lemmur, do zapytajszmer w Polecicie jakiś blender ręczny?

Jest niezły model raven w rtv euro agd

nudnyekscentryk, do zapytajszmer w Polecicie jakiś blender ręczny? avatar

Nie mam porównania, bo miałem aż jeden blender w życiu, ale w 2019 roku kupiłem ten, marki lidl i nie miałem z nim żadnych problemów. nie wiem jak radzi sobie z kruszeniem lodu bo tego nie robię


Dzięki, jednak chciałbym mocniejszy, żeby sobie ew. jakieś ciasto też ukręcić. 600W to za malo, z tego, co słyszałem.

terkaz, do wiadomosci w O nas, bez nas
terkaz, do wiadomosci w O nas, bez nas
terkaz, do wiadomosci w O nas, bez nas
loudWaterEnjoyer, do piracy w RealDebrid Payment avatar

Just pay with crypto



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    You can only pay with kyc

    You don’t need to KYC for your real debrid payment

    once you login to your account without it they know your ip

    That’s a real bummer that always applies - that’s why you need to have a kill switch, configure your firewall and check for leaks on a regular basis. I am always connected to some VPNs



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    Well if you want to pay real debrid with crypto, you just select BTC as payment option, then you get redirected to coinbase.

    Here you can select BTC, ETH or LTC, it will then generate a payment string you can transfer funds to from every wallet, no KYC required in any way.

    Other than that, yes VPN is part of a good “OpSec” and will also grant you most probably the privacy need



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    You don’t need a coinbase wallet, its just one of the options, you can pay with any wallet. Just start a local node, fire up a wallet and send your funds



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    What utter bullshit is this? Why is there no private way to pay?

    You can even buy BTC at an centralized exchange, split it into 25 wallets, throw them into a tumbler, convert to monero, throw it in another tumbler what ever and recombine everything on a Wallet you generated yourself with a node you are hosting by yourself. Do that on a Tails live OS.

    There are countless ways to get crypto anonymously. Please if you want to learn something here, I am willing to explain everything, but if you make a claim like that

    It’s still bitcoin so there is still no private way to pay

    Please at least try to back it up with something that atleast comes close to an argument or something. I am going out of my way here to show you reality, just because of good will. Are you aware how long it took me just to upload those damn screenshots.

    Again, there are countless ways to get BTC or what ever crypto anonymous, but still look at your original claims

    You can only pay with kyc so it’s not anonymous and even if you use a vpn with real debrid once you login to your account without it they know your ip so there is no way to use it anonymously.

    You do need kyc. Could you explain how to pay for real debrid without kyc? Vpns are not private or anonymous anyways. You don’t think law inforcements can figure out who you are just because you use a vpn?

    You do not need KYC to pay with BTC, ETH or LTC on real debrid.

    Now you are telling me, you need KYC to get your hands on some crypto. Wake up. You can also buy drugs in the street, guns what ever.

    You can’t pay without KYC, but thats a huge difference to your original claim.



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar
    db2, do piracy w Recommended FLAC converter?



    It’s a very old tool. Is the quality decent?

    beto, avatar

    ffmpeg is written by Fabrice Bellard, who’s one of the most underrated programmers in the world (he also wrote QEMU). It’s probably the best tool out there, still actively maintained, and most commercial apps are probably using it under the hood for any kind of conversion.


    It is the engine powering most of the audio/video tools you use today.

    Skiptrace, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    I finally got my PC up and running and I am playing a hell of a lot of BattleBit Remastered. It’s what Battlefield 2042 SHOULD have been. It’s basically if Squad and Battlefield 4 had a Roblox Baby made by literally 2 developers.

    Its absolutely the BEST shooter on the market right now, and it’s dirt cheap. Please, this isn’t an advertisement, but GO BUY IT NOW.

    _TK, do gaming w How mature is GameHub? avatar

    Any games you already own on Steam or Epic will still need to launch those clients in order to run with GameHub. If you run Linux, then a lot of the work Steam does in the background with Proton to make things run will no longer be automatic.

    kd637_mi, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Baldur’s Gate 1 single player, Divinity: Original Sin 1 in co-op. I was playing through Colony Ship which is another isometric RPG, but I didn’t want to get to the end of the early access content before release later this year. I figure if I play through the originals of BG and D:OS I’ll have a good amount of time to wait for BG3 to be in sale and have some updates maybe. That or Colony Ship will be released.

    macracanthorhynchus, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    I’ve been playing little bits of Aven Colony, a straightforward and fun space-colony-themed city manager. However, mostly I’ve been watching my wife play Baldur’s Gate 3 and thinking "We should really buy another beefy gaming PC before Starfield launches so we can both play games simultaneously… "

    LastOneStanding, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies


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  • wicked,

    You could make the same argument for voting. What does your little drop in the vote bucket matter? Do you believe voting is a waste of time too?

    sandriver, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?

    Anti-Idle: The Game is one of my all-time favourites. It’s got a ton of sub-games and some really interesting resource flows between them. And as per the title you can idle or not, but there are rewards for active play.

    Arkham, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

    RPGs in the style of the Ultima games, specifically ones that use a keyword-based conversion system. Aside from the Ultima series itself, the only other examples I know of that use a system like this are Cythera - a 1990s Macintosh shareware game that was very similar to Ultima 6 and 7 - and The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.

    BartsBigBugBag, do gaming w Worth to replay Ghost Of Tsushima? (PS5)

    Crank the difficulty and play as a samurai instead of a ninja. Just straight rush every enemy you see. You’ll still probably have problems trying to complete all the assorted landmarks on the map, but the combat is way more fun when you and everyone around you die in 1-2 hits and you’re constantly swapping stances to stay alive.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t do a replay, if I were you. I would just get the expansion pack and play that. If you’re really itching for a replay, you can do New Game Plus and at least earn New cosmetics instead of unlocking the same ones again.

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