“I led them to the light. I alone.” I’m getting goosebumps just writing that down. The moment you finally hear him say it in-game after reading it on the loading screens all the time. It all comes together in the end.
I’m on my fourth playthrough right now, Enderal is my favourite video game ever I think.
My favorites to randomly quote at work:
“More work?”
“Off i go then”
“Stop poking me”
“What, mortal?”
“Im blind, not deaf”
“Youve got a chip on your shoulder, aye, i have fish there too”
“Vrroooom” “It came from… behind…”
“A sound plan”
my fav one recently has been ftb: skies, but that’s a skyblock , I’m going to try the decursio project soon though, it’s supposed to be an rlcraft/sevtech style mod pack, so I’m excited for it , I just haven’t have free time to play it yet.