JackbyDev, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Don’t waste my time. That’s my biggest thing in games. Death Stranding was fun but holy shit. Everything had animations. Just sooooo many. It made even the most simple tasks take so long. Why do I need to see so much when I deliver a box? Why do I need to see Sam get in a truck? It irks me so much.


It would help if there was unique animations each time, but it's the same exact movement that makes it get tiresome.

Gargleblaster, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate? avatar

Guild Wars 1

Having a character of one main class and a secondary class that could be switched at any time between any of the 9 classes.

8-slot skillbar with one heroic skill that could only come from your main class.

400+ total skills in the game.

Plenty of room for you to make your own homebrew builds, and some classic builds that were outside the box:

The assassin that used a staff (assacaster), the ranger that used necro skills to touch people to death (touch ranger), and the 55 monk, which had almost no hp but so much healing it was hard to kill.

It will always be my MMORPG because of the character design.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

If "Secret World Legends" isn't already on your radar, it might be up your alley.

Haven't played GW1, but SWL has a moveset similar to what you described.

It's set in modern day, with the premise that all myths, conspiracy theories, urban legends etc are all true - and frequently need to be contained. There are three factions: STRONGLY recommend you choose Illuminati (best faction story line by a long shot).

The investigative missions will make you feel like a moron, but in a weirdly good way. SUPER satisfying to figure them out without looking up hints online.


Not a game I hear mentioned much, but man Secret World had so many great things going for it. The best quest design in a MMO* I have ever seen, and a really unique setting too. Shame it was managed so badly, in an alternate world where TSW took off and was still getting content updates, I would be thrilled.

*MMO-ish in Legends.

Xariphon, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Do huge fucking cliffs and invisible walls count as mechanics?

I know equipment durability does and that can fuck right off.

One thing I love is when the game mechanics are well grounded in the world. A recent good example of this was in Tears of the Kingdom; in one cutscene you actually see Zelda use the Purah Pad to fast-travel out of trouble just like you also can. It elevates it from a gaming conceit to something actually part of the world.


I usually dislike weapon durability (eg, in Fallout), but Zelda is the one game where I actually liked it. Perhaps because in Zelda, it was a central mechanic that the game was designed and balanced around.

For most games, durability is something that the game isn’t really designed around and feels more forced in. When you can repair your gear (as you usually can), durability just means every now and then you gotta deal with the annoyance of repairing.

ampersandrew, avatar

The annoying part in Zelda was where you'd acquire and destroy your weapon in just a small handful of swings, like the kingdom of Hyrule had the world's worst blacksmiths.


The new Zelda games are what solidified my hatred of durability. Oh look I finished this quest line and got a fancy sword that's a reference to an older game! Time to put it on a shelf and never use it so it doesn't explode and go away forever.

The one thing they could've done that would have made the whole thing tolerable was if the special weapons from your allies were unlimited. The Eagle Bow, the Boulder Smasher, etc. At least then you would always have one thing in whichever style you liked that you could just use without always worrying about. Instead those are the most expensive hardest to get weapons and they still have fucking durability. It just makes everything worse and every reward less rewarding.


I agree with you on those special weapons. I dunno why the heck they made those so rare or expensive while also not being that durable. I don’t find it an issue for most normal weapons, though, especially with the fuse mechanic in TotK. I like how it forces me to vary things up and allows for regular treasure chests or drops to actually give you something you can use (even if it’s basically like a short lasting consumable).

agressivelyPassive, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Obligatory grinding. Like all those “retrieve my friends bracelet from the Torture Chamber of the Bloodseeking Ghouls”. You’re just running around doing the same things over and over again. Finding the place, killing everything, going back, talk to person A, get referred to person B, etc etc.


This is why I don’t play MMOS anymore. They are padded by crap like this.

Dalek_Thal, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing? avatar

Been a fan since the start, so here’s my two cents:

Dragon Age Origins is amazing. Buy each of the expansions. Save files transfer from expansion to expansion, and there are also a few DLCs for the base game. Usually everything is sold in one package - either the Ultimate Edition on Steam (which can also be modded), or GoG. GamePass only has the basegame.

Once you’ve completed the final DAO expansion (Witch Hunt), DA2 is worth playing at least once for its story. It has two expansions (Mark of the Assassin and Legacy) both of which are improvements on the base game. Don’t bother with any other DLC unless you get it all in a package deal. Save file transfers directly into DA2 from DAO.

