enbee, do gaming w Fighting game stick recommendations? avatar

just got a Qanba Drone 2 - not wireless, but it kicks ass.

Jagget, do piracy w What are the ways to play minecraft offline (single player)?

TLauncher is also an option

drifty, avatar

TLauncher has been known to have malware and crypto miners. Please do not use TLauncher


Is there an alternative for simple modpack access? Nephew is using Tlauncher for easy mod switching


its cli only but i go hard for


HMCL on github

Altomes, do gaming w Sea of Stars (2023) review thread

This is quite literally the first title I’ve ever bought at launch in my life and I’m thrilled to do it

donio, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th

It’s been mostly comfort foods: Slay the Spire and Binding of Isaac.

Pxtl, do gaming w What are your favourite classic fighting games? avatar

PowerStone 2. 4-player full-freedom game. Think Super Smash meets WWE games, but with pulp adventure theming (including a kinda stereotypical T-Hawk-style indigenous dude) and a vaguely Tezuka retro-anime art style. That and Virtual On Oratio Tangram (which is like if Armored Core was a fighting game) were reasons to own a Dreamcast for innovative fighting games.

Zoldyck, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic)

Have been eagerly waiting for this one!

mycus, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid? avatar

I mean, I don't mind too much the lack of a grid system but I just can't get used to the turn-less combat system of games like "Pillars of Eternity", Tyranny or Pathfinder.

They are great, though. It's just a nitpick I have.

StalinIsMaiWaifu, avatar

You can turn on turn based in pathfinder, I have it set up real time for exploration to for combat

Moonguide, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

Off topic, how’s Solasta? Halfway through my second playthrough of BG3, and looking for another crpg. I’m not new to the genre (played wasteland 2-3, PoE: DF and D2OS previously), but new to DnD.

On topic: I don’t know if I need it, honestly. I feel like I would appreciate knowing distances and where exactly my character will stand according to a grid, but I haven’t found it to be very necessary.

MudMan, avatar

Solasta is alright. Very "TTRPG in a computer" type stuff, if that's your bag. Not as cinematic or high budget as BG3, but it plays well enough.


I don’t expect any other crpg to take a swing at BG3’s presentation in a very long time, honestly. Don’t need fancy graphics. Would it be a better introduction to someone looking into getting into dnd? Might be running a one shot soon, my first one.

MudMan, avatar

I may not be the right guy to answer that. What I played of it felt very... knowing. Tool-like. It really seemed to want you to know what you wanted to do with it, just in the way it presents itself. Once I got to playing it felt like a good one of those, though, it mostly didn't get in its own way as much as I feared it would.

I'm assuming you already played the Divinity Original Sin games if you're not considering rolling into those after BG3, right? Because those are pretty much more of that.

The other obvious "basically DnD" option is the Pathfinder duology, but those games go hard in ways I definitely would not recommend for "looking into getting" into anything. It's be ready to start over from an unwinnable scenario 30 hours in or stay away.


Yeah, played dos2 as my first crpg, loved it to hell and back.

Saw pathfinder a while back but that one uses another system, right? Not 5e.

I’ll probably jump into Solasta, then. Thanks!

MudMan, avatar

Not 5e. I'm not a tabletop guy, but my read on Pathfinder from Osmosis is that it's DnD for the people that never got over 3 or 3.5. Like, literally it's based on DnD through that whole open format they were trying to shut down recently. You can tell in the videogames, too. In many ways they feel more like the old BG releases than BG3. If those games were unreasonably huge and had some wild campaign-wide mechanics.


Hm, would you mind giving me an example of that whole open format thing? Not sure I understand the difference.

MudMan, avatar

We're getting into the weeds of DnD now and I'm not into the tabletop side of things enough to be that guy for you, so I suggest you google these things from better sources.

But basically, as I understand it there is an open license that allows people to make RPGs based on the DnD ruleset and actually sell them. Been there for ages, it's at the core of several other popular systems, including Pathfinder's "just keep playing 3rd edition forever" take. Hasbro tried to shut that down and monetize those derivatives as part of a wider push to milk the recent mainstream popularity of DnD (on the plus side that's also how we got BG3 and the new movie, so... take the good with the bad, I guess?).

Fan pushback was swift, strong and mainstream, so I believe they pulled back on those plans for now.


Oh, I was unaware of the whole situation. Thanks! I’ll look up info online about it all.


