I know I might sound like I am complaining or hating, but please understand I am a huge fan of Silent Hill and want this to be successful, but I also want it to be faithful. No spoiler warnings, its a remake of a 20+ year old game.
There are a lot of things changed that didn’t need to be. Like they changed stuff purely for the sake of changing it, when it was completely fine in the original as is.
They made the fog thicker in some places than the original and thinner than the original in others.
Quicktime events still exist. Actual war crime.
You can take damage and be interrupted when interacting with items, objects, puzzles, the map, and notes, which is awful and needs to be patched to fix it. That type of gameplay mechanic is not suitable for this kind of game. Its Silent Hill, not Dark Souls.
Still wish they gave us a fixed camera option, but I can at least know that modders will 100% fix that blunder.
Don’t like the changes to the Pyramid Head intro scene, also don’t like that you now meet Eddit before PH and James no longer asks about whether Eddie saw the “Red Pyramid Thing.” And actually, I don’t like that they changed the dialogue at all. The original dialogue was fine and easy to understand. It didn’t need to change, and is another example to me of changing it just for the sake of changing it.
Angela’s voice actor is easily the worst in the game. The actress might be okay and maybe the direction was bad, but she just sounds flat and wooden in the remake, which by comparison in the original Angela had a “rollercoaster” type of voice direction, she was quite animated compared to James. The remake just makes her sound like she doesn’t care at all about anything, which is how James should sound, but whatever. Her intro scene in the cemetary is her best acted scene, and it only gets worse from there.
Don’t like how Angela acts with the mirror scene. In the original when she turns the knife on James her pose shows fear, like she is cowering away from James. Given this character’s backstory, that is completely understandable and expected. But in the remake for some reason she holds the knife out like a combat trained Navy Seal or some greaser from Michael Jackson’s BAD music video when they show the knife duel. And the cry of “no” doesn’t really sound like a cry of fear, more like disciplining a child when they take cookies from the cookie jar.
Avoiding enemies, the best strategy of the original and the entire point of survival horror as a genre, is pretty much impossible in the remake. In the original you were only required to fight the Flesh Lips, Abstract Daddy (boss), and Maria. You never even actually had to fight Pyramid Head, you just waited it out and he left on his own. But now I can’t seem to avoid enemies like I could before. Mostly pacifist runs will not be likely doable anymore.
I havent played too much beyond this yet.
I like the graphics. Not crazy about the controls/camera. One note about the graphics- the fog not rendering in the puddle reflections on the ground is really distracting.
Don’t like how they made Eddie look, I much prefer his original design. James is okay, glad they fixed him.
The music is hit and miss for me, unlike the original. Some iconic tracks are too different IMO and lose that charm the original had.
PC performance is bad. Just like every other Bloober game, not only is it difficult to maintain 60 fps (needing DLSS and other options on just for 1080p), but even if you can hit 60 fps the game stutters anyway. Sometimes stuttering in a spot that moments ago did not stutter, it doesn’t seem to have any reliable pattern to it and is unavoidable. About the same as all of Bloobers other games, which is a real shame.
Monster designs are okay but they all seem to have a strange eggshell sheen on them where they were more shiny/wet looking in the original. Especially the Mannequins.
“We dont have yellow paint, we have white paint” is kinda annoying but at least thematic I guess.
Any stealth game with a forced overt section should have a warning.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Optional stealth game, but the boss battles just drop you in a room with the boss fully aware of you and that’s the fight.
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey - Optional stealth, except for the battles for power where you can flip control of an area. No stealth allowed.
Zenless doesn’t even have multiplayer yet, it’s basically a single player game with updates, the only interaction is chatting with someone after adding their id to your friend list.
We’re all sick of live service games, and that’s why new (copycat) games are failing so hard. Look at XDefinant, Concord, etc.
Plenty of people have one or two live service games that they like/play, and the sustained success of those titles like Fortnite, Destiny, Apex Legends, Diablo IV is why we keep seeing so many clones and attempts to hit the next gold vein. But the creators of those copycat titles fail to capture the real source of others’ success; great gameplay.
