cRazi_man, do gaming w Android games for girls?

There is no reason to push her towards gender stereotypes. If she likes the look of a game then why don’t you just let her play one of the many “boy’s games” you mention are available.

If you’re still looking for a suggestion then Stardew Valley is on mobile and a great game (although it is about farming and crafting rather than caring for a doll)

reliv3, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Project Zomboid. Feels like a Sims game with zombie and great survival elements. Arguably, the best zombie survival game to hit the market. Supports split screen couch co-op.


Came here to say Zomboid!

Also, OP, dont be afraid to jump straight into mods. You dont have to fuss with a single file. Right from the start, inside the client, you can join modded multiplayer servers. The mods are automatically installed and applied then and there. Zero setup! I say this because a whole heap of mods are strictly quality of life and they really ease the learning curve.

However, picking and choosing your own mods for your own server is the headache you might expect. Let some saintly admin do all that work for you.

Hyrulian, avatar

Good recommendation! I’ve played a decent bit of Zomboid, but never with any mods. I definitely should check some out!

cuchilloc, do games w What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end?

I really enjoyed Hades


I didn’t hate Hades, I liked it a lot, but I absolutely would have hated 100%ing that game.

This is why FSM made YouTube clips of secret endings.


For me it came naturally… I tried improving my times and using more pacts… the game is so fun I just kept playing it and competing with my previous times


Yeah, one of the only games I’ve 100%ed, the achievements are deliberately set up so that you can get most of them organically by the time you get to the true ending. The rarest achievement on Steam has like a 6% obtainment rate, which is a lot.

AlexanderESmith, do games w A long time ago, a obscure buggy VR game unintentionally terrified me more than expected.

You don't "almost get PTSD", and you wouldn't be laughing about something that would cause you to have it. It's a serious medical condition, not a fucking meme.

Minnels, do games w Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha

Looking for new friends with benefits. If you know what I mean.

ivanafterall, avatar

Sorry, I only date people with Deadlock invitations to share.

Antium, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?
  • Tron 2.0 - A FPS game set inside computers from the early 2000s. There were a lot of great weapons in the game but I always went back with the Disc throwing weapon.
  • Homeworld 1/2/Cataclysm- An 3D space RTS series 1999/2000s. During the campaign all units made carry through to the next mission.
Thteven, avatar

Homeworld is fantastic. I heard the new one sucks though and that really bums me out :(


I hear some of the online modes are awesome but the story was a bust. I was looking forward to a good old Homeworld story but I heard enough to know not to buy it.

It’s also one of those games that end up as discord competitive games, like a lot of fighting games. You kinda need to play against people who are really into RTS if you’re gonna play it online a few months after release.

Count042, do gaming w Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?

Thief 1 - 3.

HarriPotero, avatar

I must admit I’ve never seen or played these. They might be a bit too new for me. I listened to an interview with the game designer on the retro hour a while back. It sounded intriguing.

Would you care to give an elevator pitch on why these are must-play?


The open world concepts for each level.

The story is found and told through other characters. A lot of the story is shown rather than told.

Thief 3 has the most horrific level design ever in the orphanage. A game review had a review (really more of a worship piece) just on that one level. (I think this is the review:…)

The stealth mechanics actually require stealth and are multivariate. Most stealth games stealth systems now are actually less advanced.

They’re great games.


They invented sound bouncing off walls as a mechanic to make Thief. Truly a trendsetter


God I remember having to actually disable enemy AI to get through The Cradle as a kid.

Thief 1 and 2 have incredible community made mods that completely overhaul the graphics and make it quite a beautiful game. Said community is still alive and well over on the TTLG forums, making fan missions for the game to this day (including the highly regarded Black Parade, which is basically an entire game made in the dark engine).

The only stealth games I’ve played that come anywhere close are Dishonored 1 and 2 (which, unsurprisingly, had a lot of Looking Glass veterans working on them).


I came here to say this! These games are highly underrated. Amazing story and world building, actually having to be sneaky even with low level enemies, amazing music, these were always my top faves.

magic_lobster_party, do gaming w #StopKillingGames update: Finland just passed the threshold.

Unacceptable! Sweden is supposed to be first!


So close…! You can still be second, go for it!


I’ve already done my part. Waiting for the rest of us

Mongostein, do gaming w I uninstalled RDR2 out of frustation after 100+ hours

“I put 100 hours in to chapter 2 after I beat this game. It’s terrible.”



It’s easy to simplify, and ignore nuance, huh! so here’s a simplified answer- “yes”

YarHarSuperstar, do games w shuts down after 20 years; database has been moved to the Internet Archive avatar

Wtf no

sp6, do games w Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer)

One of my main tools has been SteamDB’s instant search - it’s basically a giant list of all steam games, sorted by review score, with a TON of different filters you can apply. Looking specifically for something released this year? You can filter for it. Looking specifically for a co-op action shooter, or a singleplayer 2d platformer? You can filter for those too. Wanting to exclude early access games or exclude games with a min/max number of reviews? You can do that too. Very handy tool


Very nice pointer, thanks for that!


Just think of all the poor indie games filtered from my findings because of my “Exclude: Roguelike” filter.


Who cares? I exclude genres I don’t like too. Play the games you like. I’m sure those poor indie games will do just fine despite a guy on Lemmy saying he excludes them.

JokeDeity, do gaming w 98% compatibility

I don’t know what this means but I couldn’t get any shit to run on Ubuntu as recent as two days ago.

Lemjukes, avatar

Skill issue


Ah, the dichotomy of Linux users:

“wHy DoEsN’t EvErYbOdY uSe LiNuX???”


“gEt On My LeVeL nOoB”


If setting a simple setting is too much for you, which is also a 5 second search away if you're struggling that hard, then yeah, Linux is too much for you. But so is Windows.


