miklo, (edited ) do wolnyinternet w Spotify czy brak Spotify. Oto jest pytanie

Zaraz zaraz... Nie ma takiej alternatywy, że albo serwisy streamingowe albo piractwo. Zapisanie offline muzyki z youtube czy tego typu serwisów, na swój własny użytek NIE jest piractwem. W każdym razie wg polskiego prawa. Tak samo jak nim nie jest słuchanie muzyki zripowanej z płyt CD.
Więc ja mogę odpowiedzieć, że słucham prawie wyłącznie tego co mam dostępne offline (w tym zawartość zgrana z wszystkich płyt jaki kupiłem w życiu) albo ze źródeł online, które taki zapis umożliwiają. Nawet jeśli robią wszystko, żeby to technicznie utrudnić.

Templa, do gaming w Players who don't like survival games as a genre: Which survival games are your personal exceptions, which ones have you enjoyed nonetheless and why?

Project Zomboid! I love the building your base aspect and you can definitely turn a lot of things off if you don’t like them.

RagnarokOnline, do gaming w Players who don't like survival games as a genre: Which survival games are your personal exceptions, which ones have you enjoyed nonetheless and why?

Really enjoy Don’t Starve, as much as I find the gameplay loop tedious.


Don’t starve together is more fun to play with others. But yeah the base Don’t starve gets tedious and annoying, quickly.


I always have fun with Don't Starve until the winter season/section comes along. Then unless I very closely follow a guide or customize the world heavily in my favor at the beginning of the game, I always end up dying.


I definitely second don’t start together as being the best way to play. I also heavily edit the settings so that it’s not as punishing as the default. It makes the game experience feel a little more open world and less full-time grind.

sub_, do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year?

I played a lot of great games this year, but also many that didn’t click with me.

There’s a huge spikes of games that I played this year, because I decided to start tackling my backlog by streaming them, these include games I’ve bought on sale, and those that are on PS+ Extre.

Can't finish because of difficulty spikes- Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown: - Dropped it after that mission where you need to protect a car, while manouvering between buildings in a city, as expected I kept crashing into buildings - Shantae: Risky’s Revenge- It was fun at first, but then there’s some precisioin platforming part, which I just wasn’t in the mood for - Super Mario 64- There’s a level where you’re first introduced to flying mechanic

Dropped it because of technical issues- Assassin’s Creed Origins- The game crashed within the tutorial area - Call of the Sea- I got motion sickness - Kena: Bridge of Spirits- Again, I got motion sickness, supposed to be an okay game. - Tardy- Weirdly because the game has lots of reading, but the fonts are way too small for me - The Ascent- Too much clutter on scene when you reached the first city / settlement. The first section feels okay, but again, some items / objects are just way too small for my failing eyes

Dropped it because it's not clicking- Gnosia- It was supposed to be fun at first, but then the rolls I got was not advancing the storyline - Grime- This feels like the moment I dislike souls-like metroidvania. It might be when I realized that I’ve picked the wrong upgrade path, and there’s limited resources for upgrading your character - Gungrave G.O.R.E- This is not a good game - Horizon Forbidden West- The combat feels worse than the first one. There’s so many more things to do that has way too many writings that I barely care enough. I’d rather have smaller number of sidequests with good writing, than a large number of them where everyone has so many stories to tell. This feels like it’s becoming a ‘forever game’, which might be good, but the combat is just not satisfying at all. - Mafia: Definitive Edition- Dropped after the racing section, was not feeling it. - Mass Effect: Andromeda- Dropped while in the first area. Something about the movement not clicking. - MediEvil (Remake)- Dropped after the 3rd or 4th area. - Moon: Remix RPG Adventure- This is supposed to be great, but I just got tired of the slow pace - NEO: The World Ends with You- I talked about this before, the game keeps on interrupting you. Walk to a new area, fluff dialogues, walk to another area, more inconsequential fluff dialogues. This seems to be a (bad) trend among JRPGs or anime style game. - Oxenfree- Character dialogues just don’t gel with me. Also there’s a time limit when choosing replies. - Root Double: Before Crime * After Days - Xtend Edition- The slice of life part is atrociously slow, most of them are inconsequential ‘look at me, i’m a cute anime girl’ - Sea of Stars- The combat is way too slow, and requires you to do timed button presses. Also for the part I was in, the story feels generic. - Shadow of the Beast- JUst not good - Star Ocean: The Divine Force- Arrived at port town, overtly anime character came in, dropped the game. THe combat was fun, but the character / story are not clicking - Tchia- This is supposed to be good, but I burned myself out for trying to collect everything available before advancing the story - The Adventure of Little Ralph- Feels kinda repetitive - The Wonderful 101: Remastered- I don’t think this game works well without touch screen - TUNIC- Sadly another indie trend that I dislike, difficult combat encounters that don’t feel satisfying. It’s supposed to be a very good game. - Unpacking- Played it on PS5, I dropped it after rotating object for quite a number of times. I think this game is probably better suited for mouse and keyboard - Vernal Edge- I wanted to like it, but the combat is not fun. You have a dedicated ‘Pulse’ button to heal, which throws your sword at the enemy, and you need to press attack + direction to launch an attack that could heal you, which is already a roundabout way of healing (the mechanic is not fun). Then you have enemies that need to be stunned by X number of charge attacks, and the game throws you into small combat area with 4 - 5 enemies that doesn’t get knocked back without 3-4 charge attacks.

