RandomLegend, do piracy w What's the best way to get German content? avatar




scenenzbs is great, also has many files with English+German audio, marked as DL or dual language.

RandomLegend, avatar

I literally wouldn’t pirate anything if it weren’t for scenenzbs (and houseofusenet because they sync their nzb over to scene for the API-Users).

They have everything i want in german and top quality. Never ever have i had such a complete german collection of movies and shows and audiobooks. My wife and i are into audiobooks and they have 99% of the stuff we want.

For everything else i download the .aax file from audibile with another 30 day test account and grab my activation bits to convert to .aac^^


So I need a usenet provider (news hosting seems good?) to enter into the download-client (nzbget recommended?) and an indexer (scenenzbs) to enter into prowlarr and I’m good to go? I don’t need a VPN for usenet, right?


Yes, sometimes it might help to have multiple providers on different backbones if you run into availability issues.

There are currently no legal cases in Germany against Usenet like with copyrighted material and torrenting, that’s mostly because you don’t distribute with Usenet.


You don’t need the prowlarr part. But yeah just choose a provider (paid), sign in to the the client and download from an indexer. Then unpack the files.


I found prowlarr great because it provides stats about how the different indexer perform. This makes it easier to decide which providers I don’t need.

Kajo, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

I agree with you about a 3D Mario: it’s absolutely not incompatible with the release of Wonder. Also, it would be a good candidate to showcase the graphics of the new console, without taking much risks.

Mario Kart/Splatoon/Smash bros. They need a multiplayer game. For Mario Kart and Smash Bros, they have the same (fist world) problem: the switch versions have so much content that it’s difficult to hit harder. And it’s not nice of me, but I feel like they wouldn’t mind milking the Splatoon players.

Animal crossing. The license gained so much new fans with AC:NH, it would be suprising if they don’t try to take advantage of this new popularity.

magus_clap, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

According to Wikipedia, group 5 develops animal crossing (2020) and Splatoon (2022),

Group 8 does 3d Mario (2017) only and group 10 does 2d Mario (2023)

Group 9 does Mario kart (2017 + dlc) and arms

pipariturbiini, do gaming w How was inside for you?

INSIDE was cool and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t say it’s a game of the year by long shot. Although I guess that depends on what else was released in the year of 2016. For me it was a better experience than most AAA games, at least.


To put it in perspective, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was also in 2016 and also won a lot of Game of the Year awards. Other contenders are Hitman 2016, Overwatch, Doom, Firewatch, Dark Souls 3, The Witness, and Superhot.

Pajonk, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną? avatar

Jedz regularnie, jeśli mikro i mako składniki masz ogarnięte, to może mimo wszystko czegoś ci brakuje w diecie i organizm tęskni za tym. A może jesz przy okazji słodycze i sporo cukru, i to też zwiększa głód.

Hormony to dziwna sprawa, jeśli jednak jesz dużo, waga nie idzie w dół albo nawet rośnie, mikro i makro składniki masz ogarnięte, to zwyczajnie się przyzwyczaj do głodu. Dziwnie to brzmi, ale nie jest to jakiś problem dla osoby która ćwiczy. W ogóle parę dobrych lat ćwiczeń i zmuszania się do różnych diet, czy na masę, czy potem na redukcję, strasznie potrafi zmienić sposób odżywiania się i nawyki.

iamak, do gaming w Beautiful games?

Elden Ring looks beautiful. You just need to get used to fighting a boss 100+ times before killing him ;_;

Horizon series is good. The 2nd game, Forbidden West is so good I used to open the photo mode at random spots and take pictures because I found the scenery beautiful. I would definitely recommend it.

Ghost of Tsushima is also beautiful. However I got bored pretty quickly but others have enjoyed the game so maybe you’ll like it.

Also Skyrim with mods (like ENB) can be beautiful as well :p

rich, (edited ) do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

Xenoblade X remaster/definitive edition.

Main trilogy is complete and wrapped up. X is still stuck on the Wii U and the online needs bringing back in a big way

Edit: 2015 may make more sense. 10 years, like X1DE was ten years after the original. Then XB2 DE then 4.yep.


I’m currently playing the XC Definitive Edition and I’d love to play X! I heard many saying it’s a good game

rich, (edited )

It’s great, just very very different.

