Renacles, do games w Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Gameplay Reveal

I don’t mind the move to action combat but this looks a bit dated, the enemies barely do anything.


What do you mean move? This series has been action based since DA2


It was more real time strategy than anything.

ryven, do games w Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Gameplay Reveal avatar

As a Blood Mage sympathizer, I say we let Solas cook!

OozingPositron, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser avatar

They could take 30 years to make it, but it would still be made by Bethesda and it would still suck.


and then they’d re-sell it a bunch of times after that too.


Because it was such a bad game that people gladly bought it again?


I have great memories of Morrowind


It was still a glitch fest, but at least the world was top notch.




*netch bully


You’re madness forking right.


What the hell man. Don’t nix hound me about this.


Me replaying New Vegas, lol I had it crash on me like 7 times during my playthrough. Classic Bethesda engine


7 is pretty damn good for that engine. Were you doing a speedrun?


You mean you didn’t enjoy sending giants flying?


In morrowind?


I also liked Skyrim and oblivion. Not sure how people can think they suck.


Those games don’t suck. But Bethesda is so washed now

ripcord, avatar

I have great memories of Skyrim. And FO3. And New Vegas. And Fallout 4. And Fallout 76 actually got not bad. And Elder Scrolls: Online had one of my favorite quest chains in a game. And…


Lemmy is way too edgy to enjoy good games that are also popular.


Lenny indeed lacks some casual fucks, almost every thread has some extreme opinions. I had someone unironically try to explain to me why it would be beneficial to the human race to go extinct.


Excuse me, I’m a casual fuck thank you.


Ah you’re a fellow Heroes of the Storm enjoyer?


Ok so, I didn’t enjoy Skyrim as much as I enjoyed Morrowind, in fact I never finished it; I skipped Oblivion 'cause at the time it came out I… had other things to deal with.

I liked FO3 (weirdly, I liked it better than FONV), but in my opinion the new ones don’t hold a candle to the first two.


I agree almost 100% with you on this. I did play Oblivion, but Skyrim has the more interesting world IMO which makes it a slightly better game. The strength of Bethesda games that makes them good, in my opinion, is the same every time: explore a large interesting world with your own created character. This explains (in part) why people like Morrowind so much: the world is just so weird and interesting.

The problem is they don’t know how to improve on that concept. Instead they are mostly adding features that either don’t add anything to it or actively detract from it. For example, Fallout 4 received settlement building and weapon crafting. But, the time I’m spending on my town, I’m not actually out exploring. If I can craft weapons, I care less about the cool weapons I find in dungeons. Now, Starfield got rid of most of the crafted world altogether in exchange for procedural planets that aren’t interesting to explore at all.

Aan an aside, I don’t think it even makes sense to compare the first two fallout games with the Bethesda ones. Fallout 3 and beyond are not really sequels, they’re a completely different series set in the same universe.

Klear, (edited )

Fallout 3 and beyond are not really sequels, they’re a completely different series set in the same universe.

I would argue they’re not even the same universe. While F1 had its share of of people living in post-war rubble, by F2 the world was mostly newly-build cities or primitive societies but there was a sense of progress, like having actual money (and by Tactics paper money was in everyday use). Then F3 comes and everyone is living in a pile of rubbish, with unreadable burnt pre-war books on their shelves like they want to pretend the world is how it used to be, nevermind that generations have passed, and everyone is back to trading in caps.


Yeah, that’s weird of the new Fallout games, there’s people sleeping on 200-years old mattresses (what are they made of, asbestos?). I get the destruction, and I understand how they may not be able to rebuild civilization to the old standards for a long while, but ffs, at least patch your walls!


There’s an industry to make new guns but people just step over the skeleton in the lobby of the half-collapsed hotel the three dozen residents call “Halftower” without a drop of irony.


This explains (in part) why people like Morrowind so much: the world is just so weird and interesting.

I think you’re right. Maybe they should make a game based on Scavengers Reign.


I liked Daggerfall, too, despite serious glitch issues. I just saved a lot and it was fine.

TrickDacy, avatar

God what a fucking boring and wrong opinion to be have


They literally said Starfield was in the making for 25 fucking years. And you see how that ended up

TrickDacy, avatar

Yeah, a pretty cool game that hoards of nerds have a weird hate boner for.

Game developers do not owe anyone anything, but you’d never know it from this comment section


This is a forum about games and you’re calling people nerds? Lol, go play more Madden.

And it’s not a “pretty cool game”, it’s a step back. But hey, some people are just impressed with scale and graphics.

