smpl, do piracy w How to code an extractor streaming platform? avatar

I build a lot of tools like that and the first thing I do is to go to the developer tool in my browser and observe the network traffic. When you find the resource you’re after you scroll back and see what requests resulted in that URL. Going from those requests you figure out in the original static HTML document and resource, which parameters are used for the construction of the URL, that might require reversing some javascript, but that’s rare. After that you’ll have a pretty good idea how you obtain the video resource from the original URL. Beware of cookie set by the requests, they might be needed to access the next requests. For building my tools I use Perl or sometimes just Bash or a GreaseMonkey userscript to fetch and parse the urls and construct the desired output.

GrayBackgroundMusic, do gaming w Who's been playing Wayfinder?

I’m waiting until it’s out of early access. I don’t have time these days to beta test games.

Kaldo, avatar

Same, especially when they even charge us for the privilege. Maybe I give it a try once it's actually f2p, and hopefully some of the kinks get ironed out by then as well.


Yeah, but you get to be first!

7Sea_Sailor, do piracy w Struggling to find a FileCR replacement

i’ve been very happy with It’s (at least in part) a torrent tracker, and I’m not sure if it considers itself public or private, but I’ve found most of the software I’ve ever looked for there. You’re probably not gonna be as lucky if looking for niche stuff, but it’s worth a shot.


ill have a look…Thanks :)

banana_havoc, do gaming w Who's been playing Wayfinder?

My two major issues with the fame are how clunky and stiff the combat feels, and how awful the UI is on PC. Animations don’t let your attacks move with the camera far, so you end up attacking in the same direction even when you’re trying to track something to your side. This feels really bad with niss’s ult, because you need to wait between each dash to let the animation reset and give you the direction you actually want to go through.

The UI quite frankly feels like it was made for a phone. Every single choice requires you to hold the confirmation button, the interface itself looks scaled up too much, and the preview model for weapons and characters tends to bug out.


Would you tell me what games you have as a point of reference that the combat feels stiff and clunky? I think I generally play games with similar kinds of pacing so I haven’t personally noticed anything. It’s not as fast, fluid and flashy as say PSO2 New Genesis, but I wouldn’t say it feels stiff or clunky to me.

Agreed the UI is awful though. There’s a lot of missing functionality too… like there’s just no way to manage echoes in their own screen.


The combat feels like it could have gone either stiffer and chunkier like monster hunter or much lighter and responsive like warframe, but it chose the worst of both worlds. So right now you primarily use normal attacks, but they don’t have a lot of weight and locks your character into position and attack angle. The skills feel great in terms of weight (stagger, damage, flashiness, etc) but the cool downs spread them very thin early on, so you are mostly attacking normally.

I actually don’t like PSO2NGS combat for a similar reason, they lock players into a combo or attack pattern in a game that is all about movement and jumping around.

harcesz, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną?
!deleted269 avatar

Jeżeli pasuje ci angielski, to ciekawym zasobem jest ta strona;

Nie jem zwierząt ani mleka, coś tam czasami potrenuję, powspinam się czy intensywnie pochodzę po górach. Moja filozofia w zakresie diety jest taka, że białko raczej ciężko przedawkować i jeśli trenujesz na pewno potrzebujesz go jak najwięcej. Nie znam się (!!!), ale dla nadwyżki przy treningu/intensywnym wysiłku celuję żeby mieć dziennie do 2krotności masy ciała w gramach zjadanego białka (też dlatego, że deklarowane na produktach jest przeważnie zawyżone). No i zróżnicowana dieta jest absolutnie kluczowa. Nie mam głowy do liczenia kalorii i jakichś fikuśnych testów, staram się jeśli możliwie różnorodnie, zawsze możliwie dużo zieleniny i w miarę możliwości świeżej.

ryper, do piracy w How to transfer a save file between pirated game versions.

If you’re playing on Windows, the saves are under your user profile so you shouldn’t need to do anything.


Creating a backup never hurts tho.


This is only true sometimes. Some crackers will change the save location for some games, and the location where the save will be stored is entirely dependant on how the cracker has removed or emulated the DRM. I’ve also had the pleasure of the crack-save not being compatible with the genuine-save, meaning I couldn’t transfer my savedata after purchasing a game. Though I don’t know how frequent that is.

I don’t know how it works for this particular Cyberpunk crack.


I don’t know how it works for this particular Cyberpunk crack.

Why would there need to be a crack in the first place? Cyberpunk is released DRM-free, isn’t it?


Yes and no. If you get the DRM-free GOG release directly, you would not have this problem. Since this person stated they used the DODI repack, they’re now dependant on which release DODI used for his repack, since it may well be a Steam or Epic Games release.

I quickly looked it up, and the repack is based on the InsaneRamZes release, which in turn is based on either GOG or EGS, depending on which forum post you go by. So I’m not 100 % sure what’s actually being used here. According to the PCGamingWiki, there’s no difference in save location between the different stores, so best case scenario, OP can simply update the game to V2 and everything should be picked up.

SenorBolsa, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games? avatar

It’s gonna be like the wii U where they just release updated versions of those games to start, not the worst move TBH

Just being more powerful will allow it to run a lot of games at their full res and target framerate more consistently.

butter, do piracy w Live sports for Chromecast with Google TV

If you’re looking for a round about solution, you can use whatever IPTV provider and link it to your Jellyfin.

This only makes any sense if you’re already using Jellyfin, of course

junusdenised420, do piracy w How to transfer a save file between pirated game versions.

Besides what the other commenter said you can probably download just the update from dodi and update your current install

bundes_sheep, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th

I’ve mostly been playing Hogwarts Legacy, a not very well known game called Reshaping Mars that I really enjoy, and I am aching to go back to Satisfactory but haven’t had the time.

