d3Xt3r, (edited ) do gaming w I am so pumped for Phantom Liberty and Cyberpunk 2077 v2.0!

I’m one of the foolish ones that actually pre-ordered the game. Was super hyped for it too, did a countdown till midnight so that I can start playing at launch, and I even live streamed it (and also had a few other streams going on two laptops). Took the day off to play the game as well.

The clock hit 00:00 and less than 30 minutes into the game, I ran into my first bug. I stuck was in a dialog loop and couldn’t get out no matter what I tried, so was for forced to load an earlier save. Then I got stuck somewhere else, or something funky would happen. I’d never been so utterly disappointed in a game until Cyberpunk came along. So anyways, I was so put off by it that I’d decided not to play it any further, until they patched it all up. So the first patch came along, but this time I decided to read the reviews first - still plenty of bugs. Thought I’d wait for the next one, noope, still buggy. And the next one. And the next. And then I decided to ignore the game completely, until not only they fixed the bugs, but also added QoL stuff into the game. Like better AI, better peds, better driving etc. Make the city more immersive. I mean, I had waited for so long, so might as well wait and play until it’s at it’s best version.

So, not only will I not play now, nor when 2.0 comes out, I’ll play it only when Phantom Liberty is out, and will enjoy the game, for the first-ish time, the way it was meant to be played.

Assuming of course that Phantom Liberty isn’t a dud, but having learnt from my previous experience, I might wait a bit after it comes out and see if they release a post-launch patch or something first.

Never again pre-ordering a game… unless it’s a Zelda.


Lol, I’m never preordering a Zelda game again after TotK.

dingus, avatar

I mean, I’m against pre-orders but why TotK specifically?

995a3c3c3c3c2424, (edited )

I was just totally disappointed by it… it was basically “Breath of the Wild, Director’s Cut/Remake”, and I didn’t enjoy the building mechanic at all, which seems to be what they had spent most of their time working on. If I’d waited for the reviews I don’t know if I would have bought it. I definitely would have waited for a sale at least.

dingus, avatar

Valid critique. I felt like it really built on the first game in positive ways in gameplay and story. They basically hid the existence of the Depths until the games release. I spent very little time building stuff, and a lot of time fucking around in the Depths.

For a game existing in the same world as the previous title, I think it worked well for what it was. Also, far fewer people complained about Far Cry 4/Far Cry Primal having the exact same map, slightly tweaked, so the complaints about it seemed a little confusing for me.

However, I would agree that while I think it’s bigger than a DLC, it really shouldn’t have been $70 brand new, especially when they had no plans to make DLC for it.


…did a countdown till midnight so that I can start playing at launch, and I even live streamed it (and also had a few other streams going on two laptops). Took the day off to play the game as well.

Every time I read stuff like this, I just shake my head, no matter what game is being discussed. I won’t say this has NEVER worked, but certainly not for the last decade or two. Games have just evolved to the point where big budget releases are always problematic right at launch. Whether it’s full of bugs like CP2077 or it has server issues like all the “live service” games, there is always something that makes playing right at launch just not viable.

Hope for the best, expect the worst.

Mechanismatic, (edited ) avatar

I really like having learned delayed gratification. There are plenty of great games (and shows and movies and music) that I’m happy to wait to experience later when I’m ready for them. The only issue is just time-sensitive things like spoilers from other people or games that depend on live servers/seasonal events and I try to avoid those. And being patient often means better discounts, game of the year editions, multiple DLCs, humble bundles, more mods, etc. As long as you aren’t worried about FOMO, it means you’re far less likely to be surprised or upset over the quality or price point of any particular game.


I think the last one that was worth it was the orange box.

The_Picard_Maneuver, do games w Lies of P - Discussion avatar

I got it yesterday too, and I think it’s fantastic. This is one of the few soulslikes that feels right.

You can tell it’s a love letter to the FromSoft games, made by people who understand what makes them fun: big intimidating bosses, different playstyles to experiment with, largely linear levels with secrets and paths that loop back on top of each other.

The difficulty feels well tuned and challenging. Some bosses have given me a little trouble, so I get to chase that high of “mastering” the fight by the time I beat them. I’m really enjoying it.

