dj1936, do zapytajszmer w Dysydencko-socdemkowa społeczność - jaką nadać jej nazwę?
!deleted2556 avatar

O co chodzi z tym zdjęciem?


To zdjęcie z wykładu Baumana we Wrocku sprzed wielu lat. Dotyczyło… rocznicy powstania (niemieckiej) socjaldemokracji xD

!deleted2556 avatar

Masz na myśli akcje sprzed prawie 12lat?


Tak, dalej mnie śmieszy hihi

!deleted2556 avatar

[w tym zdjęciu chodzi o to, że na wykład Baumana przyszło kilkudziesięciu kibiców Śląska Wrocław i działaczy Narodowego Odrodzenia Polski i aktywnie uniemożliwiało przeprowadzenie wykładu, przez co wstąpili do sali antyterroryści]

Od mniej więcej tego czasu (wg mnie konkretnie od 11.11.2012) naziści i nacjonaliści we Wrocławiu zaczęli słabnąć.

Ten okres to był moim zdaniem szczyt ich aktywności i siły na różnych frontach.-


Mnie śmieszy zdjęcie vs. temat wykładu. Od 2012 hihi

!deleted2556 avatar

Jaki był tytuł wykładu?

pastel_de_airfryer, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games?

Would be cool if it was possible to at least resell delisted games. This way it would be possible to legally purchase a copy, just like we can do for physical media.

Strider, do games w Favorite retro games?

I’ve had a Gameboy for most of my life so I’m a sucker for portables. Donkey Kong, Oracle of Seasons, Pokemon Crystal, and Super Mario Land 2 all get replayed with some regularity. For GBA the Golden Sun games are still in my top ten favorites to this day, and the SNES ports like Link to the Past and Super Mario World were great to have in my pocket.

theskyisfalling, do games w Favorite retro games?

In no particular order:

Sonic Spinball

Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament

Toejam and Earl

General Chaos

Recently I have had an urge to play Hogs of War on PS1 too.

CatZoomies, do games w Favorite retro games? avatar

Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

kataak, do wolnyinternet w Płacenie fanpejdżom na FB

Nie ma i prawdopodobnie nie będzie alternatywy wobec korpomediów społecznościowych jeżeli chce się dotrzeć do większego grona osób, zwłaszcza nieprzekonanych i mających więcej niż 35 lat. A w banieczce nikomu nie chce się siedzieć, albo na 20 różnych stronach.

!deleted2556 avatar

A czy na korpomediach również nie zamykamy się w banieczkach - grupy, fanpejdze, znajomi… Człowiek wybiera to, co lubi.

didleth, avatar

@dj1936 @kataak

jeśli chodzi o płatne subskrypcje na fb - to już praca, a w pracy kalkulujesz opłacalność.

To trochę jak tłumaczyć właścicielowi np. pizzerii, że powinien otworzyć lokal tuż pod twoim domem w głębi lasu, bo Ty jesteś jego usługami zainteresowany - no spoko, ale z ciebie jednego się nie utrzyma, więc będzie się trzymał tej pizzerii w mieście nawet, jeśli miasta nie lubi


No chyba, że się płaci za reklamy. Ja płacę i trochę to jednak działa.

!deleted2556 avatar

Nie kumam. Placisz za reklamy na FB? WTF? W jaki sposób? I co wtedy się dzieje?


Tzw. treści sponsorowane. Płacisz jakąś kwotę i wtedy post się pokazuje większej grupie osób, również nieobserwujących twojej strony na podstawie danych demograficznych (płeć, wiek, wykształcenie, lokalizacja), zainteresowań czy nawet jakichś informacji typu zachowania konsumenckie.

!deleted2556 avatar

A, no dobra - z kwestii tego, że pieniędzmi można dotrzeć na FB do większej ilości osób, to wiem, od lat to działa.

Ale pytanie: czy można jakoś ze strony jednostki uchronić się od tych sponsorowanych treści?

Ciekawe, czy kiedyś na FB wprowadza konto premium, które faktycznie będzie te reklamy (bo to są reklamy) ignorowało.

Alenalda, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games?

Problems that you don’t buy these games anymore, you lease them.

Bougie_Birdie, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? avatar

I would love to be able to gift my unplayed games to others.

I guess you do get into a problem where a group of people might swap the game back and forth to avoid ever having to pay for the game. But people will abuse any system, so I guess that would just be a cost of it

If a game is still within the refund window, then maybe it should have an option to gift it. The devs / publishers could keep their money and Steam doesn’t have to process a refund. Seems like a win-win

ShellMonkey, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? avatar

Little free digital libraries if you like. It’d be possible to do once the DRM is gone, if only there was a platform that made selling without the locks a major part of the pitch…

Functionally though it is possible, ebook lending exists already, but from what I gather proper libraries pay some sizable fee for the right to do so. There’s no reason other digital media couldn’t do the same.

nyctre, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games?

There’s nothing to gain from this for the publishers and such. They will however miss out on sales. So I don’t see this happening. The feature would be cool to have as a customer, ofc.


