Blue Shift was originally part of the Dreamcast port of Half Life. The game did leak and it was quite fun to experience it on the DreamCast but the problem was the game was in fairly small chunks and had to load off the CD which made the wait quite painful.
Honestly this game was/is pretty close to a 10/10 for me. If you have any interest in SCPs Control is probably the best ‘triple A’ title to associate various SCPs into it’s lore and story. Even if you’ve never heard of SCPs the storyline in Control is unique and very, very well done. It’s obviously a gorgeous game as well, if you can’t tell from OPs screenshots. It’s been out long enough at this point you can usually grab it for cheap on sale, or as another poster mentioned it’s free on Epic currently? Haven’t verified that though
I’m disappointed i sat on it this long, especially with Alan Wake being one of my favorite games of all time and knowing the connection this had too it. Initially i dropped it because i struggled with the combat and stepped away thinking it wasn’t for me. I don’t know what it is but stepping back into it, it just clicks for me now and i love it. I finished up the main story today and started on the Foundation DLC today.
I think the best part is that my only Vanilla playthrough i recall fully completing, was on the switch, with the Link Gear, and me turning the game into a fever dream of a Zelda game
Enjoy Night City, my friend. I’ve done about four playthroughs of Cyberpunk and I love it. Nowadays I need to leave the dystopian shit alone though, bit too real.
I’ve never been a big dystopian fan and there’s only like one Dystopian thing I can name that I liked, But Cyber Punk’s world feels really well crafted. I think if it wasn’t for the bugs it might have had a pretty good shot on launch
The truth was like a green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics floating in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. The repetitious act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feeling of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.
I had such high hopes for starbound but it just kept falling short through development to its current release.
I got in on the crowdfunding they did on their own website & enjoyed the idea of the road map they laid out. Unfortunately one thing that became apparent fast through development was how much they wanted to distance themselves away from terraria, to the point it felt they took worse development paths if it meant they achieved this.
I had a lot of fun with the first version of the game which was a lot more aggressive with the survival, heat & food & drink mechanics but I understood why they revised that because to capture a larger audience I could see those mechanics needed to be toned down. Then the game just kept getting revision after revision & every time it just felt worse for the overall game.
What we have now is a fine & competent game that feels rather disinteresting overall & a shadow of the concept it was trying to reach.
Even the modding scene can't really elevate it too much & the game has a horrid taint after the unpaid contributer stuff.
I’m enjoying the game but it suffers from that problem where the world feels so hollow, like a museum piece and all you can do is observe. It all looks great from a distance and I always want to go places I see far away but when you get there it’s just dead. Buildings you can’t go in, shops you can’t buy from, vendors you can’t talk to. You walk down these bustling side streets with loads of activity and all you can do I buy a taco from a vending machine.
I feel the same about several games I love, but really we are asking for additional years of development. I’m not sure anyone but massive successes like GTA can afford those dev cycles in the corpo returns economy.
I actually think this is somewhere that AI could help out, just cranking out loads of mundane little features to give a place depth. I’m looking forward to the possibility of games where you can walk around a whole building because it’s all being generated on the fly by AI.
I’m excited. I’m a bit worried I’m seeing this as an addition to the Alan Wake Story but with a free game thrown in. After starting the foundation DLC though I feel a bit reassured that’s not the case
Yeah man, this a show-a-bit-love message to encourage you to continuous. I really appreciate it specially the small text you always attach to the games.
And if yiir reviews are with the steam deck, even better so I can see what to expect from the not-yet-at-my-hands console
Thank you! I love seeing people enjoy the texts I attach to it.
For the Steam Deck, I will say as an unsolicited review that in my opinion it was well worth the price. It packs a surprising amount of power for a game console of its size, though I play mostly docked nowadays so people’s mileage from mine will vary.
A lot of modern games are in the playable range for me at native resolution. Playable for me meaning 30 FPS and tolerable levels of FSR grain. Though some games like Silent Hill 2 I make an exception for since it’s really not supposed to be running on Steam Deck and instead will allow it 20-24 FPS (like a cinema)