Online is a lot more “dailies” (as my friend who plays FXIV likes to call them). So like daily quests to get gold and bounties and things like that. They also have PVP things and races, I can’t vouch for those though as I’m not really big on the PVP after getting a Hacker in my first few games. there’s a bit of a story too. It’s not too long but it’s fun to play. Though irc it strong arms you into multiplayer if you don’t have a friend to play with.
I tend to stick to mostly doing bounties, which is one of the careers you can pick up. There’s also Naturalist, Collector, and Moonshiner irc.
All of them need licenses though to get, which costs the game’s in game premium currency (gold). It’s not too hard to get ahold of in game (i get like 0.25 per a bounty at max payout with licenses being around 10-15 Gold irc, you can get gold for other things too like daily quests). I know Premium currencies are a turn off for some people though
Starbound is the best game that almost make me addicted to it like Rimworld. With mod support and endless customization it’s almost like Terraria, sadly most of people doesn’t know if this game exist and most of the mod in state abadon (doesn’t get updates anymore)
When it was in dev it had randomly generated animals on the planets. Made each planet more interesting and unique. For an unknown reason it was changed just before the official launch to have 3-4 mobs per planet type.
I had such high hopes for starbound but it just kept falling short through development to its current release.
I got in on the crowdfunding they did on their own website & enjoyed the idea of the road map they laid out. Unfortunately one thing that became apparent fast through development was how much they wanted to distance themselves away from terraria, to the point it felt they took worse development paths if it meant they achieved this.
I had a lot of fun with the first version of the game which was a lot more aggressive with the survival, heat & food & drink mechanics but I understood why they revised that because to capture a larger audience I could see those mechanics needed to be toned down. Then the game just kept getting revision after revision & every time it just felt worse for the overall game.
What we have now is a fine & competent game that feels rather disinteresting overall & a shadow of the concept it was trying to reach.
Even the modding scene can't really elevate it too much & the game has a horrid taint after the unpaid contributer stuff.
One of my all time favorites. There’s something special about the N64, these games were magical as a kid and a lot of them still hold up today.
I used to play through Ocarina almost every year but it’s been about a decade and I started a playthrough last week. People have made some incredible progress on updating textures and such to make the game look more modern 👌
I stopped playing consoles after my first Sega Mega Drive (most of the games I like work better on M+KB), but I’ve been meaning to try and play some N64 games in an emulator. And HD texture and quality mods would be a nice addition.
People say this game has not aged well, I only partially agree with that. Ps2 was my first 3d game console and I played this game on the wii virtual console, and I was just amazed by it. So much so that I thought I should try other n64 games too, but was disappointed at how awfully all of them controlled. This game really did set the bar.
I think the controls are one of the few things impacting its age. They’re difficult to get right on modern hardware with the One Stick design. Especially the Wii U gamepad. I played that version and Mario just did not control well for me. I don’t know what it was
Blue Shift was originally part of the Dreamcast port of Half Life. The game did leak and it was quite fun to experience it on the DreamCast but the problem was the game was in fairly small chunks and had to load off the CD which made the wait quite painful.
Blue Shift is much shorter than Half-Life or Opposing Force, but it is a lot of fun to try to get out of Black Mesa alive without a power suit or excessive weaponry.