mustbe3to20signs, do piracy w (LINUX USER)What VPNs would you lovely people recommend?

Windscribe works for me. You can either use their software which is open source or create personal VPN configs on their site to use it with your distros network manager.

fox, do gaming w Steam Deck VS rivals

You can press the power button on the Deck while in the middle of a game and it’ll suspend. Pick it up hours/days later and hit the power button and it’ll instantly resume your game. I don’t believe the Ally can do that.

mifan, do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3? avatar

It’s a combination of good timing, a perfect product and going against the direction of most AAA-studios.

Though BG2 is more than two decades old, a lot of us still considers it one of the best games ever. I think quite a few of us have been eager to return to forgotten realms. That’s one group.

Then there’s a group of Divinity fans (some overlapping the old BG group) waiting for Larians next RPG.

Those two groups would be the critical mass for creating hype. Would the game live up to the old games? Would it be as good as Divinty?

Then comes the first reviews and people get to play the beta, and though the first few months were rough, once we got close to release it was clear, that BG3 would not only live up to its expectations, it would smash through the roof.

Now you have your core fan base talking about how good this game is, how do you sell this to people who normally don’t play this type of game?

Well, talk to them in a language they understand. This game is complete from day 1. No DLC. No ingame shop. Just a complete game that you can play over and over again with new ways of completing it… oh, and you can co-op with your friends. Even on the couch in split screen.

There are simply not anything of major significance to criticize about this game. You may not like it, or the genre is not for you, but as a complete product it’s simply perfect.

As a player you get the feeling that Larian focus on the game first where others focus on money first. That may not be the whole truth, but it’s the feeling this is creating, and hopefully other studios will acknowledge that there are other ways to do things.


I was in my early 20s when BG1, BG2, NWN, and Icewind Dale came out. The hype was real, and it was a spectacular time in gaming.

Coelacanth, avatar

I feel like there might be room for an old school PC gaming community here on Lemmy. There is usually a console/arcade game focus on the retro gaming communities, but it would be great to have a place to discuss releases from that 1990-2009 or so era.

dingus, avatar

Everyone else is playing the System Shock remake while I’m just sitting here hoping for a System Shock 2 remake, because it was a spiritual predecessor to BioShock that included class-based co-operative play. The netcode in the original was/is dogshit, so my friend and I never actually completed the game before our saves were totally corrupted.

Frankly, also wouldn’t mind a remake of the original Deus Ex either. Warren Spector was heavily involved in the development of System Shock and Deus Ex, while Ken Levine was instrumental in System Shock 2 and BioShock.

!deleted5697 avatar

Plenty of communities in that vein overe here on


Same. And I grew up on Champions of Krynn and Eye of the Beholder and Pools of Radiance, so Baldur’s Gate was mind blowing when it came out. BG2 was even better!

I haven’t played a CRPG in a while. Never got into DoS series, etc. But there’s no way I was missing BG3 after the rave reviews it was getting, considering my history with the series.


Icewind Dale was awesome! I still have my copy stored somewhere in my basement lol.


yeah, nostalgia for me.
the other larian games didn't register with me.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

“a perfect product”

I don’t think anyone at Larian thinks that they have created the perfect product. It’s pretty buggy still, and lacks depth in areas, but its intentions are pure and that buys a lot of credibility in and of itself.

jordanlund, (edited ) do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?
!deleted7836 avatar

I think there are three vectors going on:

  1. It’s apparently a super good game. I’m just basing it on reviews, I won’t be playing it until the PS5 version launches.
  2. It has nudity and is being described as “super horny”, so, you know, clickbait.……

  1. They are having problems getting it running on the Xbox Series S, and that’s blocking it from being released on the fully capable Xbox Series X. So nerdrage/console war clickbait.…


You’ve also missed all the hype about the lack of microtransactions. That one is pretty big.

And the bear sex. Although you’d think a sub bullet of point 2, I think its less horniness and more absurdity and “you can do anything”.

It’s the modern equivalent of “see that mountain? You can go there.”

“See that bear? You can fuck it”

!deleted7836 avatar

It’s not REALLY bear sex though, it’s a druid who SHAPESHIFTS into a bear…


Poteto potato


It’s bear sex without passing Peta off

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

I was a bit taken aback that, at a certain point in the game during a celebration, neutrality with most companions meant that they all wanted to fuck my brains out. O.o

Blaiz0r, do gaming w what's some of the best dialogue systems you've seen and why?

