rozwud, do gaming w Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games

I got into gaming late and don’t have a ton of time to play, so I’m not a super experienced gamer. I LOVE No Man’s Sky. Any thoughts on which of these I would enjoy most if I feel like branching out?


I think that depends on what you love about NMS.

If you’re a fan of the procgen exploration, Avorion, Starbound, or Elite:Dangerous

If you’re a fan of the multiplayer interaction, Eve Online or Star Citizen.

If you’re a fan of the base-building, Space Engineers or X4.

If you’re a fan of the Alien interactions, that’s very tough, but probably X4 or Star Control 2/ The Ur Quan Masters. xD

There aren’t a lot of other single games that have as many systems as NMS does.

I think that I would probably say start to check out X4 if you want 3D, and Starbound if you don’t mind 2D. Be warned, X4 does not fit well with “not much time to play”, though.


Cool, I’ll definitely look into those when I get a chance. Maybe Starbound to start with. Thanks!

Sordid, do gaming w Thoughts on Space Games, Part 3: Too Many Tiny Games! avatar

I can’t agree with your recommendations of Starbound and Starsector. I spent a lot of time with these games trying to figure out why I wasn’t having a good time, and I think in both cases it boils down to the fact their development didn’t fulfill the expectations that the early versions created.

Starbound has beautiful graphics and music and a charming atmosphere, but the gameplay is incredibly dull, the combat is awkward and clunky, your movement abilities are pathetic, etc., etc. For some reason the devs decided to implement a story, and it’s literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. And even though this is a building game like Minecraft or Terraria, you can’t build your ship or any of the boss arenas, all bosses are fought in special levels that are protected from your mining/building tool with a magic forcefield. It’s like the devs didn’t even know what kind of game they were making.

Starsector has the opposite problem, the dev knows exactly how he wants his game to play and implements mechanics specifically to prohibit other playstyles. You want to spend all your skill points on buffs for your piloted ship and play this like a space shooter? Too bad, your single ship will run out of combat readiness and explode. You want to sit back and just command your fleet without getting directly engaged? Too bad, every command you issue consumes a command point, and once you run out, you can’t give any more orders. Unfortunately the playstyle the dev enforces results in the player’s role diminishing as the game progresses and their fleet grows, until eventually the game mostly plays itself. The game is overengineered, bloated, and the development drags on. I’ve lost count of how many skill system reworks there have been in the last decade. The dev is just fiddling at this point, and a lot of the systems he’s been trying to balance for years could just be removed entirely without anything of value being lost (ECM, capture points & command points, combat readiness, etc.).


Thanks for the detailed breakdown!

Starbound is I think very much reliant on you wanting to play it as a sandbox. It definitely has a lot of shortcomings. It sounds like you didn’t play it with mods, or at least with Frackin’ Universe, because FU solves most of the QoL pain points from the vanilla game (like movement being slow). The boss arenas actually used to allow you to build in them, but it completely ruined the difficulty; you could go into any boss room, build a box around yourself, and just whittle them down imperviously. While that might be someone’s preference, I don’t fault the devs for not wanting that, and that’s pretty standard for games to remove ‘cheesing’ exploits for bosses.

Starsector is really interesting to me, because I don’t feel that way about it at all.

I almost never end up running out of command points, if only because I only need to re-task ships if something is going wrong. Usually if I’m running low on them, it’s because I’m trying to kill off incoming DPS by focusing fire on one ship at a time, and at that point I should probably be retreating anyways. I can’t speak to the skill tree changes in detail, because honestly I mostly rely on them for the larger fleet bonuses, or tech unlocks (e.g. AI). They never struck me as being impactful enough to make my ship into a ‘hero unit’, so I never tried to see if they could.

The combat is definitely (imho) about fleet composition rather than fleet control.

But really, combat is only one small part of the game to me. Exploration, missions, building up colonies, looting ruins, etc etc. That’s what I really love about Starsector, and what sets it apart to me.

Sordid, (edited ) avatar

I’d say that if preventing boss cheese requires turning off the most basic core gameplay mechanic that the game is built around, then the entire design of the boss fight needs to be thrown out and rethought. Boss fights should make use of basic gameplay mechanics, not conflict with them. It’s not like this would’ve been rocket science for the Starbound devs. Terraria does it right, building suitable boss arenas is a major part of that game (the golem being the only exception, and even then only the first time you fight it). They could’ve just copied that like they copied so many other things. The lead dev of Starbound was one half of the original two-man team that created Terraria before founding his own company, so I’m really not sure how he managed to screw this up. He of all people should’ve known better.