Finished it, but it's kinda not good- Root Film- Root Letter was okay (but arguably ruined with the updated version with multiple endings), Root Film is just plain boring, especially the ending. The story was enticing at first, but nope, it became bad by the end of the game. - Shenmue II- Shenmue. - The 3rd Birthday- I like the combat, considering that it was on PSP.

Kolanaki, do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year?
!deleted6508 avatar

Starfield was pretty much it for me.

I wanted to like it, but there is just nothing to like about it aside from the gun design and the spaceship builder.

ampersandrew, avatar

It's weird that as I continue to want to play more of it, I'm annoyed by just about every design decision they made along the way. I want to get into the gun design thing even, but the perk tree system puts a roadblock in my way.

!deleted6508 avatar

The skill tree stuff makes me feel like Bethesda finally listened to all those players who bitched about it being too easy to become “overpowered” and blamed it on how easy it was to level up and not the poor balancing with how level scaling works. So now, all the actually good, fun and useful shit is all the way at the top (or rather the bottom) of the tree, with a bunch of “milestones” you have to hit in addition to simply being the right level and/or having the previous skills in the tree.

ampersandrew, avatar

I don't even think it's that. Lots of RPGs have had "do X more to level up X", including old Bethesda games, but it's riddled with problems, which is why most games don't do it anymore. As for level scaling, at least they finally got rid of that, but the way they guide you through the galaxy in line with your level involves basically being equally far along in each faction quest line at the same time instead of having low level factions and high level factions.

Ethereal87, do gaming w How many stinkers did you play this year? avatar

I don’t think I played any truly bad games, but I do have a list of games that I bounced off of for one reason or another. Maybe I ran out of steam to play them, maybe life got in the way and I couldn’t come back to it, or I just didn’t want to “git gud” with the limited time I have. I basically deemed them not worth my time when I did manage to sink a ton of hours into Spider-Man, Cyberpunk, and Talos Principle.

So that abandoned graveyard consists of…

  • Tunic - I hit a wall at one of the bosses and just couldn’t progress. Ran out of juice unfortunately.
  • Mr. Sun’s Hatbox - Such a weird quirky game. Didn’t get close to beating it but I got enough out of it and called it quits.
  • Hunt: Showdown - This one was a bummer. It’s been on my “need to try” list. I tried it, solo, and died right away. I could tell it was one of those games that needed a time investment to make it work and I just don’t have it in me.
  • Cult of the Lamb - Something about the roguelike aspect of it didn’t mesh with me, which is weird because I feel like that’s really become a genre I like.
  • Overwatch 2 - I played poorly as Lifeweaver, was griefed in chat, and quit :)
Friendship, avatar

To jump in on Hunt Showdown, the initial learning curve of the game does require a little time to get used to compared to other shooters. However the biggest call out I would have is to not try playing the game solo. Hunt is very much a game that is made or broken by the company you keep while you play it and it takes a very special kind of player (a masochist) to enjoy playing it solo. Either way, definitely understandable to bounce off it, it's a great game but not for everyone.

Ethereal87, avatar

Totally could see that being the case. I think it was a combination of seeing the difficulty curve and not having a consistent group to play with that probably did me in. I’m happy to lose and learn, but not maybe as much as it seemed like I would playing solo!