Xylinna, avatar

I’ve only gotten past the first major boss but I never felt like it was too difficult or too easy. A lot of the souls like games seems to struggle with the right balance of difficulty and just don’t seem to “get it”. The combat feels good, hits feel solid and I don’t feel like I’m getting screwed over. I’m really liking the game so far, the enemies and environmental storytelling are definitely souls inspired. Also, screw the chimney sweeps.

The_Picard_Maneuver, (edited ) avatar

+1 about those damned chimney sweep guys. Lol

I was only able to get through the first zone yesterday because I played the beta earlier this year that showed the entire first area. I think they absolutely listened to feedback and tuned some enemies up and down.

The dodging took a little bit to get used to, but once you have a feel for it, it’s great. I honestly felt the same way about bloodborne dodging the first time I played it - it was just a little different, and I needed new muscle memory. Also FYI, I looked up the weight thresholds, and 60% is when you start moving slower.

Zoidsberg, do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore? avatar

Figure I’ll just dump a list of non-fandom wikis I use here.

Tolkien Gateway - General Tolkien stuff

LOTRO Wiki - Lord of the Rings Online

UESP - Elder Scrolls

BG3 Wiki - Baldurs Gate 3

Halopedia - Halo

OSRS - Runescape


Add Doom Wiki as well for all things Doom related

Zoidsberg, avatar

Great addition, I didn’t know about that.

Sabin10, do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore?

There was nothing wrong with the gamefaqs model, not every game needs or deserves a fully fleshed out wiki. Wikis are great if you want to know more about a game universe and its characters but are pretty awful as walkthroughs.

blanketswithsmallpox, (edited )

Agreed. I could completely understand why Gamefaq FAQ creators stopped though.

It’s A LOT of work. For no payoff besides name recognition and being a good guy. If there were community built GameFAQs sure, but they’re by author. I’ve never seen a community based Walkthrough in the classic text based only format.

pelikan, do piracy w Youtube - like apps like, but as Android app?

You need ReVanced app, that’s new incarnation of Vanced app that ceased to work


Pretty sure that Revanced still has google tracking since its a patched version of the official app.

Also if anyone here intends to use it: Please be careful. The real revenced site ( has awfull SEO and usualy appears way below fake websites (that sometimes spread malware). The only real websites are and the github.

Also you have to patch the app yourself for copyright reasons so don’t trust and websites that offer a direct apk of revanced (the real website offers a manager app that you can use to patch the official app)


Revanced instructions (official Youtube app, but with adblocking, sponsorblock and other nice improvements).

  1. Uninstall Youtube (or disable if not possible)
  3. Install
  4. Open, go to “Patcher”, find “Youtube” and download the specified recommended version from
  5. Patch it, install it.
  6. Install MicroG if you want to use your Google account with it:
  7. Launch your installed youtube app. You will need to login from within the app if you are using MicroG.
RobotToaster, avatar

Also you have to patch the app yourself

I thought I read someone was providing “clean” patched APKs now?


Google might go after pathed apks, but you can’t go after patches (which isn’t apk).

DieterParker, do piracy w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive? avatar

I was of the impression that the ia doesn’t delete, but instead puts files in quarantine until copyright runs out. Else they’d have to digitize it again later.

people_are_cute, do piracy w Is It Farewell To The Internet Archive? avatar

Honestly, for Sci-hub I think it’s just that Elbakyan got tired of maintaining and updating it constantly. That “waiting for court results” part was just an excuse, just because Indian law enforcement is too unequipped to go after pirates doesn’t mean the country magically became lax on IP law. There was no good chance she could’ve won the dismissal plea.

TheHobbyist, do piracy w If all adblocks get deleted, would you still pirate?

For people who pirate because they can’t afford the increasingly more expensive games, how does the removal of adblocks change anything?

sovietknuckles, avatar

I think they’re talking about ads on download pages making it more difficult to click the correct download button when pirating


Using those sites is just asking for trouble

sovietknuckles, avatar


ExLisper, (edited ) do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks?

I think the best way would be to re-record the audio. Laugh track usually overlaps the dialog a bit so it’s impossible to get rid of it. You just have to find some actors and have them read the script. The casts of most sitcons are not that big. You will need like what? 10 people? You can probably do it with your friends. Then just add some basic sound effects like door closing and cars starting. A bit of work but doable.