As for Starsector, I remember there was a back-and-forth between the players and the dev with respect to the solo playstyle. Some players liked to take a small, fast ship and just solo entire fleets by kiting them around, so the dev implemented combat readiness to put a stop to that, effectively putting a time limit on battles. Players responded by using larger ships with longer combat readiness and making them fast by stacking both speed-boosting hullmods (Unstable Injector and whatever the other one’s called), so the dev made those hullmods mutually exclusive. Every time players found a way to play the game in a way the dev didn’t like, he made changes to make such playstyles impossible, going so far as to implement entirely new systems and mechanics that serve no other purpose than to prevent playstyles he doens’t like. It’s become clear over the years that he simply doesn’t want players to be effective in the game in either combat or command capacity. He wants the game to be a tedious slog where you lose a chunk of your fleet in every battle without there being a damn thing you can do about it.

The fact that combat is only a small part of the game and is all about fleet composition rather than fleet control is kinda the problem, that’s what I’m talking about when I say the game didn’t fulfill the expectations that its early versions created. Starfarer (as it was known back then before some copyright dispute) started out as just a list of battle scenarios, with no overworld map at all. It was all about ship and fleet control, fleet composition didn’t play a role at all because you couldn’t adjust it, you had to win each battle with whatever fleet the scenario gave you. Combat is what the game started with, it’s the core that everything else was built around. Unfortunately subsequent development saw basically no improvements to combat. Just about the only change I’d classify as an improvement was the command rework; in early versions you couldn’t even tell your ships where to move. Instead, the dev added more and more padding between battles, diluting the game to the point where combat is now only a small part of it and is mostly decided by fleet composition rather than the player’s piloting and tactics. The game has become the opposite of what it promised ten years ago.

strongarm, do gaming w Thoughts on Space Games, Part 2: Top-5 Medium-Sized Games +

No Hardwar?

comicallycluttered, do gaming w Thoughts on Space Games, Part 3: Too Many Tiny Games!

I’m really surprised that neither of the 2019 “Outer” games with similar names showed up in any of your posts: The Outer Worlds and Outer Wilds.

Worlds because if we’re talking about Starfield, it’s something to consider as a smaller, more compact alternative (although I recently finished a playthrough and there’s actually very few comparisons to be made between the two), and Wilds because… well, it’s just straight up space archaeology that makes heavy use of travel and planet exploration. Also because it’s probably one of the most critically well-received space games.

Something else I wanna throw out there: Heaven’s Vault. Nice little narrative game which takes place in space and has quite a calming (even if completely unrealistic) method of space travel.


I actually enjoyed Outer Worlds a decent bit, but I would consider it much less of a space game than Starfield. For all that people rag on Starfield about the ships just being loading screens, you got to manually assemble spaceships, and then walk around inside of them. Outer Worlds was really just spaceships as loading screens.

I don’t really go in for Annapurna games, for a number of reasons.

comicallycluttered, (edited )

I did mention it as a smaller, compact alternative, but I maybe wasn’t specific enough with regard to the scope of gameplay.

Probably should have specified that I meant Outer Worlds as an alternative to Starfield mainly for people interested in a game set in space with the familiar approach to worldbuilding that Bethesda and Obsidian seem to share a bit, and also because it’s not uncommon to hear either of them referred to (maybe a bit unfairly) as “Fallout, but in space”.

Then again, most people interested in that would probably already have played it by now (although lots of new Fallout fans this year, so maybe not).

ami, do wolnyinternet w Otwartoźródłowe i prywatnościowe komunikatory
ami avatar

Chciałabym aby istniał fork Session Messenger z możliwością stworzenia wlasnej sieci i możliwością komunikacji z oficjalnym serwerami

!deleted2556 avatar

Nic nie kumam. Możesz wytłumaczyć jak dla debila to, co napisałaś?

Nie wiem co to fork session Messenger i nie wiem co masz na myśli piszesz o możliwości komunikacji z oficjalnymi serwerami.


Chodzi o to, że ta osoba chciałaby żeby istniała alternatywna wersja aplikacji Session Messenger, która pozwalałaby korzystać z wielu serwerów (tak jak działa email: możemy ze sobą pisać korzystając z kont na różnych serwerach).

