Pokemon, either Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Violet, I would have to look at the Switch itself to compare, but last I looked at either one it was around 400-something hours. Shiny hunting can be a surprisingly cozy time-waster, lol.
Hard to say, but I would think Minecraft (over the last decade) then Factorio. If we’re factoring in games from when I was younger then it’s certainly COD followed by Halo then Gran Turismo.
I mean… “the terrorists” of the last 30 years are mostly white guys with AR-15s so… (statista.com/…/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shoote… is an aggregator that looks somewhat legit). And a good percentage are kids using daddy’s gun to bust a cap in Little Timmy during storytime so… I guess we also should be bringing back kid killing from Fallout 1 and 2?
But hey, say what you REALLY mean since the people in the back didn’t quite see your ass after that last comment.
Mass shooters are obviously despicable, but they wouldn’t generally be terrorists. The definition of terrorist requires a political motivation. But even if you did include school shooters in the count, they still would be greatly outnumbered by the amount of people in actual terrorist groups. Some like Hezbollah are effectively armies. Also, I can’t think of a game where you deal with isolated mass shooters.
the unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.
And if you don’t think mass shooters have “political, social, or ideological objectives” then you apparently missed the point where we as a people decided that it is better to not read the crazy manifestos of mass shooters.
But also? What do you call groups that use sexual violence against a populace and actively target civilians? Because I call those Russians and Israelis and Hamas and… What do you call groups that actively kidnap people, brutally torture them, and sexually degrade them while taking pictures for the clout? Because I call that “America at Abu Ghraib and countless other black sites”. And so forth.
Because, at the end of the day? One person’s freedom fighter is another person’s terrorist. It is all a matter of how they are reported on and how much plausible deniability any standing government has to the military force they are actively backing and supporting.
And that is where the video this thread is about comes into play. I have very strong feelings about equating Palestinian suffering to the depiction of Arabs in media in large part because of how the predominantly Arab nations have treated Palestinians over the decades (because this has been going on a lot longer than one year…). But, if people can get their thinly veiled racist heads out of their asses for a moment, they will realize that what we have seen in video games over the past few decades is no different than fucking Superman fighting “The Japoteur” back in the day.
It is all about dehumanizing and Other’ing an enemy. Because explaining the human rights and social issues that may or may not warrant intervention (see: Iraq both times the US invaded and Afghanistan the one time we fucked that country to death) is a lot harder than just saying “They are terrorists and they hate God and they are going to rape and kill your family”. And media is how you reinforce that.
Which is very evident when you look at the Call of Dutys of the world. Arab-coded villains are monsters who torture and blow up civillians. White Russians are genius strategists who have super elaborate plots. Arab-coded villains are terrorists who happen to be the government of whatever country you are trying to destroy. Russians are “ultra nationalists” and there is almost always something about how “Moscow is looking the other way on this one but if you are captured we will disavow any knowledge of you”. And so forth.
So decide if you want to think or if you want to just spew propaganda with thinly veiled racism associated with it.
Everquest by far. Then League. Then Diablo 2. I dont think theres any game that comes close to the total unrecorded amount of hours those 3 games have.
The X3 games (Reunion/Terran Conflict/Albion Prelude) would be one game with DLC today, combined they’re my only 1000hr+ game. X4 is one game with DLC and is well on it’s way to that record.
As much as Monster Hunter is my favorite series of all time, and I have about 1600 hours combined total over several games, it’s still not caught up to my total of over 2000 hours in Warframe. Love that game to bits but yeah I think I played it enough.
Most other games I play, that I played a lot, hover between 100 and 300 hours each.
Ayy which MH is your favorite? Which one brought you into the series? I’m also a huge monster hunter fan, Generations Ultimate is one of my favorite games of all time.
My favorite, most played game AND intro to the series was MH 4 Ultimate on the 3DS. I had a total of 1,000 hours just on that game, across two saves (the first one went to 850 hours) and later I moved on to Gen and GenU on the Switch several years later when I found out I could carry over my save file. GenU is literally a game with infinite content and I don’t think I’ll ever fully finish it, but I’ll keep coming back to it every now and then. I only wish they hadn’t crippled the moveset of my favorite weapon, the Charge Blade.
I played World and Iceborne, but only for 200 hours, didn’t enjoy it much. I liked base Rise on the Switch a lot, and I’m finally playing Sunbreak now on the PC, and it’s instantly become my favorite modern monster hunter game.
I also plan on eventually playing Portable3rd and Freedom Unite on emulators.
Hell yeah, 4U is a great intro to the series. I started with Freedom Unite but it didn’t stick. Played Tri for the wii and that’s what really got me into it (which is weird cause tri is clunky as hell and I think has the least content of any mainline game).
Never really got into charge blade, but GenU did a lot of favors for my two favorite weapons at the time, great sword and gunlance, and the online bosses are absolutely nuts.
Rise is probably my favorite gameplay wise, but I prefer the pre-world armor skill system, and I’m not too keen on the Sunbreak endgame grind.
As far as old titles go, Freedom Unite is very iconic and has a ton of content, but I like portable 3rd way more. The general atmosphere of the areas and town are excellent, and it introduces Zinogre to the game so well. There’s also an english patch floating around for it if you can’t read japanese.
When I was a teen I played WoW from vanilla through Cata… Had over a full year of in game /played time on just my main.
…and I made a lot of alts.
100% full-blown addicted.
Blizzard is actually the one example of enshittification that I can actually be thankful for - I didn’t really ever quit; they just stopped supplying my drug of choice. They definitely had the power to keep me enthralled, but instead shifted to a younger and younger target audience as I was ofc aging the opposite direction.
The Kung-Fu-Panda xpac trailer was finally my cue to accept that my dealer wasn’t going to provide that fix anymore.
Then I started making healthy life decisions discovered Ark >_<
Steam says my top 3, in order, are ARMA3 (though more than half of that has to be with the game minimized as I work on scripts for mods), Team Fortress 2, and Rocket League. All have over 2000 hours, Arma 3 has slightly over 3k.
However, from 1997 to 2007 (literally haven’t played it since The Orange Box released), I was playing Ultima Online for at least 8 hours a day, every day. So if that kept track of my play time, it would likely be numero uno. Diablo 2 and EverQuest would be right behind it.