Alpha Protocol.

At first it seems like standard bioware multichoice like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, but there is also a time limit for you to make your decision.

This might sound frustrating, and some players hates this system as they wanted time to read and make the right choice, but I think it fits this game perfectly as you’re playing a Secret Agent where time is of the essence and the stakes are high, it really sets the tempo for the game.


IIRC in Alpha Protocol it picks one of the options by default right? Or does it leave you the option to stay silent?


It’s been a while, but yes I think it picks a default option or the currently selected one

I seem to remember there was a skill you could invest points into that would increase the conversation timer also.


Right. The “wait to remain silent” thing can take some getting used to, especially in the sort of game where you feel like your character would have a lot of questions, but I much prefer it to a default choice being made. I recently replayed one of Telltale’s games and I really enjoyed the way I could use silence as a tool. The game was The Wolf Among Us, where you play a detective who interrogates people a lot, and I used the time-honored interrogation technique of just remaining silent to make someone talk more.

Mechanismatic, do gaming w As a recovering video game addict, what is the best way to avoid 'the jitters' when exposed something that reminds you of gaming? avatar

Random thoughts:

Cheat, in the worst kind of way—Full god mode, BFG with unlimited ammo, etc. That can ruin a game pretty easily when there’s no challenge and the story might not be new or interesting. Might lead to boredom and wanting to do something else.

Play games you don’t like much and can only stand to play in small increments.

Play casual, relaxing games like Dorfromantik that you can quit playing easily after a round or two.

Get into game design. Make your own game so you’re creating something that you can share with others. It’s still related to your gaming interests, but could be more productive.

Make friends with someone or a group of people who have a different hobby in common so you have a reason to socialize that doesn’t drag you back to playing games.

Make a bucket list and start pursuing one of the items on the list like writing a novel or painting a landscape or building something practical.

Set time limits for your gaming and force yourself to do something else that doesn’t allow for gaming, even something simple like taking a walk without a gaming device. Make gaming a reward for being responsible rather than an addictive obligation. Focus on learning to appreciate delayed gratification.


Creating your own game will help against gaming addiction? That's like telling an alcoholic they should get into microbrewery.

Mechanismatic, avatar

If the goal is to spend less time with the diminishing returns of gaming, it could be effective while utilizing their interest and experience and possibly inspire other creative projects.

sznio, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 13th

This new “Flashpoint” gamemode in Overwatch is pretty fun not gonna lie.

Faydaikin, (edited ) do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3? avatar

I don’t think I have a lot to add to what was already said here.

But I will say that the Baldurs Gate series already had a pretty big following. It had an established fan-base, like Fallout. But unlike Fallout, Larian chose to stick with what people liked about the originals and expand upon that.

So there’s another tiny reason to add to the collective.

Hundun, do gaming w As a recovering video game addict, what is the best way to avoid 'the jitters' when exposed something that reminds you of gaming?

Are you sure you are addicted? I’m sorry, but to me it seems like you only have a problem with games that are deliberately designed to be addictive (WoW is basically a giant Skinner box, no wonder). In that case you would be just as susceptible to lots of things: like infinite-scrolling feeds on social networks, or recommendation algorithms on TikTok and YT.

Maybe if you find a way to filter out games that exploit your psyche for engagement, there will be a way to enjoy your very clearly beloved hobby in a healthy way?

Also, have you talked to a professional?


Yeah it sounds to me like OP could get on fine if they restricted themselves to games where you pay once and get the whole game. No subscriptions, no microtransactions, no DLC. Also it might have been a mistake for OP to ask a gaming community about this

holdernick, do gaming w What happened to the Ridge Racer series?

It’s definitely true that the Ridge Racer franchise has seen some significant changes and a lack of mainline numbered releases in recent years. The last numbered release was in 2006, and since then, the series has taken a somewhat different direction.

The absence of new Ridge Racer titles might be attributed to various factors. One possible reason is the changing landscape of the gaming industry. As gaming technology evolved, there was a shift toward more complex and immersive experiences, which may have led developers to focus on creating games with expansive open worlds, realistic graphics, and intricate storytelling.