Given more time, definitely something I’d want to get into more.

ninjan, do gaming w What are the best multiplayer games to try if me and my friends are looking for a similar experience to a Bungie Halo campaign marathon on Heroic+ difficulty?

Gears of War comes to mind, not much physics but a lot of emphasis on movement but in a different way from Halo, still stupid fun to play the campaign Co-op!

knightly, do gaming w Trying to play my old CDROM games on Windows10 and about to lose my marbles. Could you help me? avatar

Ditch Windows and install Linux and Steam, then add your game to the library as a non-Steam app and use the compatibility tab in the properties menu to force the use of the Proton compatibility layer. You should then be able to run the game through steam as normal. This has worked for me with almost all my old games and will probably work for you too.

soulsource, avatar

How does that work if you haven’t installed the game already? Also, what about copy protection?

knightly, (edited ) avatar

Add the setup/installer executable as a non-steam game, run it to do the install, then modify the non-steam game’s settings to point at the installed executable so it can run from the directory where it is installed.

soulsource, avatar

I’m positively surprised that this works.

That will make installing old games so much easier on my Steam Deck. Thanks!

knightly, avatar

No problem! I’ve used this trick to run non-game Windows apps on the Steam Deck too, though support can vary wildly.

As an alternative, you might also check Lutris, which employs user scripts for installing and running Windows software in Linux. You can even add them to Steam so they’ll work in the Steam Deck’s gaming mode:…/launch_wine_games_from_lutris_on_ste…

!deleted6508 avatar

He has to install them first, and how would he do that with an original CDROM for a Windows program?

avatar, do gaming w so do you think the rumors are true about Heroes of the Storm?

HotS isn’t really dead - you can play it now and it feels as good as ever. We all want to see continued balance patches and more cosmetics and heroes and maps but the fact is that it already feels balanced and has enough cosmetics and enough heroes and enough maps.

That’s not to say we won’t love more or that we may as well stop playing it, but the real question you’re asking here is if the game is dead - it is not dead, and therefore won’t “return”. You just load it up, pick a hero, click Ready - and it’s “returned”.

Mini_Moonpie, do games w Looking for insight - Games on a school managed Chromebook has regular browser games here: also has PICO-8 games that can be played in the browser here:

Many of the top PICO-8 games are de-makes of popular titles, so that might help. Here’s a list for de-makes:

Celeste seems like your best option, but there are a handful of games with the “Narrative” tag here:


To add to this, I’d also like to recommend - tons of cool, old school DOS games, playable right in your browser - and some of them even have mobile/touch controls, and even multiplayer support (like Doom, Warcraft etc)!

GreenZanbato, do games w Recommend a game for me to play with my partner

We Were Here and its sequels seem like the perfect slowish paced coop puzzle games for you guys.

Operation Tango and Escape Simulator are similar and also great.

A Way Out is similar to It Takes Two, with a more serious story.

Monster Prom/Monster Camp and The Yahwg are co-op visual novels.

Clandestine is a Co-op stealth game where one player plays as a spy, fps style, while the other plays as a hacker providing overwatch by controlling cameras and doors, giving directions, etc.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is another asymmetrical co-op game where one person is trying to defuse a bomb by solving puzzles and the other is trying to help by reading the manual. The defuser has to tell the other person what’s going on so they can give the right instructions, much sillier than it sounds.

Cheems, avatar

I love we were here an there are several sequels

DmMacniel, do gaming w so do you think the rumors are true about Heroes of the Storm?

That would be pretty cool for those who cling to Heroes of the Storm. It has a solid foundation and is a nice refresh on the same old formula.


I call it “The only good MOBA to ever exist”

Crankpork, do gaming w The Game Awards 2023 Discussion Thread

Old Gods of Asgard live was amazing, and Alan Wake 2 NG+ next Monday, which is huge (for reasons I won’t explain, y’alls will just have to play the game).

I had other things to say but I’m too excited about that, so I’m going to bed.

chloyster, do gaming w The Game Awards 2023 Discussion Thread

Definitely excited for pony Island 2! Inscryption is one of my faves of the last few years


Holy shit I didn’t know that was one of the anouncements! Pony Island was so good, perfect length and amazingly immersive story wise. Inscription I really liked too but somehow I fell off after a few hours, still gathering dust on my PS5.

sub_, do gaming w The Game Awards 2023 Discussion Thread

Brothers Remake, now with 2 more brothers and you need to use your toes to control them!!

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