Once you’ve completed DA2, DAI is also worth playing (I personally liked it more than 2, but YMMV). Mainline it if you start getting bored, as the main quest is worth the playthrough. It had three expansions, the first two played during the main campaign (both endgame) and one postgame expansion. All are worth playing, but The Descent and Trespasser are the most important for the overall world. DAI saves are a bit weird, as they don’t come from DA2. Instead, you fill in your choices in the Dragon Age Keep (should be first result on Google) and export them to DAI. I suggest jotting down major choices as you go.

Outside of the three games, there’s also a series of novels and a Netflix series, as well as a series of comics. The first five and following three comics are available in collections, generally pretty cheaply. Novels are printed to order. If you enjoy the stories in the games, I strongly recommend Asunder by David Gaider and The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes. Tevinter Nights was great, but it may lose relevance when the new game comes out in the coming couple of years, as it was written as a kind of preview for what’s coming up. The Netflix series was good, but likely of little relevance to the greater narrative.

Honestly, all three games are worth playing in order. There’s nothing atrocious about any of them (DAI won game of the year in 2014), although none have aged super well. In the case of DA2, it may be worth mainlining if the environments bother you (game was made in 18 months, so most maps were recycled several times). If you do mod DAO, just do texture mods for now; there’s some great stuff out there, but only really worthwhile for later playthroughs.

If you find yourself really loving DAO, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a spiritual successor to it and a direct sequel to the games that were DAO’s original inspiration. Do check that out when it comes out at the end of the week if DAO is your jam.

Feel free to DM me if you have any other questions!


Combat is completely different in BG3. I don't know why people keep comparing it to real time with pause games, they're practically different genres.

Dalek_Thal, avatar

True, although combat is only one aspect of BG3, I’m mostly referring to storytelling and depth of decision making. Tbh I typically avoid combat in EA if I can’t one-shot everything (playing a very squishy Elder One Warlock for whom constitution is his dump stat). There are similarities though (DAO is largely turn-based RTP combat, whereas BG3 is totally turn-based. If you pause enough, DAO slows down enough to become pure turn-based).

patchymoose, avatar

Awesome information, thank you so much!

ElmiHalt, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

DAO+Awakening is just a chef kiss, nothing is perfect in this world but as far as games are concerned DAO is an amazing experience.

DA2, huh, I did finish it like twice I’d say and I don’t remember much. Can’t say much but I guess this fact is something in itself.

DAI got a joke for a story, from the very first minutes it’s just laughable. I did enjoy the crafting and fighting in DAI but even those have a fair amount of flaws (limited number of abilities cause of console support and so on)

UprisingVoltage, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

Definitely play them in order of release. They’re all very different games but an amazing series overall and definitely worth playing

rivingtondown, (edited ) do gaming w Process optimization games?

They’re called management sims, or in the case of Factorio a factory builder.

Rimworld is a colony management sim… check out Dwarf Fortress or Oxygen Not Included for similar games

Rollercoaster Tycoon is a theme park management sim, the obvious suggestions are Planet Coaster and Planet Zoo but also check out City Skylines.

Factorio is a factory builder, I would recommend Satisfactory or Dyson Sphere Program, there’s a few handfuls of those types of games. If you want to get a little wild look into Minecraft (Java edition) w/ mods - most easily something like the FTB Infinity Evolved or one of the new Direwolf packs, it’s arguably where the factory building craze started.


Awesome suggestions, thank you.


If your interested in the minecraft Mods, Skyfactory 3 or 4 are both good for this. There is a bit of startup before you get to all the automation though.


I need to try to get back into ONI. It should be something I would really enjoy. But I got hung up on some details.

Actually, I know it’s a defect in my mindset in approaching that game. I shouldn’t expect certain things like conservation of mass and energy… I also took a while to realize that solubility and diffusion just don’t exist in the game. I don’t want to care so much about this but I struggle.

I loved Tekkit/FTB back in the day! Lots of good times setting up factories and controlling swarms of turtles.


To be honest, I’ve never been able to get over the hump in ONI. I play for hours, have a blast but eventually things start falling apart and I’m not usually able to recover. That being said, I know there’s been some updates since last I played so I may go back to it soon.