I game on Linux using Steam. If those three other people who do this and are trying to play Hogwarts Legacy: go back to proton 7, something broke with HL’s latest update and proton 8.

refurbishedrefurbisher, do piracy w Is there a desktop app with similar UX to Cloudstream?

With Stremio, there is no email verification. You can just put in a fake email in the signup and it will go through.


Wait, so what’s the account for?


It tracks your watch history and play positions, syncs across different devices, and can have a watchlist of both movies and TV shows.

Like, you can start an episode of something on your PC, then continue on your phone.

Also syncs all of your addons, including Torrentio and all of its settings.


That sounds pretty convenient, although I’m a bit worried about the privacy side, it would seem that making a guest account is a good enough compromise at least

if you login as a Guest User, no personal data is collected whatsoever.


I don’t worry too much about them collecting data. Not much data to collect, and I’m using fake info.

But yeah, you can totally use a guest account.

AlexanderTheGreat, do xbox w Starfield Review And Discussion Mega-thread avatar

This post will be updated to add reviews as they are released.

Review & Release Megathread - This post will house all reviews and initial reactions, and serve as a place to ask frequent questions and topics around the game around launch.

Yglorba, do piracy w How to transfer a save file between pirated game versions.

The easiest way to figure out where a game is writing its saves is to load it up in Sandboxie and save your game, then check sandboxie’s box content to see what got updated or saved and where.

Also, Cyberpunk is on GOG (because it’s made by the people who run GOG), there’s no need to get it through DODI unless you have a severely restricted internet connection and therefore desperately need the smaller size of a repack - you can get the clean gog installer from gog-games. You should just be able to install the latest GOG version over the old version with no difficulty.


Yes, I was planning to download the new version from gog games. But when I installed the game I didn’t think about gog games at all, when searching for games I often go directly to DODI.

Could you explain this Sandboxie method? I don’t understand, what do I have to upload?


Sandboxie is a sandboxing app. It’s main purpose is to isolate an app from your PC, mainly used to run suspicious apps. It can track what the isolated app does.

It’s rather complicated, so it’s easier to find the game here, or as what I do, use Everything and sort by recently modified files so I can check what files are just written.


I can also recommend Everything (1.5a) as it’s the only tool I know of where I can search not only for file names, but also for the contents of pdfs, docx, etc on every drive, including network drives.

chrisrothwell, (edited ) avatar

You can also check out Process Monitor which is a freeware tool from Microsoft. So basically what you would do is: open process monitor, make a new game save and then process monitor will show you where this save file is located.


Well, the easiest way to find where the save files are located is to check out pcgamingwiki.


This actually worked, thank you. I’ve located the save files now. Now what, I copy it and (in case the reinstallation of the game deletes those files) just paste it?


Yes, backup save and config files, and restore them in case of the reinstallation, but generally games rarely delete them when you uninstall them. This approach works almost with every game.

simple, do games w Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)

Pretty excited to get my hands on this game 5 days later! Reviews are surprisingly more split than I expected, with some calling it an easy 10/10 while others call it shallow. The general impressions are: If you like Fallout, you’ll love this game. I like Fallout, so I’m in.

By the way, IGN gave this game a 7/10, which is a new one for them because they hand out 9/10s like candy.

_spiffy, avatar

This game is on my to buy list, but probably in a few years when they have ironed out all the issues and dropped the DLC in a GOTY or whatever edition they make later.

weeahnn, avatar

I’ll probably wait to see what kind of performance people are getting before I make the jump.


Part of me wants to drop coin over the weekend to upgrade my outdated system just to play ASAP. The other part of me knows waiting is better

donuts, avatar

Next year's value proposition on PC parts is almost always better than this year's. (Except for NVidia for some reason.)


Console is downscaled and 30fps and one guy on pc had 45-70fps 1440p high settings using a 3600x/2080ti. But yeah, more performance info should pop up soon :)


I'm thinking Steam Deck. Or wait for the Switch 2 and expect a port to that (Microsoft seems to have no problem putting exclusives on Nintendo platforms, c.f. Ori)

_spiffy, avatar

Yea I’m a linux gamer so waiting to see if it works for me is basically mandatory. Good way to stop pre-ordering lol.


I kind of enjoyed fallout but it did feel very shallow for an RPG. I’m hoping this one does a bit better in that regard but I’m trying to temper my expectations.


Fallout had a lot of clever environmental storytelling, vignettes in random buildings, drama happening via terminal logs throughout abandoned factories, etc.

I hope that Starfield hasn’t gotten rid of that aspect of their world building.

NOT_RICK, avatar

It’s what Bethesda does best so I’ll be astounded if it’s not still present


Yeah that ign number threw me off lol. Good for them!


I think many ambitious games recently get divisive ratings. I remember many cyberpunk 2077 reviews rated it highly praising the (imo excellent) highs while minimizing the lows before many reviewers bashed it for the bugs and incomplete scope. When these reviews come out it almost feels like the reviewers are scared to be the first to open the “hey it’s bad” floodgates


I feel the opposite. Everyone wants to be the first to dunk on a popular game. That gets you more clicks than just another 9/10.

simple, do games w Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)

Pretty excited to get my hands on this game 5 days later! Reviews are surprisingly more split than I expected, with some calling it an easy 10/10 while others call it shallow. The general impressions are: If you like Fallout, you’ll love this game. I like Fallout, so I’m in.

By the way, IGN gave this game a 7/10, which is a new one for them because they hand out 9/10s like candy.


Yeah pretty surprised by the IGN review. But all in all I’m sold on the game already based on what I’ve seen and read.


That’s funny, I remember reading about how IGN always gives 9/10s back in like 2004 on the Gamefaqs forums, some things never change k guess

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