Another factor could be the competition within the racing genre itself. With franchises like Forza, Gran Turismo, and Need for Speed dominating the scene, Ridge Racer might have found it challenging to regain the attention of players who were seeking more realistic and feature-rich racing experiences.

That being said, there’s definitely a nostalgic yearning for the simple and exhilarating arcade racing experiences that Ridge Racer used to offer. Games like Horizon Chase Turbo have shown that there’s still a market for these types of games, and it’s possible that the gaming landscape might eventually swing back to embrace the arcade racer style that Ridge Racer excelled at.

As you mentioned, it would be fantastic to see Ridge Racer make a triumphant return and reclaim its status as the premier arcade racer. The formula that made the franchise so beloved is still there, and a modern reimagining could capture the hearts of both longtime fans and new players who crave that fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping gameplay. Here’s hoping that the arcade racing genre gets the revival it deserves, and that Ridge Racer can once again take the crown as the ultimate arcade racer! 🏁🕹️


Bloody ChatGPT


How would the world feel about a ridge Racer, RR revolution, rage racer and RR type 4 remaster/reboot? The same game mechanics, menus, modes etc, just with a modern gaming engine and graphics.

OverfedRaccoon, do piracy w Red Hat linux piracy?

The “enterprise” part is you paying for the ability to get support if you need it.

Lojcs, (edited ) do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?

Side question:

Is it worth playing if you’re not into dnd? I saw lots of replies mention how it perfectly implements dnd 5e but that has 0 value for me. Is the game itself good not counting the dnd association, lack of anti features, release anticipation etc?


I have no exposure to dnd but am loving the game. I like turn based games in general though.


If you like RPGs in general, I think it’s worth playing. No need be a fan of DnD.

casstr, avatar

You’ll be fine. It’d be different if you were familiar with and disliked D&D.


What of I’m of the unpopular but firm belief that 3.5 was the pinnacle of D&D and therefore am heavily boased against 5e?


I’m a Pathfinder fan with vague disdain for 5e as a ruleset and active loathing for Forgotten Realms as a setting. I love this game.


If you already don’t like 5e, I don’t know if the game will change your mind. It’s not a 1-to-1 adaptation, which might help, but there are also still some bugs here and there (such as the Lucky feat not working correctly).


tldr: This is a great game if you enjoy rich storytelling, compelling character arcs, and actual consequences. This is also a great game if you enjoy turn-based, environment-aware combat of the likes of Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics. Overall, it’s a well-oiled machine, with polish in all the right places to make it very welcoming to dnd newcomers and veterans alike. If you have played Larian’s older Divinity: Original Sin games (which was not based on the dnd ruleset), there’s a lot of quality of life updates that fix a lot of the gripes that I had with those games.

My wife and I are loving it (individual saves, although co-op is supported in this game). We are not dnd tabletop players; the extent of my experience is the recent dnd movie that came out. I don’t know the difference between 5e and 3e, but I do know I’m having an (eldritch) blast playing this game. I bought it on a strong recommendation from my friends (although, these friends do have dnd experience), and I can confidently say it’s a fun game.

The most overwhelming experience you might have as a newcomer is during character creation, where a healthy amount of reading is involved to understand what classes, races, subraces, spells, and cantrips are (among other things). They provide very neat tooltips that provide the information you need, when you need it, without getting in your way - there is no pause-every-5-seconds-for-a-tutorial-notification deal here. You can get involved as much (or as little) as you wish. If you’ve ever made a character in a game like Cyberpunk 2077, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, or Dragon Age: Origins, and messed around with the relevant skill trees, it’s around that level of involved.

If you do get overwhelmed with character creators, fret not - you can choose one of the pre-built characters that come packaged with their own personalities, builds, and stories. Speaking of stories: I personally feel like the writing is compelling and is leagues better than previous Larian titles, if that means anything to you. Make no mistake, this is a fantasy story and you’ll have your fantasy tropes in this game, but I’ve yet to encounter a moment or twist in the story that feels cheap or unearned. It depends on how much you like this sort of genre. There are times when it takes itself seriously and times when it doesn’t, but it has never felt out of place.

