I remember playing this a few years ago on my pc, it was really fun, good to see you enjoying it too :-) I remember expecting it to be utter trash, since most games based on movie licences are, but was positively surprised.
The water rating is fun :-) i had a phase where i collected screenshots of rats in computer games, it was interesting how different they looked!
I did the same thing with rats for a while! It’s fun seeing someone who did the same thing. I have one screenshot from ages ago from Assassin’s Creed Black Flag where no NPCs spawned except for one or two, instead it was just a ton of rats. That one was always one of my favorites right next to Halo 3’s rats
I was originally going to go with the one of the iron golem on the rooftop to make it a bit more unique. But figured people would get more joy out of the tutorial gateway/arch thingy so I went with that instead. I made sure to share everything I took though so people could watch the little trip I took, at least for the most part. There was a screenshot I took of the menu I didn’t mean too that I didn’t include
The latest version for 2025 brings a host of new features, improved performance, and enhanced security measures to offer players a seamless and thrilling gaming experience.
Looking at the Steam news they still seem to be a bit slow. There was a six month gap between a minor version and version 6. That could be just because Version 6 is a major update though
Online is definitely more fun with friends. The Ragdoll physics rockstar has alone makes it fun to play with others because it results in wacky situations (like my friend falling down a ladder, or me tripping him with a lasso and causing him to fall into a lake)
Love RDR2 but never really spent much time on the online version. Is it good to just explore? Are there missions the same as in the main game but just not voiced by your character?
There are missions but they’re different. You need to buy a kit first that’ll let you do a certain kind of mission, for example a kit to find special herbs that you bring to a particular character.
Money is more scarce and it is split between “regular” money and gold. Gold gets you good stuff like fancy horses or outfits or kits, but it is rare in the game, unless you pay real money for it.
All that said, there are a lot of people modding and playing online can be quite chaotic, with random objects becoming attached to you, animals spawning, massive explosions, invincible people, etc. But some people are also benevolent and will protect you, especially if you have a low level, and may even gift you stuff.
Anyway, I’d recommend you give it a shot, it’s a way to play with the characters and places you know but in a different way.
For exploring i’d say it’s more fun with friends, though if you just like exploring the world it’s good for that too since The Entire world is unlocked from the get go. There are also story missions, i’d say they’re a bit shallower than the story ones due to the online nature, but not much. I believe they’re shorter though. There’s about ten of them, so you could knock them all out in an evening unless you wanted to so both the Low Honor and High Honor versions. there is also side missions of sorts. They’re far shallower though. They boil down too essentially go to this point, do this task, and leave. sometimes there’s multiple tasks, but that’s the gist of it. Some of them do get creative though. Like there’s a train heist you can do where you have to search a runaway train for an emerald (or a fleeing train if you have a friend hijacking the train for you)
I was like. Hey I recognize this one. You sorta missed out as the game mechanics were massively changed. In the old version I could not really do a jack of all trades but in the new one I found jack of all trades works out great.
Your still limited in your distribution and there are tradeoffs. So you will not be able to do 20 stat checks for all stats and you will not have access to level 20 perks but its a pretty small amount of stuff. So its possible but its not like the generalist can do everything a min maxer can do in their maxed stats. Its pretty generous though so if you have the dlc you can max 3 out of 5 stats and off the two that are left you can nearly max one of those so even min maxing is really just a matter of identifying a dump stat. I like the generalist build though. I find I can do any playstyle really with 15 in each stat rather than 20 and again its just missing a level 20 checks (with the dlc one stat can even still be 20) and perks that I kinda consider to be overkill in most cases.
From a purely architectural point of view i think you’d be hard pressed to find a better video game city than Night City. Scale too, like you mentioned. I always hold Paris in AC: Unity in really high regard too, but Cyberpunk is on another level in terms of complexity and verticality.
AC Unity’s Paris has to be one of my Favorite video game Cities of all time. it can be a bit repetitive in some places but everything is the perfect distance for climbing and when you come across a landmark it’s amazing