Ashtear, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 3rd

I’m shelving Baldur’s Gate 3 for now after a full run plus more. Had a great time with it, but I think I’d rather wait for more polish first before I tinker with it any more or check out the story branches/side quests in Act 3 I didn’t see.

I started playing Hardspace: Shipbreaker and I was surprised at how quickly it grabbed me. The story has a very similar vibe to Papers, Please and something about the UI and the artistic design is reminding me a lot of old space sims. Surprisingly cozy game, though I might look into seeing if I can swap out the music. Don’t know if I like what it says about me that I really like games that are work simulators, though.


I have Hard space Shipbreaker on my list. I’m hoping it’s the type of game you can pick up and play I short, relaxed bursts. Is that how you’d describe it?


For sure. The core gameplay loop is in 15 minute segments, at least at the point I’m at.

dingus, (edited ) do piracy w Looking for content related to acting or acting classes. Any chance someone here has good video sources? avatar

Not acting per se… but the private tracker I am on has every video from MasterClass.

There are several acting focused videos in that set.

MartinXYZ, (edited ) do piracy w Release discussions ?

hard coded Korean subs ?

Edit: looks like they are hard coded (according to a different post)

Pulp, do piracy w Release discussions ?

Would be nice, crackwatch but for movie/tv

ampersandrew, do gaming w The 8 hours escaping the Police Station in RE2 Remake are maybe the best 8 hours of gaming I've ever experienced avatar

I likely would have enjoyed it far more without the automated adjusted difficulty, which mostly just ended up being that the game recognized I had too much ammo on me, so zombies took more shots to go down. It was quite noticeable. Unlike Resident Evil 3 that followed it, the adjusted difficulty would only subtract things from you rather than give you things when you needed them, which made me dislike it more. I searched for mods that would remove this part of the game, scrolling past a handful of mods to enhance the wet t-shirt effect on Claire, but I couldn't find any mods that would solve this problem for me at the time. I did enjoy it plenty despite this though.


Holy crap…. is THAT what was happening?!
I wondered why the damned things would never die.
I liked both RE2/3 (also loved the originals) but wasn’t as blown away as OP was.
Perhaps it came down to the difficulty issue you note and the fact that I’ve played / beaten every RE in existence.

MutatedBass, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 3rd

I’m replaying Dark Souls 2 SOTFS with a couple buddies. Have also been playing Dark and Darker which is an incredible early access pvpve dungeon crawler.


Oh cool! I’m also replaying that, kind of. I completed the original and this is my first time with SOTFS. I’m loving all the changes so far. Feels so fresh but also familiar. I’m also trying a magic build for the first time. I usually favour dex.

MutatedBass, (edited )

Awesome! Same here actually, played the original when it came out and this is my first time playing through Scholar. Far out, I’m trying out my first sorcerry build, and usually default to str. Subclassing dex so I can use short blades in my off hand


Haha, wow. We’re in pretty similar situations then. Good call with the dex, you gotta keep that stamina level high too.

r1veRRR, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Nier Automata. I really hated the replaying it part. The combat gets incredibly boring after the first two playthroughs. I also found the supposedly “deep” story to be extremely lacking, very on the nose and, like way too much japanese entertainment, bipolar when it comes to emotions.

Backslash, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 3rd

I recently discovered Manic Miners, a remake of 1999’s Lego Rock Raiders, and ever since I’ve been busy reliving my childhood in 1080p. Now if only someone could remake Lego Racers 1&2…

Beyond that, I found out that the Steam release of Dwarf Fortress totally passed me by last year, and so I’ve been getting back into that and I keep marveling at the lovely graphics and the mouse control. I’m happy that I can support the creators this way after years of playing the game every once in a while. Still waiting for stuff like Dwarf Therapist, but for the first time I’m playing DF without tons of add-ons and it’s actually pretty neat. I’m looking forward to all the FUN I’ll be having! :P

aStonedSanta, do gaming w Steam in-house remote play (link)

Has anyone figured an easy way out to be able to play other launchers games through this fashion? Xbox game pass games and other launchers won’t accept the controller input.


