One of my all time favorites. There’s something special about the N64, these games were magical as a kid and a lot of them still hold up today.
I used to play through Ocarina almost every year but it’s been about a decade and I started a playthrough last week. People have made some incredible progress on updating textures and such to make the game look more modern 👌
I stopped playing consoles after my first Sega Mega Drive (most of the games I like work better on M+KB), but I’ve been meaning to try and play some N64 games in an emulator. And HD texture and quality mods would be a nice addition.
Always do 100 coins when collecting red coins, the levels change or open up more during that star. There’s only a couple of stages with just enough coins for a 100-coin star. Most have way more coins than needed.
The water in Mario 64 was a surreal experience for me. More contemplative than scary. I was disappointed by the artificial barriers and would day dream about what was beyond them. I drew fake maps in a notebook that showed how the castle connected to the rest of Mushroom Kingdom.
The only thing scary about the water was the first time I saw the eel because the size of it surprised me and the submarine level with the shark. Once, I dreamed that the first part of that level was dark and I had to avoid the shark without being able to see it.
I definitely understand the eel lol. It wasn’t super terrifying to me but the first time I saw that level it creeped me out. Jolly Roger bay is still one of my favorite levels though
i love these posts, this hits extra hard for me, i’ll never forget the day i saw some weird blocky game on a forum, downloaded it to show all my friends 'cause it just felt so open and infinite, i never knew to make a house, the mobs spawned and i’d die every night, but i could feel that something was out there in this blocky world, and all these years later there actually is so much more to this game, but it will never have that mystery potential that it did to me back then despite the fact that it is actually so much more expansive now, thank you for letting me remember that feel, appreciating you and the posts
That’s definitely is a sentiment I share with the feeling of mystery it had. I remember me and my Sister would spend hours trying to summon Herobrine or summon the Wither before it was added to console edition. It’s something that’s hard to recapture now I feel like, especially because the game’s inner workings have been explained. That’s not to say modern Minecraft sucks, but I do miss those feelings of mystery with it.
I’m not normally this dedicated to things. I’m honestly surprised i’ve kept up on it this long. I have like 90 different projects that range from Games i’ve tried to make too books i tried to write that just never got finished
I absolutely love Assassin’s Creed Unity! I just finished it last week, and in my opinion, it’s the best AC game ever. I really enjoyed AC1, AC2, and Brotherhood, but I can’t stand the newer RPG-style AC games. Unity, even in 2025, still looks amazing with its stunning graphics and incredible parkour. It’s one of the last AC games that truly makes you feel like an assassin rather than an overpowered RPG superhero.
I really wish it hadn’t flopped, because if they hadn’t I think Ubisoft would have continued down that route.
From what I have heard Shadows is returning at least the Stealth and Parkour, (and I’ve heard Mirage is similar but I’m not sure), so I’m excited. But I’m not counting on it until post launch
I think it is pretty much confirmed that Unity’s poor launch led to the hard pivot to the “modern” RPG style AC games. I remember reading about it at the time. The only reason Syndicate wasn’t changed was it was already too far into production when Unity released.
I appreciate what the RPG titles tried, but I desperately want the Unity-Syndicate style format to come back. I feel like the pivot was too extreme just because of Unity
I LOVE cyberpunk. I just finished my [actual number of times I’ve played redacted] play through and I’m stopping myself from starting another. I don’t know what it is about it, but it’s just exactly up my alley. The choices they have you make, they styles of play it let’s you choose, it’s just preem-tier gaming for me. The DLC adds such a massive cherry on top, because it’s so goddamn good it rivals the best the game has to offer.
When it was in dev it had randomly generated animals on the planets. Made each planet more interesting and unique. For an unknown reason it was changed just before the official launch to have 3-4 mobs per planet type.
I really enjoy looking at bad games so long as I can grab them dirt cheap. It’s a hobby I have. Even then I saw Suicide Squad for $2.50 and I couldn’t warrant getting it for that much. The game does not look interesting enough to spend 2.50 on for me personally