Jaeger86, do games w Roblox is coming to PlayStation next month

Let’s expand the whale userbase, and exploit more children

Blizzard, do games w Starfield’s Xbox exclusivity ‘yielded a better product’, Todd Howard says

So how come it runs in 30 FPS?


Makes you wonder what the bad product would look like


We already know; Skyrim and Fallout 4. They still drop frames on current gen consoles!

queermunist, do gaming w Concord may have sold as few as 25,000 copies, it’s claimed [VGC] avatar

I heard Concord was originally designed to have an entirely different art style, but some top-down decision came to make it yet another hyper-realistic shooter. That’s why the character designs are so weird, they’d be more at home in their original retrofuture/art deco stylized world.


Got an article on this?

queermunist, avatar
DarkThoughts, do gaming w ‘Albion can’t be copyrighted’ - Peter Molyneux explains how his new game is set in the same world as Fable [VGC]

When asked if he was sure that Albion couldn’t be copyrighted due to its historical context, he replied: “I don’t know if I’m honest, I don’t really know… I hope so. I mean you would think that the responsible person I should be, I would’ve spent the last six months in lawyers’ offices…”

This fucking clown...

BirdyBoogleBop, do gaming w ‘Albion can’t be copyrighted’ - Peter Molyneux explains how his new game is set in the same world as Fable [VGC]

Ugh. I kind of wish you would just go gracefully into the background Peter.

So. He is about to be sued by Microsoft I suppose. Very bold of you to admit that it isn’t set in generic Albion but Albion the same universe that Fable uses. Those are two very different statements.


Ugh. I kind of wish you would just go gracefully into the background Peter.

He passed gracefully 2 or 3 “games” ago. The quotation marks, because they were basically abandoned for a new gimmick, without delivering.


Godus had real promise, I played the early release. Absolutely never delivered on what it promised, implicitly or explicitly, though.


Brb, making a sequel to Sonic & The Black Knight and officially licensing it.

What? Sega can’t copyright Camelot!

DoucheBagMcSwag, do gaming w Developers reportedly told not to expect Switch 2 to launch before April 2025 [VGC]

Jesus Mary and Joseph just announce the fucking thing already. GamesCom was perfect to do so and they want to wait longer.

Switch sales are in the decline so now would be the time to do it.

I wonder if the rumor that “Nintendo is waiting for the Yen to go up again so their localized profits outside of Japan aren’t halfed.” Is true


Tbh, as importent as they were to the nacent development of the games industry, based on past and recent behavior towards fan games, I kind of hope they eat their hats on this.


Too many Nintendrones will make sure that doesn’t happen unfortunately


Nintendo said they will announce/reveal something this fiscal year, that’s it. No word about launch.

The rest are just rumours and just a bunch of dudebro’s who replaced 2023 with 2024, and now have to scribble in 2025 pretending they never said they were 99% sure it was releasing earlier.

Excel, avatar

No reason to announce it when it’s well over a year before launch. If you believed any false rumors to the contrary, then that’s your fault.


They’re waiting that the tech is becoming the past gen. They can’t launch something from the current gen, it must be 3-4 gens behind and compensate that with their coding geniuses that can still make masterpieces with the limited resources available. Maybe it’s going to be something as powerful as an iPhone 11 would be mind-blowing 🤯


If it’s still 9 months away, there’s no real reason to announce it publicly before the Christmas season. The fact that the original Switch’s sales are flagging is not a reason to announce, since it’s not launching in time for the holidays. Its announcement isn’t going to spurr Switch 1 sales.

When it’s announces will be entirely deoendent on when retailers need to know launch details. Once it’s outside of Nintendo, they’ll have to announce things publicly or risk losing control over the narrative.

Dark_Arc, do games w The upcoming Crazy Taxi reboot is a triple-A game, according to Sega avatar

I think it’s fine to have a AAA “reboot”. I mean look at the DOOM games. Not everything needs to be new IP and there is some old IP that definitely could use if nothing else a coat of paint and some UI/UX updates.


But do we want an AAA Crazy Taxi? I’d rather just have a simple arcade-y game tbqh


You mean you don’t want a crAAAzy taxi?


Well I’m sold

altima_neo, avatar

Here’s my $70!

Dark_Arc, avatar

Can’t say until we see it lol


Yeah I’m actually pumped for this game. I secretly hope they’ll have PC steering wheel support so I can disable all my normal range of motion and do the whacky driving like the arcade game haha. Also fine if not, I’d happily play this title on my PS5 too. It’s ok to have minimal expectations for a game even if they don’t have everything you want imo.