And yet, people of that level use windows to game everyday. Shows you how much ready Linux is for mainstream if comments like yours still pop up regularly.

t3rmit3, (edited )

There’s a totally fair criticism that Windows is no more or less comprehensible or usable than e.g. Ubuntu, but familiarity is the differentiator. If someone is opposed to changing settings in a .conf file but not a .ini file, or fine with making registry changes but not service changes, it’s not an issue of usability or accessibility, it’s just familiarity.

!deleted4132 avatar

Just so you know, you’re commenting in a Beehaw community, and we expect that people be(e) nice here. Being gatekeepy isn’t nice.

Lemjukes, avatar

You bet


If your using steam, you can go into game properties and set Proton as the compatibility tool. Depending on the age of the game, you might have to switch versions of Proton.

You can use to check the compatibility issues and suggested versions by the community for specific games too.


Great comment.

Not sure why Steam Play isn’t on by default.


You can change that as a default in steam settings for all Games. Would be cool if they detected the OS and enabled it automatically based on that


Are you using steam and proton, or Lutris and wine? I’d suggest trying the other if one isn’t working. That’s helped me in the past


I was trying both, everything was just really bad frame rates and stuttering, and a few things wouldn’t run after installing specifically Linux marked games on Steam. Back on Win10 everything is running like butter.


I’d guess your graphics drivers are the issue in that case. Sounds like it was probably kicking all the games over to the integrated GPU.


Certainly possible, I really wasn’t sure what drivers to use, tried the default and the first option from Nvidia and had about the same results.


I got a laptop recently with an AMD GPU, and installed Ubuntu on it, and the first time round I got the AMD drivers working, but every boot the discrete GPU and the integrated GPU would change their device IDs (e.g. gpu1/ gpu2), so Steam would end up launching games on the integrated GPU half the time. I got frustrated and installed Windows, but found out that you can’t buy Win10 anymore, so got Win11 and hated it so much I went back to Ubuntu. Second time around, I found a thing for setting the GPU in the launch options by GPU name, and that has fixed it.

Linux is not ready for average consumers if they have to install it themselves, but neither is Windows; most people buy a computer with the OS preinstalled, and never have to deal with driver setup; the Win11 install had a bunch of driver issues too.

SteamDeck is such a huge revolution because it’s really the first time that a company has made preinstalled Linux machines available in a way that average consumers don’t have to go looking for or pay through the nose (cough System76 cough).

If someone like Dell or Lenovo (or hey, even System76 or Framework) could get their laptops in-store at BestBuy, with everything pre-configured and ready-to-use, that would be Linux being “ready” for the average consumer.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. Like, installing it it asked if I wanted extra helpful software and drivers, but I still had to spend a ton of time setting up basic programs. Default video player sucked, default file browser sucked. Having both the dock and the system toolbar is unnecessary, annoying, and confusing for new users. Most of the default apps feel like an Apple OS to me also, like you have NO configuration options, it’s just you get what you get. The Ubuntu software store is a fraction of a fraction of what it should be. Snaps SUCK.


If you are still interest (100% understand if not) Bazzite and Pop_OS both have nvidia specific distros with the drivers baked in. Makes things a lot easier. Pop is Ubuntu and Bazzite in Debian. Pop has been my daily driver for 2 months and have not missed windows.


So Pop is just like a customized Ubuntu with things preconfigured for gaming?

megopie, (edited )

Essentially. It is often held up as a good “gaming” distribution because it has AMD and Nvidia graphics card drivers built in, I suspect there is more to it than that but I’ve never used it personally.


Yes indeed! There are some custom tweaks specifically for nvidia on the specific distros. Supposedly it does with well switching from integrated graphics to discrete graphics, but I have not tried it. That is mostly for laptops.

ReverseModule, avatar

Ubuntu sucks ass. Use Bazzite.


Pitch it to me, I don’t know shit about fuck. I only use Ubuntu because I have for years.


Not the person you’re replying to, and I don’t have personal experience with Bazzite but, essentially, it is gaming oriented distribution built on fedora.

It has a lot of stuff built in to help it run games well, including the right graphics drivers. Fedora is one of the major Linux distributions along side Arch, Debian (which Ubuntu is derived from), and others.

There are a few other distributions that do much of the same regarding graphic card drivers, but built on one of the other major distributions. For instance PoP_OS! (Based on Ubuntu and thus Debian).

So bazzite is good for running games, that’s what it is built to do, but other distros do that as well, it depends what flavor of Linux you want it to be built on.

angrymouse, do gaming w Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable?

I think factorio is one, even when you launch your rocket (I have more than 100 hours and I don’t think…) you still can restart in a new generated world and try do to it again in a better way.


dude, after you launch the rocket is where the real game begins. You either go for a megabase or you start a overhaul mod. Restarting vanilla from scratch doesn’t really make much sense.

BluJay320, do gaming w Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable?

Rainworld, Cult of the Lamb, Slay the Spire, Inscryption

brsrklf, do games w Funny bad games reviews

I don’t know what kind of funny or what style of review you’re looking for, but there’s Matt McMuscles, who does “What Happened” and “The worst fighting game”.

What happened is not technically always about bad games, but about troubled development in general. Most of them do end up rather disastrous or at least disappointing and are known for it though.

The worst fighting game, however, exclusively reviews bad games, since, well, he’s looking for the worst one.

MelonYellow, avatar

Love Matt’s channel! Just a comfortable voice to listen to. Still mourning Super Best Friends. :(


I heard his voice in River City Girls 2 and was like “Is that the Criticom Saga guy…?” I didn’t think it was such a distinct voice but apparently it is.


I didn’t know he did that, just checked… And yeah, the voice and tone are very recognizable but it’s also a bit funny that his character is a skeleton there too.

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