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MentalEdge, w New Nintendo patent suggests Switch 2 may solve joycon drift avatar

Fucking finally. Still have to see if they actually go through with it.


Seriously…idk why they are so…obtuse to fixing shiz sometimes. Granted we are talking about the same company that won’t embrace fan work the same as Sega so they’re kinda backwards imo. Esp since that stuff usually isn’t making money or is free promo for the real shiz Ala streaming and reviews. They’re not very smart imo on a lot of things and seem to punish fans for having fun with shiz too much…

MentalEdge, avatar

Nintendo is absolutely one of those companies that has been breathing its own farts for too long.

A part of me is worried that they will patent this, and then just sit on the tech forever, and kill hall-effect joysticks for good.


I mean I doubt it. Hall effects have been on the market for ages(notably the dreamcast as a few other comments reminded me). They can’t possibly stop hall effects and mods that allow them at this point XD


The title of this post and article literally say they patented it.


You can patent a specific implementation of a technology, but not usually the principles behind that tech. Nintendo had patented this, too, but that likely has little to no effect on other hall effect joystick manufacturers.

JJROKCZ, w RuneScape reaches mostly negative reviews on steam after introducing Hero pass

This is for rs3 right? No one plays that shit anyway, 2007scape is where it’s at


Yes. OSRS reviews on steam are still listed as very positive.


Idk why you’d ever play it on RuneScape, it’s like nearly unplayable without Runelite.


I wouldn’t say unplayable, maybe less convenient? I get what you mean though

example: why play CG on hdos or the steam client when I can use runelite and have c engineer tell me “2…1… mage/range” every few seconds for easier cycles lol


I’ve only ever watched people like Settled play the game but is tile marking even a thing in the base client?

Because I feel without that it’s a whole lot more than just less convenient


Nope, and I mean it’s actually unplayable without Runelite. They other guy is missing out a lot of details, even simple stuff like increasing the render distance and using GPU rendering.


You’re exaggerating. That’s the point he was making.

The official client is totally playable. Lots of people use it. RuneLite is just a lot more modern and expanded.


I’ve actually never met a single person who uses the official client, it has so many things that are just required to play. Sure you can click and move like normal, but you’re missing a massive amount of essential information and QoL features.


Remember kids, casuals, and people on mobile, plenty of the player base doesn’t use runelite but also doesn’t base their personality around a game from 2002 and talk about it all the time so you’d never know. I’ve played for nearly 20 years but almost never talk about it online and absolutely not in person. I’ve used runelite for a lot of that time but in the 00s I was on the browser with everyone else and played a fuckload perfectly fine


Uh yeah and the game today is very different then it was in the 00s. As much as I wish I was a 10 year old mindlessly killing goblins all day for next to no experience, people optimize their exp/hr nowadays, and that requires Runelite. Mobile is good for when you want to do woodcutting while on the toilet though.


YOU min/max your xp/hr, not everyone. Some of us just enjoy fishing on karamja and chatting or chopping some trees and talking shit in draynor or making deals at the GE. So many people that have gone into min/max mode assume that everyone does the same barrows run with them 40 times a day when that isn’t the case, the majority of us don’t care about 2/3 tick this or that or best t-bow drop rates, we just enjoy the game whatever way we want to enjoy it


I definitely don’t think you speak for the majority here.

Polydextrous, w Rockstar Games' vice president of writing leaves after 16 years

That’s troubling. I’ve been playing the shit out of both GTA V and RDR 2 because they have the two best campaigns I’ve ever played. Especially RDR2. It was unique in its trajectory, in its beats…I really hope the follow ups, (however many years down the road those might be) won’t be affected too much by this. The writing made those games what they are.

I haven’t played baldurs gate, but I’ve been seeing a lot about it, mostly positive. Interesting, the news about that company. Being successful doesn’t usually call for a massive shakeup. But that’s capitalism for you. Fuck the workers, squeeze more out of those you keep. Classic.


As someone who has a very small selection of games they like, play God of War. I never played any of them before the 2018 game and I loved it. I start it again and play through like once a year to 100%. Only game I ever 100%ed.

Loved RDR and GTA but not much else has kept my interest anyway close to GoW except maybe Hitman.


Speculating but they’ve probably already wrapped up all the writing for GTA VI and planned to move on after that. Imagine with Houser leaving we’ll see a few more vets as they finish up their roles for VI.


RDR2 is the only character driven AAA game I’ve ever seen. I don’t think another one even exists. It was a masterpiece of a story.

circuitfarmer, avatar

RDR2 straight up fucked me up. I’ve never had such an emotional response to a game as that one.

And (maybe foolishly), I didn’t expect it. I walked right into the end of that storyline and got my ass handed to me.


