sub_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 19th
  • I finished DmC (again) last week, in my quest to play all DMC games before PS+ pulls that DMC5 Special Edition. To me, it’s better than DMC4 in terms of platforming, and to some extent the combat. The character design is not good, and the writing is good in some parts, but terrible in others. The button configuration sometimes gives me finger cramps.
  • Then I’m continuing my quest to get infinite rocket launcher for Resident Evil HD Remake. I’m using the IGN guide, which I split into smaller parts for each save, annotating it with items in my inventory. I’m better at kiting zombies now. I think it’s doable as long as I can remember what to do next. The annoying thing right now is that I’d accidentally open up the map, when I’m trying to open up the inventory.
  • I will probably start Ys Monstrum Nox this week, it’s part of my “play all these games before PS+ pulls it from the offerings” theme. It’s gonna be exciting, since I enjoyed Celceta and Lacrimosa a lot.
jaykay, do pcgaming w Why Steam is so slow to start? avatar

I think it’s just Steam being Steam. I have the same thing (Arch NVMe)

miklo, (edited ) do Cyfryzacja w Pomysły na projekt serwisu publicznego do przedstawienia Ministerstwu Cyfryzacji

W kwestii technicznej: czy kbin wszystkim wyświetla wątki tak jak mi (screen poniżej) ?
Bo jeśli tak to jest takie niebezpieczęństwo, że będzie bardziej odstraszać niż przyciągać.
(Dla porównania ten sam wątek widoczny, też publicznie i bez logowania, na friendica)

Edit: już po publikacji tego postu widzę, że zdjęcia też dziwnie kbin pokazuje: pierwsze jest osadzone w poście, drugie tylko jako link, i to drugie po edycji znikło w ogóle z widoku www (nawet linku już nie ma).

Cuttlersan, do gaming w Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?

Really enjoying Stranded: Alien Dawn! 3D Rimworld in a nutshell lol that or Songs of Syx!

Thalestr, do gaming w Steam Deck Owners: What’s been your favorite game that you first discovered on Steam Deck and now you can’t seem to put down?
!deleted6828 avatar

Had a good playthrough of Dishonoured 2 and Death of the Outsider on my Deck. They run extremely well on the Steam Deck and I found a control layout that I liked.

Evolone, avatar

Dishonored 2 is on a 90% discount! Just picked it up, never having played it before.

What’s the control layout you found that works best for you?

!deleted6828 avatar

I… can’t remember! It was a while ago and I’ve since cleared them off my Deck D:

miklo, (edited ) do Cyfryzacja w Pomysły na projekt serwisu publicznego do przedstawienia Ministerstwu Cyfryzacji

Pozwoliłem sobie w tamtym wątku zaproponować idee listu otwartego w tej sprawie:…

kayo77, do Cyfryzacja w Pomysły na projekt serwisu publicznego do przedstawienia Ministerstwu Cyfryzacji avatar


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  • m0bi13,
    m0bi13 avatar

    Co to jest COI?

    kayo77, avatar


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  • m0bi13, avatar

    @kayo77 Masz tam / znasz kogoś? Jakiś kontakt? Na razie na dziennik podawczy nie mamy co położyć.

    @m0bi13 @didleth

    Crystal_Shards64, do games w What are some video games that had remarkably hectic public reaction at physical stores during release day?

    The only midnight launch I ever got to be a part of was the launch of the New 3DS XL. I got the majoras mask edition. It was actually a relatively small midnight launch as far as they used to go. That being said I’m really glad I got to experience at least one. I’m not sure if we’ll see massive midnight launches in the future.

    I remember always seeing and hearing about midnight launches during the 360/ps3/wii era. I remember halo 2 and halo 3 brought in massive crowds.

    When the 360 launched my dad went and waited outside a Wal-Mart in -25°c weather for a couple hours. I wanted to join but had school the next morning. Probably for the best as I would have been a whining little baby about the cold lol.

    If you’re curious I think there’s a lot of youtubers that cover midnight launches/history

    MangoKangaroo, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

    I just sunk basically an entire extended weekend on Killing Floor 2. It’s garbage entertainment but I can’t stop playing 😭

    Watching George Romero got me in the mood for zombie sims, so I’ve also been edging my way back into playing Cataclysm: DDA.


    I have so many hours in KF 1 and still play it. Never got into 2 but really looking forward to 3.


    KF1 was a huge part of my childhood, and I actually went back recently and started grabbing HoE achievements for the first time. Looking forward to 3 as well. :D

    DoctorButts, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

    Been testing out lots of stuff recently:

    • Jagged Alliance 3 - Maybe I was too harsh with this game, but the whole experience felt decidedly "budget." I get that a $45 game today is more like a $30 game of only a few years ago, or a $20 game before that, though everything felt rough around the edges: writing, the sparse weapon and enemy types, the unexciting stock-looking art.
    • Iron Oath - It's like a hybrid between Darkest Dungeon and Battle Brothers. You manage a mercenary company by hiring and equipping them, then directing them across an overworld map as in-game days pass. Then you dive into dungeons, progressing from room to room very much like DD, and when there is combat, it's turn-based tactics with pre-deployment on a grid. I played this game nonstop for two days before I tore myself away and got my ass back to work lol. My primary issue is lack of content and lack of combat variety, I'm only halfway through the main campaign but after 100+ battles, they start to feel kinda samey.
    • Despot's Dystopian Army Builder - This is made in the same universe as the creator's prior game, Despot's Game. If you are familiar with these titles, please tell me if/why you like them, because I don't understand their appeal. These look like games, they sound like games, they present themselves like games, but these are not games, these feel as if they were made by someone who has only ever seen other people play video games and never played them personally.
    MooseGas, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th avatar

    Half life Alyx. I hadn't played it in well over a year, but decided to get the old VR set out again. It is such a fantastic game. The details are absolutely amazing.

    RobotZap10000, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 5th avatar

    Apex Legends. Picked it up again this week after months of playing other games. I’m having loads of fun with Rampart, but keep finishing third or second.

    breakcore, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

    Yesterday I finished Cocoon - super nice puzzle game from the gameplay designer of Limbo and Inside. Can really recommend it for it’s surreal athmosphere, great sound design and well built puzzles. Check it out!

    Half way through BG3 with a couple of friends. Playing together in a single player game streamed from one friend. Works really well this way, which is not too common.

    zO_op, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

    I’ve been really enjoying My Time at Sandrock. it was in early access for a while and just had their 1.0 release a few weeks ago. I played and enjoyed the first game they made, My Time at Portia, but Sandrock is an improvement in every way.

    It’s a stardew valley-esque game with a focus on crafting rather than farming. the story and lore is more extensive than I expected and the writing for the characters is also impressive to me. I’m mainly a cozy gamer so Sandrock is a perfect game for me.

    comicallycluttered, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 12th

    Still on my ten hour trial of FC 24, which is almost done.

    Trash optimization, but I prefer the gameplay over 23. Still not going to buy it.

    It’ll probably come to regular EA Play around May/June, so it’s not a terrible wait and not like I’m in a rush.

    I do wish we had more straight up arcade football games. EA tries too hard to straddle the line between “sim” and “arcade” and feels less fun because of it (IMO), especially in comparison to the older FIFA games.

    The only reason I really play it is because right now it’s the only game with actual women’s teams.

    They do the bare minimum, and the commentary reflects that better than anything (more generic than male teams, also occasionally hear “he/him/his”, though it’s fairly rare), but at least it’s something.

    Otherwise, I booted up Mad Max the other day as a spontaneous decision. Seems fairly fun and might get into that, but I could also just catch up on TV. Who knows.

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