I haven’t played the new one, but I’m also a heretic who enjoyed Agents of Mayhem quite a lot. I’ve almost 100%'d it.
I also played SR:4 and Gat Outta Hell. Loved 4, never quite finished Gat Outta Hell.
My main gripe with the new Saints Row? It was a FortniteLauncher™ exclusive. I won’t buy it until it’s on a deep deep sale on Steam. I chose Linux, and they support my choice. Exclusives aren’t good for an open market, and I hate what Epic has done so brazenly to young audiences with predatory monetization, intentionally addictive systems, and dark patterns.
I got StreamGaGa Netflix Downloader. Nice tool. The 3-time free trial is enough. Here is the official web if you need streamgaga.com/netflix-downloader.
Can uBlock also skip redirects? The whole time I’m using it, it doesn’t skip them at all. I use FastForward to skip redirects and it’s been working really well.
I didn’t know FastForward but it looks great, in fact Skip Redirect didn’t work on many sites. And I do not know, it is a comment that I have read a lot but I have never been able to confirm, I only know that at least in my case sometimes the counters of some pages go down to 0 suddenly but I do not know if it is because of uBlock.
I didn’t know FastForward but it looks great, in fact Skip Redirect didn’t work on many sites.
I’ve been using FastForward for months and every single time it successfully skips redirects. Though the addon is not on Firefox for now due to some miscommunications. You’d have to install it manually here. But if you’re using Chrome or Edge, you can install it directly from the store.
I have been using it since I read your comment and it is absolutely great, not only because of piracy, but also because of the links attached to some Youtube channels.
The images are too compressed, so I can’t really make out what they say. I’m guessing that EA finally updated their outdated Denuvo implementation, making it much tougher to crack now
i did use dlc unlockers to play a multiplayer game, and nothing ever happened, and i uninstalled after i get bored with it. But it might not work on Stellaris.
Been playing Smash Bros Ultimate on Switch. On the PC side of things, GOG has a YUGE sale and I bought whole a lot of old games: Tomb Raider Underworld, Pandemonium 2, Lords of The Fallen, Runaway, Disney’s Hercules and a lot more. I played Pandemonium on PC as a kid but never touched the sequel. As a kid Disney’s Hercules movie was my favorite and my siblings told how I was obsessed about it, and I played the game a little bit back then. Lords of the Fallen seems to be a Dark Souls clone but with a smaller budget.
I tried, but the first days with the long queues were unplayable. Then queue got better, so I could actually play, but the game bugged out after 30min and I had to restart… I will check back in a couple months and play Starfield in the meantime.
Other than that the coop missions were real fun and I’d really like to play. But my time is limited and I decided to spent it otherwise.
Using Koalageddon or CreamAPI should work fine as long as you don’t have to download extra content manually. I’ve used it for years in multiplayer games and never had any issues.