Diablo IV is proof that a strong nostalgia brand is more powerful than a good game like Path of Exile, game spent the first year just fixing itself like everyone bought an alpha access.
The unanimous game of the year last year is a turn-based RPG, and I can promise you Metaphor: ReFantazio this year will do well critically and commercially, just like Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth did earlier this year. There are plenty of turn-based RPGs to go around. If you meant turn-based tactics or strategy, same thing; plenty of those to go around as well.
RTS sort of peaked with StarCraft II, at least in terms of popularity, but you find some here and there. Battle Aces and Stormgate are both from ex-Blizzard devs chasing that high, and both are live service, so those two will soon be dead, but there are others out there that are less popular that come out from time to time.
For C&C fans, Tempest Rising is C&C in all but name. The most recent playtest felt like a hybrid of Tiberian Sun and Tiberium Wars. It’s not out yet, but I’m very excited about it.
It’s chess where I find they’re super op - I mean seriously, the ability to no scope bishops from across the map while moving like a knight is totally unbalanced and the Devs need to too back the update.
This a first person RPG in the style of the PS1 with Elder Scrolls influences worn on its sleeves. This isn’t so much about the RPG parts of the game as it is about the exploration aspect, which isn’t usually my jam, but it worked really well for me here. Despite having tons more draw distance than 5th gen consoles, it is of a similar scope and scale of games of that era, with a lot of the positives from back then that I tend to forget about. A lot of people complain about yellow paint in modern games, and this is the antithesis of that: everything worth exploring is visible from miles away, and there’s a lot of it, with no fluff to make it visually confusing.
I included Fall Guys because I liked it. I included Fortnite because it’s one of the most popular games ever made. It would be weird not to include it.
I’m in the “if I can’t avoid them, I’m not playing the game long” camp.
I don’t hate them, and they can be fun. But most of the games that do them make them impossible to bypass. Like others have already said, when you’re questing, they just derail the gameplay experience. There’s times that’s okay, but if a game has them often enough, it ends up making me hate the game and quit.
It’s why I don’t go back an replay the final fantasy stuff.
China has announced a ban on Gacha game mechanics (and lootboxes, predatory discounts, and gambling) which should hopefully ripple out to Europe and the US soon.
A lot of these mechanics were adapted from the Chinese gaming market and I think the same will likely happen in the reverse.
Same, World of Tanks is the first game that comes to my mind when people mention pay2win mechanics. I am quite happy that I don’t play that game anymore.
True I would not recommend linking romsites here. Though I do find using k3b to extract roms off of phyisical discs I own to be useful when trying to emulate them.
And they didn’t retroactively unlock impacted gear. I had a couple god rolled blast furnaces relgated to casual PvP despite the absurd amount of time I had to put into that bullshit forge activity.
Anyone else notice the extent of bungies creativity as far as destiny is concerned:
It’s funny is how gorgeous the endgame content looks. Sure it plays out very much in the same way, but it’s kinda crazy how hard they go in visuals on parts of the game that very few players can reach. I’m not opposed to this in principle, mind you.
But yeah the raids and dungeons didn’t really grip me in the end. Pretty as they are, there’s a lot of arbitrary systems at play which kill my engagement.
That’s what killed it for me. I really enjoyed the Lawbreakers beta, but paying $30 for a game that would either die at a fixed price or quickly shift to F2P made no sense.
You know what f2p means to me? It means you can play the game for free but the experience is guaranteed to be miserable because you’re going to have relentless ads crammed down your throat for skins and other bullshit I couldn’t give a single fuck about, and no matter how much you pay it never stops.
So if it’s between that and just paying $30 for the game, I’ll take the $30 every time. I avoid f2p games like the plague.
It was originally advertised as f2p, at some point they changed their minds and decided to charge for it, clearly it didn’t go well since people already associated it with free.