Just wanna get some airtime in the San Francisco hills haha.

hoshikarakitaridia, do games w Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones’ $70 price despite its live service leanings, calls it ‘quadruple-A’


I played the closed beta. For 20min. I couldn’t continue because it felt so incredibly boring. Insanely uninspired. Even Blackwake, the buggy mess with the simplest game loop was more interesting.

Murvel, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Oh no, but what about the boycott…

Neato, avatar

When has a boycott ever worked? For the most part people don’t have principals unless their very livelihoods are directly threatened.

rab, avatar

Never, it is just free advertising

muse, avatar

What about it? None of us are surprised that people chose a childhood memory over respect for trans people as human beings.

ahornsirup, avatar

What a ridiculous take. First of, outside of certain parts of the internet most people aren’t even aware of the issues surrounding Rowling, secondly you can very much acknowledge that she’s a terrible excuse for a human being while still enjoying a game she had nothing to do with (yes, she gets royalties, but she has the kind of fuck you money that multiplies by merely existing anyway).

ada, avatar

Your profile has “Nazis can fuck off”, but you’re here calling out people who have issues with Rowling, a bigot who stans Nazis like Kellie-Jay Keen

ahornsirup, (edited ) avatar

I’m not. I’m calling out people who call me a bigot for not living up to their standards on ethical consumption. Personally I avoid Nestlé and their billion subsidiaries wherever humanly possible, but I am not calling everyone who doesn’t pro-slavery. That’s my issue, not the warranted labelling of Rowling as a bigoted piece of shit.


It’s genuinely amazing to me how some people are obsessed with the idea that buying a videogame based on the works of an author that wasn’t even involved in making the project makes you transphobic.

Would it shock you that 99% of corporate officials are bad people? I guess we should stop buying anything ever because some percentage of money can go to people I don’t like.

muse, avatar

She's literally said that people buying her shit proves she's right.

I'm sorry people have some more morals with their money and have trouble giving it to people who have made it their entire focus to shit on them and be called rapists and groomers by their former childhood heroes.

simple, (edited )

Your morals are fine, what isn’t fine is that most of the people boycotting the game are harassing people that buy it.

She’s literally said that people buying her shit proves she’s right.

So what? Why is everyone giving some dumbass writer that hasn’t been relevant in 10 years so much attention? Who cares what she says? Tons of people say terrible, stupid things on the internet. Sorry I’m not joining your crusade to call everyone that wants to enjoy a video game a bigot.

rab, (edited ) avatar

My girlfriend literally was bullied by coworkers for playing the game. And she is the absolute sweetest. It is completely ridiculous

If I cared, I could easily go into the above dude’s post history to find an example of his money going towards some bigot to prove he’s a hypocrite. It doesn’t matter what you buy, your money is supporting bigotry, because at the top of the human social hierarchy are bigots. Welcome to the world. Picking on fellow peasants for something out of their hands is wrong.

I don’t even have to dig come to think of it, dude is typing to us on a device assembled by slaves or maybe even child slaves.

Lileath, avatar

They may not be bigots themselves but they happily give their money to a person well known for being bigoted that also actively tries to make the world a worse place for trans people. It is like buying a burzum album; you don’t have to be a nazi to do it but the nazi still profits.

rab, avatar

Why care about what a writer has to say about gender politics? I don’t. I don’t even know what she said specifically because it means nothing.


Because she’s actively using her money to make trans people’s lives worse, and she’s influencing people by spreading her hateful views. It absolutely doesn’t mean nothing - she’s literally lobbying with the money you gave her!

rab, avatar

Ok, but I mentioned this above, it’s literally impossible to live in society and not have your money funneling into a billionaire’s pockets who’s lobbying against your best interest.

Just in the realm of video games, probably buying the majority of games results in your money going to an objectively bad cause. Most rich people are scum.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Sure, some of your money will probably always end up with bad people, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to prevent that. There are different kinds of bad, and those who try to hurt minorities have to be broadly pushed back against by broader society, or it will have negative effects on those who often already face undue hardships.

rab, avatar

Of course, my issue is the people bullying others for their choices when they themselves could be doing better. I can’t stand hypocrites.

I bet all the people in this thread calling people bigots eat meat for every meal which to me is straight deplorable behaviour. But I’m not here to judge, I have my own faults too.

rab, avatar

If you stand by what you preach you should basically stop buying anything. No matter what, a billionaire is getting your money, and they are all pieces of shit I promise.