No links to the other games in story, other than nopon appearing and one type of unique monster. No real main character (create your own), missions and exploration over story. Very minimal story. Huge mechs, soundtrack by Hiroyuki Sawano (attack on titan) complete with rap during battles.

It’s a very frustrating game, but it is gigantic, has some awesome worlds to explore and is worth playing

I was disappointed in it at launch as it was not what I expected from Xenoblade after getting that one at launch here in the UK in 2011 - that was incredible.


Apparently the main thing that’s been holding Monolith back from remastering X has been trouble updating the engine for Switch. More powerful hardware might enable it… let’s hope.

With their dev cycle and work culture I don’t think we’re getting a launch Xenoblade though, or even anything.

d3Xt3r, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

Honestly, I’m more excited at just the thought of getting a higher-specced Switch, so that I can play my existing games like TotK in all it’s glory.


Tfw it’s back compatible but none of the games get a graphical or performance upgrade…

autumn, do gaming w Need some local coop recommendations avatar

i really love stardew valley for a cozy co-op game. for something a little weirder and darker, crawl is a blast.

iloverocks, do piracy w What's the best way to get German content?

Idk what you mean exactly but I just search with yandex e.g. shreck 1 German free

Oneeightnine, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?
!deleted4231 avatar

I’d be very surprised if that Metroid Prime game doesn’t feature in their launch plans.

lingh0e, do gaming w Need some local coop recommendations

How has this thread been up for half a damn day and no one has mentioned the Borderlands series ( at least mentioned Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, but that was just a Borderlands 2 DLC which got re-released as a standalone.)

My wife and I put tons of hours into most of the the Borderlands series. I recommend playing them in release order.

  1. Borderlands is a fun shoot n’loot that’s got a loose plot, but it’s not terribly deep. It’s like a sci-fi road warrior feel. It’s a fun co-op game with plenty of DLC and replay value. My personal favorite.
  2. Borderlands 2 is all the fun of the first but they went all in on the writing and voice acting as well. It’s tons of fun. Arguably the best of the series in every aspect. It’s also tons of fun in couch co-op.
  3. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the third game but canonically it’s the second. It’s the same concept but with new anti-gravity mechanics and lasers. It’s like Mad Max on the moon. I believe this started life as a DLC for BL2 before Gearbox decided to turn it into a fully fledged standalone game.
  4. Borderlands 3: It was a fun game with some really great level design, but the writing seemed forced. Worth a playthrough to see where they take the storyline.
  5. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands - Borderlands meets DnD. A spin-off of the aforementioned Assault on Dragon Keep DLC. The game itself is a lot of fun, but it’s a miserable split screen co-op experience thanks to the terrible menu and inventory management system.

I had no idea Borderlands series had a splitscreen co-op mode! I have done online co-op before and it was fun.

Godort, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

A top-down Zelda could be in the cards. Perhaps a Links Awakening style remake of the Oracle games or Minish Cap

Much smaller in scope than TotK and therefore much faster and cheaper to develop, especially if they just re-use the LA engine.

drcouzelis, avatar

It was years after the Switch came out that I finally decided to get one, and honestly the one game that combined me to get it was Link’s Awakening. I love that game so much!

Over the years, I ended up spending the most time playing Animal Crossing. I beat Mario Odyssey and it was nice. I really could not get into Breath of the Wild at all, or the sequel.


I’d love that, but imo ALttP is the one in most dire need of a proper remake


Yep, their Zelda release strategy is to release a remake during long development cycles for new titles. I see this as virtually guaranteed.

Templa, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

Hopefully a new Animal Crossing game! I started ACNH last month and it was my first time with the franchise. I’m already taking a time off because I was too obsessed but the game was so polished and well done that I’m really excited for the next. Also considering they have been busy with something since November 2021, I don’t think it is unlikely they are already working in the new game.


Give us the chance to finally have one island per player on the console, and it’s a day 1 purchase with my SO.

all-knight-party, avatar

And bring back touch screen inventory management. Beyond me why they didn't take advantage of their own console's features when they'd already done that in all past possible games.

CraigeryTheKid, do piracy w Having a hard time settling on a VPN

I have PIA and have so far been very pleased. If you are concerned about owner, maybe just go 1 year at a time, so you can pivot elsewhere if their reputation changes.

I DO get captcha on Google sometimes. But it just convinced me to switch to DDG and never looked back.

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