I remember playing this a few years ago on my pc, it was really fun, good to see you enjoying it too :-) I remember expecting it to be utter trash, since most games based on movie licences are, but was positively surprised.
The water rating is fun :-) i had a phase where i collected screenshots of rats in computer games, it was interesting how different they looked!
I did the same thing with rats for a while! It’s fun seeing someone who did the same thing. I have one screenshot from ages ago from Assassin’s Creed Black Flag where no NPCs spawned except for one or two, instead it was just a ton of rats. That one was always one of my favorites right next to Halo 3’s rats
Shame too, because there is an appetite for a slow-paced immersive Wild West/cowboy/Southern/post-Victorian era role-playing MMO, and that game’s aesthetic and engine was perfect for this.
I also just can’t really play games that force me to think about my bank account while I’m playing, charging fees or subscription rates just to fully participate in the game, like seeing a bounty hunting mission that requires me to send money before I can start it. Totally breaks the immersion–I play games so I don’t have to think about the real world for a bit. Making me enter bank details wrecks that.
I see a lot of praise for this game but have not looked a lot into it. How would you describe it and what makes it so good? I’m letting myself be convinced for my next game to play :)
The story is really what makes it so good–you start to feel invested in the character, in the world, and that helps with getting deeply immersed in the gameplay. It’s an incredibly well written game.
Beyond that, the screenshots show a lot–it’s a world that feels very lived-in.
Also the gameplay is a ton of fun. Open world, lots of places to explore–some of them beautiful, others treacherous, some both.
It makes you feel like it’s really happening. You’re up North in the mountains, and you need to get back to camp to talk to a friend, so you ride your horse, and get stuck behind a wide carriage for a bit, and the trees are close to the trail for a while, so you can’t easily get around without getting a faceful of branches. One you start making it down the mountain, you find a nice looking deer and think “that hide would look great on some boots”, so you pull out your rifle to hunt. Unfortunately, you’re up wind, so the deer ran away very early on, but you couldn’t be deterred, so you chased after it, and eventually landed a good shot. You take the meat to the butcher, and he comments that he’s greatful you brought it in so fresh this time. You wonder why you ended up here, oh yeah, you wanted to go meet up with a friend, and it’s been over an hour and you’re just less than halfway there, so you look up at the sky and wonder how long it’ll take, it’s a very pretty sky at sunset, so you decide to make camp for the night.
I love the Online, but even i will admit Online is so disappointing. With how many hackers run rampant and the lack of content, it feels like it’s just been left to rot
Always appreciate your posts man! Thanks for taking time out of your day to add content to Lemmy! I have a question: I’ve played Control which references Alan Wake and the story definitely piqued my interest. I do own the first but haven’t played it. At this point should I play the first before the second? Or just go with the second one?
I’d say it’s worth it to play the First one before playing the second one. The second one does a decent job of catching you up to speed, but I still think playing the first one is well worth it for the narrative value
I enjoyed this one a lot when it came out. The levels can be kind of repetitive and the game is on the shorter side but the story is good and it’s nice to hear the original actors.
Definitely. One of my favorite things to do is just turn off the mini-map and go through the world blind. It’s really fun making your own landmarks to navigate and really helps me appreciate the world
Recently i have a fancy gaming PC to handle all the heavy work loads. Before that though (as in last january), i was limited to my Steam Deck as my only gaming device. The thing i learned then is that the hard part is finding a good balance between resolution and Graphic Levels.
This isn’t formal advice from an expert or anything (i’m a Computer Science student who learned this stuff by messing with it), but I’d also advise to stay away from anything like DLSS and FSR unless you need them or you can drive them at high resolutions. They are kind of like AI upscaling for your game from what i know. If you have a low powered device, it’s a miracle worker but it also muddys the picture. I’ve also heard people say this same thing about TAA, but i don’t know about that one.
If you’re doing screenshots on steam i’d also advice going into settings, and telling it to save screenshots as an uncompressed copy. Steam will save it as a JPG which can crunch the hell out of it.