Tons of people worked on the game who aren’t bigots. Artists, programmers, designers etc. Buying the game supports them, too.

Also, someone decided to make the owner of the Three Broomsticks trans.

xkforce, (edited )

Ah yes the “I cant be racist, I have a black friend” defense. JKR is still a TERF and she still financially benefits from hogwarts legacy and no amount of tokenism is going to change that.

malaknight, do games w Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition and Devil May Cry 4 delisted from Steam | VGC

I think this article is rather misleading, or the headline is specifically. Before this article was written there was DMC 3 Special Edition, DMC4, DMC 4 Special Edition, and DMC HD Collection.

DMC 3 Special Edition and DMC 4 are the two being removed. DMC 3 SE was a terrible port that barely runs on just about any machine, and DMC 4 is just the inferior version of DMC 4 SE.

DMC 3 is still available in the DMC HD Colleciton, and is actually playable. So Both games are still available in their actually playable form.

Coelacanth, do games w Max Payne voice actor James McCaffrey has passed away avatar

This one hit hard, he was truly iconic. I haven’t played Max Payne 1 or 2 for decades but I still remember his performance vividly. I wonder what will happen now with both Alan Wake 2 DLCs and the Max Payne remake on the horizon.


Maybe they will have him voiced by the real Max Payne - Mark Wahlburg


rmean, do nintendo w Nintendo has filed a patent for ‘smart fluid’ joysticks, perhaps to eliminate drift | VGC

This problem is already solved, but I guess Nintendo prefers some propietary solution.

slimerancher, avatar

Maybe because of all those “Patented” points. It’s possible Nintendo doesn’t want to be 100% dependent on them and want an in-house solution to their problem.


They probably don’t want to use that particular design anyway. I’ve run into a good number of headaches with those joysticks. Not bad enough for me to pull them back out, but certainly enough to be annoying.


What type of problems?


I’ve encountered two noticeable issues while using these. The first is probably just shit tier QA, but the second could be that or a design flaw. I haven’t taken the time to tear one apart and reverse engineer it, so I can’t say for sure what the cause is. Anywho, about a third of my sticks will wig out and send complete garbage data when they are pushed to their maximum on one axis. Sometimes it is the X, sometimes it is the Y. Either way it makes the impossible to use and I actually did remove those and replace them. Of the remaining sticks a number of them will depress the under stick button if pushed all the way in one direction. It’s pretty easy to avoid this and it rarely matters so these ones I left alone and didn’t bother to count how many displayed the behavior.


I was hoping hall effects could be the solution. Maybe best that can be hoped for is ones that can be popped out for easy replacement like the dualsense edge.

Wodge, avatar

I have swapped out my Switch analogues with these, and they’re great, I also did it with my Ayn Odin, and the 2nd set had slightly stronger magnets, that caused some touch screen issues, so I swapped out my switch analogues with the odin ones. So I’m gonna guess that the next Nintendo console will be another portable, and they probably don’t want the issues of magnets near screens.

Graphine, do nintendo w Nintendo reportedly showed a demo of the ‘Switch 2’ console at Gamescom which included visuals comparable to the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

I find this hard to believe. At this point Switch 2 “rumors” have just been used for clickbait now.

I think they’re working on it but it won’t be for awhile.

TPushic, avatar

@Graphine @nintendo If they work on it too long it’ll be obsolete upon release


Nintendo is of course famous for never releasing obsolete hardware

!deleted6508 avatar

Judging from this article, it’s already obsolete.


As per for Nintendo

vrojak, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’

I want Todd to not make promises he can't keep.


Todd already lives in a fantasy simulator

7112, do games w Sony’s latest PlayStation 5 sale knocks £75 / €100 off the console’s price in Europe | VGC

Most likely getting as many sales before the slim is announced.


They ain’t gonna fool me with these sales. Still waiting for the slim.


A slim doesn’t exist. The new model is the same thickness and slightly shorter.

!deleted7120 avatar

It’s the PS5 Short King.




Does the pro exist? I’ve seen so much conflicting information.

beefcat, avatar

I don’t think the slim will be any better than the current models. It sounds like they are doing it to simplify their lineup. One console with an optional detachable blu ray drive. They are likely sticking to TSMC’s 7nm process, so the SoC won’t get any smaller or less power hungry.


I don’t really care about any of that, I just hate how huge the console is.

beefcat, avatar

I’m saying the new console won’t be much smaller if at all.



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