TrickDacy, avatar

Sports games suck (almost always) so no thanks. I’m sorry that you’re this sensitive to people who don’t take every opportunity to talk shit about Bethesda. It is a fact that they’ve released some incredible games and also that they actually don’t owe anyone anything at all


I love Bethesda, what are you on about? See, that’s why making assumptions is bad lol.

No they don’t owe anyone anything. Unless you consider the fact that a company owes fans a good product or else they lose those fans. Like I said, I love Bethesda, but I’m not a blind fan boy. I can see them slipping with each new release. Do you think Fallout 76, with its issues and lies they told about it never having P2W is good? So you think a huge number of barren planets adds and entertainment value? They need to start doing better because they can’t rely on their past success forever.

ICastFist, avatar

I don’t think they ever said that. It’s their “first new IP” in 25 years, and was “in production” since 2013, likely just planning stages. In reality, production only really started after FO76, when more people were available to do actual work.


They did in one of their marketing videos


I like the bugs. The Giant Space Program was nice

malchior, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

Probably working out how to add stealth archer mechanics to a MTX.

lenguen, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

Gonna have Skyrim on NerveGear before this comes out lol

AFC1886VCC, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

They just released this teaser to shut everyone up at the time

GoodEye8, (edited )

It’s like people have completely forgotten that fact. That snippet was at the very end of a 30 minute Bethesda presentation that had Fallout 76 with its multiplayer being a significant move away from their traditional formula, Elder Scrolls Blades (which is a mobile game nobody remembers) and the reveal of Starfield, a completely new franchise. Of course fans are going to question where is TES 6.

And a few months later Blizzard showed what happens when you don’t tease Diablo 4 after revealing Diablo immortal.


I played Blades for a little while until it got too ‘gimme gimme’ about me paying. Then I stopped. Not paying to win.

ICastFist, avatar


But what really hurts is that diablo immoral is a HUGE money printer.

bungle_in_the_jungle, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

Shut up. 6 years!? 👴

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

The beforetimes

Ashtear, do games w Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Gameplay Reveal

Someone pointed out that there’s quite a few MC voice lines here, and that’s a big wildcard for me. I thought Alix Wilton Regan absolutely knocked it out of the park as my Inquisitor, so that’s a high bar to clear.

Ultimately it’s going to come down to the cast, though. Won’t know until I get my hands on it.

kemsat, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

I don’t believe, they’re actually 6 years into the development. Back then, they just announced that at some point, there would be a TES6, but they’ve been busy developing Starfield since then.

As part of Starfield, they did do some engine upgrades. You know what that looks like…


Their announcement for the 30th anniversary implies that it is in early pre-alpha right now. Chances of it running on the same exact engine as Starfield are practically 100%


Wonder if it’ll be ready for the 30th anniversary of Skyrim


Chances of it running on the same exact engine as Starfield are practically 100%

You can still make improvements in pre-alpha for sure. Not massive overhauls of existing systems, but there’s no reason you couldn’t fix bugs, incrementally improve existing features and add new ones.


Sure, you could, but given beths track record in that regard, why would they? They have been perfectly happy shipping Skyrim to new platforms with the same bugs for nearly a decade.


I don’t think the announcement implies anything. Truly. It’s just them trying to get shareholders happy about hype.


Who knows, honestly. I’m not holding my breath for this game anymore. When it comes out, i’ll check it out, but if it’s in the same pitiful state as Starfield, then idk


Elder Scrolls especially Morrowind will always have a place in my heart but I’ve moved on. If they ever release a better game I will come back. What ever is running Starfield won’t be it.

I’ve found New World and as far as MMOs go, it’s the best I’ve played in comparison to Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 (in depth) and a few others (<40 hours).

But New World has the lore, baby. That’s what seals the deal. Superior gameplay: check. Great art design: check. The lore is the final block and New World is so interesting. I didn’t think a fantasy setting could have new and interesting lore but they succeeded.

How the Lost came into creation from

Tap for spoilertrying to cure the Corruption

is so tragic. I’m still learning what Angry Earth is all about tho.

And it’s just fun! Like, I would have never guessed that I’d enjoy running around in a pilgrim hat getting killed by a giant turkey with laser eyes. And who would have guessed you could successfully merge the giants from Nasusicca Valley of the Wind with 1500s Caribbean aesthetic?

But if you’re thinking: “We’re talking about single player games, dumbass.” Yea, I know, I like New World so much that I wish the same dev team would make a proper single player game in the exact same setting.