Another thing though is that i’ve noticed that when i do these screenshots it looks a lot better then what they look like in gameplay, so that’s something i’d keep in mind too
I love this game. It has several drawbacks, some of the physics make things feel like you’re underwater the whole time, the wanted system can be extremely irritating at the worst moments, and for a game with a world that is extremely alive the missions are extremely on rails where often even doing something slightly off the developers intended path will fail you
But despite that I still love it. The game is gorgeous years later. They put so much effort into the world. It’s not just the graphics, it’s every detail that just makes it feel so alive. Walking around the town the npcs are so thought out, have so much dialogue. The animals too. I remember playing other open world games after and just noticing more so how lifeless they felt in comparison; that npcs would repeat dialogue after 2 or 3 lines, animals would run in circles, etc. and the story is great.
I hope that once gta6 is done they turn to rdr3. Its overall a much better series with a stronger narrative, better characters, etc. with red dead they seem to not be as overly concerned with shitting it up with online bullshit and microtransactions though so the series might be done for
I’ve heard some really compelling ideas to continue Red Dead Redemption either spiritually (as in with a different or slight altered cast) or literally (take Jack at the end of 1 and do something with it or tell a prequel story to RDR2). I’m really hoping Rockstar does make a 3, the franchise is too amazing to let it just die like that.
I remember so many people being furious at rockstar for not releasing dlc on the scope of gta4 but honestly with this game I don’t know what form that narrative would take that could be satisfying.
The main narrative is concluded decisively obviously. It’s a prequel so continuing with John would just be rdr1. Another undead nightmare is eh, zombies are so played out. I guess you could fill in what went on with Dutch or some of the others that show up in rdr1 but frankly I don’t really want to play as them. I suppose you could intro some new character that’s part of their new gang. I dunno. I get why they didn’t prioritize it (well that and more so that dlc costs a ton to develop for a pitiful return relative to something like gta online, which is kind of sad)
Yeah. Adding onto the Undead Nightmare one, i just don’t feel like it would fit the vibe of Red Dead 2. As much as i’d love another one, Red Dead 2 feels like it takes itself a bit more seriously than the first one. i’m not really sure what it is, but i’m just not sure an Undead Nightmare would fit at all.
I think it was the illness. Even without the illness based on the first games ending and the fact that Arthur was not mentioned or existed within it I was pretty sure I knew how rdr2 was going to end before I started but the illness gave it such a somber tone. Arthur recognized his mortality and really started to reflect.
It’s been ages since I played rdr1 but as far as I remember John was more “I’m doing this to be done, for my family!”. The tone was much lighter as a result even though there were moments that were heavy. And the characters weren’t as developed so I didn’t care as much. Dutch was just a fucking monster in that game, bill and Javier were just props. But rdr2 fleshed them all out so much
I really liked this game and I’m a fan of the first two movies. The original cast is here doing the voice acting, also Dan Akroyd and Harrold Ramis helped write it. Akroyd said it’s the closest thing to getting a third movie and I agree. If you are a big fan, you will likely enjoy this game. I played it on PC.
I grew up on The Movies and The Real Ghostbusters, It definitely feels like a ghostbusters movie. Honestly the only thing that takes me out of it is the Lip Syncing being a little off, and even then that’s not that big of a problem, especially for an older game
From a purely architectural point of view i think you’d be hard pressed to find a better video game city than Night City. Scale too, like you mentioned. I always hold Paris in AC: Unity in really high regard too, but Cyberpunk is on another level in terms of complexity and verticality.
AC Unity’s Paris has to be one of my Favorite video game Cities of all time. it can be a bit repetitive in some places but everything is the perfect distance for climbing and when you come across a landmark it’s amazing
I highly recommend continuing getting sidetracked. I really enjoyed just roaming around the city, exploring, shooting people, just getting lost in the world.
I was going to leave the little section of island I was on but if I can’t until a certain point. I ended up just driving around and then browsing the stores on the street
Yes, they do lock you in Watson for the early game. Going to try to say this without spoiling things, don’t feel like you have to do the main missions right away. You can take all the time you want putting those off.
Blue Shift is much shorter than Half-Life or Opposing Force, but it is a lot of fun to try to get out of Black Mesa alive without a power suit or excessive weaponry.