Fork to określenie oznaczające “rozwidlenie” projektu, gdzie oprócz oryginalnej jego wersji powstaje druga, z trochę innymi cechami / funkcjami.

wariat, do wolnyinternet w Otwartoźródłowe i prywatnościowe komunikatory avatar

Używałem signal zanim to było modne i nadal tylko jego. Ale ja generalnie mało z komunikatora korzystam i to pewnie jeden z powodów.


Używałem TextSecure zanim był Signalem 🤭

PrinzKasper, do games w Elden Ring: Shadows of the Erdtree will come with a day 1 patch with various improvements

Sad that they aren’t adding support for ultra wide and more than 60fps. Armored Core supports those things, why not Elden Ring?


Yeah this makes me salty. Biggest game of the 2020s and it doesn’t have proper PC settings


Feels very on brand for the AAA game market right now, even though From Software aren’t generally shitty like that.


From Software aren’t generally shitty like that.

Dark Souls 1 and 2 had notoriously horrible PC ports, and Elden Ring was one of the only games that Valve stepped in to fix themselves through Proton due to its horrible stuttering. Regardless of their intentions, their familiarity with PC hardware is still definitely a “work in progress”.

lorty, avatar

Actually From Software is pretty crappy when it comes to this sort of thing.


Because elden ring lags and struggles to keep fps at 60 sometimes with a 3080, why even try to go higher. I’d also saybthay playing ultra wide gives a vision advantage and PvP and invaders being a thing I’d prefer not.


I play on a 3080 ultra wide 1440p and I never drop below 70. Unless I turn raytracing on which honestly is not worth it at all.

!deleted6508 avatar

How do you not drop below 70 in a game with a 60fps cap?


Flawless widescreen has an fps uncap option as well as letting the game fully support ultra wide. (The game is fucking stupid and renders in ultra wide anyway and then just puts black bars to force 16:9) You of course have to play without online features because you can’t use anti cheat at the same time.

!deleted6508 avatar

It doesn’t fuck with the mechanics or anything does it? I tried unlocking Katamari Damacy when I got it on Steam and it worked but also became unplayable 😮‍💨


So far I haven’t noticed any mechanics changing, but I might be missing something? It miiiiight mess up stuff like parry timing, but I don’t think it does.


This kind of infuriates me. On rare occasions loading into the game (unmodified) it’ll glitch out and forget to render the borders for a good 5 minutes or until first teleport. Like come on! I can see it! I know you’re doing it!

Another game, Code Vein (shut up, I love it, just embrace some trash from time to time) did the same thing. I could tell because the layering was messed up and your partner’s nameplate would render over the black borders by mistake …

!deleted6508 avatar

Aren’t the animations tied to the frame rate?

pfm, do wolnyinternet w Otwartoźródłowe i prywatnościowe komunikatory

Polecam jeszcze Delta Chat, czyli jak Signal ale to po prostu klient poczty z interfejsem jak komunikator. Może szyfrować, ładnie wygląda - polecam!

rysiek, avatar

Z tego co wiem, Delta Chat nie może nie szyfrować. Szyfrowanie nie jest opcjonalne w Delta Chat.


Używam go czasem do pisania z osobami, które korzystają ze zwykłych klientów pocztowych, zatem empirycznie sprawdziłem że jednak może [nie szyfrować]. (Tak jak dawniej można było z Signala wysyłać zwykłe SMS-y.)

Nie pamiętam już detali, ale szyfrowanie w DC ma różne tryby. Wydaje mi się, że kiedyś trzeba było założyć “potwierdzoną grupę” żeby mieć gwarancję szyfrowania.

rysiek, avatar

A to ciekawe! Dzięki za info!

FarceOfWill, do gaming w Thoughts on Space Games, Part 2: Top-5 Medium-Sized Games +

I was about to start mouth foaming, but got to the end of the name distant worlds:universe

If anyone is giving these a go make absolutely certain you’re not buying distant worlds 2 by mistake.

lnxtx, do wolnyinternet w Otwartoźródłowe i prywatnościowe komunikatory avatar

Signal między ludźmi.

Matrix, jako zamiennik IRC-a, kontakt ze społecznością.
Z tym, że kanały są otwarte, więc tylko połączenie jest szyfrowane.


Z tym, że kanały są otwarte, więc tylko połączenie jest szyfrowane.

