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Ganbat, w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Better than their in-house attempts to remove anti-piracy measures. The Steam release of Manhunt has had all of its bullshit triggered for over ten years now. It’s literally impossible to play without community patches.

Edit: Lol, as it turns out, Silent’s discovery of this was triggered by the recent revelation of this about Manhunt!


I spent hours trying to get that fucking game to work…

Ganbat, (edited )

Sad fact is, Rockstar doesn’t give a shit. They got busted using a cracked EXE in the Steam release, so they just tried to cover their asses by using an old EXE without SecuROM. I expect the same thing from this game before long.

Couple lucky things for the players, though. First off, the Razor 1911 crack is still in the files, they just renamed it to testapp. Second, old RS games have a dedicated community that give way more of a shit about them than Rockstar ever will. Silent and Fire Head have both released major patches for Manhunt that not only get it running right, but fix a bunch of other broken shit that Rockstar never cared enough to deal with.

mp3, w If you have problems working offline on your laptop, PC, this post may help you.
@mp3@lemmy.ca avatar

lmao a link to Reddit spam

SternburgExport, w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Doesn’t even surprise me anymore. Rockstar has gone to shit.


cant even play their legitly purchased SINGLEPLAYER games without internet connection.
I fucking hate rockstar

@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

Sometimes there is a trick that allows to play offline (I guess to bypass tags and restrictions), things like adding a line of text to a file, always a hassle and poorly documented.

Btw, I feel like telling that I deleted my rockstar account quite a while ago, they asked and re-asked nonsense, waiting from weeks to over a month between email and email, and the worst thing is that sometimes they were in chinese. It took me more than half a year to delete that crap.


Sometimes there is a trick that allows to play offline (I guess to bypass tags and restrictions), things like adding a line of text to a file, always a hassle and poorly documented.

Pirating the game is a lot easier. The people getting punished are the ones who give Rockstar their money


Wait… WHAT?


I’m already angry enough that they don’t let me spawn certain vehicles in singleplayer but this is too much. Time to get a cracked version and uninstall that Rockstar Launcher crap.

XEAL, w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Source’s source: https://twitter.com/_

wallmenis, (edited )

The nitter link: https://nitter.net/_


Might wanna fix that


Fix what? Link works fine for me. Sometimes Nitter doesn’t load though, hit refresh a few times and you’ll get it.


Because it’s a bare link, some apps interpret the underscore as the end of the link.


Ah right I see. Surely that’s the app developer’s responsibility to fix?

pjhenry1216, (edited )

"I see a problem I can easily fix but obviously it's someone else's problem."

Here's the full link.


Edit: to lemmy users, this link looks no different. To third party app users and Kbin users, etc, the previous links all cut out after the first underscore.


I mean sure, but that’s a bit more involved than just pasting a link with no code and having the renderer make a link, which lemmy is supposed to do. The app is failing to meet the lemmy spec, the developer should fix that.


So, it's actually more a Lemmy bug. Lemmy stores the comments just fine but the API displays it with markdown. The double underscore is screwing up other apps abilities to display it and there's really no way to avoid that. A third party app can't tell if it's supposed to be interpreted or not.

So on Lemmy, all the URLs look fine. On Kbin or any other apps, they'll all get cut off after the first underscore.

TWeaK, (edited )

and there’s really no way to avoid that.

Yes there is, the way lemmy avoids it. _ might be usable as a tag in mark down, but it shouldn’t be used to break out of a URL.

This is definitely a kbin bug lol. Edit: not kbin, but whichever app people are browsing with. Both lemmy and kbin websites work.


Lemmy avoids it by having the source content and then translating output to markdown. Any third party reader needs to sanitize that output.

Lemmy basically does not output safe content for third parties. It's absolutely a Lemmy bug from any developer's perspective.


I’ve just checked on kbin and the link works just fine. Kbin doesn’t display the full link, but when you click it on the website it works.

Are you using an app to browse kbin? In that case it’s your app that’s not doing it correctly. Possibly kbin doesn’t give it the infomration, or maybe it just reads the text of the link and misuses that.