The core rules of d&d (mechanics but not settings) are available under a free license (it was the Open Gaming License, or OGL, although I have a feeling it’s a different license (Creative Commons , maybe?) now following the backlash from earlier this year when Wizards tried to scrap the OGL and replace it with a worse license)

Pathfinder was originally based on the d&d 3.5e ruleset. I’m not sure how far it has diverged from that, as I’ve played neither. Solasta is based on d&d 5e (the latest version of the rules), but is in a non-d&d setting of their own creation. BG3 is also based on 5e (although less strictly than Solasta), but also has the D&D license, so can use the Forgotten Realms/Sword Coast setting

Personally, I enjoyed Solasta, and think it’s a great representation of combat on 5e. The writing and story aren’t amazing, and it lacks the crazy amount of freedom/choices of BG3, but mechanically, it’s a great implementation of 5e rules.

anakin78z, avatar

I friggin love Solasta. Our tabletop D&D game kind of fell apart, and this was the first thing I found that gave me that D&D vibe. My wife liked it right away, too, so this gave us some quality together play time.

The graphics & acting probably don’t come close to BG3, but I honestly don’t care. The battles are very fun. I think the UI is easier to understand and use than BG3, at least to start. Main actions, bonus actions, spells, etc. are all very clearly marked. Another fun feature is that you can create characters outside of games, and level them up, too. I’ve spent a good amount of time just making characters, looking for interesting results. At in person games I tend to always play the same kind of character, but being able to explore lots of different classes in an easy way was a big unexpected bonus of the game.

There’s also a ton of user created content.

It often goes on sale for $15. Definitely worth checking out.

MudMan, avatar

I'll say this, of all the DnD-like CRPGs it's the one I hear mentioned the least, and it absolutely deserves to be a lot more visible because it's far from the worst of those.


I’m convinced, getting it tonight and starting it as soon as I finish my dark urge playthrough. Thanks! Kinda wanna give a go to the character I prepared yesterday, a rock gnome bard who hates rich people and dual wields a hammer and sickle. (Ik two weapon fighting sucks in 5e).

Limeaide, do gaming w Beautiful games?

I really like the hunter call of the wild. it’s not perfect visually, but there have been moments when i just stop to look around and not even care about hunting

newtraditionalists, do gaming w What are your favourite classic fighting games?

Eternal Champions. Such a cool concept, a great cast of characters, and great graphics for the time. Spent so many hours playing it with my brothers growing up. Xavier was the fucking best.

hitstun, (edited ) do gaming w What are your favourite classic fighting games? avatar

Getting the mainstream ones out of the way first: 3s, Garou MotW, ST/2X, Tekken 3 (PS1), UMK3, MvC2, CvS2, SC2, KOF '98, Vampire Savior

Got it? Good. But have you played:
Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire: Strange Mortal Kombat-looking game with three Jackie Chans, but surprisingly accessible
Fighter's History Dynamite/Karnov's Revenge: Karnovember is coming! A 1994 fighting game that held up very well
King of Fighters '95: A prime example of SNK's old school style
Fighter's Destiny and Toy Fighter: 3D fighters where certain knockdowns earn you points, and first to 5 or 7 points wins
Street Fighter EX2 Plus: Arika's quirky take on Street Fighter with plenty of unique characters and mechanics
Slap Happy Rhythm Busters: Fast polygonal 2D fighter with simple controls and supers that make a rhythm action game happen
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters SNES: The good Turtles fighting game. Fun mechanics to learn and break.

Edit: Added videos for the games that didn't have links to a wiki

jakub, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną? avatar

@bodhisattva mi pomogło liczenie kalorii na aplikacji w telefonie żeby się upewnić, że odpowiednio dużo sobie dostarczam, jeżeli to twój początek z byciem wege to nawet przy odpowiedniej ilości mikro i makro to możesz odczuwać głód, bo układ pokarmowy jest przyzwyczajony do większego obciążenia przez mięso


Nie, nie jem mięsa od dwóch lat jakoś (no chociaż na początku kilka miesięcy jadłem jeszcze okazjonalnie ryby). Po prostu teraz ćwiczę dużo więcej niż do tej pory

jakub, avatar

@bodhisattva no to skoro trenujesz to zwiększyło się zapotrzebowanie na białko

max2078, do piracy w What's the best way to get German content?

Getting into a private tracker seems hard

Application signup on TSC or WoT.

Osvaldoilustrador, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th avatar

Bouncing between BlazBlue Central Fiction and Fatal Frame 4

AlexanderTheGreat, do xbox w I want to buy a WD C50, does it work seamlessy with the xbox? avatar

The C50 uses the velocity architecture so you should not need to move any games around to play them.

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