I played the original Monkey Island and I gotta say I loved the Sea of Thieves adaptation. My wife and I completed all achievements of all Tall Tales a while back, started to feel like a chore but the Monkey Island ones were a breeze. Loved it.
Also loved the Pirates of the Caribbean ones though.
Compared to the original Tall Tales and the Monkey Island ones, I think the PotC ones were the worst. They added those underwater shrines, ocean crawlers and sirens which are all a massive pain in the bottom.
I played through 1 - 4 and honestly, I think 4 was the only one that was actively good. The others might once have been fun, but they didn't really hold up. However I had a great time with 4. I particularly liked the epilogue.
I liked 4 a lot. It felt like an appropriate end to Drake’s story, especially with the more grounded story with supernatural elements out and the new mechanics added. I loved The epilogue on my first play through too. I had to stop and go “woah, is this really a video game?” with the lighting
I loved the Guybrush Threepwood reference they had in the game. It’s off to the side of the image you have there with the portrait paintings if memory serves!
Gotta admit, I saw this and thought that’s beautiful and I want to play this game. What game is it? Then I read it’s Uncharted 4 and I’ve already played it. Maybe it’s time to revisit?
The whole game is beautifully designed and polished. I’d play a walking simulator made by naughty dog, no questions asked.
Naughty Dog has a pretty good track record with pretty and polished games. The only bad one that springs to mind is the PC port of the Last of Us Part 1, and even then i believe Iron galaxy handled that port (which is surprising it came out buggy because they also handled Uncharted 4’s PC port and afaik it came out fine), and from what i know now it’s been fixed too
I took a class that covered it a while ago. From what i understood of that unit, it can be pretty difficult. Even after shaders for the water and things to handle vertex displacement maps and tessellation, if they want the Water to do more then they have to code that on too (Think Red Dead 2’s Water reacting to being shot or just basic Splash Physics or foam). It was really fascinating to learn about even though i don’t remember much of the Unit
Are you playing all Halo games at once? I recall you were playing Halo: CE couple of days ago, and there was also some mention of Halo 3. Or have you finished both those games?
Halo CE and ODST the other day was more so to break in the game to check if the game was functioning. I was having a bug with it and needed to fix it.
We first beat CE Legendary a few years ago and ODST we did to take a break because we assumed it would be quicker than jumping straight into Halo 2 Legendary. We’ve sadly been stuck on Halo 2 legendary for half a year. It’s me and my Friend’s Co-Op project
I discovered this universe with the remake and oh boy that was fantastic especially for silent hills 2 . the expression lightning in a bottle describe it really well.
I’m a part time student. Maybe with next semester that will change because I’m looking into going full time. But I always try to put at least 30 minutes to an hour into gaming just to relax after long days.
I think being part time has just afforded me a lot more of that time though, which is why I’m knocking so many games out like this.