Any platform that offers transferable digital licenses will get a lot of customer loyalty but is likely to have mainstream publishers boycott it.

It could be structured so that everybody wins e.g. the purchaser pays less than the “new” price, with their payment then split as cash for the original publisher and store credit for the seller.

That way:

  1. the purchaser gets a discount
  2. the publisher gets a cut of the sale
  3. the seller gets credit to spend on new games,
  4. the platform gets that credit spent on their store (plus any additional money that might be required to complete a purchase)

As a customer I would find that attractive but I think most publishers would consider it a slippery slope.

harcesz, do wiadomosci w Operator płatnych parkingów wprowadzał klientów w błąd. Stanowisko UOKiK
!deleted269 avatar

Chyba zabrakło linka?


Nie w to okienko się wkleił 😉

JRaccoon, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? avatar

I’ve learned that over in the EU, people can actually re-sell their games on Steam.

Unless I’ve totally missed something, this is (sadly) not true.

Valmond, do games w Favorite retro games?

Grandia 2 is a magnificent game IMO.

Excrubulent, (edited ) do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

I said Noita is my favourite roguelite, but actually Heat Signature is probably tied with it. It has a completely different philosophy of soft failure.

If your character dies in space, they’re dead, but they can also be captured, then another character can rescue them. And if a mission is going sideways, you can huck a wrench through a window and fling yourself into space, as long as you’re confident you can pick yourself up with your space pod before you pass out.

It’s very fast-paced with quick runs. Each character that comes along has different traits, and you can have 4 different people on the go at once. Each character has their individual quest - which can be rescuing another character - and when that’s done you can retire them or keep them going.

It’s very open to how you want to play.

Oh! Also, if you’re trying to do your character’s big final mission and it goes wrong, usually you can bail and try again. I lost quite a few characters before I realised that.

Excrubulent, (edited ) do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

My absolute favourite roguelite is Noita.

Beware though, it’s quite different to other roguelites in that the world it creates is suprisingly expansive. You can get lost in it, mentally. There are quests that can take you dozens of hours to complete, all on the same run, and even if you become so absurdly overpowered that nothing can threaten you directly, till you can fly inside the sun, you can still get turned into a sheep and die in a single hit.

Also the wand-building is complex, it’s like a programming language. People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible. And in a way I’ve never seen magic be done before, you can screw up and kill yourself with your wands, just like a discworld wizard. It’s so easy to do, it’s a rite of passage for any new player.

Some people don’t like spoilers on this game so here you go, but honestly getting just a little spoiled made me get properly into it to understand what the hell people were talking about.

Tap for spoilerI was maybe 8 or 9 hours into reaching the hardest boss in the game, up to NG+24 or so, just a couple of hours away from my destination. I was teleporting, had hundreds of thousands of hit points, had immunity to every kind of damage, could tear through the terrain like it wasn’t there, had weapons that would evaporate any enemy in the blink of an eye even as they became exponentially more powerful with each NG+ level, and I was being careful. I had even pacified the world so nobody would attack. Then some asshole dropped in from off-screen with a wand of transmogrification, got hit by the chainsaw on my tele wand and retaliated while something exploded nearby throwing fire over us, and I, now a sheep, flopped around impotently for a few seconds on fire then just fucking died.

I… stopped playing after that one, I’ll be honest. But I will return.

And rather than simply being repetitive, the way the world loops creates an ennui that’s kind of haunting to me. The whole game is littered with versions of people trying to achieve immortality, and if you manage to reach a point where you actually can’t die, you feel like you’ve soft-locked yourself, because dying is how you get to the end-screen. You can just end the run from the menu, but it feels fake somehow.

10/10 would try to kill god and confront my mortality again.


Thank you for the in-depth explanation! I’ve wishlisted it and will pick it up when it goes on sale. The art is absolutely beautiful, I can see how it could get haunting and lonely.

CileTheSane, avatar

People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible.

Alright, this has convinced me to give Noita a shot.

Excrubulent, avatar

I mean, I don’t know how much they anticipated. There are a lot of projectile path modifications that are clearly meant for tinkering, but the idea that they knew their players would do this is hard to tease out. It’s a simulation game built very much on “Things are what they are,” and they know this has deep implications.

Like when I was turned into a sheep, I wasn’t “noita (sheep)”, I was just “sheep”. The noita I had been playing as was effectively stored in a state of nonexistence until the transmogrification wore off, then the sheep was replaced with the noita. So transforming yourself - or simply causing yourself to temporarily cease to exist - can be a way to eliminate side effects of certain things.

If there is one thing that it might be worth spoiling yourself on, if you’re struggling to finish a run, is in the next spoiler.

Tap for spoilerLearn to escape the Holy Mountain without collapsing it. Being able to return to edit wands, go back up in the world, and access health is a game-changer. Finishing the game without that trick is something I don’t think I’ve ever done. All the big lore stuff is discovered after finishing your first run anyway as far as I can tell.

Other than that, I would look up how to design good wands. This can be a good thing to learn by doing for a while, but there are deep interactions that you could soend a thousand runs not learning. I think the shared science is a big part of what makes this game great.

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