Either way, the problem is nothing to do with lemmy. However lemmy apps have their own little bugs to work out (eg instance agnostic links from v0.18) so we’re all in the same boat of fedeverse development.

pjhenry1216, (edited )

The link works for me. I was helping other folks who may have an issue with bare links as pointed out by the other commenter.

Either way, Lemmy is the reason non-lemmy readers can't actually properly parse the information. The information is not what's stored in the database. Only Lemmy can display it properly since it wraps it up in a bunch of markup that is then provided to third parties. As a developer, I don't know what reasoning you still think you have to believe it's not Lemmy. Everything you've said so far does nothing to backup that point.

Edit: also, I'm done here. I'm not interested in convincing a non-developer their favorite platform isn't perfect.

TWeaK, (edited )

Edit: to lemmy users, this link looks no different. To third party app users and Kbin users, etc, the previous links all cut out after the first underscore.

The link works for me.

So which is it? Did it work or not?

When I checked, it worked. Before the link was edited, when it was just a raw url with no markdown code. Lemmy dispayed the full link with the underscores. Kbin displayed a shortened version, but it linked to the same url.

You’re being incredibly pretentious with this “I’m a developer” nonsense. A developer of what? Be specific. Which app did you actually see the problem in?

Either way, you’ve been the one trying to push the blame on lemmy and users, right from the start. I’m not really sure what you’re playing at here, but it seems like you’ve realised your mistake and are now trying to save face.

The issue is with your app. Both lemmy and kbin desktop websites parsed the url correctly.

Here it is again for testing: nitter.net/_

Edit: Works fine on lemmy and kbin websites, doesn’t work in Jerboa. So it’s yet another problem with Jerboa (or whichever app) text processing, nothing to do with lemmy and certainly not the user’s fault.

“I see a problem I can easily fix but obviously it’s someone else’s problem.”

Incredibly pretentious. Sort yourself out mate.


Before the link was edited, when it was just a raw url with no markdown code.

It's always with markdown. Lemmy is the only web app that can access it without markdown. I explained it like four different ways now. If you don't understand it by now, you never will.

It worked for me and it's why I provided a full link. Since it was created on Kbin, it was escaped by Lemmy as well. So lemmy will display the app just like Kbin would. But anyone who creates a link on lemmy, it will always look wrong in every other web app or third party app. It's simply not possible for a third party app to display a link properly that was created by a lemmy user. Same goes for code boxes. They can only be displayed properly by Lemmy and no one else. It's not possible for third party apps to display them properly.

Lemmy is the only one that can display links and code boxes created by Lemmy users. Links and code boxes created by every other platform displays properly everywhere.

You're literally hand waving it away because it still works even though it's impossible to parse by any other app. Just because it is only aesthetic doesn't mean it's a bug. The bug affects jerboa more than Kbin. I still helped those users instead of your pretentious ass by saying "oh well, not my problem."

When there's a problem that only exists with lemmy, it's lemmy.

Do you need me to explain it yet another way? Do you need an ELI5?

You're the pretentious one speaking from some authority without having any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

I'm done. You're blocked so I won't be angered by any stupid replies from you.

TWeaK, (edited )

Same goes for code boxes. They can only be displayed properly by Lemmy and no one else. It’s not possible for third party apps to display them properly.

Except Jerboa displays code tags just fine. There’s also the view source function.

There are ways to solve the problem, they just haven’t been implemented yet. That’s up to app developers.

I’m done. You’re blocked so I won’t be angered by any stupid replies from you.

Shock horror. Something tells me they don’t need me to get angered.

Edit: So, thinking on it some more for the benefit of anyone else, it would be perfectly possible to fix in Jerboa for lemmy. Jerboa just breaks out of the link but still shows the full url, only the rest of it is text and the bit in between two removed _ is italicised. Jerboa is failing to inhibit for the link and applying markdown to it.

Maybe on kbin apps it can’t work, because kbin shortens the link in text and doesn’t have a view source function. But kbin is not lemmy.


Thank you! Now it’s clickable for me.


How? I read the comments and I can’t replicate the issue you are experiencing. The original link is causing the problem for me (but I can still access the page).

@CorrodedCranium@leminal.space avatar

I’ll just stick to 🏴‍☠️ old games with DRM, why should I give a company 🤑 for redistributing a cracker’s hard work?


