of PES that had the colombian teams. It was just the international teams, but with the skin colors of ther uniforms and names of the players changed.


I wonder why PES specifically is so popular for this? I think it has something to do with PS2’s being able to play burned discs without needing a hardware mod, but i’m not 100% sure.

@driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br avatar

Playstation gained a lot of popularity on latinamerica for being able to be pirated, and PES and Winning Eleven before it, were way better football games than Fifa. I remember the first time playing them after years of Fifa and feeling the field huge, but then you would back to Fifa to feel like your playing mini football. And that huge field made it more about passing the ball to advance, while in Fifa you could rush from the center of the field and easily took a shoot and mark, more alike a basketball game.


They were much more tactical and had better controls too, visually and audio better and just more polished. The PES series (before they renamed it from ISS) were just the better games back then. I started with International Superstar Soccer Deluxe on the SNES and wasn’t even a big sports fan. But got obsessed (well not that extreme maybe) with this game. And then the Nintendo 64 followup International Superstar Soccer 64 was phenomenal! Everyone compared it to FIFA 64 and it was clear and cut which game was better for the majority. I’ve played PES98 on original PSX too.

Today, people can’t understand how good these games were back then compared to any other football/soccer game at that time.


Many people including me consider PES 2007 as the best football game ever released. Even current new football games doesn’t give the same vibes as playing that game.

CrypticCoffee, (edited )

That era was peak Pro Evo.


As a Brazilian who grew up in a not too remote area, modchipped PS2s were everywhere growing up, as it was the only realistic option to game for the vast majority. Things have shifted a bit these days, but it did use to be like that.

As a result, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a legit PS2 game or an og Xbox/GameCube for that matter lol.

some_guy, do scifi w John Jacob Astor IV, lost in the Titanic, wrote 'A Journey in Other Worlds' - a scifi novel in 1894

A True Story was written in the second century.

JowlesMcGee, do scifi w John Jacob Astor IV, lost in the Titanic, wrote 'A Journey in Other Worlds' - a scifi novel in 1894
@JowlesMcGee@kbin.social avatar

John Jacob Astor IV (July 13, 1864 – April 15, 1912) was an American business magnate, real estate developer, investor, writer, lieutenant colonel in the Spanish–American War, and a prominent member of the Astor family.

Probably explains why the description of the book sounds like American power fantasy. Interesting to hear of sci-fi from so long ago though.

averyminya, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

That’s interesting, Disgaea has a similar mechanic present in its game called the Dark Assembly, where you basically either bribe or kill the senators to make them vote with you.

navigatron, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

The game of Mao begins now.

Even more unusual variants include […] a game which, instead of allowing voting on rules, splits into two sub-games, one with the rule, and one without it.

This sounds insane and delightful

BudgieMania, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

This sounds like something that would be played on The Genius, I'm all for it

bh11235, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

Back in high school we played a game of this on the occasional Thursday night, as well as one long term game that took months and had its own dedicated wiki. It got pretty surreal pretty quick. The one set day a month you got penalized for each time you used a foreign loanword was brutal.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

The one set day a month you got penalized for each time you used a foreign loanword was brutal.

Sounds like the perfect way to get all your friends rippling with muscles

Xariphon, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

I have wanted to play in a game of this since I first heard about it, but I've never managed to find a group for it.


I’ve only just started looking myself, but theres agora online

agoranomic.org/index.html (the hamburger menu has a how to play option)

Also: blognomic.com

Jinxyface, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

That concept immediately makes me think of the card game Fluxx.

Xariphon, (edited )

I learned to play Fluxx from Andy Loony years ago. Awesome guy, funny as hell. Now I wanna find my old decks...

Edit: You ever make any Fluxx Blanks?

aMockTie, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen

This seems super interesting and I’ve never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing!

Is this more of a table top game? I’d be interested to see it as a kind of MMO.


It’s more of a mailing list or forum game, where you can check on the state of the rules at any time.

It can be played as tabletop, but that involves a lot of handwriting, and who’s got time for that in 2023?

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Someone to act as the writer while the rest of the group debates and votes should work. Imagine people then fighting over to make rules such that the writer may never type in specific words!


That’s doable… if you make it a rule!

In my experience, the game tends to get very “meta” very quickly. Someone could add a rule that “nobody write down the rules”, unless you had the “person X writes down the rules” as an immutable rule, so the moment someone wants to make it mutable… beware!

Alleywurds, do gaming w Nomic, one of the best concepts of a game I've seen
@Alleywurds@kbin.social avatar

Yeah! Without knowing of Nomic, I designed a TTRPG about gods creating the universe by writing the rules of the game they're playing.

It's kinda like nomic as an RPG. Free here if you'd like to take a peek: https://alleywurds.itch.io/eroding-the-outside-a-game-of-gods

emeralddawn45, do gaming w Hook an old FPS gamer up. Anyone else fondly miss "assassin mode" from Soldier of Fortune (2000)?

Didn’t halo 2 have an assassin mode? It’s been a long time since I’ve played but I think I remember it being similar to what you described.

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

That's in the category of "new" titles that I missed. (Loved the first Halo though) Anyone still playing 2? I may have too check it out if so.

Gargleblaster, do gaming w Hook an old FPS gamer up. Anyone else fondly miss "assassin mode" from Soldier of Fortune (2000)?
@Gargleblaster@kbin.social avatar

That game...had brutal hit boxes. You could blow people's legs off. I played a lotta pvp but not that mode.

@be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social avatar

I do remember the gore being substantial, but I feel like the gore was a bigger focus back then than in many of the modern games.

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