When you walk into the drunk guys home for his money and kill him, but his son goes “pa, pa, pa…” I know it’s a video game, but I wasn’t expecting that. It was one of those moments where i can never forget. I felt like I actually hurt a person in my mind and kept thinking about it, still do. Absolutely the best game that brings you into the fold as a player.


What about Larian?


I dunno, I’m not a huge gamer. I’ve had just FIFA and gta v on my console for years happily. Rdr2 is a newer purchase for me and I love it. But I don’t really like fantasy games, so I’m not really larian’s audience.

I like shooting and driving and open worlds. And soccer. I put off getting rdr2 for so long because I couldn’t drive. I regret writing it off because I was definitely wrong about it


Oh I thought you were saying they had some similar senior staff depart the company after bg3 released


I was saying I’ve been hearing good things about BG3 and saw they fired a lot of people to “streamline” the company. I was just deriding capitalism for that insane mindset


I don’t see anything about Larian letting go of people after bg3 release


In related news, as part of its recently publicised cutbacks, BioWare has “let go of” Lukas Kristjanson, the lead writer behind Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, and the writer of the first three Dragon Age games, Mary Kirby.

Oh it wasn’t Larian, that name was mentioned to me so I just assumed from the quote above without rereading. I dunno the connection between larian and BioWare, but they’re obviously releasing games together? Or sharing titles?


Gotcha, so Baldurs gate 1 and 2 were released by bioware it 1998 and 2000 respectively, the lead writer for those games was let go by bioware recently, Larian is a completely separate company that got the IP rights to do BG3 👍 I can see where the confusion came in lo Edit: More context in the development section of's_Gate_3


You can “drive” a horse in RDR2 lol


GTA V? Really? I absolutely hated the story in that, and I hated the characters. Here are some of my issues with it:


  • interesting epilogue, but otherwise pretty much no character arc
  • really wanted to see him try to take on the Los Santos gangs (DLC!)


  • largely just does whatever Michael says
  • wanted to start a dealership, but he kinda gives up once he makes it big (DLC!)


  • arc was okay, but he didn’t seem like a good fit for main character, especially when Franklin gets the ending

All in all, I felt like the three character perspective was largely a distraction from the lack of actual storytelling. SA and IV didn’t have that, so they actually had a meandering plot with some character development to round it all out.

I haven’t finished RDR2 (it’s so long!), but I really loved RDR and heard that story for RDR2 is even better.


I mean, I’d argue that GTA V didn’t have the most emotional storytelling, but it wasn’t a character driven game like RDR2. The characters had the stories they did because they each opened up different avenues into different types of crimes. They didn’t focus on it. The characters were all insufferable. But that doesn’t mean the writing for the story itself wasn’t good. Yeah, the characters all kinda sucked, but the storytelling propelled the tension and wasn’t just some lame bullshit that felt like it needed to be there. The characters don’t develop that much, but the backstory was great, the intrigue and the vastness of the word made it great. That’s all writing. But you’re right, it couldn’t stand alone as a character driven story.

RDR2 on the other hand is a character driven story at its heart. You definitely need to play it because it’s incredibly well done. If you’re looking for good storytelling, emotional connections to the characters’ trajectories, and a great fuckin game, RDR2 is where you wanna be.


I’m not expecting RDR-levels of storytelling or anything, and the original RDR is way better than any of the GTAs in terms of storytelling and characters. However, GTA V felt like such a downgrade from previous entries.

GTA V starts out strong, with a fun heist sequence, which gets the player excited for more. And then the next thing we see is Michael at marriage counseling, and then we meet Franklin, who seems ready to take up Michael’s mantle. Then we see Trevor, who is now running drugs in the rural area, which is also pretty exciting. At the start, I was excited to see all three develop their individual storylines, with Franklin just getting into the underground, Trevor establishing himself as a drug kingpin, and Michael getting his last heist in.

But instead of that, Trevor and Franklin kind of give up on their arcs and they just focus on helping Michael with the heist. Why? Why doesn’t Trevor try to take over the drug trade in Los Santos? Why doesn’t Franklin try to start his own dealership? Or at least steal cars as side content? If they’re really interested in heists, why is there only about five of them? Why can’t I go do more after finishing the main storyline? What about Las Venturas, doing heists there would be a ton of fun!

To me, the storytelling really dragged once Trevor came to Los Santos, which was more than half of the game. In fact, I dropped it and came back about three times (restarting twice) because it was so uninteresting, until I finally forced myself to speed through the story just so I could cross it off my list so I wouldn’t feel the need to come back. I didn’t have the same problem with either GTA SA or GTA IV, and I even finished GTA IV after GTA V (played off and on on console before GTA V, then bought and played through on PC).