Back in 2011 or so I got really into Minecraft mods. I think it was literally just Buildcraft and Industrialcraft. It involved many steps, putting folders inside the Minecraft JAR file, deleting meta INF files, etc. I stuck with it for a few years during which the scene exploded. I actually paid to host a website for my friend’s only server that just included links to the specifics mod versions and step by step instructions how to install them. It was around the same time FTB modpacks came out that I fell off, I played one or two SP worlds with FTB Infinity Evolved and had a lot of fun but Factorio and eventually Satisfactory scratched that same itch.

Coelacanth, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th avatar

Just finished my first playthrough of Cyberpunk last night after about 120 hours. I had 3 or so gigs left but wanted to make sure I got it done before Baldur’s Gate 3 (will need to free up some disk space…).

Overall I liked it a lot, despite its many flaws. It has some moments, characters and stories that are really engaging. Judy was a standout for me, and her voice actress really killed it. I regret not choosing Female V now, but of course I had no idea at the time. And I know it’s controversial but I kinda liked Keanu as Silverhand, even though his voice acting isn’t always “good”. The relationship between V and Johnny was the thing I enjoyed the most, and Johnny’s character development.

Not sure I’m super happy with the ending I got, though, and I might go back and play out some of the other alternatives.


From memory, I’m pretty sure Judy can only romance female V (if that’s what your regret was).

I’m one of the weirdos who had a good time with Cyberpunk when it first came out. I’m really looking forward to the DLC and trying hard not to play it again before the DLC so I don’t burn myself out on it.

Coelacanth, avatar

Yeah, Judy made a big impression on me. I’ll wait a while after Phantom Liberty’s release until I’ll play again, but I’ll definitely play Fem V then so I can see the Judy romance.

I just played through another ending today, (Don’t) Fear the Reaper into the Temperance ending, and I much preferred that to the one I got at first (Rogue’s path into The Sun ending). I’m much more satisfied with the game now.


My first ending was Panam/Aldecaldo and it’s still my favorite probably.

Coelacanth, avatar

I have heard people like that one, and I have read roughly what it’s about, but I’m saving that one for my next playthrough.

I think which one suits best depends a lot on both how you played your V and how you felt about Johnny.

For me, V and Johnny became like best friends, and so The Sun ended up feeling mostly like a letdown and a nobody wins scenario, and it felt almost out of character for V, too.

Temperance felt perfect for the story as I had experienced it, and it was also really cool to see the final dialogues inside Mikoshi from both the perspective of playing as Johnny and playing as V. Highly recommended.

SPOILERSWhen playing as Johnny (the first time), I actually thought V would interrupt a fourth time on the bridge heading towards the light and forcibly kick Johnny back into his body and make the choice for him. At least that’s where it felt like the dialogues were going. I think that would have been a cool moment, if your relationship with Johnny is high enough.

Michaelmitchell, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Just started timberborn and it seems to be in this vain. It's a beaver city builder and you have to manage the river with dams to survive droughts, along with the typical food, water and energy resource management.

PenguinTD, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Automation, procedural, visual programming. Or just world building game.

One example:

Pretty much any game from that developer is procedural/automation related.

!deleted5791 avatar

Ha, was just about to come recommend Zachtronics games. They’re more, uh, programm-y than the others being mentioned, but they definitely do center around process management

Thebazilly, do gaming w Kim is too pure for this sinful earth

I’m here for the Disco Elysium memes. Kim must be protected at all costs.

Oneeightnine, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?
!deleted4231 avatar


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  • hoodatninja, avatar

    Superhot is fantastic.


    The two biggest reasons driving me to get a be headset! I played beat saber at a friends a bit and I just love it

    And I played super hot on my Mac years ago, and got to play it a bit in vr at a con and can’t wait to actually be able to play the whole thing

    bermuda, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?


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  • KyuubiNoKitsune,

    I came here to say "Any Cyan game", Riven i think was definitely one of the most complex and needed the most notes. They've recently released Firmament and Riven remake is on its way too.

    tenkuucastle, avatar

    Totally forgot firmament was coming out!! Riven is a really important game for me so I’m super hyped for a remake

    aperson, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series

    Etho plays Minecraft - season 2. 11 years and counting of wholesome fun.

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