Anyone else has cross-seed configured? I started the process, created the config.json and now I need to configure it. It would be useful to see how someone else set it up and why. I feel the provided explanations in the config file are just a notch too high than what my hobbyist mind can understand atm. Then there’s direct client injection or autotorrent2 I still have to figure out.
For those curious, cross-seed allows you to take what you are seeding and find where else that torrent is and seed it there too, within a defined set of trackers. Perfect for sharin’ ye booty, arr!
You are correct the FIREWALL_VPN_INPUT_PORT is to allow the port to be opened on the vpn side of the connection. You will add the port provided to you from Air as that variable and set the same port within qbittorrent.
You should not be adding the port 6881 anywhere, example compose below from the guide on my website.
Hmm I see, I had the port in 6881 docker-compose and used it for the incoming connections in qBittorrent for 2 days or so, would that get me a notice from the ISP? I’ve been using network_mode: “service:gluetun” the whole time and the curl from the qBittorrent container console always delivered the ip of my vpn.
The only ports you need to expose from Gluetun are the ones for the webUI for each of the containers you’re running thru it. You should never expose the port for incoming connections since that would make your torrenting traffic avoid the VPN.
Your qBittorrent and *arr containers should be run with network: “service: gluetun” in your docker-compose file (assuming you’re using compose)
I thought it was great, and I’m glad I have only picked it up recently. Games like Inside are the reason why I think comparing games only makes sense to a limited degree. It’s a great game, very inquire, soooo enjoyable. But it’s also short, and that’s probably a good thing? Is it better than TOTK? I wouldn’t even know where to start on that question. It’s not worse, it’s just different.
The same conversation Limbo started to kick off when they released that back in the day. Quite short, but when you enjoy each moment that much, how can you attempt to assign a dollar to hour value? You just can't always diminish it to something that simple.
In terms of saying whether it's "the best of all time", well, it could certainly be one of the best of all time, but you really can't put it in front of or beside games doing radically different things. Youd have to start making a few wide umbrellas of games to place together and then rank them from there. Perhaps something like Unravel would be more comparable with something like Inside or Limbo.
I liked the story, it really drove the game forward but the gameplay was repetitive fast. I got old of it far quicker than I did when I played limbo.
Comparing games is like comparing movies. I think for the most part it works when you compare segments and styles rather than just whole games. Like I felt portal while also a short one mechanic game, that mechanic had a less tedious feeling towards the end. Probably due to the uniqueness of the mechanic at the time.
I’d argue it’s worse than TOTK. I completely get your point that they’re wildly different, but INSIDE doesn’t feel as overall “fun” to me at any point as BOTW or TOTK. I think there was only one real flaw with INSIDE; the way in which you solve puzzles can be sort of tedious. One thing I really liked about The Witness was that, despite the fact that some things were hidden or convoluted, it was rarely a stupid long walk just to complete the puzzle. INSIDE featured that a number of times. Sometimes the puzzle’s solution was obvious, but I was still running around for minutes just doing the legwork. I feel there should be instant gratification for the puzzle’s solutions, sometimes solving them didn’t even feel good because I had spent too long trying to actually get the game to recognize I had completed the puzzle even though I had figured it out
Sounds like you already have a good start on this, but I wrote up instructions for myself when I move computers. I use calibre and an older version of the Kindle for PC app. DM me if you need help.
Heavenltly Bodies is an astronaut simulator. You just have to pull levers and connect things, but with really cluncky and funny phisics which will make you LOL when someone pushes someone else the wrong way and they float into outer space and die.
There’s also a level with a mini spaceship that only has two seats. This level is great with at least 3 people. “Better hold on tight, buddy!”.
Niestety, ale odpowiedzią jest poczytać różne źródła i pooglądać vlogi i jednak przyswoić trochę tej wiedzy. Albo jak ktoś już zasugerował dietetyk specjalizujący się w dietach roślinnych.
Ja polecam sobie na sam początek zapisywać makro, które codziennie spożywasz. Białko powinno być z różnych źródeł, to już pewnie czytałeś wielokrotnie. Ja jem codziennie na śniadanie owsiankę z orzechami i potem zazwyczaj jakieś strączki i warzywa. Jak masz spore zapotrzebowanie na białko, to możesz dorzucić odżywkę. No i poczytaj sobie, na które witaminy i składniki mineralne musisz uważać - może to niedobór b12 sprawia ciągłe poczucie głodu? (tylko strzelam) Albo po prostu jedziesz na mocnym niedoborze kalorycznym i nawet sobie nie zdajesz sobie sprawy (monitorowanie pomoże). Żelazo jest szczególnie ważne, zwłaszcza jeśli masz okres albo oddajesz krew - ja wpadłam w mocną anemię, nie polecam. Tutaj sobie najlepiej poczytać o tym, jak zwiększyć przyswajalność. Jak się boisz o witaminy “o których nawet nie wiesz” to pierwsza lepsza lista dla wegan Ci wylistuje większość z nich. A, i polecam badania krwi żeby to monitorować. Może jakaś apka do trackowania diety Ci pomoże? Słyszałam, że cronometer jest niezły.