Kolanaki, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser
!deleted6508 avatar

It’s gonna take twice as long as Starfield all to contain the same jank in an even larger, more barren, world where nothing is interesting and you’re just going through the motions because that’s what Todd Howard thinks games are.


People have actually made it through Starfield? I tried so hard, but couldn’t make it past 20 hours (which isn’t a lot for a Bethesda RPG). The story is just so damn BORING.

ICastFist, avatar

The story is just so damn BORING.

Oh boy, you’re lucky. I trudged through for 70h out of sheer morbid curiosity. The boring main story goes straight into “icecream on forehead” when the starborn show up. The ending is just a shit cherry on top of that, with Emil Pagliarulo’s best “fuck you for asking questions” ever


Good to know. I don’t even know about these “starborn” people. Never made it that far.


It really does feel like Starfield completely killed any excitement for Bethesda games, everything since Oblivion has been a step in the wrong direction IMO.


Including Oblivion. I enjoyed it but it was a huge disappointment to me coming out of Morrowind. Bethesda reputation for me has been on Morrowind credit this whole time.


Even Morrowind was a simplified version of Daggerfall, even though it was groundbreaking when it was released. They decided that the direction to take was to simplify the mechanics progressively, to make the series more appealing to more people, as opposed to adding interesting complications back as their tech develops. They succeeded in their mantra of “keep it simple, stupid”. I don’t have any hope that the next game will be more interesting. It will look prettier, of course.

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s smaller but I would not say it was dumbed down like Oblivion was to Morrowind. Morrowind feels more or less the same as Arena or Daggerfall, except in how character progressiom works and that you didn’t have to swing your mouse around trying to hit things with your weapon.

It literally still has all the deeper mechanics like performing rituals during certain times of the day/months/year and what not. Just not a procedurally generated world with RNG quests or dungeons. And thank God for that because Daggerfall and Arena both could literally break by generating a dungeon you couldn’t actually finish.


Idk, having only played Oblivion and Skyrim, I feel like (generally speaking) the simplifications in Skyrim were for the better. Take custom spells for example. Only a few spells really even made sense to make and it was better to make them in very specific ways. It’s not like the games are super difficult. Fucking around with spells and more complex enchantments was cool but too easy to cheese.

Oh, and the leveling. Holy fuck what an over complicated mess. Where you could accidentally over level but also under level. Insane. Good riddance.

Complex systems are not inherently good. They’re good if they provide meaningful choices and are fun to use. But ES has always been about the story and exploration more so anyways (in my opinion).


Oblivion had quality of life improvements that made it a better game IMO. Yes Morrowind was bigger and deeper, but it was also a frustrating game that didn’t age very well.

TrickDacy, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser avatar

Is there literally a single opinion in this thread that doesn’t reek of entitlement and rage?

anakin78z, do games w Winter Burrow Announcement Trailer - Xbox Games Showcase 2024 avatar

This looks so good. Hope there’s a demo

hakunawazo, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

I used to be a Dragonborn like you, but then I got a fire arrow to my dedicated graphics card.
Now nothing newer than Oblivion will ever run on that machine.

ICastFist, avatar

Try Daggerfall Unity. Only the engine is newer, also loads of bugfixes and mod support.


Thanks, I’ll try it.


luckily the last time Bethesda had good writing was Morrowind so you’re not missing much


In Morrowind I like the story and the music. But as I explored the battle mechanics, I couldn’t stand the randomness.
Also in a later retries after Oblivion and Skyrim I missed the real talking more than the graphics enhancements.
A bit unfair, I know. Maybe I’m not that game connoisseur myself.


yeah but the talking was annoying af. it felt like they had like four people voicing the entire game. meanwhile a small independent studio like supergiant makes a much smaller game fully voice acted but doesn’t feel exhausted as quickly as Skyrim, with thousands of lines both written and performed fantastically. i can’t excuse anything Bethesda is doing anymore. they’re getting worse with every game, both in terms of writing and gameplay.


Yes, mostly Wes Johnson with a bit of a very annoyed Sean Bean.
But I have a soft spot for the over the top Sheogorath, the unnecessarily aggressive guard shouts and the calm voice of the Khajiit women.
Some of the other few voices I can’t stand, especially the blacksmith of Chorrol (“A pleeeeasure to serve you”).


Found the interview about voicing Oblivion again:

pissclumps, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

They can keep it. Bethesda sucks

randon31415, do games w Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser

Didn’t they make an MMO in the mean time? It is like asking when Warcraft 4 is going to be released.

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