I saw someone mention moonlight and sunshine, perhaps those work.


Have you tried GlosSI?

I’ve used it to play some game pass games.

uninvitedguest, do piracy w please help debug my qbittorrent socks5 setup with nordvpn avatar

Try using the IP address of the NordVPN SOCK5 server, instead of the domain.

I had issues with using the domain name provided by Privado, and found switching to the IP address resolved them.


ok, i tried that ( and it still does not work. The “retrieving metadata” progress animation keeps animating, and no info in the magnet link on the website shows up.

uninvitedguest, avatar

Unfortunate. From here the best I can say is check the logs.


i dont see any socks5 or proxy related log messages. should I? if so, how can I enable them?

Suck_on_my_Presence, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 3rd

I picked up Slay the Spire after kinda recently learning about deck building games and how much I apparently love them. Been having a bunch of fun and beat the game for the first time just recently. Now I have to do it with the other characters :3

BinarySystem, do gaming w The 8 hours escaping the Police Station in RE2 Remake are maybe the best 8 hours of gaming I've ever experienced avatar

It’s much older but the RE1 remake for GameCube has that same stressful (in a good way) gameplay you’re describing. Looks pretty good for how old it is too in my opinion. It’s the only RE game I’ve finished cause I’m a wimp 😅


Oh man… “crimson heads…”

BinarySystem, avatar

Geez my first encounter startled me good. Very much a jump scare.


RE2 on PSX was my first.
I had two distinct feelings of extreme dread and true primal fear.
One was the first sequence, attempting to maneuver through the burning zombies.
The next was the morgue, even knowing as I walked in exactly what would happen.
I’ve never since then felt such and emotion in life that compared.

BinarySystem, avatar

I remember getting to the police station, exploring a little bit, and then immediately noping out of playing the game 😅


Would that be the original or remake?
Not that it really matters… they are BOTH pretty terrifying.

BinarySystem, avatar

The original PS1 version. I’ve never played the remake but I really like the concept behind the tyrant. Ensuring I’ll never play it xD

ultratiem, do piracy w Is the TNT version of macpaw gemini safe? avatar

No that website is not safe. TNT is fine but whatever people inject into their cracks beware. Make sure it’s a proper, unedited TNT release.

Also, stop using that trash software. macOS doesn’t need to be “cleaned.”


FMHY still lists cmacked as an option for Mac software. Why do you say it’s unsafe?

Also how do you verify a TNT release is unedited?


If cmacked isn’t safe which website can I download Mac apps cracked by tnt? (Or other safe cracks)

ultratiem, avatar

Mac serial junkies. Only trustworthy place that’s open for reg.

They have a guide of sites to avoid. Cmacapps and Mac torrents are listed (among others).

In fact, Mac torrents was where I was infected with something. Only time I’ve ever gotten a thing on Mac.…


Is Cmacapps the same as Cmacked? I’ve never had a problem when using Cmacked

ChoKohii, avatar

agree with you on that second point. i stopped using CleanMyMac after some scathing reviews about its functionality.

honestly macOS is fine on its own to deal with stuff like this and cleaning, so third-party programs are kind of unnecessary. the only program i’m okay with nowadays is OnyX as it’s a nice toolbox for utilities

ConstableJelly, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 3rd

I started playing Children of Morta with my son yesterday and I’m pretty impressed with it. I e tried playing Diablo 3 a couple times and found it really boring, so I assumed dungeon crawlers just weren’t really my thing. But I started to find some depth in the combat after a couple runs in CoM, and I quite like the roguelite cycle and progress. We’re making pretty slow progress because my son is young and kinda sucks at it, but I’m enjoying it more with him than many other games we’ve tried.

I also started Baldur’s Gate 3 with my partner with it yesterday and am pretty much in love so far. I had similar experiences with both Divinity games but they both were just a liiiitle too long and we would lose steam around the end. Hoping that’s not the case with this one.

pcjones, do piracy w Release discussions ?

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