Besides the narrative, the other major part of the game is combat, and I think it shines there too. From a non-dnd perspective, it’s a turn-based, environment-aware tactics game. It doesn’t feel exactly like any one type of system I’ve played before, but I feel a lot of different aspects that get utilized in ways that mesh well. Unit placement on the field matters. Typically your party’s makeup plays a role in how you approach encounters. I’ve never felt like my party couldn’t figure out their own way to solve a situation, and it never felt like it was just handed to me. The encounters are flexible enough to allow multiple approaches without depriving them of the depth each approach needs to remain engaging.

Just so you can gauge how well my suggestions will apply, I love playing tactics games but don’t always have a lot of time, so I typically adjust the difficulty when possible to emphasize story progression over tactical difficulty. I’m not a maddening-difficulty Fire Emblem: Three Houses player (more power to y’all out there); I just casually enjoy combat puzzles. I think games like Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance Wars, Tactics Ogre, Brigadine, Battle for Wesnoth, etc., are fun to play, and I don’t necessarily need to “win” every combat encounter to feel like I had a good time either. I really enjoy is a story that presents fresh ideas, even if it means remixing some old tropes here and there; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins, etc. - any game that gives you characters who mesh well (or “contrast” well) with one another usually can maintain my attention.


Thanks for the in depth response! It’s probably too early to answer this, but does making your own character instead of choosing from the pre-built ones result in a more generic storyline? Are there stuff that are exclusive to those characters that you know of?


The pre-built characters are all recruitable party members, so you’ll be able follow their stories once you find them.


As @bigevildan said, they’ll all be recruitable. There is also the option to play as an amnesiac custom character that gets their own origin background. No spoilers as to what that is like, but it’s a possible option if you’re not quite sure. (I’ve seen it recommended to avoid that for your first playthrough, however).


Still has the shitty locked camera though and lots of the same little issues DOS2 had. They are great games, so the small problems stick out a lot more.

Squirrelanna, avatar

Whatcha mean by locked camera? Not disagreeing, just not sure what you’re referring to.


The camera is very restrictive. Dos2 had a mod that unlocked the camera allowing you to zoom in or out as far as you wanted or tilt it as much as youd like and it made the game infinitely more enjoyable. It still got stuck on terrain like, but it was still better.

BG3 has the same camera, constantly getting stuck on or in terrain, cant handle elevation changes, cant zoom out, cant tilt far. The game just needs a free cam where I can look wherever I like without it colliding with terrain and objects, there's no reason for it to be so restrictive. Why build this beautiful world and then dont even let us look at it?

Squirrelanna, avatar

Well clarified. Thank you for that. While that doesn’t bother it nearly as much, it does find itself battling the camera more often than it’d like so it can definitely see where you’re coming from.

nickwitha_k, do piracy w Red Hat linux piracy?

Sign up for a free dev account, get a full free license. There’s really no point in trying to “crack” it, unless you want to try collecting bug bounties.

Swallowtail, do gaming w As a recovering video game addict, what is the best way to avoid 'the jitters' when exposed something that reminds you of gaming?

Here’s my advice as someone that quit drinking about 6 years ago due to my inability to drink responsibly.

Do you want to quit? If you feel like you can’t handle playing a game in moderation, maybe it’s time to think about quitting it entirely. If you feel like playing other genres of games will eventually draw you back into playing more addictive games like WoW, then you could think about quitting that too, it’s up to you. If certain music makes you think about playing WoW and you can’t control yourself if you listen to it , make a sacrifice and don’t listen to it. I avoided bars for years and still don’t really love being around when people are drinking. The sacrifices I make are well worth it though and I’m much much happier as a result.

Have a long, honest conversation with yourself about what you want from life and how video games fit into it. That’s what I did with alcohol and realized I didn’t want to waste my life on stupid shit any more and decided to quit.

Die4Ever, (edited ) do games w PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm?

I know you said your right arm is broken, but The 7th Guest (and the sequel, The 11th Hour, but the puzzles are very difficult) would be easy to play with your off-hand mouse anyways

just make sure you use ScummVM for them, because the versions that Steam/GOG are selling aren’t very stable

similarly, the first 3 Monkey Island games, or Myst/Riven


Oh wow, there’s some nostalgia.

I’ve done Monkey Island already, and enjoyed the new one too. I haven’t played Myst sine I was 8 and my uncle had it on his computer and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.


Myst is a very tough game. Very much a 90s game where you’re supposed to play it for months, not just blitz through it in a weekend.

For more point and click games, check out ScummVM, they support a ton of them

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