SirGaston, avatar

Extraordinary problems need extraordinary solutions! Thanks :D

CH3DD4R_G0BL1N, do piracy w What torrents should I seed for yarrr avatar

Infinity Train. It’s my eternal seed after how dirty it got done.

Mcballs1234, avatar

This looks awesome, I’m downloading


Oooh, had it via direct download, I’ve wanted to seed it for that exact reason. Mind pming me a magnet so I can assist?

style99, do piracy w How would someone, hypothetically, pirate Baldur's Gate 3 without being able to torrent? avatar

"there hands"

"nefarious no-gooders"

"to these pirates"

"illegal files"

"of course"

Am I reading an AI trying to sound hip and trendy?


I’m assuming it’s an 80 yo on drugs.


It’s supposed to be their hands, not there, haven’t yet seen AI making mistakes on purpose but I guess it could if prompted

cobysev, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Undertale is an indie game that promotes and encourages kindness toward others. You can play the game however you want, and there are a multitude of endings depending on how nice/mean you are in your playthrough.

But if you’re not 100% kind to everyone you meet; if you take even one unkind action toward someone, you’re locked out of the perfect good ending. And it remembers your playthrough, so you can’t ever earn it by replaying the game. I dunno if that’s been patched; I haven’t played it since about 2015, but that was the rule when I started it.

And there was no indication starting out that you had this choice. Most people default to fighting bad guys in games. There wasn’t even a hint that you could play the game as a passive, kind person and never harm anyone, despite their aggressive and harmful actions toward you.

So most gamers got locked out of that perfect good ending. Which I guess is kind of the message of the game. Every small act, whether good or bad, can affect people around you permanently. But it’s still annoying as a completionist, knowing that I could never perfectly complete a game because of a rule I wasn’t informed of when I started.


The game remembered a lot of things but you very much could do a pacifist run by starting a new game. I read about the pacifist run after about an hour into the game, decided I wanted to try it, and restarted and was able to achieve the best ending.

ditherwither, (edited )

Yeah, you’re only locked out of pacifist if you previously did a genocide run

Edit: looking at the wiki, this isn’t true, there are minor differences in the soulless pacifist run tho

storksforlegs, do gaming w Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old? avatar

Dont Starve is pretty dark… i wouldnt call it horror exactly but it has a spooky vibe. Its officially 12+ but I think a horror-loving kid would probably be fine with it.

rambos, do piracy w How to route transmission through Mullvad?

Consider moving from mullvad if you are into torrenting. Mullvad doesnt support port forwarding anymore. But no matter what provider you chose, use docker container gluetun to route traffic from any other container (like transmission). I like transmission, but most people use qbittorrent because its more advanced. You can also set up VPN in qbittorrent settings

sxan, avatar

Which affects torrentors how?

Jerbil, avatar

If the port you’re connecting through isn’t forwarded, it isn’t allowing most connections through, drastically slowing down your speed and ability to seed, since you can’t connect to any peers.

sxan, avatar

I don’t torrent, as a rule, so I can’t say I’d notice any speed reduction. I had, however, noticed that no matter how long I kept seeding, I’d gotten few - or maybe no - connections. I didn’t know if this were because nobody else was leeching the thing at the time, or something else like this.

I’m very reluctant to give up Mullvad. So far, in all ways I care about they’ve demonstrated justification for brand loyalty. Plus, I’ve been with them for years and already have everything set up and configured across multiple deviiiiceeeessss.

As I said, torrenting isn’t a critical activity for me, so I’ll hang tight. I am curious to know if Mullvad has given a justification for stopping support for port forwarding. They used to, right? So it was work for them to stop.


Here is their blog post about it:…/removing-the-support-for-forwarded-…

sxan, avatar

Thank you for the link! Very informative.


You’ll get more connections if people can get to you; otherwise, you’re only connecting to people who are port forwarding themselves. If you’re port forwarding, you can connect to everyone.

SinningStromgald, do games w Do you find the description Live Service Game off-putting?

“Service Games”, gotcha games, games with excessive DLC (looking at you sim games), internet required and Denuvo games are all hard passes.


It’s actually gacha games


feels the compulsion to make that correction

Sounds like they got chya, hon.

absentthereaper, avatar

[snort] well ACKSHUALLY–

man don’t no one give a fuck unless they’re already in sunk cost fallacy with that ‘genre’ and its predators

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