Element, SchildiChat et al. wspierają szyfrowanie bezpośrednich konwersacji domyślnie. Kanały też można zaszyfrować, po prostu nowi nie będą mieli jak dostać się do historii wiadomości (jak dobrze pamiętam).


A to nie jest tak, że w matrixowych apkach mnóstwo metadanych jest nieszyfrowanych ?


Tak. Kiedyś nawet napisałem o tym artykuł u siebie na blogu (i tu ogólnie chodzi o metadane jako pomocne współrzędne do ustalenia co kto robił), ale go skasowałem (mam wciąż jednak dostęp do wersji roboczej). Potrzebowałbym po prostu weryfikacji swoich wypocin u kogoś, kto się na tym lepiej zna.

FarceOfWill, (edited ) do gaming w Thoughts on Space Games, Part 3: Too Many Tiny Games!

Star ruler as an disappointment is fair, but have you tried the totally different and now open sourced StarRuler2?

It’s a much better game, much tighter with a definite progress path for colonies shipping things to each other (later used by slipstream which is more pure management and might not fit your list)

It’s free, it’s worth a try I promise it’s very different to SR

kszeslaw, do zapytajszmer w Czy polecacie jakiś case, żeby telefon pożył jak najdłużej?

Jestem ciamajdą której telefon upada przynajmniej raz w tygodniu więc od kiedy mam case z klapką częstotliwość zmiany szkła na ekranie zmniejszyła się kilkukrotnie :)

noriban, do wolnyinternet w Otwartoźródłowe i prywatnościowe komunikatory

Briar jest bardzo ciekawy, nie trzeba nr telefonu ani maila

!deleted2556 avatar

Czy na Briar da się połączyć z innym użytkownikiem, jeśli ta osoba nie jest obok nas? Pamiętam, że któryś komunikator wymagał połączenia niczym przez Bluetooth i chyba to był Briar.


Z tego co widzę w aplikacji możesz włączyć po czym chcesz się łączyć, po wifi jako lokalnej sieci, po bluetooth, albo po internecie gdzie jest połączenie przez tor, ale mogę się mylić z torem, bo mało używałem, znalazłem ta alternatywę na jakiejś stronie z prywatnymi alternatywami

harcesz, do zapytajszmer w Czy polecacie jakiś case, żeby telefon pożył jak najdłużej?
!deleted269 avatar

Zwykłe gumowe z rantem lekko wystającym ponad ekranik i naklejka wzmacniająca na ekran u mnie robią robotę na tańszym Szajsungu.

slavistapl, do wolnyinternet w Otwartoźródłowe i prywatnościowe komunikatory

Signal i Matrix. Od momentu wprowadzenia przez Signala wsparcia dla pseudonimów, tak naprawdę nie robi mi teraz różnicy, gdzie dostanę wiadomość.

Sugeruję omijać Telegrama z takich względów, że po prostu oni kłamią. Niby “nie udostępnili niczego identyfikującego służbom”, no ale potem wyszło na jaw, że indyjskiej policji jednak udostępnili numery telefonów podejrzanych. No i do tego wiele jeszcze innych machlojek.

rysiek, avatar

Bezczelny plug własnego tekstu na temat Telegrama:

tl;dr Telegram manipuluje informacją o tym, co jest szyfrowane, a co nie, i w jaki sposób. Straszny syf.

!deleted2556 avatar

Czym matrix różni się od signal?

somnuz, (edited )

U podstaw Matrix to protokół tak jak wspominany wcześniej XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), za to Signal to po prostu aplikacja w wersjach dla klienta i serwera. Plus oczywiście Signal używa swojego protokołu — czyli zestawu specyfikacji kryptograficznych i szyfrowania typu end-to-end.

Signal jest scentralizowany, a Matrix i XMPP są zdecentralizowane — czyli w Signalu nie postawisz swojego serwera, a korzystając z Matrixa lub XMPP każdy sobie taki serwer może deploynąć kulturalnie i elegancko.

Sam korzystam zarówno z Signala jak i Elementa (na Matrixie).

Najbardziej przyszłościowo — warto byłoby iść w kierunku zdecentralizowanych rozwiązań, ale zanim się ludzie nauczą i porezygnują z najłatwiejszych / najpopularniejszych beznadziejnych rozwiązań, trochę czasu jeszcze upłynie…

Jak pojawi się zrozumienie i przekonanie do rozwiązania typu Signal to potem będzie już z górki.

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