And the world felt small to me. I know it was physically bigger than every other GTA game, but it felt so much smaller than GTA SA, which was able to fit three cities and a rural area and still make them feel far apart (GTA V just had one city and a rural area), and it felt similar to GTA IV. I didn’t feel any desire to explore like I did with SA. The backstory was interesting, but I think it just highlighted how disappointing the rest of the story was.

In fact, I even like GTA III more than GTA V. It’s pretty janky to play today, but it still has that OG charm to it.

So I honestly don’t understand why it’s so loved. Nothing about it really stood out to me aside from the graphics and performance of the engine. I didn’t like the driving as much as IV (controversial take), the humor felt bland to me, and I didn’t find any of the side characters particularly interesting, except maybe Lamar, and he also largely gave up on his arc.

So GTA V is by far my least favorite of the series, so much so that I’m not looking forward to GTA VI.

newthrowaway20, w It's Official: Marvel's Avengers Is Gone

I know it sucked, but I hate the idea of a game being gone forever.

ClarkZuckerberg, avatar

It’s only gone from digital purchase, no? You can still download it if you’ve bought it digitally, and can still play it physically if you own or buy the disc?

pory, avatar

It’s preserved the same way every other off-the-market game that isn’t entirely based on a server is preserved, by pirates.

mateomaui, w Hatoful Boyfriend dev has not received any royalty payments from Epic games since Spring 2021

Seems like it’s even worse than that

AnyProgressIsGood, (edited ) w War Thunder user leaks restricted military documents for AH-64D Apache Longbow

And the game is far from a simulator. That’s what I don’t get. Like if it was steel beasts or arma or dcs it’d make sense to me.

But war of duty. I just don’t get



If this were a DCS and someone were insisting that the jet they flew for a few years actually has a secret vectored thrust system, I could sort of understand.

But this is “Here are twelve top secret documents. This tank should have 0.1 more points of armor on the left side”

Colorcodedresistor, w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

We are just now getting out of the bullshit days of 40 game launchers. The Big Industry morons like Ubi, Ea and Bliz are crumbling. Indie devs are being celebrated and releasing titles now more than ever before. We are in a ‘quiet’ time of gaming. i believe. not a dark time. If the mainstream industry can get back to more honest and longevity based projects then we will in the next 5-10 years see another golden age (think 2007 or 2017 release titles) and of course year over year everyone can point to one or two games worth playing for the whole year or two till the next one.


2023 is one of the best years in the history of gaming. So, so many many great titles, large and small, have been released this year.


I don’t keep up as much as I used to, what are great small games that have released this year?


Halls of Torment is pretty good


Sea of Stars is spectacular so far.


So there’s this guy named notch who’s making a funky indie title in Java…

I kid but my wife and I have banked so many hours playing Minecraft together in the last 2 weeks


BG3, Larian wasn’t exactly a powerhouse of gaming prior to it

LUHG_HANI, avatar

I hope ubisoft go bankrupt. Everything is pile of hot scamming garbage.


think 2007 or 2017 release titles

Remember, Skyrim was released closer to the first year you listed than the second one and the sequel is still quite a ways out. There are entire release day players of Elder Scrolls 6 who were not yet born when 5 came out.


What’s your point? They released Fallout 4, Skyrim Special Edition, VR editions of both, Fallout 76 and Starfield since then

The worst out of the list being FO76

Nacktmull, w Microsoft completely misjudged Baldur’s Gate 3 avatar

Looks like someone did not play Divinity of Sin 2 and so did not know about Larian´s potential …


DOS2 had very weak sales on the Xbox.

Nacktmull, avatar

Considering they only care about money, that is indeed a good point!

Klystron, w Microsoft May Exit Gaming Business If Game Pass Subscribers off Console Don't Increase Enough by 2027

While less competition is bad, I’m not sure there’s been a competition with Microsoft since like 2009. They have continuously proven that they will make the dumbest choices with stuff like always on online, can’t play used games, gimping games for the series x because the series s is basically just the Xbox one again, buying game developers and doing absolutely nothing with them, and releasing maybe two interesting exclusives in the span of 15 years. I was team green from the og launch until I got my PS4 but man I hope they just kick Xbox to the curb and just let PC kinda do its own thing. I have zero confidence in Xbox making any decision right in the gaming space.


That and also - fuck Microsoft.


Games look better on the Series X than the PS5. Very little is gimped.

MystikIncarnate, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it

All I know is that I own both D3 and D4 (as well as others), and I’m not playing either.

I played through the story of D4, and started a seasonal character and everything and I just stopped playing.

