Jesse didn’t really do it for me as a protagonist, not sure if it’s due to writing or the performance (I suspect both). Which is really a shame because the game itself is really fucking cool. I still recommend it to anyone, the gameplay is slick and the SCP/world building aspect makes it engaging and interesting enough by itself.
I see what you mean about Jesse. It’s been a while since I played it, but I remember her being cast as an unwilling and unlikely hero, which can be a hard role to write well. Also, the acting was a bit stilted at first. I think she got better as it went (both the character and the voice acting).
I feel like outside the box gameplay and story is Remedy’s MO. Alan Wake has the Story and Flashlight mechanics, Control has all the Parautilitarian mechanics and the lore with The Oldest house and Director. Even Max Payne as far as i’m aware was unique with the Bullet Time mechanics
My favorite part of control is how they go into juuuuuuust a little bit of explaining how things work in a science way, and sometimes you can almost feel how things are connected, and then it’s like “Yeah we have no fucking clue how any of this actually works, we’re just trying to keep it all from destroying the universe and keeping notes along the way.”
And then you meet the next thing that almost makes sense. Until it doesn’t.
I don’t remember if I ever finished AW but I do believe I have the disk around here somewhere. The control dlc definitely rekindled my interest.
I tried the Jukeboxes but just couldn’t really get into them as much as i wanted too. Which is a shame because i love the Quarry and the combat is really satisfying to pull off
Honestly this game was/is pretty close to a 10/10 for me. If you have any interest in SCPs Control is probably the best ‘triple A’ title to associate various SCPs into it’s lore and story. Even if you’ve never heard of SCPs the storyline in Control is unique and very, very well done. It’s obviously a gorgeous game as well, if you can’t tell from OPs screenshots. It’s been out long enough at this point you can usually grab it for cheap on sale, or as another poster mentioned it’s free on Epic currently? Haven’t verified that though
I’m disappointed i sat on it this long, especially with Alan Wake being one of my favorite games of all time and knowing the connection this had too it. Initially i dropped it because i struggled with the combat and stepped away thinking it wasn’t for me. I don’t know what it is but stepping back into it, it just clicks for me now and i love it. I finished up the main story today and started on the Foundation DLC today.
I’m excited. I’m a bit worried I’m seeing this as an addition to the Alan Wake Story but with a free game thrown in. After starting the foundation DLC though I feel a bit reassured that’s not the case
Control is such a gorgeous game. One of the few games that I 100%ed in recent years. The gameplay loop is insanely fun but it did get a bit repetitive towards the end.
I’ve found that the Crystals in the foundation DLC really helped mix up the combat enough to stab a little more life into it for the DLC. But I do get that. If I didn’t stop like 3 missions away from the end the first time I played I probably would have found it a bit repetitive too
If you enjoyed Control, I highly recommend Signalis. Similarly creepy, unsettling vibes from everything, lots of exploration and really tense combat, and a story that holds enough back to keep you wondering.
I’ll definitely put it on my list. The story and scale of the Remedy Universe was one of my favorite parts of it. I’d kill to experience something similar
I’ve heard so many good things about Control. I tried it twice, and couldn’t manage to play more than a couple hours twice. I guess it’s just too creepy for me to like it.
Just finished it for the first time, have been telling all my friends about it. There’s something about how messy the lore is. Some collectables don’t tell you anything except shape the atmosphere of the oldest house, which is so nice. It was so beautiful too. Really good low flying game. I’m gonna definitely check out some other titles by this studio. I’ve played AW 1 and loved the connections to that. Just a real surprising 10/10 for me.
10/10 seems to be the general consensus. The only complaint I’ve heard is with Jesse as a character, which while I’m not sure I understand, does seem to be the most common.
Being a huge Alan Wake fan it definitely is a pleasure to play through. I’m excited to get too the AWE DLC for it