You gotta do a workaround url when the URL breaks like that.


Thank you! Imma fix it right now.

user224, w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It’s not really a crack, it’s the corporate activation script. But yeah, MS don’t care about sales anymore, they’re all about stealing your data.


The information the OS collects is not worth more than keeping you in the ecosystem itself. That's the more lucrative reasoning. Can't easily sell other products if they're not in Windows. The information collection is just gravy.


They just want everyone to have Windows at home, so that it keeps being the “normal” OS for corporations. They make so much money… Windows+ CALs, Office, Exchange, Sharepoint, M365, Azure… it’s easier to keep paying them, than to change vendors.


So counter point. Active directory is a god send for managing endpoints, user accounts, endpoints, etc.

No you don’t let windows act as a dns server outside the ad subdomain, no you don’t use windows to admin your root private ca, and for all you hold dear do not enable that God forsaken web server. But for what it does well, it’s the best solution out there.


Or Ubisoft. A colleague of mine was super hyped for Far Cry 2, both the collector’s edition but it wouldn’t start on his PC. He contacted Ubisoft support and they gave him an actual scene crack. There were other reported cases of Ubisoft support handing out scene cracks to go around their shitty DRM.

“A” for effort for the support people in finding ways for customers to be happy and play the games they paid for. But a Steam release for a humongous corporation just straight up using the crack and releasing it as is, that’s a new low.

nosurprises, w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

I wouldn’t be here if I wanted to go on reddit. Moreover, the reddit post is not even the initial source of the information.


The initial source (or at least the one linked to in the reddit post) is the vastly inferior microblogging version of xvideos though, so skipping reddit would have been even worse 🤷

@z3n0x@feddit.de avatar

enshittification all the way down




True, every time I click one of those links it tries to make me make an account


I technically have an account, but I haven’t logged into it since a month or so after Musk started destroying it.

The final straw was getting banned for a full week for “hate speech” just for pointing out that Bill Burr probably wouldn’t want to participate in a Tucker Carlson “special report” about how “humor isn’t allowed anymore”, nor give permission for clips of him to be included in a promo for it 🤦


I would be content with a screenshot of that xvideos microblog


Make it a screenshot from the xvideos microblog posted on reddit and then screenshotted again.



Moonrise2473, w If you have problems working offline on your laptop, PC, this post may help you.

What the fuck is this ad? “It solves problems”

I wouldn’t install Ms office even if it was free

Why would someone pay for a stolen msdn key when could get it for free with massgrave?

lvxferre, w If you have problems working offline on your laptop, PC, this post may help you.
@lvxferre@lemmy.ml avatar

Seriously… it takes a big amount of stupidity, or a similar character flaw, to spam Microsoft products through a Reddit link in a federation where most people don’t want to touch either Reddit or Microsoft with a 3m pole.

So, whoever is behind this spam account: stop chewing on spoiled hay, you freaking barn animal.

wallmenis, w If you have problems working offline on your laptop, PC, this post may help you.

A libreddit link if you don’t want to visit reddit: …acor.is/…/if_you_have_problems_working_offline_o…

It is just an MS Office 2021 Ad

kratoz29, w Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

I am more of the gang that gathers pirated games but never gets to play them, am I actually hurting the industry this way?

Hanabie, w If you have problems working offline on your laptop, PC, this post may help you.
@Hanabie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Instead of reposting it here, you link to a corpo website.

What kind of pirate are you? LOL


And I’m not even allowed to read the content because I’m neither logged in nor on mobile.


They’re a spammer trying to advertise their key selling business/scam, honestly fucking laughable that they post in piracy.

darkmogool, w Am I obligated to be a pirate in Starfield if I got the game via piracy?
brickfrog, w Any torrent sites with relatively lax sign up/upload rules? Or some place to easily upload torrents

Looks like you can add Ext to the list, according to this post in !piracy they do allow uploading torrents there.


Mothra, w German Chancellor officially endorses piracy!
@Mothra@mander.xyz avatar

I would prefer for no public figure ever to become the community logo. Especially if it’s a political figure.

GarbageShoot, w Am I obligated to be a pirate in Starfield if I got the game via piracy?

No, because that might be an incentive to buy it. Being a pirate is probably more fun anyway, though.

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