My main gripe is that my character rarely feels powerful. With level scaling in D4, enemies are consistently at or above my level. I level up, and nothing changes, the enemies level up with me. I might as well not be leveling, just unlocking my more advanced abilities… the only time I feel the difference in power between me and my enemies is when they flatten me without effort. Then I realize they’re 3-5 levels above me, elite, and I’m like, oh yeah, that makes sense.

Basically, I’m almost never a higher level than my enemies. I’m always the same level or significantly lower level, so I have to be done kind of expert to dodge everything they throw at me and I’m just trying to play a dumb game.

I switched to something else where I can pick the difficulty, and I play on the easier modes, I’m not playing games to get clobbered all the time, I just want to kill some stuff, do the things that need doing and get my dopamine hit and move on. D4 is a constant struggle. It gives me anxiety.

sadbehr, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it avatar

Something to keep in mind is that a new season of D3 has recently come out (more interest) while D4 hasn’t had anything in a while (less interest). These two things will be bumping the numbers.

P.S I’m a long time PoE and formerly D3player. I’m stoked I didn’t buy into D4. If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, a D4 YouTuber called Darth Microtransactions described PoE as ‘everything I wanted in D4 but more and free’.

bhj, avatar

Oh fuck, is PoE supposed to be free? I’ve spent like $1000 on it in the last 10 years in cosmetics, stash tabs, and character slots.

sadbehr, avatar

Haha money well spent supporting an independent studio from a little country at the bottom of the world made by a group of people who are legitimately passionate about the game!

Also just for fun $1k over 10 years = $100 a year. That’s not a bad amount imo! Also I’m guessing if you’ve spent that much money that you’ve spent an equally large amount of time playing!


Money well spent supporting a Chinese company that has ties to the Chinese government and known espionage.

GGG are a shell of what they were. Most of the key people have moved on to other studios.

sadbehr, avatar

Yep they’re owned by Tencent, however from what I’ve read, seen and experienced in game, Tencent don’t have much, if any, of an input on the development. Yes I know that Tencent staff sit on the board of GGG.

GGG did a rough patch a few years ago, I was out of the loop and not playing then, but it seems it’s made a fine comeback.

Lastly, if I’m not giving my money to a NZ company owned by Tencent (who I agree are very not cool), I’m most likely giving it to some equally bullshit, corrupt, money grabbing AAA developer in America so what’s the difference?

bhj, avatar

I have thousands of hours in the game. It’s one of my all time favorites!

The other commenter is unfortunately (partially) right and PoE is owned by Tencent. I haven’t noticed any quality drop though, I still think they are making a great game. I definitely haven’t spent as much money on it in the last few years though

sadbehr, avatar

Yea it is but it’s still made in New Zealand, and personally I suspect it was a way for them to break into the Chinese market, especially as Tencent facilitate online gaming services. I don’t have any proof of that, it’s just something I’ve thought about.


Realistically all you need to play the game is $50 in stash tabs and $500 in portal skins

sadbehr, avatar

And $100-$200 on foot print skins…


Path of Exile is garbage now. Chinese meddling made the game bad.

PP_BOY_, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet avatar

It probably cost more in development to port the game to Switch than any other console. Graphics quality is irrelevant when users willingly buy a device with worse hardware than consoles. This seems like a case of “fans” wanting to eat their cake and have it too.


You’re one of the first people I’ve seen use the cake metaphor correctly.


But it also puts it closer to the mobile market than console, especially given that the switch essentially has a mobile soc

alleycat, w Terraforming Mars team defends AI use as Kickstarter hits $1.3 million avatar
Darkard, w Baldur's Gate 3 has ruined Starfield for me

Bg3 I think really has shown us what is achievable in today’s games. The branching and intricate story around the Prisim you retrieve at the start of BG3 (without going into spoilers) and the repeated revelations about it and how to can change the direction of the story. Even the companion stories that feed seamlessly into the main plot.

My playtime in starfield is limited at the moment but I’ve been picking along a quest line for a company doing some corporate espionage stuff. But every mission has felt so lackluster. The first mission to “infiltrate” a rival company office and plant a virus. I expected to be putting my stealth skill to the test and breaking into thier server room, dodging the cameras and guards. But what I actually did is walk unimpeded into thier 2 room office space past the reciption desk and though the security checkpoint, squat next to a computer in a cubicle, do the hacking mini game (which is the same as the lockpick one! A downgrade from fallout) click a button and then walk out. I didn’t even have to convince anyone I should be there or even hide my presence.

The following missions were equally uneventful. Run to a “secure” place unopposed, squat, click the gizmo, run back. In one I had to wear a suit, which the vendor in the same building would sell me, and the game even told me that.

Such a stark change from even the simple quest path to out kargha in the druid grove as a wrong 'un in BG3

Th3D3k0y, w Peter Molyneux says he regrets over-promising his games

Is it possible he is overhyping his regret?

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