Getting Fabric and shaders is actually super easy and totally worth it!
It's incredible how easy modding MC has become, not only that - but shaders aren't like the old days where you only get 15fps, it all runs so smooth and great together
That's a great question that requires some decent Java expertise
Its per-case, per-mod, per-version
If you're lucky someone else has done the work for you and ported it to both versions. But in general if a mod is made exclusively for Fabric or Forge, it's gonna stay that way
Check the wikis first - they both are extremely comprehensive and should cover most questions!
Even though I prefer Fabric I recommend making a mod first and getting started with Forge. Trust me when I say converting a mod after you've made one makes so much more sense
I enjoy assassin’s creed type games and I know this isn’t a hot take or anything but man are those games bloated with boring ass time waster side quests. Starts to feel like a job after a bit and I hate it. I really wish they would just focus on a solid core campaign story and leave the billion little errands on the cutting room floor. But I get that some people love just hunting stuff down and checking them off a list so idk. Just feels like they’re focusing more on maximizing the time you’re playing the game rather than just having fun playing it.
Yeah I think the errands add a decent distraction from time to time but the sheer amount of the same god damn thing is just wild. The whole game came across as pretty decent but they really stretched the repetitive content to make a full game around the story.
FC5 didn’t have towers and FC6, as far as I know, has a single tower that makes a joke about it. I don’t beleive AC Odyssey had those towers, either. Can’t remember Origins. The tower mechanic was also only used to visualize parts of the map, sometimes with a unique goody at the top. It’s back to foot-based map discovery. The busy work here is talking about all the bullshit collectibles and similar scavenger mini quests. AC is full of chests and AC4 had some cave clearing missions and deep sea dive puzzles. You have to go to certain locations or complete a certain number of collectibles to unlock some equipment rather than relying on the campaign alone. 20 hours of story, 100 hours of fetch.
I find them fun when they’re implemented in unique locations or the climb can be an experience. But they just kind of slap them in a lot so it becomes much more of a check box for me
Yeah, I tried Black Flag a while back—because I’d heard good things—but just couldn’t be bothered with all the busy work. I did really enjoy Mafia 3, The Witcher 3, RDR2; I’m not anti-side quest by any means. I think I need a more compelling story, and that’s never been AC’s strong point (based on ~3 AC games I’ve picked up and quickly dropped over the years).
Yeah. For me it was tolerable in the old games, because the story ranged from decent to pretty good so it could carry it.
But Valhalla’s story for me just wasn’t interesting so it felt like a Viking themed collectathon rather than Assassin’s creed. It just ended up highlighting my issues with it. All the chests and Animus Fragments are by far the worst ones with how many there are.
The game has become more of a brawler‘s creed, I wish it was more about figuring out how to cleanly assassinate your target instead of leveling up to match the level of and fight a buncha goons…
From what I’ve heard Mirage was a return to form for the franchise and id assume Shadows would keep with that, but the latest game I played was Valhalla and even then I didn’t beat it and I skipped over Odyssey so I’m not sure exactly how true to form Mirage is
Black Flag was/is such an enjoyable game. I always wanted the option to have an npc take the helm so I could head up to the crows nest and just chill out, watching the sea pass by and listening to the crew sing shanties while we sailed off to wherever. Still holding out some slim hope that some modder will randomly take up the task some day, hah, though it seems like the modding options for BF are very limited, judging by what’s available.
Playing through totk now and noticing many things I miss from botw, but also realizing that I couldn’t go back to botw because there’s so many improvements in totk
The game never looked super great in screenshots, but when you’re playing it with the sounds and water moving and the sway of the boat and sails going, etc, it definitely becomes MUCH more engrossing and immersive.
Control is such a gorgeous game. One of the few games that I 100%ed in recent years. The gameplay loop is insanely fun but it did get a bit repetitive towards the end.
I’ve found that the Crystals in the foundation DLC really helped mix up the combat enough to stab a little more life into it for the DLC. But I do get that. If I didn’t stop like 3 missions away from the end the first time I played I probably would have found it a bit repetitive too
I’m a part time student. Maybe with next semester that will change because I’m looking into going full time. But I always try to put at least 30 minutes to an hour into gaming just to relax after long days.
I think being part time has just afforded me a lot more of that time though, which is why I’m knocking so many games out like this.
Love RDR2 but never really spent much time on the online version. Is it good to just explore? Are there missions the same as in the main game but just not voiced by your character?
There are missions but they’re different. You need to buy a kit first that’ll let you do a certain kind of mission, for example a kit to find special herbs that you bring to a particular character.
Money is more scarce and it is split between “regular” money and gold. Gold gets you good stuff like fancy horses or outfits or kits, but it is rare in the game, unless you pay real money for it.
All that said, there are a lot of people modding and playing online can be quite chaotic, with random objects becoming attached to you, animals spawning, massive explosions, invincible people, etc. But some people are also benevolent and will protect you, especially if you have a low level, and may even gift you stuff.
Anyway, I’d recommend you give it a shot, it’s a way to play with the characters and places you know but in a different way.
For exploring i’d say it’s more fun with friends, though if you just like exploring the world it’s good for that too since The Entire world is unlocked from the get go. There are also story missions, i’d say they’re a bit shallower than the story ones due to the online nature, but not much. I believe they’re shorter though. There’s about ten of them, so you could knock them all out in an evening unless you wanted to so both the Low Honor and High Honor versions. there is also side missions of sorts. They’re far shallower though. They boil down too essentially go to this point, do this task, and leave. sometimes there’s multiple tasks, but that’s the gist of it. Some of them do get creative though. Like there’s a train heist you can do where you have to search a runaway train for an emerald (or a fleeing train if you have a friend hijacking the train for you)
I hope you’ll enjoy your time in Night City! I think it’s a great game at this point with some really interesting characters and a good story. It has its flaws, but I had no problem overlooking them though your mileage may vary. If you intend to pick it up on PC when it’s arrived there is also a vast assortment of great mods.
Also, you’ll be blown away when you’re trying it on your new rig, fully path traced Cyberpunk is probably still one of the prettiest games out there.
Any mods that reduce the inventory managment aspect. I don’t care if it is cheating, but it really gets in the way of the gameplay and story for me. (At least on 1.something early I’ve just started a new playthrough.)
It’s been a minute since I played but setting carry capacity to infinite should certainly be trivial (I didn’t use it but I’ve seen it around). Smarter Scrapper was enough for me I think. Also Muted Markers in the same vein, though it’s not strictly inventory. Limited HUD is also a must have. But if you let me keep going you’ll eventually end up with 250+ mods just like me.
Starbound is the best game that almost make me addicted to it like Rimworld. With mod support and endless customization it’s almost like Terraria, sadly most of people doesn’t know if this game exist and most of the mod in state abadon (doesn’t get updates anymore)
Something I love about this game is how there’s no hud, all the info is conveyed through lights on the backpack.
I know other games have done similar, like all the menus in Dead Space existing as projections from your suit in the game world and not stopping time. I’m a sucker for that little bit of extra diagetics (pretty sure that’s the right term).
The lack of a HUD was something I thought was really cool. I can imagine it’s difficult to pull off (different resolutions, screen size, and if you ever need to zoom out the camera you’ll have to worry about that too), but I wish more games did something like that because it’s really amazing to see done.