Recently i have a fancy gaming PC to handle all the heavy work loads. Before that though (as in last january), i was limited to my Steam Deck as my only gaming device. The thing i learned then is that the hard part is finding a good balance between resolution and Graphic Levels.
This isn’t formal advice from an expert or anything (i’m a Computer Science student who learned this stuff by messing with it), but I’d also advise to stay away from anything like DLSS and FSR unless you need them or you can drive them at high resolutions. They are kind of like AI upscaling for your game from what i know. If you have a low powered device, it’s a miracle worker but it also muddys the picture. I’ve also heard people say this same thing about TAA, but i don’t know about that one.
If you’re doing screenshots on steam i’d also advice going into settings, and telling it to save screenshots as an uncompressed copy. Steam will save it as a JPG which can crunch the hell out of it.
Another thing though is that i’ve noticed that when i do these screenshots it looks a lot better then what they look like in gameplay, so that’s something i’d keep in mind too
That’s definitely the vibe i was getting towards the end when i first tried to play through. It felt like it was dragging on a bit. I almost wonder if all the cut content would have made it drag on longer or if it would help with the pacing
I really like Unity. I’ll always have a special nostalgic feeling about the Ezio saga that makes me hold them in especially high regard, but even so Unity is probably my favourite to play. Revolutionary Paris is an amazing setting and it’s so beautifully realised too, and the parkour system with free run up/down and all the myriad animations lets you do some of the most slick things in the entire AC series if you get good at it. I’ve linked AC Unity choreography before, but just look at what people can do when they’re good at this game.
I still to this day have never played the Ezio saga outside of revelations. It’s on my list, but I’ve always favored the AC Games in the modern era more. I think I might try and go for it after Unity
And yeah, I agree. Unity’s setting is amazing and Parkour system is so badass with how smooth it is. I wish I had the patience to reach that skill level of Parkour in the game
I have no idea how AC2 holds up, honestly. I’ve never replayed it and it was my first game in the series - I didn’t own a Playstation when the first one came out so I only experienced it through being over at a friend’s house and watching him play it, occasionally taking turns for missions. Playing AC2 was an incredible experience back when it released and I’m full of fond memories, but I don’t know how well it’s aged. It’s probably a less impactful experience now than it was 15 years ago.
Hopefully it holds up as well as other games of its age I’ve found then, because I’ve heard such amazing things about the Ezio trilogy and I’m excited to pick it up one day, despite how I keep putting it off
I absolutely love Assassin’s Creed Unity! I just finished it last week, and in my opinion, it’s the best AC game ever. I really enjoyed AC1, AC2, and Brotherhood, but I can’t stand the newer RPG-style AC games. Unity, even in 2025, still looks amazing with its stunning graphics and incredible parkour. It’s one of the last AC games that truly makes you feel like an assassin rather than an overpowered RPG superhero.
I really wish it hadn’t flopped, because if they hadn’t I think Ubisoft would have continued down that route.
From what I have heard Shadows is returning at least the Stealth and Parkour, (and I’ve heard Mirage is similar but I’m not sure), so I’m excited. But I’m not counting on it until post launch
I think it is pretty much confirmed that Unity’s poor launch led to the hard pivot to the “modern” RPG style AC games. I remember reading about it at the time. The only reason Syndicate wasn’t changed was it was already too far into production when Unity released.
I appreciate what the RPG titles tried, but I desperately want the Unity-Syndicate style format to come back. I feel like the pivot was too extreme just because of Unity
Imo Unity was probably the last “great” Assassin’s Creed game. I love the customization in it, the parkour and stealth like everyone else mentioned, even the combat was pretty fun.
Always appreciate your posts man! Thanks for taking time out of your day to add content to Lemmy! I have a question: I’ve played Control which references Alan Wake and the story definitely piqued my interest. I do own the first but haven’t played it. At this point should I play the first before the second? Or just go with the second one?
I’d say it’s worth it to play the First one before playing the second one. The second one does a decent job of catching you up to speed, but I still think playing the first one is well worth it for the narrative value
I think the best part is that my only Vanilla playthrough i recall fully completing, was on the switch, with the Link Gear, and me turning the game into a fever dream of a Zelda game
What did you use? I usually use Syncthing to get my files onto/from the Deck. I also use it to sync my mods, that way I have the same experience whether I turn on the PC or the Deck.
I had Syncthing setup on my deck from when i first got it, but Syncthing was having issues for me and my Network is slow as fuck (50 mbps). So instead i opted to use a 64 GB USB Drive that has that swivel thing that goes from USB-C to USB 3 and transfer it via that. I compressed everything before hand into a zip file just to make it faster and quicker
I must say I e never played Skyrim, and I didn’t know how beautiful it could be. I might have to have a closer look.
I play a game called “The Long Dark”, and the first screenshot with the aurora made me do a double take. In that game you are alone in a northern Canadian region that has been abandoned both due to economics as well as some in game magic that makes electricity not work. The survival mode is just “live as long as you can, then die.” It’s permadeath and can be incredibly frustrating and cruel, but the beauty in that game is unreal. I’ve ended a 6 day run (nothing to me now, but a big acheivement at the time) because I was watching the Aurora on a clear winter night. The music was somber and I thought I might freeze to death as I crossed this long rope bridge. I should have been looking at the bridge, because staring up into the sky I suddenly was getting further away from it … It was maybe a 3 second fall as I realized I either walked off the bridge or maybe there was a gap or something.
“You have faded into the long dark.” -wasn’t even mad.
I must say I e never played Skyrim, and I didn’t know how beautiful it could be.
Modern texture packs, replacement models, and lighting mods make it even more so.
On top of that, Skyrim’s soundtrack is outstanding, and conspires with the scenery to make it a game world not easily forgotten. I’m sure I’ll be going back.
I’m playing two different saves in Skyrim right now, and I still thought it was The Long Dark when I saw the thumbnail. Seriously underappreciated title!