Using Koalageddon or CreamAPI should work fine as long as you don’t have to download extra content manually. I’ve used it for years in multiplayer games and never had any issues.
i did use dlc unlockers to play a multiplayer game, and nothing ever happened, and i uninstalled after i get bored with it. But it might not work on Stellaris.
I got StreamGaGa Netflix Downloader. Nice tool. The 3-time free trial is enough. Here is the official web if you need
I watch UK TV with a VPN–BBC, UKTV, Channel 4, ITV. You have to find a UK address for iplayer, but that’s not too hard with a search engine. I started doing it with Surfshark, then BBC got better at recognizing VPNs. You need to do some homework around that, and don’t believe most online advice, as it tends to be paid advertising.
If it’s a MKV, it’ll probably have the file. You just need to use Handbrake and select the correct track to burn.into the file if you convert to a MP4.
Proton is the way to go. For $12 or whatever it is these days, I get a subscription to Proton VPN, Mail, Calandar, Drive, and Pass (a password manager). I also get 500gb of storage. The VPN is fast enough I leave it on all the time, even when gaming.
You find the missing letter, which is the last letter of the alphabet, and replace the asterisk with it. Then you go on and use it
I’d still really like a better story evaluation than a nostalgic “It’S jUsT likE cHrOnO tRIggEr. REmemBer ChRonO trIGGer? MaN tHaT wAs a gREat gAme.”
Look, I played that game. Combat was sometimes fun. Music was great. Story did not live up to modern standards. I have other JRPG memories that are more about having a unique and impactful story, and seeing their characters grow, than about being a JRPG.
Honestly, anytime we review new games, I’d almost rather the analysis start with what the game did well on its own invention. Even allow for the possibility it’s going to be better than a classic.